The Mafia Man's Trophy [On Ho...

By Iamfeminine

100K 3.3K 397

Warning: [+18] Explicit | Mature Content "Once I fucked you mia cara...that was it for you." • • • There are... More

Copright & Prologue
Chapter 01.
Chapter 02.
Chapter 03.
Chapter 04.
Chapter 05.
Chapter 06.
Chapter 07.
Chapter 08.
Chapter 09.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chater 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40.
chapter 41.
Chapter 42.

Chapter 10.

2.8K 92 34
By Iamfeminine


I was suddenly pushed into a huge dark room where heavy music was thumping loudly from the massive stereos hidden away in a corner.

The smell of sweat, sex, alcohol and drugs immediately assaults my nostrils, and I cringe at the scent.

My eyes slowly begin to adjust to the dark room that had bright red, green and blue lazer lights spinning all around the heavily crowded space. 

People were grinding on each other and swaying their bodies aggressively to the music that played. 

The party patreons were either bumping into me, or brushing their sweaty skins against mine, causing me to cringe each time. 

Chloe expertly maneuvers the crowd and drags me over to the only place that was brightly lit with florescent light. 

She tugs me towards two empty seats that were nestled before what looked to be a platinum bar. 

She whistles to catch the female bartender's attention before leaning over the counter and whispering in her ear. 

The bartender nods and moves off. 

Chloe then turns her attention to me with a bright smile.

"What did you say to her?" I inquire suspiciously, arching an accusatory brow at her.

She laughs at my expression before pinning me with a mischievous stare.

"I ordered us two pornstars." She smirks and my eyes widen a fraction.

"Chloe!" I gasp unbelievingly, my mouth hanging open in horror. She laughs at me loudly, gripping her stomach.

"Kylie calm down! It's not what you think, it's just a drink." Just as she says that, the bartender comes back announcing that our drinks are ready. 

Chloe takes a greedy sip of hers and I stare at mine hesitantly.

"Does this have alcohol?" I ask curiously, unease cramping my stomach. Chloe rolls her eyes in exasperation.

"Kylie, it's a drink that's called 'porn star' of course it has alcohol, plus you're like what? Twenty? Twenty-one? You can drink alcohol." She lectures. I roll my eyes at her and flatten my lips. 

"I know I can drink, but here?" I ask, looking around my surroundings, feeling uncomfortable.

"Kylie. No one is gonna hurt you here." She mutters in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Are you sure, because I think I just saw that man walked by with a gun tucked in his waist." I mutter lowly, staring at the back of the head of a man that just walked by.

Chloe scoffs with a dainty eye roll, and I suddenly remember the gun hidden in my own purse.

Chloe grips my hand and pulls her seat closer to mine before gesturing around the room.

"Tell me what you see Kylie." She mutters, staring off into the crowd. 

"I see people dancing." I reply shortly, a frown marring my face. 

"What else?"

"Um, I don't know." 

"Look closely Kylie." 

At her words, I turn my eyes to the crowd and zoom in on the moving bodies before me. My vision focuses as it starts to make a 180° curve and I gasp harshly.

At the left corner of the room, in what seemed to be a private section, men where gambling and smoking big cigars with packs on top of packs of cocaine before them. 

Next to them, men and women where sniffing, while some of the women were half naked grinding on the men. 

I swallow as my eyes once again swing around the room. This time I'm met with a group of both men and women trading guns of different kinds. Polishing them, and laughing together as if someone had just said the most hilarious joke. 

It was as if I was sitting in -

"A den of criminals."

I turn my head towards Chloe to look at her in confusion.

"Why would you take me here?" I ask her bitterly, gripping the edge of the bar counter. I didn't like this place at all. It was the polar opposite to the atmosphere on the top deck, which was more slow paced, and elegant-like.

"To have fun and show you what the mafia is really about, and trust me, this isn't even an inch of it." She mutters before draining the remains of her pornstar. 

I look around the room again and cold shiver travels up my spine. 

A den of criminals.

I almost couldn't believe the level of criminality I was witnessing first hand – this place was like a strip club after dark. 

In this room, on this yacht, there were illegal guns and drugs by the hundreds, and I was certain that the police couldn't simply raid this place and arrest all these people because the mafia was a huge crime organization, that had, maybe half of the police division on their payroll.

They were immune to the threats of the police and as I finally took in my surroundings I came to realize up close and personal, what the mafia really was about. 

It was as if my senses sharpened in that instance. 

I could hear the smacking of lips and tongue as people throat fucked each other in a corner, the giggles of an intoxicated female and the boisterous laughter of a male, the crank of guns being reloaded or snapping open. 

It was all coming to me in a rush and suddenly it all became too overwhelming.

I couldn't come to terms with the reality of the life of the mafia so quick, after being thrust forward and exposed without warning. 

All along I had been living in the mansion, working from my monitors, I was never requested to visit any hardwares with the guys, and now I knew why. 

My head spun with all the new information my mind was processing. 

I couldn't get away from that reality fast enough, so I did the next best thing. Something I had sworn never to do because of how it affected my family.

I drank.

Blanco Brown - The Git Up 

My body was swaying to the beat of the loud music that pumped through the large stereos in the corner of the dark ballroom on the yacht.

I was heavily intoxicated and I didn't feel like I had a care in the world at that moment. For just one night, all my problems vanished, and it was amongst criminals.

Chloe and I had thrown back some really hard liquor like how Raphael throws back his vitamins, and I could feel the alcohol swimming in my veins – breaking down my barriers and allowing me to loosen up and have fun.

Chloe and I had taken to the dance floor within the first thirty minutes of drinking and so far only two hot males had had the reluctant privilege of dancing with me.

Dance, being a mild word. As soon as I started moving my hips and rolling my ass in a provocative manner that got them excited, downstairs – they started groping me in places I didn't want to be groped and I had to beat them off me with a proverbial stick.

The dance floor had slowly emptied from its earlier stage where it was ungodly crowded.

Many had left to find rooms to dance the tango privately. Others rushed out in a frenzy to empty their stomachs over the railing. Some went to the bar to hydrate, and some just stood to the corner, talking, laughing, smoking or sniffing.

I however was still on the dance floor with a few bodies swaying to the music the Dj selected.

Giovanni, Dimitri and Viktor had stepped into the room sometime while I was dancing. I only vaguely remember them smiling at me before breaking off towards the group of people who were trading guns.

Just as I was about to make my way towards Chloe who was flirting with a hot male at the bar, a familiar beat echoes from the stereo system and my body jerks excitedly on reflex.

An excited squeal rips pass my lips and I clap, hooting loudly at the Dj for his brilliant song selection.

It was 'The Git Up' by Blanco Brown.

Growing up, I had an absolute obsession with the song and only weeks later managed to nail each step of the song.

Right now
I just need you to get real loose
Get comfortable
Grab your loved ones or grab your love partner
And if you're by yourself no worries
Just follow after me

Gon' and do the 2 step then cowboy boogie
Grab your sweetheart and spin out with 'em
Do the hoedown and get into it (whoo, whoo, whoo)
Take it to the left now and dip with it
Gon' throw down, take a sip with it
Now lean back put your hips in it (whoo, whoo, whoo) let's have some fun

To the left, to the left now (to the left, to the left)
To the right to the right (to the right)
Now take your left hand and put it on your side (put it on your side)
Go on, roll your shoulders (roll your shoulders)
Do the slip and slide (do the slip and slide)
This next part's my favorite part 'cause its time to shine

Just as I got to the part where the song said to roll your shoulders, I look up with a drunken grin on my face and meet the storming grey eyes of a beautiful italian male.

Smirking at me with a sexy lopsided grin. I then realized that he was dancing to The Git Up too. I smile at him wider before narrowing my eyes in challenge, he smiles at me and nods, accepting my bait.

Suddenly, we were both going through the dance moves like it was designed just for us. I look over at him to catch him glancing in my direction with an impressed look glowing in his eyes.

I watch him move to the song and couldn't help being impressed with him too. He was doing a very good job keeping up with me and his movements were extremely fluid as he hit every beat of the song.

A part came in where we had to dance with a partner and I was not surprise when he pulled my arm and dragged me towards him.

I laugh loudly as I was forced to grind on him for only a quick part in the song, before we returned to dancing solo.

The Git Up comes to a stop and suddenly a loud roar of cheering and excitement erupts in the air. It was only then that I realized we had drawn a crowd while dancing.

Looking around the room I was met with multiple eyes alighted with excitement. Chloe had abondoned her male companion and was hooting loudly at our performance, obviously impressed.

I blush and turn to look towards the male who had became my dance partner throughout the entire ordeal. He smiles at me and I return it whimsically.

"What's your name gorgeous?" He asks, his deep voice tearing through my soul and dampening my core. I felt flustered by his hot storming gaze and his thunderous voice.

I blush and look away briefly before clearing my throat.

"Buy me a drink and I'll tell you." I mutter lowly, smiling softly at him. Liquid confidence taking the forefront of my mental state.

"Oh, I'd be more than happy to, love."

He leads us to the bar. Chloe's eyes widen as she shoots me a bright smile and a wink of approval before turning to the male flirting with her.

"What would you like to drink?" The man asks lightly.

I was about to answer when heavy fingers grip my left bicep with a bruising force, lifting me from the seat I just took.

I swivel around and my eyes widen when I come face to face with Dominic's hard, murderous gaze.

He lifts his eyes to the man sitting opposite me and a muscle in his jaw ticks when the man inclines his head respectfully.

"Dominic, it's good to see you." The man mutters in a cool voice, observing Dominic's possessive hold on me.

"This is my whore Givenese. Find your own." Dominic mutters in a hard voice.

My mouth falls open as I turn to look at him, shame and embarrassment swirling in the pit of my stomach at the deragatory term he called me.

I instantly sobered up at his insult, but finding the words to rebut was hard in my drunken state of mind. The man stands from his seat before me, looking down at me with an expressionless gaze. I hang my head and look away in embarrassment as Dominic begins to drag me harshly out of the room.

I grunt at the force he uses and lift my eyes to meet those of Chloe's pleadingly. She stares at me in shock, her mouth hanging open.

Her face then hardens and she clenches her fists, glaring daggers at the back of Dominic's head.

I was pulled out of the room, and I knew then, that she wouldn't help me. 

No one would.

I was dragged out of the party, and shoved into a large bedroom. I turn immediately to see Dominic stalking angrily towards me. I swallow and take a timid step back the closer he got.

I back into a wall and was suddenly caged between his arms, each coming to rest beside my head. I meet his eyes and my breath hitch in my throat as he dips his head and runs his nose over my collar bone, tickling me in the process.

He smelt of hard liquor and Cuban cigars. Fuck, was he intoxicated?

My heart speeds up when he presses a kiss to the base of my throat and I bite my lip, stifling a traitorous moan.

He pulls away and stares into my eyes, his familiar platinum blue growing colder by the second.

"You've fucked up Kylie." He whispers darkly, causing my stomach to drop and my pussy to throb at his words.

"What?" I stutter unbelievingly, staring into his eyes unblinking.

He narrows his eyes before leaning forward.



Alcohol was buzzing through my blood, and I felt good. The meeting, as brief as it was, was excellent. Carlile, the fucking prick, had been up to his usual tactics tonight, trying to get under my skin, but as usual, I held my own against him.

I dismiss myself from the party of patriarchs with the taste of Cuban cigars and expensive liquor on my lips. I pop open two buttons from my shirt and let the cool air wash over my warm chest in waves.

Viktor walks up to me with an extra glass in his hand and stretches it forward.

"So, how did it go?" He asks curiously as we walk together.

"Same as any other. Uncle Jon was the most civil of the lot, and Carlile as always, was being just as overbearing as a toxic ex."

Viktor chuckles at my words.

"Hm, sound about accurate." He mutters before opening a door infront of us. I step through the threshold to enter a new room and was instantaneously blinded by the darkness and shinning green beams that consumed the room.

I stay close to the wall and walk deeper into the room, the loud music thumping and reverberating off the walls.

"Dominic, here." Viktor mutters signaling me over to him, we walk up a short flight of stairs that led up to a small room above the party people below us.

I enter the room, and the door closes behind me. The music dies down a few decibels and I exhale a deep breath.

"Ah brother, it is good to see you!" Mathias mutters loudly with a grin on his face as he walks over to greet me with a quick, brotherly hug.

Mathias was Jon's oldest.

I grin at him and return his greeting with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"Mathias! How have you been my friend?" I ask as he pulls me deeper into the room. He chuckles at my question and begins speaking to me about his recent accomplishments as a caporegime under his father's command.

I tried my best to be present for the conversation, but something else had stolen my attention — someone else.

I look through the large tinted glass as my eyes scan the body of people below us, and I notice a head of loosely coiled hair in an intricate updo among the sea of bodies.


She stumbles to the dance floor in what seems to be a drunken stupor and I clench my fists, resisting the urge to grind my teeth in irritation.

Was she already drunk?

A song I didn't recognize starts playing through the loud stereos and I watch her closely as she begins to dance.

Mathias had moved away from me, and came back a short second later with a drink. I didn't check what it was, because all my attention was on one woman.

My eyes shift and I narrow my gaze as I notice a new person joining her on the dance floor as she danced.

Was that, Alejandro Givenese?
The biggest fucking Casanova I knew.

I watch as they dance together, envy burning through my veins, only amplified by the liquor already scourging through my blood stream.

I watch as he pulls her close and grips her waist before bending her over and grinds his waist into her from behind.

She laughs at this and begins to grind her hips on him too.

I feel my anger blossom.

How fucking dare he touch her?

I suddenly remember her words from earlier when Carlile asked who she was and she replied, "Dominic's woman."

That's right. She was mine, how dare he fucking touch what was mine?

I was seeing red.

I walk pass Viktor and Mathias, taking strong, angry steps as I hurriedly exited the room.

The noisy crowd around me erupts in hoots and hollers, and I grind my teeth in annoyance.

I watch them closely as they walked off the floor, smiling at each other, and that made my jealousy skyrocket.

I walk over to the pair now sitting around the bar, and grab unto Kylie's arm possessively before yanking her to my side.

Her mouth opens in surprise when she sees me, but remains silent.

Alejandro greets me, but I mutter a scathing remake and he barely reacts. Kylie on the other hand looked rightfully mortified.

I grip her arm tighter and tug her behind me out of the buzzing party.

How dare she fucking let a man she doesn't know touch her like that?

I was drunk, and jealous. A bad combination under any circumstance.

I push open a random door a few floors down and it opens into a luxury bedroom.

Good, exactly what I needed for a bit of privacy.

I shove Kylie into the room, and slam the door shut behind me.

I back her into a wall and cage her in between my arms, she looks up at me with doe like eyes, and I dip my head to the crook of her neck, running my nose along her collar bone, smelling the alcohol, and the stink of another man on her skin.

I growl at the back of my throat before pressing a possessive kiss to the base of her neck.

Illiciting a strangle moan from her.

I pull back and peer down at her, dark possessiveness overshadowing my senses.

"You fucked up Kylie." I growl menacingly.


• • •

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