Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unk...

By Noonecame1212

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Just as the title says, you are a lone robot who awakens inside a mysterious facility with no memories whatso... More

An Abrupt Awakening
The Same of Your Kind
You and I, We're Alike
First Night At The Orphanage
Operation Infiltration
An Undeniable Love
Shopping Trip Gone Wrong
An Unknown Battle
Long Cloistered Sleep
Just A Dream
A Haunting Thought
Graves Without Names
Truth or Lie? The Battle Begins
First Day Back
A School Day...Filled With Work
An Alternate World
The Culprit
Torn Apart
When We Meet
A Story Told From A Box
An Overdue Fight
Tag Team Battle
The Fateful Encounter
It All Ends Here
Passing Time
Three More Days
A Race Against Time
This Is Snow
Loving What Is Unknown

My One Desire

2K 65 158
By Noonecame1212

You swung your legs back and fourth in boredom as Zane packed his things for work. You watched him shove three water bottles into his bag and an old lunchbox.

"Are you going out somewhere?" You asked. Zane nodded and hoisted his backpack onto his back.

"Yeah, I'm heading off to work." He said. You cocked your head to the side curiously at him.

"What's work?" Zane hummed in thought and turned his gaze up towards the ceiling.

"Well, work is a place where you earn money." He explained. Your eyes widened.

"What's money?" Zane mentally face-palmed. Did he have to teach you everything? He scratched the side of his cheek and tapped his foot on the floor as he struggled to think of an explanation.

"Uh, money is a currency we use. We use it to buy things. Basically, money is what our world runs on." He summarised. Your eyes widened and you smiled.

"Woah, that sounds so cool! I wanna go too!" You exclaimed. Zane laughed at this.

"Sure, if you want." You grinned at him and shot up into the air.

"Yeah! But let's wait for Cora and Astro to get here. They can come too!" You exclaimed. Zane raised an eyebrow at you and shook his head.

"Those two aren't coming today." Your eyes widened and you gasped.

"What!? Why not!?"

"Because they have school. They couldn't come even if they wanted to. So it'll be just you and me today." He stated. You pouted at him and slumped your shoulders.

"Aw..." Zane laughed and nudged you in the side.

"Come on, Y/n. It'll be fun! You spent a day as a girl now it's time you spent a day as a man! Let's go!" He exclaimed and dragged you behind him. You smiled at him and cheered.



Zane gritted his teeth as he hoisted two wooden beams onto his shoulders and carried them over to the rest of the pile where you stood. You smiled at Zane and ran over to the other piles of wood. You then stacked them on top of each other and carried the large pile over to where Zane was. The workers around you gaped at you as you carried the wood with almost little effort.

Zane watched you with an impressed smile as you dropped the wood beside him and straightened. You then turned towards him and grinned.

"That was almost too easy. Say, you mentioned earlier that Astro and Cora go to the same school." You stated. Zane nodded and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Yeah, they're even in the same class." He mentioned. Your eyes widened.

"Really? But isn't Cora older than him?" Zane chuckled.

"Yeah, but she had to be held back by a year because she missed a whole lot of school." He said. You furrowed your brows in concern.

"So she's not that smart..." You trailed off. Zane snickered and rested his arm on your shoulder.

"Don't go telling her that. You'll end up getting a wrench to the head." He warned. You shivered at the thought of another concussion and gave him a nervous chuckle.

"Heh heh heh... Is there anything else you need me to do?" You asked. Zane hummed in thought.

"Hmm, let me ask the boss." You nodded and watched as he ran over to a man wearing a bright yellow construction hat. You then looked up at the bright hot sun. You enjoyed working with Zane, but...

"I want to go to school..." You mumbled just as Zane came back.

"The boss just said to take a break. So you can hang around if you'd like or just head on back over to the orphanage." He said. You frowned.

"Aw, but I don't wanna take a break. I wanna work more." You admitted. Zane laughed.

"Sorry, bud, Boss's orders." You pouted at him. You then thought back to your earlier thought and smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you later. See ya!" You exclaimed and ran off. Zane gave you a small wave before getting back to work.


You ran passed the orphanage and made a beeline for the hideout.

"Sparx Sparx Sparx Sparx Sparx," you repeated as you got closer and closer to the hideout.

Sparx, Mike and Robotski were fiddling with Drive's head when you slammed the door open, surprising them.

"Sparx!" You cried. Sparx turned towards you and lifted the goggles off his head.

"Y/n! Is something the matter?" He asked. You ran up to him and tugged onto his hand.

"Hey Sparx, I want to go to school." You admitted. Sparx's eyes widened.

"School? But why?" You grinned at him.

"I want to know what it feels like! I did say that I wanted to explore this world, and that includes the school life. So? Can I?" You pestered. Sparx looked thoughtful for a moment before turning towards you.

"Listen, I'd love to help you, but I can't enroll you into a school. I'm a robot. And so are you. They'd never let a robot attend a human school. The only exception is Astro because he is attending as Toby. Plus he has some pretty good connections." He explained. You pouted and slumped. Sparx gave you a sympathetic look.

"Why don't they pretend they are a human? After all, they look like one." Robotski pointed out. Sparx was about to deny the idea when Drive butted in.

"That's a pretty good idea, Robotski. Sparx, you should go find a human who is willing to enroll Y/n at a school. Obviously they would have to cover the costs as well." He pointed out. Sparx grinned and nodded.

"Why yes! What a splendid idea. Rest assured, Y/n. We'll get you into that school no matter what it takes!" He exclaimed. You smiled brightly at Sparx and the rest of your friends and nodded.

"Thank you so much!" You thanked. Mike waddled up to you, gaining your attention.

"You should keep this a surprise for both Astro and Cora. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you show up." He stated. You smiled and nodded.

"Got it!" You then waved to them and bolted from the hideout in a hurry. Drive shook his head and sighed.

"I swear, they just come and go as they please." He mumbled. Robotski lifted him up and placed him on top of the body of a random robot.

"How's this?" He asked. Drive frowned.

"No, I don't want this one. Give me another one!" He snapped. Robotski nodded and moved onto the next robot.


Cora stretched her back as both she and Astro walked home together in a comfortable silence.

"Ugh, I so did not miss school." She admitted. Astro laughed and held his school bag over his shoulders.

"Then why don't you go into the workforce like Zane?" He suggested. Cora shook her head and grimaced at the idea.

"And work all day? No way. I'd rather just hang around and enjoy my youth while I still can." She stated and turned her nose up. Astro smiled at her and looked forwards.

"I'm glad you and I are in the same class. Now class is even more fun." He admitted. Cora's eyes widened and she turned towards him with a reddened face.

"Astro..." Astro turned his attention towards the setting sun and smiled even more.

"But you know what would make class even more fun? If Y/n was there!" He exclaimed. Cora's face fell and she frowned at Astro in disappointment.

"You seem to love hanging out with them recently. It's like they've become your best friend." She commented. Astro grinned at her.

"They basically have! I mean, I love hanging out with them. They're never boring to be around. Do you get what I mean?" Astro explained as he shivered in excitement. Cora sighed and turned away from him.

"Yeah, might as well marry them while you're at it." She mumbled. Astro gave her a funny look.

"Why would you even suggest such a thing?" He questioned. Cora shook her head as the two of them arrived at the surface.

"No, never mind. Let's just go and meet up with the others." She said. Astro smiled and nodded.


You smiled to yourself in a giddy mood while Zane stood next to you eyeing you oddly. The Orphanage door then opened to reveal Astro and Cora. The moment you saw Astro, a large smile broke out across your face and you ran towards him.

"Astro!" You exclaimed and dove for him. Astro returned your smile and held his arms out.

"Y/n!" You hugged him tightly and grinned at him.

"Guess what, guess what? I-" Astro watched you with a curious gaze as you clamped your mouth shut.

"Y/n?" You shook your head and gave him a lopsided smile.

"Nothing! It's nothing. Don't worry about it." You said and broke away from the hug. 'I have to keep this as a surprise.' You thought to yourself whilst biting your lip to refrain from smiling too much. You then walked away from the group while Astro eyed you oddly.

"Did something happen?" He asked. Zane shrugged.

"Dunno. All I know is that they've been like this ever since I got home. Something probably happened while we were gone, but they just won't spill it." He explained. Cora sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"They've probably found something they like. I mean, look at them." She pointed out. Astro, Zane and Cora watched you as you watered some fake flowers while singing happily to yourself.

"Uh, they do know those things are fake, right?" Zane asked. Both Astro and Cora turned towards each other and gave each other unsure looks.

"They're hiding something. Should we try to find out what it is?" Cora asked. Astro smiled and shook his head.

"Nah, let them have their fun." He told. Cora nodded and sat back as she watched you. You turned away from the fake plant and turned towards them. You then set the watering can aside and skipped over to the front door.

"Hey guys, I'll see you tomorrow. I've got some, uh, errands to do!" You exclaimed and zipped out the door. You then poked your head inside and snickered cheekily to yourself. "Heh heh heh heh, I'll definitely see you guys tomorrow..." You whispered before running off. Astro raised an eyebrow at you.

"That wasn't weird at all..." He mumbled, both Cora and Zane nodding in agreement.


The next day you were up much earlier than anyone else. You looked up at the clock which read five thirty am and smiled. You then pried yourself out of your bed and ran towards the living area. Behind you, Zane was still in his bed snoring the morning away.

Upon entering the living room, you saw that a few kids were passed out on the couch. You crept passed them and made your way towards the exit. You reached towards the latch on the door and quickly slipped it open. You then pulled the door towards you and shut it behind you as quietly as you could.

You smiled to yourself and stood back. Mission sneak out was a success! You then bolted from the orphanage and made a beeline for the hideout.


Sparx, Robotski and Mike were laying against each other as they slept and Drive sat in the back of the corner with a bored expression printed onto his face. He then glanced up at the front door to see you come bursting in.

"Guys! Wake up! It's my first day of school!" You exclaimed. Sparx's head shot up and he blinked.

"W-wha? I'm awake I'm awake! Oh, Y/n. You're here early." He said and stood up. You ran up to him and gripped onto him tightly.

"So? Did you find someone who was willing to enroll me?" You asked. Sparx grinned at you and nodded.

"You're in luck! I did happen to find someone, and they were excited to help you." He told. Robotski put Mike upright and smiled at you.

"I have to admit, they were a bit reluctant at first, but the moment we told them about you they agreed almost instantly." He explained. You beamed at the three robots and grinned. You then jumped up in glee and cheered.

"Yay! So I'm really going to school?" You asked. Drive sighed and stood up. That was when you noticed his new body. "Hey, you have a body now!" You exclaimed. Drive's body was only that of a prototype robot, so it was pretty plain. Drive nodded and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, so now you can't go pulling anymore jokes about me being headless." He said and gave you a spastic grin. You sweat dropped. You then felt something be dropped onto your shoulders and looked behind you to see a backpack.

"Huh? What's this?" You asked as you pulled it off your back and had a look at it. It was a simple F/C backpack with two zips.

"That's called a backpack, kid. You hold your school stuff in it." Drive explained. Your eyes seemed to sparkle at the mention of your school supplies and you stared at the bag in awe.

"Woah, so with this, am I ready to go?" You inquired. Sparx nodded.

"Yes, but it's way too early to go to school. You'll have to wait until the school gates open." He said. You stuck out your lower lip in disappointment. You then smiled and turned your back to your fellow robots.

"I'll just wait there then! See you guys later!" You exclaimed. Sparx, Robotski, Mike and even Drive waved to you as you dashed out of the hideout.

"Are you sure this was a good idea?" Drive questioned as he glanced up at Sparx. Sparx smiled confidently at him and nodded.

"Why of course! It was my idea after all." He boasted. Drive's eye twitched in annoyance.

"Stupid bag of bolts." He grumbled. He then sat back down in his corner and closed his eyes. He'd rather sleep than have to listen to his yapping.


Astro sat at his desk in boredom while Cora sat beside him. Cora glanced over at Astro and rested her chin on her palm.

"What do you plan on doing today?" She asked. Astro turned towards her and shrugged.

"Dunno. I'm still curious about what Y/n said yesterday though. So we might just go and hang out with everyone else." He said. Cora smiled slightly and nodded. She then stretched her arms out before her.

"Let's get some icecream on the way home before we get there." She suggested. Astro smiled.

"Sounds good to me." Cora mentally cheered. She then leaned towards him.

"Just the two of us, right?" She inquired. Astro blinked at her.

"Uh, yeah. Who else would be coming?" He wondered. Cora narrowed her eyes at him, making him flinch.

"Oh, I dunno, I just thought you would have dragged a certain someone along is all." Cora mumbled. Astro raised an eyebrow at her. The moment the teacher walked in, the students began to hurry to their seats. Astro and Cora turned away from one another and focused their gazes on their teacher, Mr Walrus.

Mr Walrus wriggled his white moustache and smiled at his class.

"Good morning, class. Today I would like to start the day off with a special surprise for all of you. We'll be having a new student joining us." He said. Cora hummed in thought and leaned forwards on her desk.

"A new student, huh. Wonder which hellhole they come from." She wondered out loud. Astro snickered. He then looked up.

You skipped into the room, surprising both Astro and Cora and smiled at everybody.

"Hello! My name is Y/n, and I'll be starting here as a regular school student from now on! Please take care of me." You exclaimed and bowed your head. Everyone eyed you curiously while Astro and Cora gaped at you in pure shock. A bright smile then plastered itself onto Astro's face while Cora's face fell into that of despair.  You saw the two of them and your smile widened. "Astro! Cora! I'm so happy to see you guys!" You cried and ran towards Astro's desk. Astro gasped and raised his hands.

"W-wait! Don't run, you'll run into the-" before you could dive over his desk and tackle him to the ground, you ran face first into a force field placed in front of his desk. Astro winced as you fell to the ground. "Force field..." He trailed off. Cora gripped her head tightly as she gritted her teeth in frustration. 'What is that idiot doing here!? Why are they here!?' She mentally cried.

You groaned and sat up while rubbing your head. You then chuckled nervously and stood up.

"What is this thing here for?" You questioned as you touched the force field. Mr Walrus sighed and shook his head while Astro smiled at you and shut off his forcefield, surprising you.

"We had these installed ever since the president Stone incident." He explained. Your eyes widened. Before you and Astro could continue your conversation, Mr Walrus cleared his throat, gaining your attention.

"Now now, you two can continue your conversation at lunch time. For now, Y/n, please take a seat behind Astro." He told. You smiled and saluted to him.

"Aye aye, sir!" Astro sat back down in his seat and couldn't resist smiling at you as you sat behind him. The two of you then grinned at each other and gave each other a thumbs up. Cora pressed her lips into a thin line and smiled slightly. Although her time alone with Astro was now tarnished, she was slightly happy that you had joined the class.


You sipped on a juice box as you, Astro and Cora stood on the roof of the school building. Astro was leaning on the rails while watching you.

"So, how come you're here?" He asked. You pulled the straw away from your lips and smiled at him.

"I wanted to go to school too. So Sparx helped me get in." You explained. Astro blinked at you. Cora frowned and turned towards you.

"But how? You're a robot, and robots can't enroll in human schools. Astro so far has been and will always be the only exception. So," she narrowed her eyes at you. "How did you worm your way in here?" She questioned. You flinched at the way she worded it.

"Um, well, a human helped us. I don't know their name, but for some reason they were really willing to help me. Nobody knows that I'm a robot, so I'm trying to keep that a secret. So I'd appreciate it if you two didn't refer to me as a robot." You admitted. Astro nodded in understanding while Cora crossed her arms over her chest.

"Fine. I guess we'll keep it a secret." She said. You smiled brightly at her. You then turned towards Astro and grinned at him.

"Now we can hang out all day!" You exclaimed. Astro cheered in agreement and gave you a high-five. Cora shook her head and turned towards the door leading back into the school building. Astro noticed her retreating figure and turned towards her questioningly.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back to class. Lunch is almost over and we have a quiz, don't we? I want to get some extra studying in so I'll meet the two of you back at the classroom. Later." She said and waved the two of you off as she walked through the door. You blinked and looked at Astro.

"Quiz? What quiz?" Astro gave you a lopsided smile and rested his hand on your shoulder.

"I'll help you study from here on out." He offered. You smiled brightly at him and nodded.

"I'm in your care!"


You sat at your desk with furrowed brows as a number of equations and mathematical problems appeared before you. The screen on your desk showed you the math questions and to be honest, you had absolutely no idea what you were doing whatsoever. You scratched the side of your head with your digital pencil and frowned.

Cora glanced over at you and snickered slightly. She then turned her attention towards Astro and her eyes widened as he speedily got through the quiz. Not even five minutes had passed before he downloaded his answers onto a hard drive and stood up with it. He then walked over to Mr Walrus and handed the hard drive to him with an air of confidence.

"I finished, Mr Walrus." He stated. Mr Walrus smiled and plugged the hard drive into his desk. The results then read one hundred percent and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Good job, Toby. You may leave now." He said. Astro nodded and walked over to his desk and grabbed his stuff. He then walked passed you and quickly tapped you on the shoulder.

"The first answer is three. Use your brain to calculate the values of both X and Y." He quickly whispered before leaving the classroom. Your eyes widened and you looked down at the first equation. You then gasped when it hit you and smiled.

"Oh, I get it now!" You exclaimed and began to solve the equations. Cora gave you a look of bewilderment as your speed with answering the questions increased. She then clicked her tongue and did her own work. 'Stupid robots and their smarts...' She thought bitterly as she answered the questions one by one.


You breathed in heavily and slid down the wall after class had ended.

"Whew, who knew that school work could be so tiring." You breathed. Astro chuckled and sat beside you.

"Oh come on, it was so easy. You just need to get used to it." He said. You smiled at him.

"Yeah, once I figured out how to solve it, it was super duper easy!" You exclaimed. Cora scoffed at the two of you and turned away from you.

"That's not fair. You helped them, Astro!" She accused. Astro gave her a guilty smile.

"Guilty as charged. But you have to admit, I didn't expect them to catch on so quickly. Anyways, we have drama next, right? How good is your acting, Y/n?" Astro inquired. You hummed in thought.

"Umm, it's..."

"Terrible. We've seen the way you lie, you suck." Cora bluntly stated. You frowned at her.

"I'm just a truthful person! At least I can do math equations!" You snapped. Cora snickered at you.

"That's about all you can do. Don't go thinking you're some genius just because you can calculate a few numbers. Once you start getting top marks then I'll consider whether or not you're smart." She challenged. You gritted your teeth in annoyance and stood up.

"You're on!" Astro sighed and shook his head. Usually it was a one sided bicker argument between you and Cora, so he was quite surprised to hear you snap at her to say the least.

You and Cora eyed each other with disdain. The two of you then felt Astro grip you both by the arm and drag you inside.

"Come on, you two. Class is about to start." He stated. You and Cora turned away from each other and smiled at him. You then slipped your hand into Astro's and pulled him along behind you.

"Let's go!" You said with gusto. Cora gaped at you and took off after you.

"Hey! Come back here!" She yelled. You stuck your tongue out at her in a taunting manner and ran even faster. Cora bit the inside of her cheek and ran after you. Ooh were you lucky she didn't have her wrench on her today.


By the time the three of you had arrived at the stadium, you had wandered off somewhere, leaving Astro and Cora to their own devices. Cora breathed heavily while Astro wandered to himself about your whereabouts.

"Ugh, they have way too much energy, I swear." She mumbled. Astro laughed at her complaint.

"That's what I like about them. They're always fun to be around." He admitted. Cora rolled her eyes.

"But they smile way too much. I mean, what are they so happy about?" She chastised. Astro smiled softly at her, making her heart jump.

"I think they're happy to be alive." He whispered. Cora's eyes widened at his thoughts and she gripped her arm tightly. She then bit her lip and stood before him.

"Um, Astro, listen-"

"Hey guys!" Astro and Cora turned to their right and held their breaths as you exited one of the dressing rooms. You wriggled your giant sumo belly around and grinned at them. "DOSUKOI!" You exclaimed and palmed Astro in the chest playfully.

Both Astro and Cora snorted and struggled to hold in their laughter.

"W-what are you wearing!?" Cora cried while Astro clenched his hands over his mouth as he shook terribly. You grinned at the two of them and pulled a pose.

"I found this in the dressing rooms! Pretty cool, huh?" Astro grinned whole-heartedly at you and nodded.

"You look so manly." He commented. You smiled brightly at him and flexed. You then felt a stern hand plant itself onto your head, making you flinch.

"I take it we're having fun?" A strong feminine voice guessed from behind you. You looked behind you and saw your drama teacher, Mrs Bellum. She looked more like a sports teacher rather than a drama teacher with her brunette hair tied up into a high pony tail and her tracksuit.

You stared at her before laughing and nodding.

"Yeah! We're having great fun!" You exclaimed. A tick mark appeared on her head and she grinded her teeth together in irritation.

"I wouldn't be so mad since it's your first day, but I found the lock leading into the dressing rooms all busted up. Outside. Now." She gritted out. You blinked at her and cocked your head to the side in confusion while Astro pressed his lips into a thin line. Uh oh, busted. He then did a double take. How much damage had you caused just to get the costume!?

"U-um, Mrs Bellum? Y/n's new here, so they don't know any better. Could you please let them off just this once?" Astro requested. Mrs Bellum eyed him with a sour expression. She then gestured to the hallway.

"Out. Now." She deadpanned. Astro's eyes widened.

"Wait, why am I getting in trouble!?" He cried. Mrs Bellum sneered at him.

"Talking back to a teacher, huh? How gutsy of you. Join Y/n in the hallway or I'll be calling your father." She threatened. Astro sucked in a sharp breath. That wouldn't be good.

With a reluctant sigh, he turned towards you and began to push you outside of the stadium. Cora stood their awkwardly as she watched her two only friends exit the stadium. She then glanced up at her teacher and was met with a nasty look and flinched. She then gave the two of you an apologetic look before moving towards the rest of the class.

You looked back in confusion as Astro nudged you through the doors.

"I don't get it, is school over already?" You asked. Astro bit his lip and glanced back at the stadium doors. He then smiled to himself and turned towards you.

"Yeah, it is. Let's get out of here before the teacher hounds on us." Astro suggested and took your hand into his. You blinked at him before grinning and nodding.

"Yeah! So? Where should we go?" You asked as Astro dragged you behind the stadium. He shrugged and stopped behind the stadium.

"I dunno, anywhere but here. Where do you want to go?" He asked and turned towards you. You hummed in thought until your face lit up with an idea.

"Oh! I wanna go to those places called parks! I've never been to one before." You admitted. Astro smiled and nodded.

"Then Central Park it is! Let's go!" You squealed in excitement when Astro hooked his arms under yours and lifted you into the sky. He then activated his rockets and flew towards the sky. Normally, he would have carried you in his arms, but the sumo suit made that quite difficult. You looked up at Astro and smiled at him. Astro returned your look and looked ahead of him. You watched as the school became smaller and smaller. Words alone couldn't express the amount of excitement you were feeling at this moment.


After ten minutes of flying, Astro finally stopped at Central Park and landed on the ground. He then set you done and watched as you ran forwards. Well, more like waddled. You gripped the airy suit and looked around with wide eyes.

"Woah, it's so pretty! How often do you come here?" You asked and turned towards your friend. Astro joined up with you and slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Eh, not that often. I usually hang out at home with Orrin. Well, before I met Cora and the others. But when I do come here, I usually sit by that tree over there." He explained and pointed towards an area where there was a mini forest. You looked passed the water fountain and eyed the tall oak tree. You then brightened and waddled over to it.

Astro laughed and jogged behind you just as you reached the tree. You then turned around and fell onto your back, the suit cushioning your fall. You looked up at Astro and smiled. You then held your arms out.

"Fall into my arms!" You said in the most dramatic voice you could muster. Astro burst out laughing at this and gripped his sides.

"You're ridiculous!" He exclaimed. He then smiled at you and leaped on top of you. You winced and grinned at him. Astro wrapped his arms around your suit and rubbed his face into your chest. "This suit is softer than I thought." He admitted. You nodded in agreement.

"Well it is made out of air." Astro closed his eyes and sighed in content.

"You know, I could stay like this for hours." He breathed. You shifted slightly and pulled a stick from under you.

"Eh, I think I like your bed more." You admitted. Astro looked up at you and stared into your eyes. You poked him in the forehead with the stick before throwing it away and smiling at him. Astro felt the warmth in his chest grow warmer and he reached up to clutch it.

"Hey Y/n, whenever we're together, do you get a warm feeling in your chest?" He questioned. You blinked at him.

"A warm feeling?" Astro nodded and rested his chin on your chest. You furrowed your brow in thought and nodded. "Actually, yeah. But I think that's because I really really like you, Astro." You admitted. Astro's eyes widened. You smiled at him and giggled. "After all, you're my best friend!"

Astro stared at you for a moment before sitting up and climbing off you. You looked at him in confusion as he pulled you up and stood you upright.

"Astro?" He reached behind you and pulled down the zipper of your suit before pulling the suit down. He then helped you step out of it and stood in front of you with his eyes downcast. You eyed him oddly.

You reached forwards and brought his face up to yours, forcing him to look at you. You then gave him a warm smile and closed your eyes.

"I don't know what that warmth means to you, Astro, but I do know this. Somehow, you and I, we're connected. We have a bond that nobody else has, and I want to cherish that bond. I won't let anybody take that away from us." You admitted and rested your forehead on his.

Astro stared at your closed expression and bit his lip. He then took your hands into his and a small smile snuck its way onto his face.

"Yeah, nobody can take this bond we have away from us. I'll protect it with everything." 

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