Unplanned (Frian)

By yellow1jellybean

4.9K 97 2

After an unexpected night, Kian and Franny didn't think they'd have to face unplanned consequences. Kian and... More

The Party
The Aftermath
The News
The Second-Date
The Talk
The Appointment
The Second Trimester
The Announcement
The Gender Reveal
The Apology
The Return
The Third Trimester
The Pre-term
The Birth
The Return
The Godparents
The Birthday
The Trip
The Planning
The Wedding
The Epilogue

The Test

278 4 0
By yellow1jellybean

Franny's POV 

Today was a busy day, I had a lot to do in a little amount of time. I had been up for a while waiting for the hungry feeling to hit but it's been about 30 minutes and I feel nauseous. I decided that I was probably nauseous due to being hungry so I marched into my kitchen to look for something I could eat for breakfast. 

I smelled eggs that I assume my mom was eating for breakfast and it made me feel even more queazy. I looked around but everything seemed to disgust me. Eggs: gross, Protein shake: gross, oatmeal: gross.

I eventually settled on avocado toast because I need to get going soon. I quickly ate and was soon off to my meeting. The meeting went well, we discussed another line of merch which I think the fans will be really excited about. I also discussed my videos with my manager just to make sure I'm staying organized and on track. 

Next on the list we're my appointments. My eyelash appointment was first and then I had to go get my brows and nails done which is conveniently at the same place. To finish it off, I had to go to the grocery store to pick up a couple things. By the time I got home I was extremely exhausted and had a pounding headache, I figured it was from my busy day. I decided to take a nap and hopefully the headache would be gone by the time I woke up. 


I woke up to knocking on my door. I groaned as i checked my phone, I had 14 unopened messages and 8 missed missed calls from Nezza. As I got up I could still feel my headache, not as prominent but still there. 

"Sorry Nezz, I was sleeping I legit just woke up right now. What's wrong?" I asked in a slightly raspy voice. She looked at me for a second before responding, "Franny I'm gonna be honest with you, you look awful. Are you okay?" I nodded, "yeah I'm alright I've just been feeling tired and nauseous, and to top it off I randomly get these headaches that refuse to go away" I explained. Nezza looked at me in thought, "is it just pms though, the week before my period I always get super nauseous and I get lightheaded."

 I grabbed my phone to check when was the last time I had my period. I looked at my phone screen in shock and confused. "What the heck?" I mumbled. "What's wrong?" Nezza asked. I took a deep breath, "it says I'm 18 days late, Nezza, that's 2 and a half weeks I'm never that late" I said freaking out. It took her a moment before she realized what had just happened, "oh shit Fran, well maybe it could be something else. Cycles can change depending on new diets, how much you work out. Maybe your not pregnant" Nezza said trying to not stress me out. I nodded, "your right, let's go buy a pregnancy test and then we can freak out" I said calmer. 

Once we were in the car i remembered that Nezza needed to tell me something too, "Nez, you didn't end up telling me what was up with you" I told her. She made a face in realization that we never got to it and then a small smile broke out on her face. 

"Me and Alex are going on a date but his friend lost a bet  so we had to make it a double date so I said I would find him a blind date which is where you come in but I think I'm going to cancel it now" she said. I had cheered for the good news but once she got towards the end of the sentence I got confused, "what!? Nezza you can't can't cancel!" I begged. "Franny your about to find out life changing news and regardless of what the test says, your going to be exhausted afterwards and as your best friend I have to be with you through this. I doubt going on a double date is post pregnancy-scare material" Nezza said. "Oh well, friendship is a two way street. Just as your here for me right now, I will be there for you" I said. A wide smile appeared on Nezza's face and I knew I had made the right choice, "thanks Fran, your the best! I love you so much!" She exclaimed as we arrived at the store. 

We looked at the tests for a couple minutes before I decided to get three different ones, since I didn't know which would be best. I got a variety of different priced ones. One was four dollars, the other was ten, and the third was fifteen. Man, babies really are expensive" I muttered. Nezza bursted out laughing and we quickly headed to the checkouts. 

I took all 3 test from their boxes and walked to the bathroom with my thoughts running in my head at a hundred miles per hour. I quickly took the test and then walked out. Nezza was starting to get ready for her date as I sat on the bed to do my makeup. "I decided I'm not looking at the results until we come back because I don't want to be thinking about it all night, so for right now it's just a possibility in my mind, nothing is guaranteed" I said. Nezza nodded, "if that's what you think is best then good for you Fran." 


Nezza's date went really well and my blind date didn't go that bad either. Colby was really sweet and funny but I knew I couldn't lead him on if I actually was pregnant. 

 We ended up swapping phone numbers so we could hang out again but now we were back at my place and I had to face the music. 

I started with the cheapest because that one had to be the most unreliable right? Two pink lines. Okay, the next one? Positive. The last one? Pregnant

Tears fell down my cheeks as Nezza hugged me tightly whispering things to make me feel better. Once I stopped crying she removed my makeup off my face. "Kian and I both said we wanted to forget the night happened, this isn't forgetting" I stressed. Nezza listened to all my crazy talk while she stroked my hair laying down next to me, "I think we shout give him the benefit of a doubt. Tell him what happened and leave the ball in his court. If he wants to be a real man he'll step up and help you raise this baby. If not then he's the biggest douche and you don't need him because this baby is going to have tons of people that love and adore he or she" she said. I sniffled, "your right, I'm doing this with or without him. I did always say I wanted to be a young mom and babies make everything better so maybe things will start looking up" I said looking at the bright side of this whole situation. 

A/n: This book will be updated pretty much every other day, maybe everyday. I have a lot of chapters already pre -written because I want this book to be quick and consistent. Thank you so much for reading and if you could share my story it would mean the world!! Ily<3!!!

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