The Rogue Airbender (A Kainor...

By Musicwolfeee

12K 302 104

What if Jinora and Team Avatar rescued Kai and the other Airbenders from the Earth Queens prison but Kai and... More

The Briefing
On The Way To Ba Sing Se
Ba Sing Se
Shen Returns
The Aftermath
A Trip to the Market
Dinner, again, but with friends!
Asami's Facility
Kai(again but Jinora and him have fun)
Tornadoes Locations No. 1 & 2
Back At The House
The Swamp
The Camp
Heading Home
The Next Day
Date Night
The Next Day(from Jinora's POV)
Dinner the Third
The Trial
After The Trial
The Virus
Dinner the Fourth

First Encounters

1.4K 21 11
By Musicwolfeee

I never thought I'd start my day off fighting rogue airbenders but, here we go. All of the airbenders were just dressed in fancy armor with masks to conceal their faces. They are all extremely skilled. I couldn't tell if they had their tattoos but you cannot see under their masks.

I just wanted to visit Avatar Korra and her family in the city but these people were really messing up my morning. I airbend at them trying to avoid massive conflict but they wanted to fight. Korra and Asami were fighting the airbenders together, they were powerful together.

Korra gets cut on her arm. "Jinora! Help!" I throw an air slice at them and I run to Korra. I look at her wound, it looked pretty deep. "It's pretty deep." Asami holds her wife's hand.  "Okay, Korra, honey, we need to stitch you up." Korra holds up a finger. "One second." Korra starts to float. "Woah." She goes into the Avatar State. She bends gigantic boulders and humongous flames at them causing them to retreat.

She comes down. She looked like crap. Her hair was messed up and she had bags under her eyes. Asami hugs her. "We did it Korra!" "Yeah, I need food. It is too early to do this." "Alright." We go inside their home.

We go into their kitchen, it was homey; plants were growing by the window sill, something was cooking on the stove, and they had pictures of their kids plastered on their refrigerator. Asami and Korra had the most perfect house ever.

Asami gets the first aid kit out from a cabinet. "Korra, let me stitch you up." "Okay." Korra lays her arm on the table. Asami takes out some thread and a needle. "This'll hurt." Korra smiles. "Let's just be happy that Katara isn't trying to heal me." Asami kisses her cheek. "Don't talk about our daughter like that!" "Okay, Sami." Korra laughs. "Where are they?" Asami stitches up the cut. "At school, remember?" Korra grunts. "Yeah, that hurts." "I'm almost done." Asami concentrates on Korra's arm. She snips the leftover thread off quickly.

I sit beside Korra. "Who were those airbenders?" "I have no clue." "Maybe we were targeted. Since you're the Avatar and Asami is going to run for president next year." Asami arches her eyebrow. "Could it be my campaign?" Korra looks at her. "I doubt it, no offense, but I'm the Avatar, it's the logical choice to go after me." I nod.  "I agree with Korra, I'll need to ask around. See if anything's brewing." Korra nods.

Asami goes over to the stove. "Hey, Jinora, want breakfast?" I shake my head. "No, already ate." "Aw, Korra?" "Yes, please. I am starving!" "Alright." Asami hands Korra her plate. I look out the window. Nothing was out there now but something about the Airbenders felt off. "I'm going to go, I need to research." "Bye! We'll visit!" I get up and leave.

I go into the library on Air Temple Island. I grab a book about one of my worst failures as an Airbender. I sit at a table. I skim through the book to find the chapter on Team Avatar and I trying to rescue airbenders from the Earth Queen. 'Kai and three other airbenders stayed behind to fight and were captured in the end. Their bodies were never recovered and they were pronounced dead after the Earth Queen's demise.' I frown at that.

I hear footsteps coming my way. "Jinora, doing some reading?!" I slide my book down to see little brother looking at me. "Rohan, I'm just doing some light reading." "Really?" He puts his hands on his hips. "I thought you hated that book!" I laugh. "Yes, I do but, something happened this morning." He gives me a quizzical look. "Like what?" "Airbenders attacked Korra, Asami, and I outside of their home." "Who were they?!" "I don't know but I'm thinking." "Could it be your ex-boyfriend?!" "Kai wasn't my boyfriend!" I yell at him. "Sorry, could it be Kai and the other airbenders?" "As I said, I don't know. Shouldn't you be at school?" "Free period. Thought I'd study here." "Okay. I'll leave you alone." I get up and leave the building.

Ikki arrived from the Earth States. She's an ambassador between the States and the United Republic. She notices me. "Jinora!" She zooms over to hug me. "I'm happy to see you." We hug and she looks at me. "Still haven't found a boyfriend yet?" I chuckle. "No, I don't really want to find one." "Where's Rohan?! That little scamp?" "Studying." She frowns. "You and he are nerds, is Meelo here?!" "Not yet. He said he'd probably be here tomorrow." She groans. "I'm stuck with nerd and nerd jr." I laugh. "Alright, Ikki." She walks around the island acting like she owns the place.

I go to the pavilion outside just to meditate. I try to connect with Kai's spirit again. Nothing. I sit there. It feels hopeless.

"Enjoying the view?" My father's voice startled me a bit. "Dad, hey." He sits beside me. "Asami and Korra told me what happened at their house. Rogue airbenders." "Yeah, I feel like it had to do with Ba Sing Se. I don't know why it does. I was hoping to find answers while meditating." He sighs. "Your forte. Jinora, you've made me proud." "Thanks." We look at the horizon. "What if it does have something to do with Ba Sing Se? What'd you do?" I look at him. "I don't know." He smiles at me. "Just be safe Jinora." He kisses my head and I look at the horizon while he left.

I leave the pavilion. I go out into the training deck. A rogue air bender was standing in front of the deck. They charge at me. I defend myself. They throw a powerful gust of wind my way, throwing dust in my eyes. I close my eyes to keep the dust from stinging them. "You're blind." My attacker was a man. "Yeah, maybe." I hear nothing then I get a blow to the stomach, sending me backwards. I could taste the taste of blood in my mouth. I open my eyes but I was greeted with a blurry image.

I run to the fountain. I hear my attacker following me. I jump in the water to wash my eyes out. I turn around and I see my attacker's foot. I get blasted through the wall behind the fountain. I could see him clearly now. He shoots some air at me and I roll to dodge him. He comes into the building where I am. I swipe him off his feet. "Who are you?!" He looks up at me. "Someone who brought backup." I turn around and another attacker kicks me down the hall. Some blood was gushing down my nose, I wipe my nose with my hand and seeing the red made me feel sick.

"Jinora!" I hear my sister and dad yelling for me. I look behind the attackers and they were charging them. I nod. We all three do a solid air blast knocking out the other airbenders. My dad walks up to me. "Jinora, are you okay?" "Yeah, a bit bloody." "Here." He gets a handkerchief and hands it to me. I wipe my nose off. "How did you two find me?" Ikki crosses her arms. "The loud noises, duh." "Yeah, right." My father ties up the airbenders with some rope that was laying around.

We leave them in a secluded room guarded by three White Lotus sentries. I look at my father. "Who are they?" "I have no idea Jinora, but Korra can be extremely persuasive sometimes." I laugh. "I'm sure she can get them to talk." I go to walk to my room. "Jinora!" I turn. "Be careful honey." I nod. "Okay dad." I leave the building to head across the island to my room.

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