You've Got It Made *YMAS fan...

By BigDaddyClaymore

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After finding out that neither Dan nor Matt had fathered her baby,Jemma got in touch with the only other pers... More

You've Got It Made *YMAS fan fic*
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Four

205 2 1
By BigDaddyClaymore

*Jemma's POV*

Mike and I had lunch in the hotel restaurant while Joel looked after JD for me.There were things that needed to be sorted out between us.After we ordered our mains,Mike excused himself and I was sat on my own.I reached into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out my phone.

Jemma: Matt,I know you don't want to talk,and I'm cool with that,just meet me tonight for a drink and I can explain.

Seconds later,a reply came.

Matt: Sorry Jemz.Nothing to say to u.U hurt me bad.Can't just forget.

Balls to him,I thought.I text Dan.

Jemma: Can you meet me at my hotel tonight? Joel's here and JD's daddy xx

Danny Boy: JD's dad's with you? I can't tonight darl.Playing Leeds. Xo

Jemma: Shit,I forgot.No worries.Have a good show :) xx

I put my phone on the table as I saw Mike walking to the table.He bent down and kissed my cheek.I have no idea,but I thought it was cute.Maybe I should give this guy a chance.

The waiter set down our lunch and we ate in silence for a few minutes.

'Why didn't you tell me sooner?' Mike asked,pinching one of my fries.

'I guess I was sure that Matt was the father.I mean,what were the odds that you would be his dad? We slept together once.'

'You could've just text me.Jemma,you're all I've thought about since January.I think we can make this work.We should be together.'

His words rang in my ears,sounding exactly like Dan.Shit,how was he going to react when he knows that Mike's JD's dad? It didn't dare thinking about.But Dan would be happy no matter what choices I made.I leaned across and took Mike's hand.

'Mike,I like you.A lot.But,I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Dan the other day.I'm just gonna spend time on my own with JD for now.'

'I understand.I'm always going to be here for you and the baby.Call me anytime you need anything,money,food,anything at all.'

'I don't want your money.'

'Jemma,listen,JD isn't going to go without anything.I want to help.I make enough money to live comfortably and I can afford to help you out.'

'I'm going to move in with Dan,in Surrey.He is JD's godfather.Well,he will be when I,when we get him christened.'

'I can get you an apartment.Wherever you want.' I looked at him,as if seeing him for the first time.

'Mike,I thank you for being so cool and calm about this,but I want to do this my way.' I finished the last of my burger.

'I just want to be a part of his life.I grew up without my dad,I don't want JD to do the same.Come on,let's take him to the zoo.' I laughed.It was a start,at least.

*The Next Day*

Mike stayed with me last night.We had an amazing day taking JD to the zoo,then a picnic in Hyde Park for dinner.Joel and Mike got on great,I had no doubt that they wouldn't.We had to wake up early because Julia was coming to pick JD up,so I could go to Reading with Joel.I didn't really want to go,but Joel said I needed a day of fun.And it will be.I'm going to meet the Foo Fighters.As soon as Julia came,we hopped in a cab to the train station.

When we reached Reading to hours later,I was enveloped in a hug as soon as I got into the main concourse.

'Max,what the hell?' I laughed when he let me go

'I missed you,' he grinned.I turned and saw Matt stood slightly to the side.

'Hey,' I smiled.He looked at me as though I was an alien and stalked off without a word.I ran after him. 'If you didn't wanna be here,why did you come?' He continued to ignore me. 'Goddamn it Matt.Answer me.'

'What Jemma?' he snapped. 'Why didn't you tell me? You made me look a complete fool...'

'In all fairness,you made yourself look a twat,' Joel butted in.Matt squared up to him.

'You wanna say that again?' I got between the two of them quickly,before any punches were thrown.

'Stop this now.Look,we're all here to have a good time and we should just quit fighting,just for one day,' I stalked off,leaving the three guys stood staring after me.What was I to do? Matt jogged after me.

'Jemz,I know you wanna have a good time and everything,but I'm curious...'

'Oh Matt,' I started to cry again. 'I fucked up.Big time.I love Dan,but I love Matt too.And Mike,but I think Mike is just a crush.'

'Mike?' he said.I looked at him through my tears.He hugged me close. 'Jemma,I love you.I was a fool to even think anyone else would come close to you.' I pulled away.

'I love you Matt,but I can't trust you.And I know that you will never trust me again after all this.And,if you must know,Mike Ferri is JD's dad.'

'As in..?'

'As in Mike from We Are The In Crowd.'

'But when? How?'

'When you got me and Kelsey vip tickets for All Time Low in January,I met him and we slept together then.'

'This is my fault.' I pulled Matt into a hug.

'Don't blame yourself.Look,I'm gonna tell you exactly what I told Dan and Mike,I need time alone,with JD,to sort my head out.I need to make the right decision for the baby.'

'I know you do babe.I'm not going anywhere.'

'You guys coming or staying here all day?' We both turned to Max,who was stood by a taxi.Matt reached out to take my hand and we walked to the cab,got in and off to Reading Festival we go!

30 minutes later,I was enveloped in a huge hug as soon as I walked into the VIP area of the festival.I pulled back and saw Zack Merrick smiling down at me.

'Hey Zack,' I smiled.

'Hi Jemma.How's things?'

'Good.I have a baby now.'

'Really? I thought you lost weight,' Jack said from behind me.

'Hey Jacky boy.' I ruffled his hair.My eyes caught sight of four dudes who had just walked in. 'OH MY GOD! That's Brian freaking Fallon.Excuse me a moment.' I had to get a picture with him,otherwise Kelsey would kill me. 'Hi,Brian? Is there any chance I could get a photo with you?'

'Sure thing sweetie.' I noticed that Jack was looking me up and down.Were my shorts too short?

'Hey Jack?' I called. 'Can you take a picture for me?'. I threw him my digital camera and snuggled into Brian's side.

Jack had fun,snapping away,taking photos of me with loads of different bands and band members.We had lunch in catering,which was a huge barbecue.Halfway through eating my burger,I had a sudden urge to just go home.I wanted to be with JD.Joel must have sensed something was wrong.

'Penny for your thoughts?'

'Oh Joel,I wanna go home.Just cuddle up on the couch with JD.'

'But we're gonna watch Gaslight Anthem play soon.'

'I know,but I don't wanna be here.' Matt joined us at the table,plate piled high with chicken.

'You okay Jemz? You look a bit peaky.'

'I wanna go home.'

'Want me to come with you?' I nodded,suddenly feeling very sleepy.I stood up from the table,then collapsed to the floor.

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