The Twisted Tale of A Towel H...

By InayaSher

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Salma was your average hijabi. She was modest, polite... sometimes and very strict with her grades. That is u... More

Chapter 1 Project Pals
Chapter 2 The New Guy
Chapter 3 Supply Shopping
Chapter 4 Mall Mischief
Chapter 5 Mungnis and Toddlers
Chapter 6 Mission break out
Chapter 8 Pep talks and Pools
Chapter 9 CPR with a side of sniffles
Chapter 10 Newguy and Playboy
Chapter 11: Apple juice and Bollywood
Chapter 12 Locker rooms with RED!!!
Chapter 14 Pakistani Idol?!
Chapter 15 Bilal's Surprise
Chapter Entry Contest

Chapter 7- Tragedy ail

259 19 8
By InayaSher

I flipped through the channels as I laid there like a sack of pudding. Finally I came upon the news that made me jerk up.

I listened to the blonde news reporter as she talked about something that had happened about a mere 30 minutes ago. it was breaking news and what had happened crushed my heart.

A plane had crashed near the Pearson airport which isn't to faraway from here. The news lady was saying how there were no survivors and how there were about 10 infants aboard.

I clutched onto my pillow as I watched the helicopter hovering over the scene. Ash and smoke was scattered and covering the entire place. debris was flying around and a few sparks of fire were dancing around. the wreckage though was unnoticeable. it didn't even look like a plane, the paint was all scratched of or black from the fires. all I saw was twisted up metals all in different positions.

I saw about a dozen police cars, ambulances and fire trucks. I saw crying families, dead people who were covered in a blanket being towed away and into the vehicles.

The entire scene was heartbreaking and practically caused me to bawl my eyes out. Another thing that shocked me was that there were reports of a terrorist on the plane and how it could of been the cause of this.

It made me cringe how the people were emphasizing the words ISLAM and

MASSACRE as one word, I couldn't believe how people were just assuming that we were the cause of all this! I mean they have no idea of our teachings! they probably never even seen a Quran let alone know everything inside and presume that it has to do with destruction. And chaos!

I watched The news for about an hour until I heard footsteps creaking down the stairs.

It was Dado, her grey hair was sticking out from her tight bun and her face looked tired. I guess she was sleeping.

" What's wrong ghuriya ( my doll.)"

Dado said as she approached my weeping body.

As she finally saw the T.V her hand went to her mouth.

" Ya allah! What happened!?" she asked as she too was shocked and devastated by the plane wreck.

" A plane crashed about 2 hours ago near the Pearson airport. they said no one survived and that it was a terrorist attack." I bluntly said as I peeked through the cushion at her.

" Oh." was all she said as she too sat next to me, her arms wrapped around me.

" Don't worry ghuriya, they don't know what they're talking about, and they don't have the right. only allah knows, just pray for those people and pray for the sanity of the people." she said.

I heard her mutter a few words in Urdu before sighing and going to the kitchen.

I hated this, not only because of how everyone is interpreting the situation by blaming Muslims but also about how all those innocents souls.

Those parents who were controlling there children, those people who never knew that this would be their last nap or meal, how people were watching a comedy or drama but it all had to end so abruptly.

I sighed and wiped my face.I mean even if a muslim had done it it was the persons fault not the religion and besides, more non- Muslims commit crime than us regular Muslims but I'm not saying to go jumping on them like the media is doing to us. No one should judge, they should just go after the person not their background!

Suddenly I remembers Ashton's words and how he insulted Muslims but then my heart softened when he apologized and actually understood. But then Crystal entered my brain and made my heart slightly deflate. NO! just leave it Salma, no one cares and neither should you, especially Ashton.

I sighed once more as I looked at the time, 6:00.

Oh no! I'd missed zhur prayer, all because of dumb detention and the news. I quickly did wudu and wrapped my scarf tightly around my head but not too tightly.

My brain was already mush and I did t want it to be like keema any sooner.

As I prayed, I let go of all the sins and all my problems and felt them fade away which gave me a refreshed and tingly feeling. After praying I made Dua to allah to help the families of those who had lost their lives not only in the plane crash but also In other tragedies too.

I felt totally refreshed and more happier like I've taken a spiritual bath or something.

Not physically duh.

I went up to my room to change into something comfortable. it is damn hot that I ended up wearing a baggy t shirt and some baggy capris since no one was home.

I pulled my long and very annoying hair into a bun and looked at myself I. The mirror for no reason.

I legitimately looked like an Indian taxi driver. no offence

I decided to finish my homework from today just to get it out if the way so I could get some time to relax.

Suddenly I got an idea. after finishing my work I got out another piece of paper and started scribbling down some things for Our project.

. May 19 2014 plane crash.

. Terrorists were the cause

. People shouldn't jump to conclusions when they don't have proof

. The media shouldn't blame Muslims for all destructions especially if they haven't read their holy book.

. More non Muslims are involved with crime than actual Muslims but the media shouldn't jump to them either since the media like to do that a lot when they don't have a good reason for the situation.

I wrote a few more jot notes before my hand started to hurt.

Finally finishing all my work I plopped back first onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I wonder what everyone's going to say at school? who cares? but still, are the teachers going to do anything is everyone going to dog pile on me?

Probably but who cares? you know what I mean!

I frantically argued with my self for a good 5 minutes, until I heard a knock on the door.

I didn't say anything, I don't know why. I was stupid?

Suddenly the door opened and guess who it was.

Come on guess.

It's probably obvious.

My eyes met the green and brown void that I had earlier. suddenly I realized that my hair and skin was all showing which made me release a scream.

Ahmed who had realized the same quickly slammed my door. I heard him quickly talking outside as I scrambled to change into appropriate pants and grab a scarf and cardigan.

" Dude! you told me the washroom was to the right!"

" Yeah down the hall and to the right." Said my brother's voice.

I felt my face go pink while still remembering him opening the door.

Man, me and him are always meeting by me screaming at him.

I saw the 2 men bickering but suddenly stopped when I'd emerged out the door.

i saw Ahmed's face go red when he saw me and i too did the same. I saw Bilal who looked at me and statrted running his eyes up and down me like an elevator.

'What are you talking about, she's dressed," said Bilal who was giving Ahmed a confused look.

oh my sweet and idiotic brother who has not common sense at all.

' bro, are you stupid? ofcoarse she's dressed now. she wasnt when iw alked in." Ahmed said and he started waving his hands to emphasize his point.

' hey its's okay, Ahmed just needefd the bathroom and he misunderstood your poorly explained directions to it.' i finally spoke with my hands crossed.

" what do you mean by poorly explained?" Bilal asked his arms croosed also onto his chest.

i heard Ahmed give a small chuckle that sounded so mel- STOP SALMA!

after a while of joking around about Bilal's lack of common sense and how he was intelectually challenge Ahmed and him made their way to Bilal's room, leaving me in the doorway of my room.

As i woke up to my original wake up call i got dressed into something nice and light. I chose a light pastle blouse with a long and slightly frilly, white skirt and scarf. i ate my delicious cocoa puffs before packing my bag and heading out the door.

as i walked down the sidewalk i saw a few students that attendended the same school glare at me which made me feel uneasy but i ignored them. When i arrived to the front of the school where all the kids usually were i suddenly felt about a hundred pairs of eyes on me as i made my way through the doors to the school. It didnt become much better as i walked through the halls and atrrived at my locker.

wonderful welcoming everyone!

as i made my way to Math, then art i finally had lunch where i could talk to Soha freely. She heard about the plane crash too and was just as upset as i was also.

A few of the girls like Elizabeth and Daniella kept giving me and soha dirty looks. I even heard them say how i was probably hiding king sized beds and grenades under my scarf not really knowing how king sized beds and grenades had in common but i shrugged it off anyways.

i tried my best to ignore it but it really felt like the entire school was dog piling me, even a few of the teachers kept glaring at me and i heard that Mr. Greyson's son died in the tragedy. He wasnt here today which really made me said and uneasy. May Allah help all the families who are suffering and forgive those who have died.

When I got to Mrs. Oakley's class the room became quite as i stepped in. Mrs.Oakley however greeted me as usual which made me feel abit better. I sat in my spot and felt someone nudging my shoulder. I turned around and saw Ashton giving me a smile.

was he helping me in my time of need?

" are you okay?" he mouthed out and i nodded giving him a reassuring smile. When i did that his slightly tensed face softened up before looking back at the front. The class droaned on which was surprising since Mrs.Oakley made it fun and not boring lets just say but today my mood was off and the glares I got from the girls and the slightly scared looks I got from the guys wasnt boosting my positivtey much either.

In Bio, Ashton was passing notes to me again but they werent funny like yesterday's, he kept asking if i was okay and not to listen to anyone which to be honest made me feel alot better.

me and Ashton practically spent the entire period passing hope lifting notes and since i wasnt laughing, Mr. Pells didnt notice a thing which was good because if i got another detention i would start bawling in the middle of the floor.

finally when the bell rang, me and Soha walked to the bust stop as usual and bid goodbye. Ashton then came up to me in his car which i must say had zero i repeat ZERO girls in it and asked if i was still coming over.

I nodded my head but he didnt drive away, i was sort of glad.

' Hey Salma, you sure you okay?" he asked for about the billionth time.

" yeah, dont worry about me, im not going to let a bunch of your babe clones and idiots take me down.' i replied while looking down on the pavement.

' hey, what you said when i came over last time changed my perspective about Muslims forever and i dont beleive that they well you uh you know what i mean, were the cause of any of this and if they were then it was the stupid person, not them and especially not you!" he finally said before caressing his steering wheel.

i couldnt say anything, a large seal had blocked my words like it does when you're about to cry but i wasnt going to cry. i couldnt help but smile at Ashton and his slightly pale cheeks turned pink.

he offered to give me a ride but then quickly changed his mind since he knew about me and the whole personal bubble thing.

I walked home alone, feeling the warm breeze slightly sweep away my worries and problems. I shouldnt let what other people say about me to heart, but then why did i act all weird when Ashton did even if it was good, If Soha or Bilal said it i would just take it as a compliment or a just something reassuring but with Ashton it feels different. Oh god please i hope this isnt what it sounds like!

i shook the thought from my mind and quickly made my home.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a plump and purple plum before dragging my bag and my butt up to my room so I could unwind. I made sure to lock my room this time so there would be no surprises or at least I hope not.

I laid on my bed with the fan on to help with the circulation of the warm air plus my brain.

I had Ashton's word engraved into my brain and just couldn't let them go.

' changed my perspective about Muslims forever...'

' Not them and especially not you!'

his words echoed inside me as the image of him and how his cheeks turned pink were glued into my mind.

How I got mad and lashed out at him when him and Crystal were...

I didn't want to admit it, or maybe it's just a phase?

No it's not.

But this isn't right!

I can't believe this but I think I might have a crush on Ashton Ramsey.



AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter and I hope it's not to short lol. anyway I hope you guys saw the castings and to be honest 95% of the people are Pakistani actors. lol don't judge. my mom. Watches a lot if dramas and when I write this I always have those people as the characters in here. hey judge all you want me no care! any ways please vote, comment and follow!!!!!

PEACE!-😝 Inaya sher

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