Come At Me

By _xautumnx_

273K 7.5K 1.6K

Anna Nicole is such a simple name, but is she really as simple as she is made out to be? She moves to Florida... More

Come At Me
chapter 1 •
chapter 2 •
chapter 3 •
chapter 4 •
chapter 5 •
chapter 6 •
chapter 7 •
chapter 8 •
chapter 9 •
chapter 10 •
chapter 11 •
chapter 12 •
chapter 13 •
chapter 14 •
chapter 15 •
chapter 16 •
chapter 17 •
chapter 18 •
chapter 19 •
chapter 20 •
chapter 21 •
chapter 22 •
chapter 23 •
chapter 24 •
chapter 25 •
chapter 26 •
chapter 27 •
chapter 28 •
chapter 29 •
chapter 30 •
chapter 31 •
chapter 32 •
chapter 33 •
chapter 34 •
chapter 35 •
chapter 36 •
chapter 37 •
my other books!


6.4K 145 19
By _xautumnx_

hehe ;)


I laugh as Grayson and I watch Glee. I got Grayson to start liking Glee. Finally.

He stopped making fun of it as much.

"I still don't like this show" he looks down at me and hugs me tighter. Liar.

"Lies, I know you like it" I accuse him and he looks down at me and smiles. He kisses me and turns back to the tv.

I know he likes the show.

Kurt and Blaine come on and I smile. They are my OTP. I freaking love them together. Oh, speaking of them, Adam is coming  home tonight with his boyfriend. He already came out a few weeks ago to our parents and they were okay with it. I mean of course they were.

We are having a dinner with the James' too because "they are apart of the family too" and "they really want to meet Bromley" which I really want to see who wanted to settle down with Adam.

"We gotta get going, babe" and by get going he means getting up and walking to my house next door.

"Okay, when this episode ends" I say. It's almost 6 and the dinner starts at 6. "We just started this episode 2 minutes ago, Anna Nicole" darn.

"Fine" I oblige and get up from Grayson's bed. We have been dating for 2 months and it has been easily the best two months in my life. All of my friends came to visit again last month. We had a blast. Of course Max was upset that I was dating Grayson and "forgot about him" but he was just joking.

The door bell rings and Grayson kisses my forehead and goes downstairs. Now i am left alone. I look outside his window and see Colton's car. Great.

I go downstairs and see Colton in the kitchen looking for food in the pantry. Classic Colton.

"Hey, Co" I say and he turns around and smiles at me and waves.

"Hi, Anna" he turns back to the pantry and pulls out a bag of chips and starts eating them. Ooooo.

I walk over and grab a hand full and stuff my mouth. It is witch craft how I am not fat.

"Are you coming to my house to meet Bromley?" I ask him after I chew the chips.

"Of course" he nods and I nod and leave to find Grayson. I go up to his room.

"Gray?" I ask and knock on the door. "Here" he waves his hand from his closet and I nod and sit on his bed.

"What shirt should I wear?" He asks and holds up two shirts that look the same. But one is black and the other is grey.


"Alright" he takes off his shirt and throws the black one in his closet. Poor shirt. He puts on his shirt and walks to me.

"You look cute" I compliment and smile. He smirks down at me.

"Oh, please I look hot" he wraps his arms around me and pulls me up our faces barely inches away from each other.

"You have looked better" I joke. He does look hot.

"Sure" he kisses me, and I kiss back. "Let's go" he grabs my hand and we walk down the stairs. "Co let's go!" I call for Colton and he comes and fist bumps Grayson. Ha, they are dumb.

We walk to my house and into the house and are met with my mom.

"Anna Nicole go get dressed" she scolds me, and I laugh and walk up the stairs with Grayson following.

I walk into my closet and choose a sandy color flowey skirt that goes right above my knee and a nice white shirt that I tuck in. I walk out of the closet and to my desk and sit down.

"Oooh, my girlfriend looking hot" Graysons says from my bed, and I blush. I still can not control my blush around Grayson.

"Shut up" I joke and grab my brush to brush my hair. I would straighten my hair, but I am too lazy. I mean it is straight enough. I grab a Bobby pin and put it in my hair so it looks like I tired. I do not bother with makeup because it is almost 6, and I am just too lazy.

I look at myself in my full body mirror and sigh. I look good enough. I do not put on shoes, but I slip on some socks. Shoes are too much effort.

Arms hug me from behind and Grayson appears in the mirror. "You're too cute, babe" he kisses my cheek, and I smile. "Okay, let's go" I grab his hand and we walk downstairs and into the living room where everyone is in. Everyone but my mom and Grayson's mom. They are probably in the kitchen.

We sit on the couch and watch the movie everyone is watching. Grayson's parents are already here which only leaves Adam and Bromley.

Or what we made up... we are waiting for... wait for it.. Adley! Yeah, I already know that we are weird.

The door opens and we all look that way even though we can not see a thing. Adam comes into view and a figure behind him. We all study the guy with Adam who is obviously Bromley.

Bromley a little taller than Adam him being 5'10 so Bromley must be at least 6 foot. He is not super skinny but is not all muscly and he is light skinned with dark hair and green eyes. Oh my gosh, his eyes are beautiful. Green eyes are my weakness. Not only because Grayson has them... but I do too. they're just so beautiful, and not common. Fun fact they're the least common natural eye color.

I smile at Bromley. He looks sort of nervous gripping on Adam's arm.

"You didn't tell me you had such a big family" Bromley says clear enough for us all to hear and we all laugh as my mom and Grayson's mom comes out.

"Hi, I'm Bromley Afia " he smiles at all of us. I am the first one to get up.

"I am Anna Nicole, Adam's sister. You can call me Anna if you want" I laugh and hug him. Not one of the really weird hugs, the hugs where it is like nice to meet you he returns my hug and smiles at me. I look at Adam and he smiles at me. I smile and wink at him, and no, not one of the weird winks.

Everyone starts introducing themselves and Bromley quickly finds out that this is in fact two different families.

"Oooohhh" He comes to realization once he meets Grayson and introduces himself as my boyfriend. He was also confused by Colton. "Is He your brother?" Bromley whispers to Adam. "No, he's Grayson's friend" Adam answers. "Oh, okay" he shrugs as Gus goes up to Bromley.

"Hi, I'm Gus" Gus says shyly to Bromley. "Hi, Gus" He smiles down at him.

"So you're the guy who likes my brother?" Gus asks him and Bromley laughs and nods. "Yep"

"Cool!" Gus hugs his waist and leaves. Gus thought that Adam liking guys was weird but once Adam explained it Gus was okay with it. He is too cute.

Bromley won over the dads by talking about sports seeing my dad's Astros baseball cap on.

"Cheering on for the wrong state" My dad laughs.

"Only the best in this house" He shrugs and they go into a conversation. I lean back on Grayson as I watch them talk.

"Okay, dinner is ready" my mom comes in and we all make our way to the kitchen.

The food is all on the table. There is chicken, mashed potatoes, macaroni salad, bread rolls, regular macaroni, greens, grilled vegetables, and a whole lot of drinks.

Once again my mom pretends it is thanksgiving.

My mom sits at the end of the table. On the right side Adam sits next to her, then Bromley, me, then Grayson. Colton sits at the other end. Next to my mom on the left side is Gus, my dad, Big James, then Grayson's mom.

"Alright lets say grace" we all take each other's hand as my mom talks. Once she finishes, she says dig in and we all happily take food


"So Bromley Tell is about yourself" my mom says once we all finish our food.

"Uhm, i am 22, I'm in nursing school to become a nurse because I like the idea of helping people. Later in life I want to become a specialist for disorders. I want to help people who feel like they can't be helped" he finishes and my mom smiles at him. That my dudes is how you get in my mom's good side and mine too. Not that He was not before.

I smile to myself. Specializing in disorders is something I want to do also. When I had my eating disorder, I didn't really know I had it. But if I kept on living like I did I could have died. I always say this, but Florida actually saved my life.

"That's great, Bromley" she smiles at him and he returns it.

"So how did you both meet?" I ask interested. I know that Adam will not tell me, so Bromley must. Bromley let's out a little laugh and I raise an eyebrow.

"No, don't" Adam says, and I open my mouth to speak but Bromley beats me to it. "Why not?" He laughs again. Adam groans and covers his ears.

"We actually met in a bathroom" Bromley says and laughs. He takes Adam's hand and connects their fingers together.

"Wait, What?" I ask and let out a short giggle. Ew, did I just giggle? Gross. Grayson turns to me and raises an eyebrow. I stick my tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes and does the same.

"We were in a gay bar and I needed to pee and when I walked in the bathroom I guess he was taking a big giant poop. Once Adam came out of the stall i was washing my hands and he saw me and started flirting with me. I started laughing a lot. I mean who just takes a poop then starts flirting with someone?" He laughs and everyone laughs too but the two moms.

"Adam, you don't do that!" My mom scolds him, and we just laugh more. "Yeah, I just thought that was really bold of him and gave him a chance, and I'm really glad I did" he smiles at him and pecks his lips. A smile breaks out on my lips and everyone smiles too.

"Wait, was it like a big poop?" Gus asks. I laugh at him.

"Yes!" Bromley laughs, and Adam goes into a deep shade of pink. "Bromley!" Adam squeaks. We all laugh at his red face.

"It's okay, I still love him" Bromley smiles at Adam. Adam rolls his eyes and says it back. Bromley kisses Adam. Awwww

Adley is the cutest thing ever.

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