You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisun...

By Minsungisreal3

88K 4.1K 2.3K

Where Jisung was not normal nor was he ever. He is a hybrid but not just any hybrid a squirrel hybrid. He tra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ( ending #1)

chapter 26 (angst ending)

2.5K 93 138
By Minsungisreal3

Hi guys stan sori her music is amazing and she deserves rhe love! She is so precious and kind to her fans and does so much to us and she is really the kindest human.


Chan dragged me up to sit with the whole group and the whole group i mean Minho was there as well......

The rest of the boys surrounded me asking trivial questions like, "what happened," and " are you okay". I made no attempt to answer them and just bowed my head down and nibbled at the corner of a sandwich. Not just any sandwich, yes this one here was called a sadwich to reflect my mood.

Minho didnt even dare to give me a look and over all 100% uncomfortable atmosphere. I think some of the others caught the awkwardness between us and how we werwnt sitting next to eachother not even talking!

Lunch was a thing of some small talk and mostly silence. The other 6 boys wanted to break the silence, yet it was to thick for them to even try to.

After some time I just got up and left to go anywhere but there. Not like I had other friends to go to, so I just walk around in peaceful silence, well that was my goal. Some annoying and rude person decided to follow me snd try to talk to me.

"Jisung... Jisung..... Jisunggggg!" Minho shouts after me sprinting to catch up. He tries to grab my arm, but thank the gods for my quick reflexes, I was able to dodge him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Minho says to me smirking.

"Where ever you are not"

"Oh well you're going to have to try harder then that Hybrid." did he literally just refer to me as a Hybrid um what the fuck? ??

"Why did you refer to me as a 'Hybrid' isnt that a little weird?"

"How else would you like me to refer to you as, Disgusting ass, Bitch, faggot, useless, worthless?"

"Refer to me as Jisung or J.One or gone." I say turning around to run away, but no matter how fast i am he is stronger. Tackling me to the ground the breath escaped my lips.

"The principal need us," he says standing up and keeping my hands behind my back we walk to the office where the principal was waiting for us.

"You two sit down." He waves at the seats leaving the room and goes to do something. The next few minutes were quiet and stressed. I was filled with a sense or dread and I need to leave.

When Mr. Kim came back back he was accompanied by 3 police armed all their guns pointing at me and I raised my hand. One of the police shouted. "come with us calmly and we wont hurt you." I nodded okay showing I understood the instructions. One of the cops walked over to me tentatively fearing i may lash out and hurt her. Not like I would if I could my mind was shrouded in the hazy fear and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body.

The hand cuffed my hands and roughly pushed me out the door and into their car. The drive to the jail they had was short. (I dont obviously know what its like getting arrested or anything so lmao) I was shoved into one of the holding cells and I feel face first onto the floor and they didnt even have the decency to get me out of my hand cuffs. "Your trial is tomorrow." He says and leaves emotionless and blank. My cell had one guard obviously for guarding me.

"Excuse me, I may not be familiar with getting arrested but dont I get a phone call?"

"Shut the fuck up or I will shoot you and say you were threatning me! We both dont want that do we." I froze, "I said do we want that!" He yelled and I shook my head quickly and just go over to the bed sitting uncomfortably.

It felt like hours before someone came in and dropped me off dinner and said, "You will have your one phone call after you finish your meal." Turning he stays near the door to leave and i just kinda turn around and quietly said, " my handcuffs are still on. " My guard comes into the cell and glares at me while he unlocks my handcuffs.

"Dont you dare move til I close the door." I did what he said and pocked around the meal and began to eat it ignoring the disgusting taste of it all.

Once I finished I looked at the man expectantly and he walked over and grabbed me the guard following me closly behind til I got to the phone station. With no hesitation I picked up the phone and dialed Chans number.

"Hey chan!"


"I dont have much time but I got arrested for being a hybrid and its almost my birthday and and you know. I love you Chan you and Changbin were the only family I ever had. I knew that this would happen since Minhos break out so I wrote you 8 letters and and they are on your table. Imma miss you all please do the things I ask please. I love you and goodbye." I am choking on my sobs then add brokenly,  "my thing is tomorrow can you all come?"

"wouldnt miss it for the world dear. I love you and you mean everything its been amazing to be your family we will miss you and I cant believe this is happening. We will honour you. Goodbye... I wish I could have say a proper bye sooner since your birthday is so soon but i wanted to forget the fact. I love-"

The phone call stopped and I was escorted back to my room crying. The weight of finally dying coming to me, if this happened 2 years ago I would have been fine but seeing Chan and Changbin again it was nice and I didnt want death as much. I couldnt leave them, I dont want to go please! My chocked sobs rack through my body as I clutch the flimsy bed my breath shortening and shortening. I felt like i couldnt breath. Everything was swallowing down on me and i take short gasps of breaths trying to breath. At sometime I tried holding my breath to allow me to breath after but it didnt work.

For a few moments it felt all fuzzy as if I would pass out but I didnt. It takes a while to calm down and soon I try ahd go to sleep knowing tomorrow I would get my death sentence and also to see my friends one last time.

*THE NEXT DAY AT THE TRIAL* (idk trials so bare wirh me)

I sat down at the table seeing my friends away from me silently supporting me. Chan and Changbin were crying and there eyes and puffy from crying and lack of sleep. It made me want to cry more. Minho sat across me and i scowled at him and he smirks.

The judge goes on the podium in front of us and demands for silence. "So Minho will you recount your story you told us earlier."

"My pleasure your honour." He takes in a breath and says. "Me and Jisung dated for a bit and I had no idea of this. One day he came up to me and told me about him being a hybrid and showed me his squirrel ears."

"Is this true Jisung?" He turns towards me.

"Yes it is your honour if you see my beanie was lost during coming here so my ears are for full display"

"Okay are you guilty of being hybrid?"

" i mean yeah i guess I wouldny be if I would have chosen. "

"Your 18th birthday is in 5 days and from then I sentence you the death sentence of our electric chair!" The court room erupted in cheers as yet another hybrid is caught. I just sat shook not pricessing im going to die in 5 days. Chan and Changbing shout my name and try to run towards me. I try to run to them but i could only graze Changbins tear streaked cheek.

"I love you Jisung" he shouts while guards restrain me moving. Chan echos Changbin. I shout the same back to them and I was punched. Once I stopped resisting theg dragged me out back into the car to a new facility where I would probably die in.


A guard came into me just looking and moving which I have been doing for the last few days. "Hello Jisung, what are your requests for a final meal? "

"Blankly without looking up I said, "can I please have a vinilla birthday cake with vinalla frosting, cherries and pizza?"


Time skip brought to you by me!

I ate my food in peace. I was so calm and I couldnt help it I have no tears left to cry. The cake and pizza tasted good and the cherries as well. I drag myself back into bed dreading tomorrow to come. I just wanted to see my friends for the last time, I want to hug them goodbye. I want them to comfort me before death....


I was awoken by the guards who forced me up and looked over me with no remorse. He walks me down to the room. It was a big room and it was already filled with reporters gonna record the death of me.... It was fucking disgusting to see all of them almost happy or emotionless ready to watch someone whos only fault is being a hybrid.

"Do you have any last words before you die?" The man asks strapping me onto the chair and placing the head thing on my head.

"why kill an innocent whos only fault was beinf borned this way?" I look dead in the camera.

The man blindfolds me and lets the electricty to course through my body. It felt so painful it hurt i.. I......

*Unknown POV*

The hybrid threw up blood and vomit and you could see his eyeballs pop out from the blindfold. It was a disgustinf and gruesome sight. After a few minutes to calm down the doctor comes and confirms he is dead on live television.

*Chans POV*

I watched the broadcasted tv of it and I couldnt handle to see my bestfriend dying. Cuddling further into jeongin and woojin we all cried. They may not have been as close as I was but we all cried. Seungmin, Hyunjin, Changbin, Woojin, Seungmin, Felix and me.

I felt my anger surge to Minho what the hell did he expect tellinf the police!!! That fucking asshole! I grab my phone turn off the tv and dialed his number.


"Hi asshole did you watch it?"

"Watch what?"

" channel 18 will be repeating it" I heard the click of a tv turning on and the silence thst followed the next 5 minutes as Minho watched it.

"Anyways Minho what the hell did you expect tellinf the police??? A life sentence!! Do you not know that they get killed! your such a fucking piece of trash i never thought you would stoop so low! I dont want you ever to talk to me again cause if you do I may hurt you! That was my family Minho!" The other 7 boys chorused theor agreement at my surprise.


*Minhos POV*

After the call i just walked upstairs knowing what I needed to do. I didnt want Jisung to die but i was reckless and this is my fault.... My own friends dont want to see me again so I might as well grant their wish. This time it will be permanent.

Grabhing some rope I tie a simple noose and hang it from a hook in the wall. It may serve its uses now. Grabbing a crate angling it a little to the side so I can step off. I stand on the spot and hang it then putting my head through the noose making sure its all right. With a deep breath I stepped off. It hurt so much, fhe pressure on my neck, I couldnt breathe. I tried inhaling but no. My sight becomes foggy and I fekt like I was shutting down and soon it felt dark.....

*10_years in the future*

*Chans POV*

9 years ago today was the horrifying death of my brother Jisung. Within this time me and the boys read our letters from Jisung to us. It was emotional seeinf his raw emotions and I just wanted a last goodbye.

He told us to stop the taboo and death sentences for hybrids to make them equal. It has been a tough trip but it happened 2 years ago. Jisung was the last of Hybrids to die and he and us were honoured by some as heros. Jisungs last words made many think about it and see the injustice of it and soon joined our side.

"Are you ready darling?" Jeongin asks squeezing my biceps.

"As ready as I will ever be."

Woojin, Jeongin and I all have flowers where we will visit Jisungs make shit grave.

another time skip by a lazy bitch

We arrive at his grave to see it overflowing with flowers and candles. Im happy others are recognizing him and his start of the rights for hybrids.

I got down on the ground and set my flowers down, "hi jisungie how have you been? I have been okay! It still hurts to be without you, but me Jeongin and Woojin are married as you know and we are adopting a little girl soon! She was a hybrid and yeah many honour your start to this. I wish you didnt have to die for it but others are finally being reunited and out of forced hiding. anyways I hope you are doing okay we all miss you one day we shall be reunited again!" I wipe away a tear standing up and walking away. We were to meet the boys at a restaurant to mourn our losses. But to get there we had to pass a certain grave. and for the first time I stop by it.

Lee Minho
Hung himself from grief

I hope he is reunited with his family and is doing good.

"Come babe lets go," Woojin says wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.

"Okay," We then walk out of the graveyard Jisungs spirit never leaving us.

Wow rhis story is done damn its been almost a year since i started it wow!

Qotd: how did you feel about the story? How can i fix anything for future references? How do yall lkke my writing style?

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