A Vampire Will Never Hurt You...

By ellemelxo

4.4K 148 31

When Gerard gets bitten by a vampire named Frank, he became one as well. Not knowing why Frank chose him, or... More

A Vampire Will Never Hurt You...Maybe. (MCR fan fic)
Back So Soon
Vampire Rules
Old Enemies, And A New Student
Lost And Found
Standing up, Taking Down
Two New Students
Story Time

One Hell Of A Hangover

383 19 2
By ellemelxo

Hello, please comment, vote, and fan I really hope you like the story. - Elle.


''Ugh!'' I tried to get up but my ribs screamed in protest. They didn't hurt bad like they used to though. Maybe they're just bruised, not broken. My head throbbed violently. What the hell happened last night?

I pulled myself off the bed in complete confusion and grogginess, making my way into the bathroom. I leaned over the sink and splashed some water on my face. I dried my damp face on the towel behind me, then reached up into the medicine cabinet for some aspirin, I gazed up into the mirror, stunned.

''Holy Shit, where's my reflection!''


''Holy Shit, where's my reflection!'' I heard Gerard scream from the bathroom. Well, I guess that's my cue. I smiled to myself. I think I'm a little too excited about this if I do say so myself.

I made my way into the bathroom and tapped him on the shoulder lightly.

''Hey Gee, what's the matter?'' I asked and smiled as innocently as I could, considering I have fangs, I broke into his house, and turned him into vampire...ok, maybe I didn't look so innocent.

''Wha- who- wher- where did you come from?'' He finally stuttered out, looking frightened. I smirked. This is the best part.

''Well Gee, you see, my name's Frank and I'm a vampire.'' The color he had left, immediately drained from his face. ''And so are you.''

At first he looked confused, then he looked really scared, then he looked pissed.

''What the hell are you talking about? Get the fuck outta my house or I'll call the police!'' He yelled, getting all red. I looked at him and grinned.

''Gee, why so angry? I just gave you more power than you could ever imagine, and I think your skin's darker now than when you were alive, you should be thanking me.'' He still looked scared shitless but he stepped forward, his bottom lip trembling.

''Don't call me Gee. Only my friends can call me Gee. How do you know my name anyway?'' He questioned, looking like he could faint any second.

''Well Gee,'' I started with a singsong voice. ''I know a lot about you. Your obsession with vampires.'' I said tossing him his notebook that he grabbed right before it hit the ground.

''I know about your brother Mikey, your mom and dad, those friends you left behind. Elle, she's kinda rough around the edges, huh?'' I smirked. ''And the other one, Melissa. She seems to be quite fond of you.'' When I mentioned Melissa he flinched, well it seems I have something to work with now.

''Please don't hurt Melissa, or anyone else.'' He added the last part quickly.

''I wouldn't dare.'' I put my hand over my heart in fake hurt. ''But you on the other hand might.''

''I would never hurt any of my friends. I'm not a monster, unlike you.'' He spat at me harshly.

''Oh Gee. I would play nice if I were you. I'm the only way your little girlfriend, Melissa wouldn't end up as a snack." I said. ''Once your ready to learn, call me.'' I handed him my number and left. Oh boy is this fun.


That guy, Frank, left and I am still in a total daze. I can't be a vampire, can I? I looked in the mirror and realized that I no longer have a reflection. I moved my hand over the skin on my neck, and sure enough there where two, small, sore holes on the side of my neck.

I ran downstairs to grab my black jacket, my hand touched the doorknob then I realized I can't go into the sun, right? My ribs were still aching, but not bad at all. I looked at the number and decided it was my only option. I went upstairs, grabbed my phone and dialed Frank's number.

This is one hell of a hangover.



Hello my beautiful readers :3 I just wanted to say this whole story is Elle's doing. This whole story is going to be Elle's only. She is such a fantastic writer, and I want her to get all of the credit with this one. We BOTH will start another fan fiction together soon that we both will work on :) Love you all xø  

I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter :) Elle works really hard to make each chapter great. Oh and by the way, I edit and revise this story for her ;)



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