The White Witch *COMPLETE*

Oleh Morrganite

12.3K 661 885

I'm playing a very dangerous game, or so I've been told. I've also been told to care more about keeping mysel... Lebih Banyak

Author's Note
1- The Fundraiser
2- The Elevator
3- Library
4- Mysterious Pains
5- Shit
6- Lucifer
7- Enjoying Yourself?
8- Happy Birthday
9- Unhappy Birthday
10- Sealed
11- Panic
12- We're Not
13- Drunk
14- Family Drama
15- Saturday
16- Do Not Run
17- Fire
18- Kiss Me
19- Untouched
20- Samuel
21- Baba Yaga
22- Azazel
23- Batman
24- Pause
25- Baby Samuel
26- Baba Yoga
27- Call Her
28- One Single Arrow
29- War Was Never Pretty
30- I'm Sorry For This
31- When Was It?
32- Tuesday
33- Cutie
34- Oh God
35- PTSD
36- He's Fine
37- Deets
38- Talk To Me
40- Uninvited
41- Then Die
42- Moonlight Party
43- You Ruined Us
44- Good Girl
45- Magic
46- Save Me
47- Destruction
48- Choices
The End

39- For Now

113 10 0
Oleh Morrganite

Dad's eyes watched me, then flicked behind me as the boys followed. Right away, I could tell he wasn't happy. I already knew this wouldn't go well, but that wasn't the point. The point was just to tell him. The point was, I wasn't hiding anymore. I was who I was and they were just going to have to deal with it.

"Melody." Dad said as a greeting.

"Dad." I said as I sat.

Aiden sat beside me and I felt Douglas behind me somewhere, probably leaning against something. He liked a more defendable position and I couldn't say I blamed him.


"So." I repeated. He knew damn well why we were here.

"I don't suppose there's any changing your mind." He said sourly.

"We're mates." I said, just cutting straight to the point.

Shock faltered his expression. A few minutes past where I just let him process. Even if he wasn't against everything vampire, it would still be a lot to process. I had to remember he was still my dad. He'd still worry, even if he didn't express it in any decent way.

I needed to work on being less defensive.

"You're sure?" He asked finally.

I resisted the urge to sigh. "Yes. I'm not just taking his word for it. I can see it."

More silence. Then his eyes moved to Aiden. "You knew about this? You allowed this?"

Aiden opened his mouth, not looking the least bit okay.

"Hey," I interrupted. "No. This doesn't have anything to do with him and what he allows. This is me. I made the choice."

His eyes flicked behind me. "And him."

I sighed heavily and sat back. "He didn't take advantage of me. He's not forcing me or tricking me. I can read his mind, for fuck's sake. Dad. I know what I'm doing. I want this. It's my choice what I do, not yours, not Aiden's, not even Douglas'. Can't you just respect one decision I make? Just the one?"

Silence fell again. I could see on his face he was thinking through every option he had to stop this and I couldn't believe it. I should, but I couldn't. It didn't matter what I said, he just didn't care. Maybe he didn't believe me or maybe he didn't trust me, but he should. I'd more than proved I was able. He just wouldn't ever believe it.

"I won't condone this." Dad said after a while. "You are a symbol for this coven and you have a responsibility to put them first. Your own selfish-"

"SELFISH?!?!" I lurched forward in my seat. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME???"

A warm hand on my shoulder did it's best to ground me, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to let it. Still, I took in as deep a breath as I could. My voice came out even, but a little strained.

"I have given this coven my entire life." I said, long burning anger just under the surface. "I've fought and died for this coven. I've done more since I was sixteen than you've done the entire time you've led us."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

I took in another breath to try and calm down. "I. Want. One. Thing. After everything I've sacrificed for you and this coven, I want one thing. And I'm not asking. I'm telling."

I stood and started for the door without another word. That was all that needed said. He could do whatever he wanted with it, but I'd done what I needed to do.

Aiden ran up as I stomped down the hall. "Shit, Sis. That was so fucking badass."

"Thanks." I breathed. The anxiety of what I'd just done started to twist in me.

"MELODY!" Yelled the booming voice of our father.

We turned right after stepping out into the main hall.

Douglas' hand went to my back. "All he can do is yell." He whispered to me in a rush.

Dad approached. His face was reddened and his fists tight. "You do not get to just ignore your responsibilities."

"What am I ignoring?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice calm enough for the people watching from out in the room.

"When was the last time you held a lesson? Hmm? Or organized anything with the council? You haven't done your job since you two decided you're more important than everyone else."

My mouth fell open. "Are you serious?" I couldn't believe this. "I've never in my life put myself above anyone and you know what that's done to me? No you don't. Because you DON'T CARE! IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING," I looked around at all the onlookers as well. "I HAVEN'T BEEN WORKING BECAUSE I'VE BEEN TOO BUSY FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE! NOT BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY FUCKING A VAMPIRE!"

Every soul in the room was watching me with wide eyes.

"BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!" I continued, too far gone to stop now. "I'VE BEEN DOING THAT TOO!"

So much silence. I started to slowly feel like a crazy person. What did I just do?

"In case anyone was wondering, she means me." Douglas said after way too long.

Beside me, Aiden snorted a short laugh. "Because that wasn't clear enough." He muttered.

Douglas' hand slid into mine. "Come on. I think we're just about done here."

I followed him past everybody and outside. I felt almost numb. What was wrong with me? I knew he wouldn't like it. I knew everyone would judge me. I expected it. So why did it hurt so bad that Dad wasn't supportive?

Tears blurred my vision. It was a good thing Douglas had my hand.

Was it really too much to ask? Did it really matter he was a vampire? Wasn't it more important I was happy? Or that I could be? That I was even trying? Shouldn't my own dad be more concerned with that?

"Why?" I whispered.

Douglas stopped and I realized we were almost to the car. He faced me and Aiden looked back at the building worriedly.

Tingly hands held my cheeks and I looked up into sharp silver eyes. "They don't understand." He muttered. "But they don't have to. You don't need their permission. Angel, you're the white witch. You do what you fucking want."

I breathed a laugh as tears fell. "I do?"

He nodded, a gentle smile softening his eyes. "What you want, when you want, and who you want." His thumbs wiped away my tears.

"Who I want, huh?"

Again, he nodded. "Mmhmm."

I leaned against him. "And when I want?"

His features took on a mischievous tint. "Always." He whispered and inched just a little closer.

"Maybe not right here, right now though." Aiden suggested like it was merely an option.

I grinned and saw Douglas do the same.

"Perhaps." He muttered.


As I approached my deck, I felt a flaming aura hopping around my living room. A big smile stretched my face as I unlocked the door. I pushed it open and the aura stopped. Then it hopped up, flapping his little wings, and perched on the arm of my couch.

"Didn't I tell you to stay with Luci?" I asked Baby Samuel.

He was bigger now, maybe a foot tall, and his feathers seemed less soft. They looked more like normal feathers, though they were bright red and orange.

He squawked at me, flapping his wings excitedly.

"Who's this?" Douglas asked as he walked in around me.

"One of Lucifer's guys." I said as I approached the couch. Samuel jumped onto the cushion and came to meet me. "He's a phoenix."

I sat and Samuel climbed up on my lap. He nuzzled into my shirt as I pet his feathers. "What are you, a teenager now? You're so big."

He squawked again and I thought it might have been some sass.

Douglas reached out and Samuel promptly snapped at his hand.

"He doesn't like guys." I explained.

"I can tell." He said, but didn't seem offended.

The wind picked up even though we were inside, and a second later, Lucifer appeared.

"Looking for someone?" I asked.

He spotted me then Samuel. "You've got Kasimier running all over China looking for you." He said as if scolding a child.

Samuel squawked and Lucifer looked less than amused. "I realize that, but the two of you are more than old enough to put your differences aside and-"

The weight of him on my lap disappeared and he was gone.

Lucifer heaved a sigh. His eyes closed and he appeared to be collecting himself. I was holding in a grin when he looked back at me. "He's intolerable at this age."

"I think he's cute." I said. "You're lucky you didn't have me. I was a shit."

The ghost of a smile touched his lips, but it seemed bittersweet. His eyes lingered on me and I felt the emotion off him, even though he was clearly trying to contain it. Then his eyes flicked to Aiden for barely a second. "Yes, well, I suppose we'll never know."

He bowed slightly and disappeared.

Aiden sat beside me. "He seems sad."

I nodded. "He is. I probably shouldn't have said that."

"I doubt he'll hold it against you." Douglas said confidently.

Aiden snorted. "I mean...he is Lucifer."

"That's a good point." I said with a little shrug.

"Well," Douglas said thoughtfully. "The thing about immortality, is you either calm down or embrace your anger. He doesn't seem very angry to me."

That was also a good point. He was very contained. Hopefully he wasn't upset at me for the stupid things I'd been saying lately. What a trip it would be if I hurt Lucifer's feelings. Maybe I should try and make it up to him somehow.

Aiden made lunch, though he wasn't very chatty. He had a lot on his mind and I couldn't say I blamed him. I'd had enough of a problem mating Douglas and I didn't have the same level of fear Aiden did. I kind of felt bad for poor Saul. That was going to be one hell of an uphill battle.

After lunch, he went out for a walk in the woods. He used to do that a lot to clear his head. He liked being out in nature almost as much as I did. I didn't know how he'd managed so long in the city.

Douglas sat on the couch beside me. "What's going on in here?" He asked and poked me in the forehead, where I knew I got a little line when I was worrying.

I shrugged. "Just...what's Saul like?"

He'd saved me from myself and Douglas thought very highly of him, so he must not be all bad, but he'd have to be more than just decent to get anywhere near Aiden. Or to pass my approval. Aiden and I may have had our fair share of issues, he was my brother and I'd be damned if I let someone be anything less than perfect with him. Mate or not.

"All Saul's ever wanted was his mate." Douglas said as he sat back. "He's very...patient. And trust me, I've tested that. I don't think you have anything to worry about. He'll see there's a lot going on in Aiden and he'll be careful with that."

I nodded. "He better."

Douglas huffed a laugh. "I hope so for Saul's sake."

I smiled up at him. "You were great today. I'm sorry for Dad and...everyone. I don't think they're gonna get any better though."

He made a face like it didn't much matter. "Let them whisper. It's not them I care about."

Warmth radiated in me for him and his ability to give zero fucks. "No?"

He shook his head down at me. "No." His voice was soft in that new way that I loved so much. It was the tone he got when he was letting himself feel.

I leaned up slowly, placing a hand on his chest for support, and pressed my lips softly against his. "You're the best, you know that?" I whispered against him.

He huffed.

"You are." I insisted quietly, letting my fingers move up and brush his throat.

"Mmm..." He hummed as he turned his head, giving me his neck to do with as I pleased. I loved that.

I placed a soft kiss against his skin. "If you weren't, I wouldn't have chose you."

"Aye," He breathed. "Or your pretty little angel eyes are busted."

I rolled my 'pretty little angel eyes' up at him. "Well, I think you're the best."

For now.

I leaned back and looked him dead in the eye. "Always."

He smiled sadly up at me. I expected him to say something, defend his thought, but he didn't. Instead, his hands moved up to my cheeks and he connected our lips.

That was somehow sadder. There wasn't any debating it. He knew it wouldn't matter. The conversation was pointless because neither of us would agree. So instead he let it go.

I could do that too, if that's what he needed. 



Hiiiiiiii, long time no see.

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