You never know/ Daniel Seavey...

By snowfallseavey

26.7K 199 52

A Daniel Seavey imagine Y/N clean until part 42 kinda cheesy or cringe at times More

Part 1~ Red lipstick
Part 2~ Sneaking out
Part 3~ Perfect first date
Part 4~ Goodnight
Part 5~Good morning
Part 6~ I don't want to go back
Part 7~ The morning after
Part 8~ Whats wrong?
Part 9~ Falling in love
Part 10~ Finally
Part 11~ Oh no
Part 12~ Disney Land
Part 13~ Pregnant?
Part 14~ Your not mad?
Part 15~ Oops
Part 16~ What the fuck?
Part 17~ Your kidding me
Part 18~ We did it
Part 19~ One Month
Part 20~ Date night
Part 21~ Its Cute
Part 22~ Marry me?
Part 23~ Of course
Part 24~ Hateful Mom
Part 25~ Upsetting
Part 27~ Reception
Part 28~ Interrupted
Part 29~ Airport
Part 30~ Honeymoon
Part 31~ Morning Fun
Part 32~ Home at Last
Part 33~ Milestone
Part 34~ Down Time
Part 35~ Injuried
Author Note
Part 36~ I'm Ready
Part 37~ Filming
Part 38~ Mornings
Part 39~ Cold
Part 40~ Mall fun
Part 41~ Night off
Part 42~Announcement
Authors note
Author's note

Part 26~ Wedding Day

470 2 6
By snowfallseavey


May 15, one day before the wedding

"I need something borrowed" I say pacing in Corbyn's living room as the boys sit on the couch and look at me.
"You pace a lot" Jonah says.
"She has always done as long as I've know her" Zach says.
"Leave her alone she's cute when she paces" Daniel says smiling.
"I have a blue flowers in my bouquet, I have a new necklace, and a old bracelet Daniel's mom gave me but I need something borrowed" I say.
"Why do you need these things?" Jack asks.
"It's something all brides do something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue it brings good luck kinda like they no seeing each other before the wedding" I say.
"You believe in that crap" Corbyn says and I stop dead in my tracks.
"Of course I do" I say starting to pace again.
"We'll find you something borrowed" Daniel says.
"Do you want to borrow blauwtjie?" Corbyn asks me.
"Yes that's perfect where is he?" I say.
"I'll get him" Corbyn says getting up.
"You can stop pacing now" Zach says as I stop.
"Thank god" I say as I sit down next to Daniel. Corbyn comes back out and hands me blauwtjie.
"Thank you I'll keep him safe" I say to Corbyn.
"You better he's special" Corbyn says.
"Well I'm going to go so I'm not tired tomorrow" I say getting up.
"I'll walk you out" Daniel says also getting up.
"You'll drop Liam off with your dad first thing right?" I ask Daniel.
"Yeah my dad will take good care of him all day" Daniel says. I walk over to Liam and give him a kiss on the head. Then I grab my bag with all my stuff for tomorrow in it and walk outside. Daniel follows me out and closes the door.
"It's finally time" I say to Daniel smiling.
"Next time I'll see you you will be my beautiful bride" Daniel says as he wraps his arms around my waist. I drop my bag and wrap my arms around his neck.
"I can't wait" I say smiling. 
"I can't believe tomorrow you will officially be a Seavey" Daniel says. I get on my tippy toes and kiss him.
"I love you" I say as I stare at Daniel's eyes.
"I love you too" Daniel says as he hugs me. I let go of Daniel and walk into the elevator.
"Bye" I say as the doors close.
"Bye" Daniel says. I head down to Daniel's parents apartment. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Jeff, Daniel's dad, answers.
"Hello come on in" Jeff says.
"Hi" I say as I walk in. I walk in and see Keri and Anna in the kitchen cooking. Tyler and Christian are on the sofa watching TV.
"Hey guys" I say and everyone turns.
"Hi" Christian says as he hugs me very tight causing me to drop my bag.
"Woah Christian don't kill the girl" Tyler says as Christian let's go of me.
"That was insane" I say laughing as I hug Tyler.
"Hey Sweetie" Keri says as she hugs me.
"Hello my future sister" Anna says as she hugs me.
"Hey" I say smiling at Anna.
"I'm so excited to finally have a sister because I have to many brothers" Anna says motioning to Tyler and Christian on the couch.
"Well I have no siblings so getting 3 in a day is kinda crazy for me" I say as I walk into the kitchen with Anna.
"Yeah well welcome to the family" Keri says.
"I would offer to help but I can't cook like at all Daniel does all the cooking" I say to Keri.
"Oh that's fine just so sit down" Jeff says smiling as he takes my spot to help cook. I walk over and sit down in between Tyler and Christian. I spend the rest of the evening with Daniel's family.
"It feels weird to be here without Daniel" I say.
"Well after tomorrow you will officially be apart of this family so it will hopefully feel more normal" Keri says.
"Yeah it's just that I don't have family no siblings no mom anymore and I've never meet my dad" I say as I sigh.
"I'm just excited to have a sister" Anna says.
"Me too" I say smiling.
"Well we should go to sleep we have big plans tomorrow" Keri says as she gets up followed by Jeff.
"Y/N me and you are sharing a bed so if your ready we can go to sleep" Anna says and I nod and follow her. I get changed and ready for bed. Anna and I get into her bed and I fall asleep really quick.

I wake up around 8:45  am and see Anna still asleep. I leave Anna's room and go to the kitchen. I walk in to see Keri making breakfast.
"Hey is everyone else asleep?" I ask her.
"Jeff, Christian, and Tyler went to yours and Daniel's apartment to get ready" Keri says.
"Ok good" I say.
"All the girls are on there way here and Zach too" Keri says.

4 hours later at the chapel

"I can't believe I'm about to walk down the aisle in 10 minutes" I say smiling. I put my dress on and look into the mirror that is set up.

My dress:

My hair and makeup:

My shoes:

My jewelry Including my engagement ring:

Lastly my bouquet:

I took once last look into the mirror and then turned to Keri.
"Are you ready to become Mrs. Seavey?" Keri says smiling.
"Yes I'm ready" I say to her.
"Ok then I'm going to go take my seat everyone knows what they need to do?" Keri asks and everyone nods.
"Ok it's time" Zach says grabbing my hand.
"Yeah I'm ready" I say squeezing his hand. Anna, Esther, and Syndie leaves in their bridesmaid dresses.

Reese walks behind them in a smaller version of the bridesmaids dresses because she's the flower girl.
"Lets go" Zach says as he opens the door for us to leave. We walk down to the door and wait for the music to start playing. Once it does Anna walks down first, then Ester, and then Syndie. Zach grabs my hand.
"Are you ready?" Zach says.
"Of course" I say smiling. The music starts and then the doors open. I take a deep breath and then Zach starts to walk me down the aisle. I look up and see Daniel smiling at me.

Once we reach the end Zach gives me a hug and then sits down next to the other boys. I grab Daniel's hand and smile at him.
"You look beautiful" Daniel says as he smiles at me.
"You look amazing too" I say.

*Skip to end of ceremony because I don't know how to write this part so yeet*

"I do" I say as I put Daniel's ring on.

"I do" Daniel says as he puts my wedding band and my engagement ring on.

"With that I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the minister says. Daniel grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss. Our friends and family start clapping for us. I grab Daniel's hand and we walk back down the aisle. After the doors close behind us I turn to Daniel.
"I'm so happy" I say kissing Daniel.
"I am too" Daniel says smiling at me. We head outside to get in the limousine. (oh shit they spend a stack of dollar bills on a limousine at least she didn't get a car for her sweet sixteen because her mother hates her 😀✌️) Daniel and I get in so we can head to the reception. We get in and I lay my head on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel interlocks our fingers and I start playing with his wedding ring.
"I'm so happy that I get to spend my whole life with you" Daniel says as he kisses my cheek. I turn and face Daniel. I kiss Daniel and everything feels right. I deepin the kiss and Daniel pulls back.
"Calm yourself Mrs. Seavey save it for tonight" Daniel says smirking as he runs his hand through my hair.
"Trust me there is a lot more tonight" I say smiling at Daniel.
"And hopefully tomorrow when we get to the Turks and Caicos Islands" Daniel says.
"Everything is set for that right?" I ask him.
"Yes my parents are taking care of Liam till we get back next week and our plane leaves at 10 am tomorrow" Daniel says.
"Good I'm excited" I say snuggling into Daniel's chest.
"Wait you called me Mrs. Seavey" I say laughing at the end.
"Yeah because you're officially a Seavey" Daniel says.
"I'm so glad I officially have a true family" I say and then kiss Daniel but pull away after a few seconds.
"Stop pulling away" Daniel says making me smile.
"I love you so much" I say to him.
"I love you more" Daniel says as he pulls me into a kiss. I interlock our fingers and lay my head on Daniel's chest.

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