Escape [ BxB ]✔️

By PrinceCrissy5210

588 41 7

[ ✏️•Escape follows the story of two boys living in a small town in the middle of nowhere who believe that th... More



25 3 0
By PrinceCrissy5210

P.O.V. : Arjun Jansen.
Chapter Seven : Sleepover.

I'm not the bravest person out there i think i'm the cowards person i've ever met, compared to Jimmy who's the bravest person i've ever met he's not scared of stepping up and helping a person in need or stepping up to someone older then him for what he think is right and that's what makes him so cool, he's bravery and his fearlessness.

I'm not strong i can't hold my own when it came to a fight so i never step up for anyone cause i know i'll just get myself in trouble and the other person into more trouble so i avoid conflict all together but not Jimmy, he stands up to bullies, he'd punch the next dude who ever dares to harm someone in anyway. Yeah he's a bit impulsive and likes to charge in without thinking but he never does it without a good reason and so when ever i see him act so heroic, like a knight from medieval times not only does he make me fall even deeper for him but he inspires me to be a better version of myself.

[ There's no shame in being weak but there is shame in staying weak.]

So that's why everyday i try to push past my fears and be more like Jimmy.

" LEAVE HER ALONE." I shouted startling the young girl and the group of boys who were picking on her.

It was another tiring afternoon of Volleyball practice and i was on my way home when i saw a girl getting ganged up on by members of the school's soccer team. Normally i would of runaway as far as possible but today I wasn't planning to, today i was staying and helping that poor girl who probably didn't do anything to deserve to be treated like that.

" Ugh run along Volleyball freak this has nothing to do with you." One of the boys said going back to shoving the girl.

" Its really pathetic when a guy has to resort to violence when he doesn't get his way and its even more pathetic when he can't even do it alone." I shot back at him. He turned towards me I probably hit a nerve with my comment.

" Don't be a hero freak if you know what's good for you." The leader of the pack said stepping forward. " Just mind your own damn business and stay out of it."

" Hey, you okay?." I ignored him and decided to check up on the girl. She gave me a nod which let me know she was okay. " Don't be intimidated by these scums helps on the way okay?."

Luckily before i stepped in i sent a text message to Jimmy to meet out here as soon as possible, Jimmy wasn't on the schools soccer team but the coach knew him from the towns soccer team and asked him to be his assistant during practice and matches when he could and if i'm right Jimmy could get this boys into a lot of trouble with the coach if he saw what was going down and of course the coach had to report this to the principal which meant they'll be in more trouble.

" Boss?!?. You gonna let this freak talk to you like that."

" Yeah, he looks fucking weak as shit. Punch his lights out already."

" Shut the fuck up." The pack leader said raising his fist. His group of followers shut up just like they were told. " All you had to do was stay out of it. Blame this on your own bad luck." The pack leader balled his fist and charged at me but before his fist could connect with my face Jimmy had stepped in just in time. He grabbed the boys fits and shoved him to the ground hard, he stood over the boys body eyeing him dangerously.

Jimmy took the group of boys to the coaches office and i was able to take the girl to the nurses office were she waited for her parents to come and take her home. It felt absolutely great to help that girl, it was like this rush or high that put a pep into my step. Was this what Jimmy felt whenever he recklessly steps into help someone?. Its not something i would daringly do every time but to help someone in need it felt really good.

" I heard what you did today. Aren't you mister knight and shining armor." Eric commented while feeding me a spoon of ice cream as we laid on his bed watching some random anime he picked out from his 'must watch list'.

The much anticipated sleepover was happening tonight. We had this planned for awhile now but never got around to doing it so no time like the present. I'll be spending two night here at Eric's today and tomorrow which was a day before the big game on Friday. Eric's dad was out of town dealing with a few moving issues so it was just gonna be Eric at home for two days so we decided to have the sleepover tonight and tomorrow.

" It was nothing. I just wanted to help." I told him as I rolled on to my back staring up at the ceiling.

" Still i think you were super cool to help that girl even if you didn't have too." Eric praised me patting my head.

" Eric?."

" Mhm."

" The other day you were telling us about you know 'what it feels like to lose someone', but you never told me about what happened to your mom or your boyfriend."

Eric sighed rolling on to his back so we were both now staring up at the ceiling. Eric laid his head on top of my arm as we laid there in silence for a few minutes.

" You don't have to if you don't want too." I told him feeling a bit guilty for being so insensitive.

" Have you and Jimmy done it yet?." Eric boldly asked me. My cheeks turned red almost immediately from embarrassed by his question. " So that's a no then?." I nodded my head which made him chuckled which made me feel even more embarrassed.

" Want me to teach a super sweet kissing technique?." Eric asked using his elbow to prop himself up. I stared at him with widened eyes as he climbed on top of me planting his lips against mine.

" That's your reward for being such a good friend." He said after he pulled away from me and went back to laying on his back.

" My mom was like my best friend, she meant the world to me. She had to leave for work since someone hired her to do there living room but i got sick again and dad had to rush me to the hospital. She wanted to be with me so she rushed to get to me but then some idiot thought it would be a great idea to drive while high as kite and they crashed into her car. She died in the O.R. do to blood-loss."

I saw a single tear escape his eyes and I immediately took him into my arms holding on to him rubbing his back to comfort him.

" Dad and i were devastated when she passed but just when we were getting over her passing, my boyfriend Ethan committed suicide. He was being bullied and harassed by the boys at our school and i knew about it but i did nothing to stop it and things were never the same when the boys got worse we were always fighting and i was always getting sick because of it. The last thing i said to him before i fainted was that i hated him and when i woke up three days had passed since he offed himself. I was an emotional wreck i spent weeks in and out of the hospital because i kept collapsing and so doctors suggested a change of scenery so we moved here."

I felt Eric shaking in my arms his tears making my shirt wet. I made him cry, i should of never asked i'm such an idiot. I was making my friend relive such painful times. I held him closer patting the back of his head as he cried.

" I spent a year or two blaming myself thinking that if I wasn't born with this fucking illness she'd be alive or if I wasn't such a fucking coward Ethan would still be alive but i got over it and i know it wasn't my fault but i still blamed myself because i needed someone to blame. So from then on i decide that i was gonna live fearless and that I wasn't gonna be that weak little boy from back then anymore." Eric pulled away from me whipping his tear before planting a kiss on my forehead.
" And that's why i'm so proud of you for what you did today."

After crying it out for a couple of minutes Eric decided to go take a bath to wash away everything from his body before we could continue with our night of fun. Eric was another person i could say i proudly looked up to since he went through so much back in his home city that it should of scarred him for life but instead of letting it he took it and used it to make himself into a better person and i think that's another beautiful form of bravery.

While Eric was in the bath i took the time alone to go make a few phone calls before returning inside.

" Mom?."

" Hey baby, how's the sleepover?. Having fun?. I promise to make it home in time for your big game this Friday."

" Yeah the sleepover is fun, i just stepped out for a bit so i can hear your voice and tell you that i love you."

" Auwee baby i love you too. Look i got to go back inside, there calling for me but I'll promise to text you tomorrow, okay?."

" Yeah, okay mom. I'll talk to you soon."

That was one person down now to call that special someone.

" Hey, sorry did i wake you?."

" Nope i was just playing some games on my phone. What's up?."

" I know i may not be the best Boyfriend and i know that maybe there are things you wanna do and things you wanna 'do' and those are things i wanna do of course but when i am ready and i just hope that my love is enough for you till then."

" Whoa, Whoa babe what's going on?. Are you okay?."

" Yeah i am. I just want you to know that i love you."

" Good because i love you too and your love is more then enough for me. I don't want to rush or pressure you into doing something your not comfortable with so i'll wait until your ready. Sex doesn't make a relationship so i'm in no rush to pop your cherry so i hope were good."

" Hehe. I love you."

" I love you too, now go have fun i'll see you tomorrow."

After we hung up i stayed outside on the balcony for a minute longer before going back inside were a naked Eric was waiting to surprise me. Since when has this boy been so wild?. This was gonna be a long night i swear.

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