More than just surviving (A C...

By writeranonymous209

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I found this story online but don't know who wrote it so if its yours please message me so I can give you cre... More

Chapter 1: Survival
Chapter 2: The Journey
Chapter 3: The Meeting
Chapter 4: The Fallout
Chapter 5: Justification
Chapter 6: Life Is Never Simple
Chapter 7: Consequences
Chapter 8: Taking Chances
Chapter 9: Doomsday
Chapter 10: The Reckoning
Chapter 11: The Struggle

Chapter 12: The Resolution

325 4 0
By writeranonymous209

Clarke awoke in the early hours of the morning and couldn't help, but grin to herself as she recalled the events of the previous night. "Lexa proposed to me and I said yes. I'm going to marry the woman that I love!" exclaimed Clarke mentally. Clarke could not contain her joy any more as she jumped out of bed, fist pumped the air and cheered loudly.

This then woke up a sleeping Lexa who having been startled by Clarke's cheering instantly reached for her sword. Lexa circled the room with her sword pointed out in front of her as she assessed the room for danger. "What happened? Clarke are you hurt? I heard screaming?" asked Lexa urgently. It was then that Clarke proceeded to burst into a fit of giggles much to Lexa's annoyance.

After a few minutes Clarke managed to compose herself and was met with Lexa's scowling face. "Sorry Lex I didn't mean to startle you. I just can't wait to marry you babe so I got so excited and then I started screaming, because I just can't contain my excitement. I'm sorry Lex," stated Clarke apologetically. "I forgive you Clarke, but maybe next time you decide to scream wake me up first. I could have killed you Clarke," pleaded Lexa. "You're right I promise I will wake you up the next time I decide to scream. Aren't you excited though? I... uh... about getting married I mean," mumbled Clarke.

At seeing Clarke so visibly nervous Lexa immediately relaxed. "Of course I am excited about getting married Clarke," smiled Lexa warmly. "You mistake my seriousness for lack of enthusiasm, but that is not the case. I was annoyed at myself, because by reaching for my weapon I unintentionally endangered your life."

Clarke could see the guilt in Lexa's face and eyes and knew that she had to reassure the brunette that everything was fine. Clarke planted a firm kiss on Lexa's lips before saying, "Hey look at me Lex. You did nothing wrong. All you did was try to protect me, because you thought I was in danger. For that I love you," stated Clarke firmly. "I love you too Clarke."

This time Lexa was the one to kiss Clarke. The intensity soon began to build and that started as a simple kiss soon turned much more passionate. Once both girls had broken for air Clarke breathlessly stated, "Right well I think now would be a good time to get dressed and go to breakfast. Then maybe we could tell everyone our news." "I think that is a good idea Clarke. Together we can do this," stated Lexa. "Together," repeated Clarke.

As both girls reached the mess hall they made their way to their table where they were greeted by familiar faces. Instead of sitting down both girls remained standing.

Clarke cleared her throat and began to speak. "Hey could I get everyone's attention please?" At this the whole room became quiet. "Thanks. Before we sit down Lexa and I have some news that we would like to share with you all. Last night Lexa asked me to marry her and I said yes. We're getting married!" exclaimed Clarke excitedly.

Without warning the Sky people began to cheer. For the benefit of her people Lexa repeated the news in trigedasleng. Soon the room was filled with the cheers of both the trikru and the skykru alike. A few grounders took it upon themselves to lift both Lexa and Clarke into the room causing the crowd to react with shouts of "Heda" and "Sky Princess".

Eventually the cheering died down and both girls were placed back down on the ground. Before either of the girls could sit down both were pulled into a tight hug by Raven and Octavia. "Omg I am so happy for you guys! I am so excited I could throw up!" exclaimed Octavia enthusiastically.

"Ew way to the ruin the moment O! Anyway moving on from that disgusting image that we can all thank O for, congrats you guys! I'm super stoked. I knew you had it in you Commander Heart Eyes. Although I'm a little heart broken you didn't choose me Lex. After all, I'm hot and I'm pretty damn awesome. I thought you and I had something good Lexy," stated Raven teasingly.

"We do have something good Raven, but alas in this life we were sadly not meant to be. I know this hard for you Raven. I don't blame you for falling for me. I am pretty irresistible so it's no wonder. Perhaps in the next life we can find our way to each other," replied Lexa with a devilish look on her face.

"Well, if that's how you feel maybe you should just marry Raven instead," huffed Clarke. "Clarke you know I love you. Raven and I were just joking around," replied Lexa sincerely.

"Yeah you have nothing to worry about. I was just messing with you Clarke. I know Lexa's your girl. I mean don't get me wrong she's awesome, but she belongs with you. You know me I'm a big flirt. What can I say I enjoy the thrill of flirting with a hot girl or guy. Seriously though when I said I was happy for you guys I meant it," stated Raven genuinely.

"Don't worry I'm not really mad. I know you guys were just joking. I love you both, but seriously Raven can you please try not to flirt with my fiancé so much. Can you do that for me?" asked Clarke. "Sure I mean I'll do my best. I can't guarantee that I won't flirt on the odd occasion, because that's just who I am. So we good?" replied Raven. "We're good," stated Clarke before hugging Raven.

"Okay that was random. Anyway congrats you guys I'm really pleased for you. Come here Princess," grinned Bellamy as he pulled Clarke in for a hug. "Thanks Bell," replied Clarke smiling. "Congrats Lexa," stated Bellamy putting out his hand for Lexa to shake it. "Thank you Bellamy I appreciate it," replied Lexa shaking Bellamy's outstretched hand.

"Thank you all of you. All of your kind words have touched my heart and I know it means everything to Clarke and I to have your support," stated Lexa sincerely. "Lexa's right we cannot stress enough how much your support means to us. I love you guys and I cannot wait to marry the woman that I love in front of all of you," stated Clarke lovingly. With that Raven, Octavia and Bellamy pulled both girls into a big hug.

Abby and Kane shortly arrived and were surprised to see the group hug that was happening in front of them. "Have we missed something?" asked Abby with a hint of confusion. "Oh hey Mom. Yes, there's something that Lexa and I would like to share with you both. We're getting married," gushed Clarke.

"Right well congratulations to you both," stated Kane warmly. Meanwhile Abby was struggling to hide how taken aback she was at the announcement. "Mom say something?" asked Clarke anxiously. "Oh honey come here! I'm so very happy for you," stated Abby while pulling Clarke into a hug. "Thanks Mom," stated Clarke as she felt a sense of relief at her mother's approval. Abby then turned to hug Lexa saying, "I know I did not approve of you at first Lexa, but I was wrong. I can see how much you love Clarke and that you make her very happy. I don't think I could have asked for a better daughter in law than you."

Lexa was instantly moved by the older women that she had previously despised with a burning passion. "Thank you Abby. That means more to me than you could possibly ever know. I am honoured to have met Clarke to be loved by Clarke. Becoming a part of your family will give me much joy," stated Lexa wholeheartedly.

As everyone sat down to breakfast the discussions of the impending wedding began. The topics of discussion ranged from the types of outfits, to the floral arrangements as well as possible locations where the wedding could be held.

The wedding talk did not stop all day and by mid afternoon Lexa had had enough. She wanted nothing more than to marry Clarke, but the incessant wedding talk was beginning to irritate her. As much as she understood that the people were only trying to help, the wedding primarily should be about what she and Clarke both wanted. However, it seemed more and more that the wedding that she and Clarke wanted was not being factored into the discussions. Everyone seemed to have their own ideas, yet they could agree on nothing. Some of the suggestions were becoming increasingly over the top. For instance, Lexa considered Raven to be a good friend, but there was no way that she was going to allow Raven to involve explosives at her wedding.

Lexa politely excused herself before finding some of her warriors to put through a gruelling training exercise where she took out her frustrations on her warriors. One by one she put each warrior through their paces, winning each fight while hardly breaking a sweat.

Just as Lexa had brought her last opponent to his knees when she was distracted by the sound of someone whistling appreciatively. Lexa turned to where the sound had come from and was met with a slightly flushed looking Clarke. This caused Lexa to smirk knowingly at Clarke making her blush more.

"Hey I thought I'd find you out here," smiled Clarke. "I'm sorry Clarke I just couldn't listen to any more wedding talk. It was driving me insane. I think they have forgotten that the wedding should be about us after all we are the ones getting married," stated Lexa with a frustrated tone to her voice. "Lex it's ok it was getting on my nerves too. I know they just want to help, but like you said it is our special day. I talked to them all and reminded them the wedding should be about what we want," stated Clarke matter of factly.

"How did they take it?" asked Lexa. "Don't worry about it Lex. Everything is fine really it is. My Mom and everyone apologise for being pushy they're just excited that's all. From now on everyone's agreed to let us call the shots. They just want to help in whatever way they can," replied Clarke reassuringly. "I am glad that they understand how we feel Clarke. I think with everyone's help we can make our wedding special," stated Lexa lovingly. "I agree," replied Clarke. With that both girls kissed passionately.

The day of the wedding

After months of planning the day of Clarke and Lexa's wedding had finally arrived. Clarke was awoken by her mother just as the sun began to rise. "Clarke honey its time to wake up," stated Abby as she smiled at her sleeping daughter. "Mmmm just give me five more minutes," murmured Clarke. "Come on sleeping beauty we've gotta get you to a wedding!" hollered Raven. "Yeah come on Clarke, Lexa'll kill us if we fail to get you to your own wedding. I really don't wanna get on her bad side. She scares the hell out of me," stated Octavia dramatically.

Clarke suddenly began to feel ill. She had been looking forward to her wedding for what felt like years, but now that the day was actually here Clarke was a bundle of nerves. "Oh honey don't look so scared. Everything will be fine," stated Abby when noticing the petrified look on her daughter's face. "What if I forget something, or I trip up or I look a mess," stammered Clarke. "Clarke relax nothing bad is going to happen. Today is the day that you marry the love of your life so let's get you ready or else I'll just have to marry Lex instead," smirked Raven.

"Don't you dare Raven. Nothing is going to stop me from marrying the woman that I love," stated Clarke fiercely while throwing off her covers and getting out of bed. "That's my girl! Let's get you married," laughed Raven. "Come on Clarke time to get you looking all beautiful for Lexa," chirped Octavia.

Just as Clarke was being woken up, Bellamy, Lincoln and Indra were on their way to wake up Lexa. However, when Bellamy, Lincoln and Indra entered the tent they did not find a sleeping Lexa as expected, but instead found an agitated Lexa who was pacing up and down. "Heda you pace. Why are you pacing?" asked Indra. "Shof op Indra," stated Lexa through gritted teeth.

"What I think Indra means is that you are clearly nervous, but you shouldn't be. Today is the day you get to marry Clarke and spend the rest of your life with her," stated Bellamy with a bemused expression on his face. "Bellamy's right heda. Today is about you and Clarke and the love you have for each other. Nothing else matters," stated Lincoln warmly. "You're both right. I have nothing to fear. Let us begin. I have a wedding to get ready for," stated Lexa determinedly. "Don't worry Lexa with Lincoln and I as your best men and with the help of Indra we'll get you ready in no time."

A few hours later Clarke was ready and wearing a simple traditional grounder style dress. The dress was white and came to just below her knees. It was simple yet elegant at the same time and showed off Clarke's slim figure nicely. "Damn Clarke!" stated Raven appreciatively. "I'm with Raven. Damn!" stated Octavia enthusiastically. "Oh Clarke honey you look absolutely beautiful," stated Abby as she started to cry. "Please don't cry Mom otherwise you'll make me cry," stated Clarke as she began to get teary herself.

As Raven and Octavia were Clarke's brides maids they too were wearing traditional grounder dresses both complimenting their toned figures. "I hate to break up this mother and daughter moment, but we gotta go now," stated Raven.

Meanwhile Skykru and Trikru alike were beginning to make their way to the clearing in the woods that had been chosen as the spot for the ceremony. A raised wooden platform had been erected along with two lecterns in order for Kane and Indra to perform the ceremony. There were rows of chairs for both the sky people and grounders to sit on to witness the ceremony. The area that had been chosen was a meadow of sorts that was filled with grass and lots of colourful flowers. In addition, there was a small stream that lay to the right of the meadow. The chairs and platform had been decorated with ribbons and there were various different floral arrangements such as, roses, orchids and tulips.

Lexa was amazed by everything that she saw. It filled her heart with an immense sense of pride at how well her people and the sky people had worked to get everything ready for her and Clarke's wedding. Lexa could not contain her joy as she stood at the platform with Bellamy and Lincoln by her side as well as Kane and Indra who both stood behind their lecterns. Instead of wearing her usual outfit Lexa was dressed in a traditional grounder style tux that was black complete with a black bowtie. Bellamy and Lincoln were also wearing tuxes, but with bow ties that were forest green coloured.

Just as Lexa was starting to feel nervous, the wedding march began to play signalling Clarke's entrance. In a flash green eyes met blue eyes. Both girls gasped at the sight of each other as they had never seen anything as breath taking as each other. Clarke could feel her jaw slacken at the sight of Lexa wearing a tux. She wanted nothing more than to rip Lexa's clothes off her and ravish her there and then. "Dammit Clarke get your head out of the gutter! Your about to marry Lexa for crying out loud!" Clarke mentally chastised herself as she made her way to Lexa's side.

Lexa knew she had been staring at Clarke for far too long. In fact she was practically undressing her with her eyes. "Well, Clarke is doing the same thing to me. In fact she is looking at me like a piece of meat," thought Lexa as she smirked to herself." As Clarke took her place by Lexa's side, Raven went to stand beside Bellamy as Octavia stood beside Lincoln.

Kane cleared his throat alerting the girls to his presence thus shaking them out of their thoughts. "We are all gathered here today to celebrate the union of Clarke and Lexa and wish them all of the happiness in the world," stated Kane sincerely. Indra then repeated the message in trigedasleng for the benefit of the grounders.

"Clarke do you take Lexa to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked Kane. "I do," replied Clarke firmly. "Lexa do you take Clarke to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked Kane. "I do," replied Lexa just as firmly. "I believe you have both prepared your vows for us. Clarke would you like to go first?" asked Kane.

"I would thank you Marcus. Lexa if I had been told when we first met that we would end up getting married I would never have believed it. Here I am almost a year later marrying the love of my life and I couldn't be happier. Sure we've had some ups and downs along the way, but I can honestly say that with you by my side I feel I can do anything. You are my soul mate, Lexa no doubt about it. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Lexa." "I love you too Clarke."

"Wow that was beautiful Clarke. You've got your work cut out for you Lexa," stated Kane with tears in his eyes.

"Clarke my love before I met you I was essentially like a robot. I had closed myself off emotionally. I was cold and heartless and I couldn't allow myself to feel, because it was too painful so I just stopped caring. It was easier that way. Then you came into my life and everything changed. You forced me to start caring again and taught me how to truly love. Clarke meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me and for that I am forever grateful. I look forward to waking up to you everyday for the rest of our lives and I cannot wait to create new adventures with you. I know that I will love you always, because I was made to love you."

By the time Lexa had finished speaking there was not a dry eye in the place as they were overcome with emotion. At this stage Indra took over and began to tie a rope around Lexa and Clarke's joined hands. In trigedasleng Indra began to say, "The Commander and the Sky Princess have shown their commitment to each other and so are bonded together for as long as they shall live." Kane then announced "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

With that Lexa cupped Clarke's cheek and began to kiss her slowly and tenderly at first before letting the passion consume her. As the newlyweds kissed both the sky people and the grounders began to cheer. One voice in particular happened to be the loudest and the most enthusiastic. "Go Commander Heart Eyes! Now that is how you kiss! Looking good Griffin!" exclaimed Raven loudly.

After the ceremony everyone returned to Camp Jaha where a big feast had been prepared. There was music accompanied by dancing as well as lots of laughter. Thanks to Monty's and Jasper's moon shine there was also plenty to drink. The celebration was an enjoyable for all and lasted through the night and well into the early hours of the morning.

By the time Clarke and Lexa made it to bed clothes were hastily shed and soon enough they became a tangled mess of limbs. Sweet nothings were whispered as they made love to each other and were caught up in a whirlwind of emotions. "I can't wait to spend tomorrow with you and the next day and the day after that," stated Clarke softly. "I feel the same Clarke. I never thought I'd be this happy. You make me the luckiest woman on this planet Clarke," replied Lexa full of love. "I love you Lexa," stated Clarke thick with emotion. "I love you too Clarke," stated Lexa emotionally.

Eventually both girls fell into a deep and peaceful sleep where they dreamt about each other and their future together.

The End!

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