More than just surviving (A C...

By writeranonymous209

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I found this story online but don't know who wrote it so if its yours please message me so I can give you cre... More

Chapter 1: Survival
Chapter 2: The Journey
Chapter 3: The Meeting
Chapter 4: The Fallout
Chapter 5: Justification
Chapter 6: Life Is Never Simple
Chapter 7: Consequences
Chapter 8: Taking Chances
Chapter 9: Doomsday
Chapter 10: The Reckoning
Chapter 12: The Resolution

Chapter 11: The Struggle

220 2 1
By writeranonymous209

Beep. Beep. Beep. Lexa woke to the sounds of a machine beeping in the background as her blurry vision tried to work out where the hell she was. As her vision became more clear Lexa realized that she must be in the medical bay of the Arc judging by all the wires that had her hooked up to various different machines. In addition she was laying on one of the Sky people's cot beds, which wad a pain in itself. It was entirely uncomfortable causing the brunette to miss her large comfy bed that was adorned with lovely warm furs.

It Lexa a few more minutes for her memory of the events that had transpired to come back to her. She remembered the battle with the Ice Nation and most of all she remembered killing the Ice Queen while finally getting her revenge for Costia. Her body ached all over from her battle wounds in particular her stab wound to her chest. "Clarke," thought Lexa. She had know idea what had happened to the blonde after the battle. Her heart longed for her.

Lexa looked around the metal box and immediately began to feel trapped. She craved the outdoors where there was so much air and space. In her longing the brunette frantically began to stand up only to find that the large number of wires she was attached to prevented her from doing so. In her desperation Lexa quickly started to pull out the wires from her veins ignoring the pain that came with each pull. Finally the last wire was out and Lexa felt a sense of relief wash over her.

However, that feeling of relief was quickly replaced with dizziness as the room began to spin. Lexa suddenly felt extremely weak and she could feel her knees begging to buckle. She was feeling very faint indeed. The brunette looked down and saw a pool of blood beginning to form on the medical gown that she was wearing. It was then that Lexa noticed Clarke fast asleep in a chair by her bed. "Oh dear!" muttered Lexa to herself before passing out. The last thing she saw was Clarke who looked deep in thought then everything went black.

Clarke was jolted out of her restless sleep from hearing the distressed voice of the woman that she loved. She immediately noticed Lexa lying on the floor wire free. What startled Clarke the most was the alarming amount of blood covering the brunette's chest area. The blonde knew that meant that Lexa had burst her stitches trying to get out of bed. "Dammit Lexa! I did not save you just to loose you again," cursed Clarke.

In a matter of minutes Clarke had radioed Abby who along with Jackson arrived almost instantly. Abby then started barking instructions and soon enough Lexa was on an operating table ready to be worked on. "Clarke you need to hold her down, because there is not enough time to administer the anaesthetics." Clarke nodded to ensure her Mother knew she understood then took her position behind Lexa's head and took hold of the brunette's arms. Jackson did the same with the legs. "Jackson suction please?" asked Abby who then began the task of stopping the bleed.

After a couple of hours and a few close calls Abby had managed to stop the bleeding. Abby turned to Clarke and Jackson saying, "Okay I'm going to stitch her up now. This is where you both need to hold her still." Abby began to stitch causing the brunette to open her eyes and howl in pain. "Lexa, baby it's okay. I'm right here with you. You're doing so well," spoke Clarke softly with tears in her eyes at seeing the woman she loves in so much pain. Lexa visibly relaxed at hearing Clarke's name. "Clarke?" asked Lexa with a shaky voice. "Yes, baby I'm right here," replied Clarke in a soothing voice. "I love you Clarke." "I love you too Lexa."

Abby's heart warmed at seeing the exchange between her daughter and the grounder's leader that Clarke loved and realized for the first time how big the bond between the women was. With that Abby stitched the last stitch announcing this by saying, "All done. We'll leave you both to it." Clarke nodded appreciatively and without another word Abby and Jackson left leaving the two girls alone.

"How long have I been out of it?" asked Lexa quietly as she gazed into the blue eyes she had come to know so well. "You've been in and out of consciousness for the past two weeks," replied Clarke sadly. "Two weeks!" exclaimed Lexa. "Yeah babe I mean it's not surprising. You've been through a lot. My Mom spent hours stopping the bleeding and you crashed twice. I was so close to loosing you," said Clarke as the tears she had been holding in began to fall.

"I am so sorry Clarke. I never meant for any of this to happen. I promise that I will do everything in my power to return to you every time. What about you? Are you hurt? The last thing I remember is someone attacking you from behind before I killed the Ice Queen then everything went black,"replied Lexa as she too began to cry as she remembered the moment that she had thought she had lost Clarke. "Don't cry Lex I'm okay. I had a pretty big bump on the back of my head, and I have some broken ribs and a few minor cuts and bruises. I was lucky compared to you."

Both girls embraced and began to kiss slowly and deeply with Clarke being careful of Lexa's injuries. Along with the chest wound Lexa also had a fairly deep gash to her shoulder inflicted by an arrow as well as many cuts and bruises, broken ribs including a jagged cut from the left side of her ribs to her hip bone.

As the kiss ended both girls pressed their foreheads together causing Lexa to let out a satisfied hum. When Lexa opened her eyes she felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for not asking about her people or Clarke's. "How is everyone else Clarke?" "We were lucky really. We only lost a small number of both grounders and sky people. There was a small ceremony for the dead that Indra and myself organised. Bellamy has some broken ribs and he also took and arrow to his right thigh, but he's doing well. Octavia also has some broken ribs as well as a broken ankle, but she's as cheerful as ever. Indra is fine also," replied Clarke.

"I am glad Clarke that so many of our people are well, but I should have been there to perform the ritual of the dead. My people need to see their Commander during times likes these. It brings them strength," stated Lexa firmly as she tried to sit up. "No way, Lexa. Don't even think about getting up. My Mom did not spend hours stitching you up for the second time for you to go and burst your stitches again. I almost lost you again today I won't allow it. You need to rest. Indra along with Nyko has been passing information onto your people about your condition. All your people want is for you to get better. They don't blame you. Please sleep for me Lexa. I love you, but you can be so damn stubborn," replied Clarke with a determined expression on her face.

"I have been told this often," smirked Lexa. Although Lexa felt like arguing more she really didn't have the strength in her to do so. "I do love you Clarke so very much," and with that Lexa fell into a deep sleep.

A few days later

A few days later Lexa awoke feeling more refreshed than she had in along time to find Clarke curled up asleep at the end of her cot. She still had to remain in hospital much to her annoyance, but both Abby and Clarke had told her it would be a few weeks before she could start getting back to her duties. Alas there was nothing she could do to change their minds so she was stuck here. She spent her days mainly sleeping, or spending time with Clarke and much to her surprise Octavia and Raven came to visit her in hospital regularly. Indra also kept her informed of the ongoings around the camp.

As she moved into a more comfortable position she felt the blonde begin to stir. "Hey there sleepyhead. You know you could have climbed into the bed with me. It would have been more comfortable," stated Lexa as she smiled at the beautiful blonde. "I know, but the other day when I attempted to sleep next to you things got a little out of hand shall we say and if I hadn't stopped things from going further you would have burst your stitches. Besides you are banned from doing anything physical. Me sleeping beside you is a disaster waiting to happen," replied Clarke sleepily. Lexa smirked knowingly. "You know I feel much better. The no physical activities rule is stupid," replied Lexa huskily.

Clarke gulped as she felt the desire beginning to take over. It didn't help that she saw her won desire mirrored in Lexa eyes. "Now way is that happening Lexa. It's only been a few days since you burst your stitches. Sex is so not an option right now. Until your strength is back you'll just have to wait," stated Clarke with as much control as she could growled. Clarke was going to be the death of her. "Don't you growl at me miss grumpy pants. I am going to go get us breakfast," replied Clarke chuckling as she left.

The rest of the day was uneventful to say the least. After breakfast Lexa had encouraged Clarke to get back to work, which she grudgingly did. Lexa was just about to fall asleep when she was joined by Octavia and Raven. "Hey Commander Heart Eyes, how's it going?" asked Raven enthusiastically. Lexa laughed at Raven's familiar greeting. "What's up Heda?" asked Octavia "I am fine thank you. It is nice of you both to visit," replied Lexa.

"No worries Commander. The pleasure is all our," winked Raven. Lexa chuckled to herself. She really did enjoy Raven's sense of humour. "So how's things with you and Clarke?" asked Octavia grinning. "They are fine thank you Octavia. Although she infuriates me at times. She still has me on a no physical activity agenda and it's killing me," whined Lexa. This time it was Raven and Octavia's turn to laugh. "That bad huh?" laughed Raven. "You have no idea," moaned Lexa.

"Don't worry Heda. Clarke won't be able to resist you for long. Even I think your incredibly hot and I am completely straight," said Octavia. "You sure about that O?" "Shut it Reyes! Anyway Clarke really loves you. I haven't seen her this happy in ages," stated Octavia. "O's right. Clarke is positively glowing. Although if Clarke's not willing to give you any action so to speak then all you gotta do is ask. Raven Reyes ready for booty call at your service," winked Raven.

"So a straight girl is telling me I'm hot and now I'm being offered sex? Maybe today isn't so bad after all," joked Lexa. "Btw thank you for saying I'm hot Octavia although I already know I am. Thanks for the offer Raven you really no how to boost a girls ego," winked Lexa. "On a more serious note I love Clarke too. I know I will never love anyone more than I love Clarke. She is my whole life. I don't know if I could survive loosing her," replied Lexa her voice full of emotion.

"Believe me Clarke barely functioned when she thought she was going to loose you. She was like a zombie. Yet somehow she managed to stay strong and to keep it together. I admire her a lot," replied Raven. "You guys have been through so much. You deserve some happiness and some time to yourselves after everything," stated Octavia.

The brunette smiled at the two girls before her. She could not believe that she had come to like the sky people when she had originally planned on killing them. Times had certainly changed. "What are you thinking Commander?" asked Raven?"

"There is something I wanted to talk to you both about. Almost dying has made me even more determined to survive, but I also want to spend the rest of my life with Clarke by my side. I want her to be my houmon," stated Lexa lovingly.

"Omg this is so exciting! I could kiss you right now," replied Octavia enthusiastically. "Wait am I missing smoothing here?" replied Raven with a confused expression on her face. "Houmon means wife or husband. Basically Lexa wants to marry Clarke," squealed Octavia excitedly. "Aww now I get it, that's awesome. Way to go Commander you sly dog," replied Raven happily.

Lexa chuckled again. "Thank you for your enthusiasm both of you. My people have a bonding ceremony where two people who love each other come together to profess their love and then vow to love only each other. The two people are then joined literally and metaphorically. A piece of rope is tied around both of their hands and they then become one. However, I want to know about sky people custom," stated Lexa.

"Well, your bonding ceremony sounds like our tradition of marriage. Marriage is basically when two people who love each other make a commitment to each other," replied Octavia thoughtfully. "Yeah O's pretty much summed it up, but in order to get married people get engaged. Now an engagement involves one person proposing to the other as in asking the other person to marry them. Them when couple is engaged they are called fiancees. That's pretty much it," replied Raven encouragingly.

"How exactly would I go about asking Clarke to marry me?" asked Lexa her brow furrowed in concentration. "Well, you basically just ask her for her hand in marriage along with a grand gesture. Other's were more simple you know," stated Octavia matter of factly. "In other words it was unique to the individuals. No proposal was the same. You just have to make your proposal in a way that Clarke would like. Also a ring is usually involved. Does that help at all Lexa?" asked Raven sincerely. 'Yes thank you Raven. You too, Octavia. You have both given me a lot to think about," replied Lexa in a grateful tone of voice. Both girls said goodbye leaving Lexa to her thoughts.


The rest of the day did not go quickly for Lexa. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep Clarke arrived looking slightly harassed. "Sorry I'm late I got caught up with things around camp," stated Clarke apologetically. "There is no need to apologise my love. A leader's work is never done. Come sit down. There is something I want to ask you?" replied Lexa calmly.

Clarke did as she was told and nodded for Lexa to continue. "Okay here goes. It's now or never, Lexa," thought Lexa. "Clarke I love you more than anything in this world and if almost dying has taught me anything it is that I don't ever want to be apart from you."

"Wait is she... No she can't be," thought Clarke.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you and to grow old with you."

"She's doing it. She's really doing it. Holy crap!" exclaimed Clarke mentally.

"I know I don't have a ring and I'm not prepared with anything fancy. All I have to offer is my love and the promise to love you always and to love only you. Clarke of the sky people will you do me the honour of becoming my houmon? Will you marry me?" Clarke exhaled a breath she didn't know she had been keeping before kissing Lexa with all the love and passion she could muster.

Both girls broke the kiss to breathe as Lexa breathlessly asked, "Is that a yes?" "Yes, Lexa I will marry you. I want nothing more than to be your wife and for you to be my wife. I love you more than life itself. Of course I will marry you,"replied Clarke as she bagel to cry. "Clarke my love why are you crying?" "I'm crying because I am happy. I love you so much. I never knew I was capable of loving anyone as much as I love you. You take my breath away. You have made me the happiest girl in the world. I know that life on the ground will never be easy, but with you I know together we can conquer anything," replied Clarke with a voice filled with love.

Lexa kissed Clarke and put every emotion into the kiss only breaking for air. Both girls rested their heads together as they got their breaths back. Lexa kissed Clarke's head who kissed her nose before saying, "I love you too Clarke. I can feel it deep within my veins. I now know that love is not weakness. You falling from the sky is the best thing to ever happen my beautiful Sky Princess." Both girls continued to murmur sweet nothings well into the night before falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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