Sweet Little Lies

By Indgio

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This book is now being sold in a paper back copy!! Link in bio if interested to read a more updated version... More

Chapter One: Babylon
Chapter Two: Ophelia
Chapter Three: Goodbye
Chapter Four: Young and Menace
Chapter Five: In The Heat Of The Moment
Chapter Six: Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter Seven: Killer Queen
Chapter Eight: God And Monsters
Chapter Nine: So What
Chapter Ten: Movement
Chapter Eleven: Moving Along
Chapter Twelve: Where Your Secrets Hide
Chapter Thirteen: High Enough
Chapter Fourteen: Take Me To Church
Chapter Fifteen: Glitter In The Air
Chapter Sixteen: Wake Up
Chapter Seventeen: The Sound Of Silence
Chapter Eighteen: 18
Chpater Nineteen: Rosyln
Chapter Twenty: False Confidence
Chapter Twenty-One: Let Me Down Slowly
Chapter Twenty-Two: Game Of Survival
Chapter Twenty-Three: Must Have Been The Wind
Chapter Twenty-Four: Arsonist's Lullaby
Chapter Twenty-Six: Girls/Girls/Boys
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Broken Crown
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pressure
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Stompa
Chapter Thirty: Work Shoes
Chapter Thirty-One: Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene
Chapter Thirty-Two: Euphoria
Chapter Thirty-Three: My Blood
Chapter Thirty-Four: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Chapter Thirty-Five: Breathe
Chapter Thirty-Six: Dig Your Grave
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Heroes Rise
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Weak
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Carry You
Chapter Forty: Beloved
Chapter Forty-One: When The Truth Hunts You Down
Chapter Forty-Two: Can't Help Falling In Love
Chapter Forty-Three: Back Down
Chapter Forty-Four: Even If It Hurts
Chapter Forty-Five: Towards The Sun
Chapter Forty-Six: Love and War
Chapter Forty-Seven: Skyfall
Chapter Forty-Eight: Man Or A Monster
Chapter Forty-Nine: Free
Chapter Fifty: Saturday Sun
Chapter Fifty-One: Mansion

Chapter Twenty-Five: Get Stüpid

19 5 0
By Indgio

Sunday, October 6th, 6:40pm

" You two keep the house clean tonight and make sure that you don't make a mess with the popcorn." My Mom says as I walk her and my Dad to the front door, Oscar following behind me.

"We know." I sigh.

"We should be back tomorrow morning around 10. Be safe." My Dad says as they walk out of the house.

I close the door behind them, I quickly whip around to face Oscar.

"Now we wait for Maggie." I smile.

"I still don't understand why you invited her to guys night." Oscar says as I walk past him.

I look over my shoulder, "Because she's had a rough week and we could get some investigating in before watching a movie." I explain as I walk into my Kitchen.

"Still, I bet you wouldn't have invited her over if you didn't have a crush on her." Oscar says.

I turn around to face Oscar once I reach the island.

"I don't have a crush on her. How many times do I have to say that?" I ask.

"As many as you need till you realize that you do." Oscar says.

I sigh as I rub my temples, "I'm going to put in the popcorn while you pour chips into a bowl and we are not going to talk about this for the rest of the night."

"If I see you two flirting I will say something." Oscar says.

"Were not going to be flirting," I point down at a bowl and then over to a bag of chips, "Chips in the bowl."

I walk over to the microwave and pop the bag of popcorn inside.

"God people do not know how to drive!"

I turn around to see Maggie storming into my Kitchen.

"Well hello to you too." I say.

"Sorry, but honestly can no one in this town drive!" Maggie yells.

"I don't know how to drive so I'm going to say yes." Oscar smiles.

The microwave beeps, I grab the bag of popcorn out and walk over to where Maggie and Oscar are standing.

"Well you're just on time. Popcorn is ready to be eaten." I smile as I open the bag and pour it into the bowl.

We make our way to the living room. Maggie sits down on the chair that's in the very corner of the room while Oscar and I sit down on the couch.

"So what movie are we gonna watch?" Maggie asks.

"We haven't picked it yet, we were thinking that we could do some investigating first." I explains.

"It's no use we aren't going to figure it out." Maggie says.

"What? You're the one that wanted to look into it." Oscar says.

Maggie shrugs, " I mean we can still look into it, but are we really ever going to figure it out? Honestly we have no leads."

"But we can find a lead from looking, like those guys are Club Azure we could talk to them again, they have to know more." I say.

"Those guys didn't serve any purpous all we found out from that was that Kian was bisexual." Maggie rants.

"Then maybe he was with more guys we can talk to." Oscar says.

I point at Oscar, "And it's like you said at the dance at the beginning of the year Jessica was always trying to go after him right? We can talk to her as well."

I am so confused, Maggie was the one that got us to start looking into this. She joined the paper to investigate this murder and all of a sudden she doesn't want to anymore. I'm gonna take a guess and say she's going through something again.

Maggie rolls her eyes, "Or we could just drop it for today and watch a movie. Work on it tomorrow."

Oscar and I look over to each other, "Sure." I nod.

I reach to grab the remote right as the doorbell rings, "Who else did you invite?" Oscar asks.

"No one."

I get up from the couch. Oscar and Maggie follow me to the front door, I open the door.

"Let's get this party started!" Jacob Ross yells as he storms into my house followed by a crowd of people.

Oscar, Maggie and I stand off to the side as people keep walking into my house.

"I would go find more beer and chips, people at parties can get pretty angry." Maggie smirks.

I look at her, "Did you invite these people here?"

"Guess it's just another mystery." She smirks as she walks further into my house with the crowds of people.

Oscar and I slowly look over to one another.

"You still like her now?" He asks.

"Not the time, Bud. Not the time." I say as I walk away into the main area of my house.

I look around to see more people walking into my house. A guy walks past me holding a boombox. I didn't even know those were still a thing.

More people flood into my house and really, really loud music starts to play.

Maggie is definitely going through something.


I walk through my dining room squeezing past people. I've lost where Oscar is, the last time I saw him he was at the bottom of the stairs, but then I went to stop someone from touching my Moms very expensive jacket and he was gone when I turned around.

I walk through my Kitchen, I round the corner and run into Jade.


She blinks, "Oh yeah, Adrian... right?"

"Yeah, umm. Have you see Maggie anywhere?" I ask.

"No why?" She asks.

"Well you see this is my house and she kind of threw this party without my knowledge." I explains.

Jade chuckles, "Classic."

"Umm... well if she is going through something and is anything like her Dad she's most likely upstairs where no one really goes during parties." Jade explains.

"Okay. Thank you." I move past Jade.

"Also she could be drunk!" Jade yells as I run up the stairs, I nod.

I look in every room up stairs till I finally get to the guest room. I push the door open to see Maggie sitting on the ground while drinking beer.

"There you are."

I walk into the room and close the door behind me, "You can't just throw a party at my house without permission!"

Maggie looks up at me, "Sorry." She takes the beer bottle up to her lips and takes a sip.

"Why did you invite everyone here! To my house!" I yell.

If my parents were to come home earlier than planned I swear I'd be grounded for life.

She shrugs and takes another sip of beer before speaking, "I was bored."

"We had a plan to watch a movie and look into Kian's death how were you bored!?" I yell.

"Okay we were supposed to watch a movie and look into the death? We have all the time in the world until someone else dies, that's when we speed up to process."

"What... What is going on with you? I invited you tonight because I knew what a bad week you most likely had! And I know your not just acting like this because you're drunk!"

Maggie doesn't say anything so I sit down on the ground beside her so she is forced to talk to me.

"I can't see my Brother, my Mom called me and basically told me she never wants to see me again and my Dad is still drunk even though he said he would stop. Everything has been falling apart for my whole life and it's all my fault... if only I never came back here."

Now I feel like a jerk for yelling at her. Maggie takes another sip of beer.

"Don't say that. You were meant to come back here, you were meant to find Kian in the woods. Everything that is happening is happening for a reason." I explain.

"Well how can a dead guy send you a letter to come back here! Think about that!" Maggie yells.

Maggie rubs her hand across her forehead, " I don't know what I'm doing, I shouldn't have even come tonight. Your house is probably falling apart down stairs and it's my fault. "

"It's fine."

"You were just yelling at me about it, so it's not fine! But I can't do anything about it now because my actions always have made horrible consequences." Maggie sighs and takes another sip of beer.

I grab the bottle from her hand, "Okay no more beer and actions? Like this has happened before?" I ask.

"Not exactly... I'm the reason my Brother was sent away." Maggie says.


"We were playing truth or dare and I made him pretend he was psycho for a week then he took it to far. It's like I brought it out of him, like I gave him a free pass to do whatever he wanted. I'm the reason he's gone, I'm the reason my parents got divorced. All because I was six and didn't know any better." Maggie explains.

"I just want to go back and change what I did maybe things would be different."

"You can't change the past. It doesn't work that way." I say.

"Well if fucking should! You could just snap your fingers and everything would be okay again. All your mistakes gone, there could be no hate and no murders. You could just snap and anyone who was taken away could come back, who died could be alive again." Maggie says.

"Don't start sounding like Thanos on me." I smile.

Maggie starts to laugh and it's as if, for a brief second she seems like herself and not the Maggie that punches people self. The Maggie that used to exist the one I never knew, but this is what I would expect her to look like. Happy.

"I didn't think you knew anything about Avengers."

"Oh I don't, I just know that there's this large purple guy who likes to snap his fingers to correct the world and that his name is Thanos."

"Woah woah woah. You have seen an Avengers movie before?"

"No, sorry?"

"If we ever do have a movie night we are watching those movies." She smiles.

I nod, "Okay."

Maggie looks down at the floor, but I'm still gazing at her.

She looks back up at me, "What?"

I shake my head, "Nothing."

Maggie and I just look at each other, the whole world around us slows down. I can no longer hear the loud pounding of music coming from down stairs.

Before even thinking I kiss her.

To my surprise she kisses me back and I don't even care if she doesn't realize it because she's half drunk.

I can taste the hint of beer that is left on her lips as I kiss her.

The door opens and Maggie and I immediately pull away from one another as loud music fills my ears once again.

We both look over to see Oscar standing in the door.

"Someone is trying to use that expensive vase thing in your front entrance as a bong." He says.

"Okay." I nod.

I stand up and look back at Maggie giving her an awkward smile before walking out to the hallway with Oscar.

Oscar and I walk down the hallway and start to walk down the stairs.

"Making out with her again, huh?"

I stop on the stairs and look back at me, "Bud."

"You like her admit it. You wouldn't make out with her two times if you didn't."

"Only," I hold up my hand in front of his face, I move my thumb and pointer finger to show the smallest amount, "A little bit."

"Now we never speak of this again." I say as I turn around and walk down the stairs.

I grab the vase from the random guys hands and walk back up the stairs to place it into my Mom's room till the morning.

I go and peek back into the guest room to see Maggie isn't there anymore.

My first thought is wondering how she got down the stairs without Oscar and I seeing her and my second thought being where the hell would she have gone?

And the tea was spilt...

Do you now understand what Maggie ment went she kept saying it was her fault her brother was sent away??

Also what are your thoughts on the second kiss Maggie and Adrian had? I'm thinking about calling them Madrian or Aggie? I like Madrian better.

There will be another chapter out night that I've very excited for you all to read.

One last question do you think Kian's killer is at the party?

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