Our Regrets Lies Upon The Sta...

By Little_Marshmallows

7.9K 423 176

There are a lot of things that Sans regrets in his life, he fucks up all the time, everybody does. But he do... More

Side Story| New Home, New Life And... Neighbor? [2/2]
1| When Flowers Meet
2| Blazing Stars
3| Let Me See The Stars First
Side Story| New Home, New Life And... Neighbor? [1/2]
4| Hope inside the holder's eyes
5| A Flower's Guardian As So Love is...
6| A Rumor Between A Lust-filled Drink And Raspberries
Leo And Lavender (Old and New Ref. Sheets)
7| Purple Lilacs Have Shy Spirits
8| 'Black'mail
Alternate Ending| Purple Colors Are Berry Classical
SideStory| Sorrow
SideStory| That Time When It Wasn't So Bad
9| Wine For The Wedding
10| Skipping Through Exes And Whys
11| First To All The New
Side Story| I Loved You First
12| Don't Judge Me

SideStory| My Sweet Melody

234 14 18
By Little_Marshmallows

Razz just wants to have his headphones back.


A sweet melody is what he had gotten in return.


Tugging upon his scarf, his hands sometimes went up to the side of his skull as his fingers were ghosting upon the lack of headphones Razz was wearing.

It was a strange feeling; he was used to hearing over the cooking instructions he uses every day for his job. – Not that he doubts his cooking skills, he just like to be prepared as always. – The only reason he wasn't wearing them at all is because of well safety precautions; that he may get hit by a truck if he was foolish enough to not hear said vehicle's honking.

Razz didn't truly care for that, he was sure his senses were still as sharp as always from him having to grow up in a fell universe but alas, sometimes life just gives you too many reasons to keep on living.

And that reason would've been his family.

Closing his eyes, he focused upon his own memories of a child with two hetero-chromatic eyes, a smile wide and genuine as his son was being carried by his brother, Slim and of course there was Lust beside them, smiling so happily.

A small smile made its way upon his lips before it turned into a frown as he remembered, he really hasn't been spending time with Lust much these days. Not that it was any of their fault, Lust was simply overseas for a job, it has been... a year? Razz wasn't sure anymore, but he sure does hope the latter came home as he was sure he was slowly forgetting what his husband looks like.

"Hey'a Razzy~!" A voice chirped, cutting him off his thoughts making Razz look over the said skeleton as he blinks for a few times before nodding in agreement to his coworker.

"Morning Pink." He said softly to the smaller. It was odd really, for him to be so gentle around this certain friend of his when he with Blue, his own best friend, is still utterly rash and well... a bit rude.

Pink, AKA Pinktale!sans, grinned at him simply before turning back to the rode before them as he was now walking beside Razz. The other was humming a soft tune under their breath, it was certainly lulling him as he couldn't help but listen closely to it.

Eyes glancing at the smaller, Razz pauses for a moment as something struck him, shaking his head, he turned back to the road before them.

That was peculiar of him...


"Your voice is beautiful."

Razz caught himself saying as the latter stops still from what he had said.

They were in the breakroom of the restaurant. Pink and he were simply taking their breaks and eating their respective lunches as they were seating across from one another. Pink, being the small little chatterbox he is, had been ranting to him the whole time in such a joyful manner that even Razz was enchanted by the other's enthusiasm and for the lack of a better word... cuteness.

Seeing the shock written on Pink's face, Razz awkwardly cleared his throat as he scoffs. "Don't stare, I just said your voice is not horrible." He said, correcting himself while his cheeks were flushing slightly from embarrassment.

Pink blinks a few times at him before laughing softly as a pastel blush dusted his cheeks. "Thanks Razz." The latter giggled softly as a soft smile was upon their lips. "I think your voice is cute too~"

Scowling at that, Razz rose a brow as he frowned at the smaller. "Cute? Pink you have got to be kidding me, my voice is nowhere near the term 'cute'." He said in a gruff voice, to simply prove his point.

"What do you mean? Your voice is really cute." Pink said as he rose a brow at him.

"It is not." He replied rather severely.

"It is."

"It is not."

"It is."

"It is not."

"It is."

"It is not."

"It is."

"It is not."

"It is not."

"It is."

"It is not."

"IT IS CUTE!" Razz yelled loudly as he stood up from his seat and slammed his hands upon table making a resounding sound echo throughout the room.

Stopping still once he had realized what he had said, Razz's eyes widened slightly as he scowled once he saw the smugness upon the other's face.

"You little shit." He cussed.

Childishly sticking his tongue at him, Pink giggled. "Love ya too~"


Pausing from those words, Razz was frozen still as he stares at the latter who was simply laughing like there was nothing out of the norm from what he had just said to him.



Razz never lets himself be under anyone or ever lets them have something be held against him that he, himself, can never deny.

But really as his lips lock with the smaller's own, as he pulled away to caress Pink's cheeks, as the sun coming from the window has shone upon them, ever making the latter's eyes shine.

How come, he cannot let go of this sweet melody?


Sorry for the late update lol, IfuckingforgotcauseIwasreallybusy.

But hey, ya'll know now who Razz cheated on Lust with. (Who just happens to have the same name as the favorite color of Angel who is pissed at Razz so lmao suck it.) 

888 words. 

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