
By MarieLeWrites

262K 8.2K 6.5K

❝ Do you remember when I wanted to travel back in time to save your parents? To give you your normal life bac... More

Short introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 / the end
Book 2
Book 3!
New fanfic :)
A thank you!

Chapter 36

3.2K 110 66
By MarieLeWrites

I pull back, needing to see his face again. His eyes aren't as dark as they were just when I saw him walking through that door. They're now full of life and they make me want to forget about the last six months but I can't.

It's been six months since we saw each other and many things happened. I changed and I'm sure that he did too.

"Five, what did you do all this time?" I ask him. I don't want to ruin the moment but the words leave my mouth before I can stop myself from saying them.

"I've been looking for you." He says while a small frown appears on his forehead.

"Six months? You've been looking for me for six months?" I ask him, getting annoyed.

This conversation escalated quickly.. Just a minute ago, his soft lips were on mine.

"No, I slept but barely. What do you mea-? What do you want to know?" His eyes are upon mine and his frown is only getting bigger.

"Did you change?" I ask, feeling my eyes water. I'm scared of losing the Five that I know. It's selfish to think this way since we both were six months apart. Still, I can't help myself to think this way and be scared of losing my Five. I've seen another version and it terrifies me that his angry side will come back again.

"Why are you asking this?" He says, not understanding a thing of what's going on in my head right now and if I'm honest, I don't either.

"I don't know." I confess "I'm just scared. I missed you and I'm scared that you won't be my Five anymore. That you'll be different and that you won't love me anymore."

Five his lips part and he almost says something but he stops himself. His expression softens again and he opens his arms for me.

"Come here." He says when he sees me doubting what to do. I decide to give in and fall back into his arms. His arms sneak around my waist, pulling me even closer so that our heads are just inches away from each other.

His warmth comforts me and I feel my lips curling up into a smile.

"We both changed. It's normal y/n. We've been six months apart." He tells me as he uses his hand to tuck hair of mine behind my ear, making my stomach go all kinds of ways "The one thing won't ever change is my love for you. It doesn't matter what happens, I will always love you."

His beautiful eyes are shining so much that my chest aches from the beauty of it.

We're back together. . finally.

I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck and close my eyes. "I love you so much Five." I whisper in his neck. I know one thing. I'm going to enjoy every little thing from now on, it's us. . something will part us again.

"Now, tell me how you survived it here with my dad?" Five chuckles and I pull back.

"I guess I'm stronger than you." I tease him, not even fighting back my smile.

Another chuckle of his fills my ears, making me look up at him. It's been too long since I heard his adorable chuckles. I almost forgot how they would make me smile as wide as I could. They give me life and that won't ever change.

"Five. ." A voice says behind us and I immediately recognize the voice. Vanya.

Both Five and I turn around to face the girl who I already said my goodbye to.

"Right.." She sighs "You're not the Five from this time. Sorry.". She looks down as a sad expression comes upon her face. I know how awful it is to lose Five and she has to wait till she's an adult to see him again. I don't want to imagine being in her place.

"I'm a lot older than your Five. But I still remember everything Vanya. Believe me, Five from this time is doing everything to get back home again." Five says and I know he means it.

"That means that the other Five is stuck?" Vanya's eyes widen. She looks horrified after putting the dots together.

Five sighs and nods afterwards. "I can't tell more. I'm sorry. But he will come back, just like I did." He tells his sister.

"He better does." A sad smile pops onto Vanya's lips "Bye."

I send her a kind and thankful smile. "Bye Vanya." I tell the girl. The next time that this Vanya is going to see me is when I throw Five into her wall. A smile appears on my lips and I chuckle with the thought.

"Are you ready to go back to your time and to save the world once again?" Five asks and I can't help but to stare into his eyes. There's a twinkle in them and my smile widens a little when I keep looking at the adorable twinkles.

I didn't forgot about the apocalypse but I didn't think about having to save everyone and everything again because the commission found someone new to cause the apocalypse. That someone needs our help to control his or her new powers. I know how terrifying it is and I hope that they know that they aren't alone.

"yes." I answer without a doubt. Let's save the world and humanity.

Five grabs my hand and the familiar blue light appears again. When I open my eyes again, we are standing in front of the umbrella academy again. The one I recognize as the one in the year 2019.

"Let's look for the new person that's supposed to cause the apocalypse. Remember, this version of me hasn't kidnapped you yet so he can't see us." Five says, ready to start.

"Wait." I hold him back with my hand "Can we please go inside first? I want to talk to someone."

I leave out the part where I should tell him that I tried to change the timeline. I need to talk to Klaus now and see if it worked.

My curiosity takes over and I free Five's hand and walk up to the door. Before I walk in, I force myself to think about what I might see in there. If I really changed the time line, then I will be relieved that Klaus didn't go down that very dark path. But if I didn't change the time line, I'll have to act like nothing happened.

My hand slowly pushes the door open and I walk in. Please Klaus. Please don't be drunk.

A familiar face welcomes me and a smile immediately pops onto my face. "Pogo! Hey!" I smile, happy that he's the one that I'm seeing first.

"Hello miss?" He frowns "Should I know you?"

"You're joking?" I ask Pogo with a small chuckle "I'm y/n. Wait.. Where are the others?"

I'm truly surprised that Pogo, the one who always gave me wise advice, doesn't seem to recognize me. It might be him getting older but I'm not allowed to think that way. Pogo isn't as young as he was when I got lost in time but he isn't old either.

Five hasn't made an appearance yet and I'm hoping that he'll stay outside. I need to look into this on my own. I need to find Klaus.

"I believe that Vanya and Diego left after Mr. Hargreeves' funeral. Luther and Allison are upstairs and Klaus is asleep on the seat." Pogo says with a kind smile upon her face.

I quickly thank him and then walk into the living room. There he is. . laying on the seat in his underwear. I roll my eyes when I spot a bottle laying on the floor.

"Klaus?" I say, wanting him to wake up. Maybe he's too drunk to actually listen to what I'm going to say but I can try. I raise my voice as I say his name again and this time his eyes flutter open.

His eyes fall upon me and he is sitting up in no time. "Who are . . you." He asks, pointing at me with one hand while he rubs his closed eye with the other one.

My bottom lip trembles and I look down to see my hands starting to shake. He doesn't recognize me. It feels like my heart breaks all over again even though it just got healed by Five.

How come that he doesn't recognize me?

"Are you okay?" I hear Five's voice behind me. Just when I'm about to break down, he's here. So great.

I sit down so I can put my head between my knees. How can it hurt this much? I thought that the hurting had finally end. Look at me now.

"They don't remember me." I say as I look up at Klaus who is now wearing a bathrobe. A tiny plastic bag falls out of its pocket. I look away from the tiny bag that's now laying on the ground. I don't have to look twice at it, I know what it is. Drugs.

"He doesn't remember what I told him Five. He's still. ." I can't finish my sentence. My body doesn't want to work with. It's done with this constant hurting and I understand it. I'm done too.

"Oh, you're talking about me?" Klaus turns to me but turns away rather quickly "What? No?"

My eyes follow Klaus' every movement as he keeps talking.

"You're crazy. We never lived with her when we were young? Look at her, she's ten years old!" He exclaims, causing me to roll my eyes. Of course, ten years old.

"Six months? Best friends? I don't know her!" Now it's Klaus' turn to roll his eyes. Afterwards, he turns to me again "Are you y/n?"

"Are you talking to Ben?" I ask him, needing to know the answer to my question.

A frown appears on Klaus his forehead and he gives me a suspicious look. "Yes." He answers.

My eyes light up and I immediately turn to Five who's now holding my shaking hands. "Ben remembers me!" I say "Ben, how come that the others don't know me? Pogo doesn't even remember me?!"

Klaus rolls his eyes as he listens to Ben. He seems to be less high, drunk or whatever he was on than just a few minutes ago. Probably for the better because this conversation is serious and I need answers.

"Ben says that our sweet dad gave us something so we'd forget the half year that we spent with you so you wouldn't change the time-line or something? Wait! So you really lived with us?" Klaus asks with a confused expression upon his face.

I let myself fall backwards into Five's arms. He might be holding me but I'm still broken. Broken by the man who I thought could be trusted.

"Nobody knows a thing about me." I start to sob. Why can't the hurting stop? Why does it have to be me?

"Did you try to change the future just like our dear dad thought you would?" Klaus asks me while he lets himself fall down onto the seat again.

"I tried and see what happened. Nothing. Absolutely noting." I answer Klaus' question.

Everything happened but they don't remember even one moment. Klaus doesn't remember me and he sure as hell won't remember that he was my best friend.

I'm glad that Ben does remember me. He probably died before his father could give him whatever he gave the other siblings.

"Klaus, did you see someone acting strange lately? We need to know who will cause the apocalypse." Five asks as he softly squeezes my hand.

Five is here with me, still my heart is ripped apart and even he can't heal it. I don't think anyone can anymore. This time, it's up to me. I've got to heal by myself.

"Nope. Unless you mean people who are high because I have seen tons of thooose!" He giggles, making me want to stand up and run away. I don't need to know about him and his adventures with drugs. Even though I know that this is the reality that he's living in.

"High people.." Five sighs "Do you want to go?"

I nod in response and stand up. My legs hardly work but I can stand. I won't allow myself to break completely. No, I've finally found my way back to Five again and I won't let myself go down now.

A soft hand leads me outside. Once outside, nothing looks unusual.

"You know, I didn't show it too." I tell Five. Until the accident at school.

My eyes fall upon a man walking towards us. He's wearing a blue costume that I recognize all too well.

"Five. The commission found us again." I whisper in Five's ears.

His eyes widen a little bit but he turns around to face me. He puts his lips onto mine, surprising me. When he pulls back he puts his lips close to my ear. "Grab my hand and we'll get out of here." He whispers.

"Where are we going then?" I ask him in a whisper.

"Yesterday." Five explains as he grabs my hand.

The two agents notice us and it doesn't take long for them to start to walk faster.

"We've got to go now." I tell him, grabbing his hands.

Gun shots are heard and I freeze. My eyes follow the agents who are running towards me and I can see them trying to aim at me. Fortunately, they're running so their aim isn't even near to good.

Five's hands sneak around me and he pulls me with him in the blue light. When we arrive, I can finally breathe.

"We lost them!" Five says but when his eyes fall upon me, worry takes over "Watch out!"

Before I can turn around, another shot is fired and my mouth falls open. Tears threaten to spill and I don't stop them. My body starts to shake, causing me to look down. My blue shirt isn't blue anymore. The red is taking over quickly, causing the blue to disappear.

"You got shot!" Five yells. His eyes are upon me while he should be worried about himself. The ones who just shot me are still here and I'm sure that they're coming right now.

Five's hands sneak around me waist. He carefully uses his strength to lay me on the ground without touching the area around the wound.

"You have to leave." I don't like that I've got to say this to him but he needs to be safe. He needs to live and he can't get slowed down by me.

"I won't leave you y/n! Are you out of your mind? I'm not leaving you! Not again!" He yells and cries at the same time. My five, I didn't want him to cry ever again after we found each other again. I wanted his laughs to fill my ears and I never wanted his touches to stop.

Now he's squeezing both of my hands to reassure me. I don't know why he's still here but I don't want him to stay. He can't and that's final. The commission can't get him.

"Save the world." I whisper, not having the strength to do anything more than whispering "Do it for me."

"I don't want to leave you here.." His eyes travel down to look at the red on my shirt. A sob escapes his lips and his wet stained cheeks catch my attention "What if this is it?"

What if this is it? What is it? The end of us? Or the end of my story?

"Even if this is it, I will find my way back to you." I cry as I lay my hand upon his cheek, trying to wipe away some tears but new ones are already there "I love you Five."

"I will find my way back to you." He cries "Just like I always do."

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