Irondad / Spiderson Oneshots...

By AwkwardPheonix

248K 6.4K 3.1K

Irondad / Spiderson Oneshots. Includes angst and fluff. This is the father son relationship between Tony Star... More

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Captured - Angst
Not a one-shot but still content
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Im so sorry!!
Blood is Thicker Than Water Pt.1 - Angst
Blood is Thicker Than Water Pt.2 - Angst
I Don't Wanna Go (Tonys Perspective)
I Don't Wanna Go (Peters Perspective)
Nightmares - Angst
The Time Peter Parker (Almost) Died - Angst
Happy Birthday - Fluff
The Spider Legs - Angst
A Soul For a Soul - Angst
Quick A/N
We'll Meet Again - Its just sad
Strep Throat And a Lot of Blankets - Fluff
Thor's Hammer - Fluff
"Sorry I Had to Wake You" - Fluff
Overheard - Fluff
Migraines - Fluff
The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Angst
Not a one - shot but still content pt.2
Infinite Universes - Fluff
Breaking the Ice, Literally - Angst
Not a oneshot but still content pt. 3 i think
Spider Man Always Got Up - Angst ( Important A/N at end )
Voicemails - Angst

The Itsy Bitsy Spider (Pt.2) - Angst

5.3K 172 65
By AwkwardPheonix

Men with guns enter Peters school.

Peter has to decide whether he stays in the shadows, or goes out and try to protect his classmates.

Let's just say things don't go according to plan.

TRIGGER WARNING: School shootings, mentions of death, violence, swearing, blood, slight gore.

(Part two of the Itsy Bitsy Spider Oneshot)

Tonys Pov:

The coffee machine sputtered as it poured out my fourth cup of coffee, and I walk over to take a burning sip gratefully. Without coffee, I would have to sleep, and sleeping got in the way of working. Sure, it's unhealthy, but health hasn't really been my main priority, besides a few special occasions.

I take the cup over to my lab desk and set it down carefully, not taking my eyes off of Peters spider-man suit. The kid managed to get a huge hole in his suit, and after a scan from Friday to confirm he didn't get shot or stabbed, he convinced me that he just snagged it on a piece of metal. It would be ready when he gets out of school so he could pick it up, which was in two hours.

I mean, I could just drop it off at his Aunts house, now that she knows about his hero side. But I selfishly like having the kid around, hell, I've even gotten' some of the crazy movies this kid loved, like Star Wars and.. Other obsessions like that. I shook my head lightly, letting a small smile cross against my lips. This kid really is something else.

Honestly, I usually thought of Peter like my own son. I've noticed how I have a special place in my heart, reserved just for him. A protective parent-like wave coming over me when he gets hurt patrolling. I would never admit it, but I would protect him with my own life.

I looked down at the coffee mug Peter gave me for Christmas, big words in a handwriting font saying, "OCD: Obsessive Coffee Disorder." No matter how many times I read it, it always makes me chuckle to myself.

The news is heard blankly in the background, but I'm too busy working to focus on the jumble of words. I've always either had the news on or music in the background while I work, and I guess today I was in the mood to hear what was happening around the world.

And then the tv said something that caught my attention.

Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology has reports of masked shooters in their building. Reports state that there are three dead, eight injured, and one missing. We will announce more about the situation once we have gathered more details.

I stood there for a second, staring at the screen confused. Midtown Highschool.. why did that ring a bell?

And then it hit me. I froze in utter terror.

"Friday, is that the school Peter goes to?" I asked tentatively, taking a step forward to the screen and crossing my arms. My eyes were growing wide as more information flashed on the screen.

"Yes, boss, the school projected on the television is, in fact, the school Peter attends."

It didn't take any longer than two seconds before I sprang into action. "Friday, coordinates, now!" I yelled, instantly getting a response. "Right away sir."

I called for my suit, and it immediately attached to my arms and then to the rest of my body. I shot up through the roof, putting the thrusters on maximum speed.

I'm coming Peter, I'm coming!

Peters Pov:

It was so... so dark.

It took a second for me to collect my thoughts, and I had to take a few deep breathes to realize that my ribs were most definitely broken. They ached against my chest painfully and I had to struggle not to inhale too much dust so I wouldn't go into a coughing spree.

My eyes were still closed, and I didn't particularly want to open them. For a few moments, it felt like I was floating. My whole body numb and fragile.

And then all the pain hit me like a truck. Everything hurt, especially my legs. The pain was searing through my nerves, so I knew at least that they were still attached to my body. My head hurt like hell, and it was getting in the way of trying to remember what happened. Eventually, the memories of the hanging light and three strange men became very vivid.

I swallowed dry and opened my eyes searching for any source of light. It was difficult since my head was spinning like a merry go round, but I could pick up a dim light about 6 feet above me. I wish this could be a dream, but even dreams have their limits.

My hands on instinct were placed on the sides of my head, the pain making me grit my teeth. I lowered my head to block out the light, trying to control the spinning vision that gnawed at me. I sniffled, only to inhale the dust that lingered around me, forcing me to cough. My ribs rattled painfully as I was choking on nothing but air. A scream bubbled in my throat, but I didn't dare let it out. My eyes started to well up with tears at the unbearable pain I was in, both from shock, pain, and pure despair.

A slippery feeling on my leg and side caught my attention and I rolled my head over to see what was the matter, and I nearly vomited. Both my side and leg were warm and flowing with blood. I took in a sharp breath, which only opened the gash on my side, if possible, even wider. The dizziness before had grown stronger, but I strongly refused to pass out.

After a few seconds of just laying there, I look up at the light again, not feeling the overwhelming dizziness like I had before. I examined my surroundings carefully, and it seemed I was in some sort of circular ditch, still inside the school. Why is there a giant hole inside of the school?!

Other questions started to fill my head, how long had I been unconscious? They must have really strong explosives to do this much damage. Where are they anyway? Have they left the school yet?

And most importantly.. Where in the hell are the police?

The police aren't here, so you to get up and do things yourself. I decide, propping myself up carefully with my elbows. I immediately regret going any further when my wound stretches out more and black spots cloud my vision. I fall back on the ground, and I couldn't help but yell out in pain as my ribs shuffled against my chest. I grit my teeth angrily, instantly blaming myself. What kind of hero ARE YOU? This is all your fault! If you had been a little bit smarter, those guys would be in the back seats of police car.

My mind was continuously throwing curses at myself and I squinted my eyes to try to prevent myself from crying, but a tear rolled down my face against my will. Are you seriously crying? Crying does nothing to help you. You're weak.

My lips were trembling, what if I died here?

"What if someone had died tonight, different story right? Cause' that's on you."

Tony? Is he here? Probably not, but the voice sounded so much like him. It was probably all in my head, but it sounded real enough.

"And if you die, I feel like that's on me."

The words Tony said ringed in my ears as I stared up at the light. Oh god, what if I really do die here. All alone, helpless. What would that do to May? Ned? MJ? Tony? If I give up now, I would die here.

"Don't give up Peter. Don't give up Spider - Man." I whispers to myself.

I propped myself up with m elbows again, slowly lifting my body off the ground. I grit my teeth in frustration, but eventually, I was standing. Slouching and crooked, but still standing. Progress.

There was a wall only two feet away, and I limp my way to it carefully, making sure not to put too much wait on my shot leg. Sparks of pain flutter every time I put my foot down, but I ignore the pain until my hands are on the damp wall.

You can do this Spider-Man.

And with that thought, circling my mind again and again, I slowly make my way up the concrete. I bite down the bile that builds in my throat as the white hot fire sensation swallows my side at every step up, and I try my hardest to not think about what's awaiting for me once I get out of this pit.

And then a shadow casts over me. I freeze, and look up to see the man with the scarred throat. Oh god.

He grins down at me, with a sinister toothy smile that sends cold chills down my spine.

"The itsy bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout.." The mans voice slithered, giving the song a totally different vibe. My spidey senses started to go hay wire.

I was utterly horrified, and my eyes widened in absolute fear. My fingers started to slip from the wall at how badly my body was shaking, but I refused to fall from this height. My eyes threatened to spill tears again, and one drop managed to escape. The man grinned devilishly.

"Down came the rain.." He growled, and raised his hand as if to signal someone, not daring to break the hateful glare set on me.

And then I realized what this man was singing, the worlds fitting perfectly together like a puzzle. I didn't even have time to react before he finished the verse.

"... and washed the spider out." He finished, and then there was a breaking sound of the ocean. The ocean.


I started to panic, realizing what was about to happen. My arms were shaking wildly now, making me start to slip down the wall. "No.. no NO NO! P-please, don't do this! Please!" I begged, screaming as tears were falling freely down my face. The man gave me one last look, before he disappeared into the light. "PLEASE D-"

Water engulfed the pit forcefully, dragging down my small form from the wall. A rush of cold stabbed at all angles, making my body tense up. I tried so hard to stay afloat, but the water kept dragging me back down, trying to drown me. I was moving so fast my head started to spin again. I wasn't in just a pit, I was in some sort of waterway.

I tried to scream, but the water kept pushing me down, making me inhale some of it. Everything was pitch black now, and I knew I wasn't in the pit any longer.

I was able to reach the surface and gasp for air, but was soon cut off by crashing into a giant metal water way. I saw stars, and then fell unconscious again.

Tony's Pov:

The flight to Peters school is way longer than it should be. Horrifying scenes were playing in my head as I pictured the absolute worst. Pictures of Peter laying on the floor along with his classmates, laying in his own pool of blood, helpless.. dying.. It was unimaginable. It was horrifying.

And if I didn't get there less than two minutes, it was going to drive me crazy.

I'd called Peters cell at least twenty times, and all of them led to his voicemail.

It eased me, even just a little, to remember that Peter isn't just any normal kid. He's got enhanced strength and senses, he should be fine. He should be fine.

And then I remembered I had left his suit on my desk, and my heart dropped. Of all days to have the suit, of all fucking days. My face was pale with worry as I continued to slice through the air, my thrusters roaring at their full capacity.

After another couple of minutes filled with panic and fear, I see the see the building below me, or at least what was left of it. My heart stopped as I stared down at the destruction the building has received. Who did this?! How did they cause this much damage and why?!

The thrusters screamed as they plummeted to the ground at full force, and I landed hard enough to crack the pavement at the front of the schools entrance. My eyes scanned the area, not seeing any police or ambulances anywhere. All of this had happened 20 minutes prior, and the police aren't even here? This made anger boil inside of me, and a sneer was plastered onto my face. Hatred started to gnaw at me, but I took a deep breathe and tried to shrug it off.

Still in my suit, I walked up to the building and forcefully opened the door. I looked around the quiet, dark hallways, and tried to spot out any people as I trudged forward.

Ok kid, where are yah'.

"Friday, scan the building for life forms." I ordered, continuing my way down the dark hallways. It was so quiet, I hated it so much.

After a few dreaded moments, Friday's voice was suddenly heard through my suit. "Scan complete. There are many lifeforms that are locked inside of the classrooms, but three can be found outside near the schools cafeteria. One is moving to the nearest exit as we speak." Friday put out the scan showing exactly where they are in the building. The three glowing orange beings moved around on the screen as I flew full speed down the hallways towards them. I prayed that one of these figures are Peter.

I crashed into the cafeteria door, accidentally knocking them off of their hinges and making them fly across the room. Although I didn't mean for them to fall, the looks on the men's faces was worth it. The two on the sides were seemingly horrified, although the man in the center seemed calm. It raged me.

I didn't hesitate for a second to charge up to the guy in the middle, grabbing him by the neck as I pounded him against the wall, forcing him to look into the slim blue eyes of the suit.

"Who the fuck are you?! What makes you think you can come in here and traumatize kids like this?!" I screamed, the words only made me angrier as I pushed him up against the wall harder.

The man choked on his words, trying to gasp for air. I loosened my grip slightly, but still tight enough to make him extremely uncomfortable. "J-just t-taking care of some b-b-b-business." He managed, clawing at my grip with his hands.

"Oh yeah? What kind of business involves killing innocent kids?!" I tightened my grip even stronger than before, he squirmed. "What kind of business involves destroying a school?!"

The mans face was turning purple, and the two others pull out their guns and press it to the suits head. I swung my free arm against the two men, making them fly back and knock unconscious. I stared back at the man.

"You're going to be in prison for a long time, shithead. Have fun. I heard lifetime sentences really change a man." I hissed.

The man gasp slightly, and a delighted grin stretched across his face. It was almost as if a lightbulb had switched on in his head. "Ohh, I see what's happening here."

I tilted my head slightly, not liking the change of attitude.

"Why, I almost forgot the spider boy was so special to you. I can't tell why really, he's quite the annoying little-" His words were cut off by me tightening my grip even harder.

"Where. Is. He." I ask firmly, refusing to let my voice shake even though I was starting to panic. "You have ten seconds to tell me."

"One." I threatened.
















Tell me.


I need him!

"..-in the pit, he's probably de-"

I dropped the man to the ground, not even wanting to hear the end of his sentence. The police ran into the room, aiming their guns at me and the three other men. I only nodded, and they nodded back, walked up to the men to arrest them. They had to haul the other two who were unconscious, while the other guy just smiled while he was taken away. Sick bastard.

I stood in silence as they were carried away, making sure that the one guy wouldn't pull any stunts. I glanced over at the pit that he spoke of, and my stomach twisted uncomfortably.

"Oh god, Peter.." I whispered to myself as I jumped down. I didn't see the kid, and all there was was water that reached to my knees. This is a waterway. Oh god, he could've.. could've..

"Friday, scan, now!" I yell.

"Yes sir."

It took a moment, but Friday replied. "There is an unconscious life form as the end of this tunnel that is in need of medical care immediately."

I swallow down the lump in my throat and shoot through the air, letting the suit take the directions Friday gave. My heart was pounding hard against my chest and if I didn't find the kid soon I would go crazy.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reached Peter. I sprang out of my suit, getting my work clothes wet as I ran to the floating body in the water, a sickly color of red surrounding him. I knelt down next to him, looking down at the pale face. His lips were ice blue, and it took me a second to get over the fact that he was freezing to the touch. He looked so broken, so sick.

He looked dead.

What kind of sick bitch would do this to a kid?

I checked for his pulse, and let out a small breathe of relief as the heart slowly thumped against my finger tips.

I took off my black coat and put it over the kids shoulders, propping him up against me as I gathered as much of him into my arms as I could, rubbing his arms trying to give him some kind of heat.

"Friday, call a shield ambulance." I whisper, starting to slowly pick up the child bridal style.

"Right away sir." She reply's.

"You're gonna be ok Pete." I mutter in his hair, closing my eyes as I walk to my suit.

"You're gonna be ok."

(Rest in peace Cameron Boyce 😭)

(Sorry this took so long to post, I was sicker than I thought and spent most of my days sleeping. This was also really painful to right, so yeah. I didn't have as much fun writing this as part one, and I hope my writing doesn't reflect that. But hey, this is the longest chapter in here, with 3200 words, yikes!)

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