Hatred V.S. Acceptance (A Nia...

Galing kay HoranyForHorann

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"What does it matter, the age of the girl i date?" -Niall Horan. Taseena Hawk is only 14, and her parents are... Higit pa

A/N (Please Read)
About Taseena (Introduction of Main Character)
Chapter 1: Cousins
Chapter 2: Road to getting along
Chapter 3: Meeting the boys
Chapter 4: It's Everything About You
Chapter 5: Unexpected Message
Chapter 7: Terrified
Chapter 8: I Want to Play a Game...
Chapter 9: The Lie Slithers Out
Chapter 10: Finish With You
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: Weak Smiles
Chapter 13: Tough Luck
Chapter 14: What had I just done? (R-RATED: DIRTY CHAPTER)
Chapter 15: Everything happens for a reason, right?
Chapter 16: Raining Apology
Chapter 17: A Rose
Chapter 18: Rejected

Chapter 6: My Heart Skips a Beat

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Galing kay HoranyForHorann

Taseena's POV:

I checked my iPhone.


I Could not sleep at all the entire night. That text message sunk into my head, and i couldnt get it out.

'Better have 911 on speed dial tomorrow, cuz with the boys gone, i can have you all to myself(; '

There was NO way in hell that, that was a coincidence. It was obvious that something bad is going to happen and my head won't stop spinning. My stomach is constantly being explored with my nerves, making me even more nervous and terrified than i already am.

I was lying on my bed in the dark, with the tiniest peak of sunlight poking out from the window.

To my right was the most beautiful and flawless human creature dreaming away. A unexpected tear ran down my right cheek.

Woah- Why was i crying? Did.. Did i want this guy? I'm being selfish. no. no way. I should leave him alone, im only fourteen.

I got out of bed, rubbing my eyes from not getting any sleep at all last night. I was about to head out the door to get some fresh air, but just as i touched the doorknob, i heard the most sexiest voice coming from behind me.

"Taseena...Where..Where are you going, love?", Niall asked in a tired and raspy voice.

I turned around startled, but pleased. (:

"Umm.. i couldn't sleep, so i was going to get some fresh air.." , i responded. "sorry i woke you up, i- i didnt mean to, i was trying to be-"

"No, it's fine..", he said as he sat up rubbing his eyes. He yawned and it was so freaking adorable.

"Umm.. Taseena?", he questioned.

"Yeah?", i said as i walked towards him.

" I feel really bad that you have to stay home alone, after just settling in here, so i was wondering..if you wanted to go get some early morning coffee? I mean, you don't have to if you dont want to, but i thought that maybe i would make it up to you by getting you some coffee at starbucks?" , he buzzed looking down, slightly blushing. Awwh(:

Wait. He is asking me out? Like- he is taking me out.

No. What am i thinking? He just felt BAD for me. whatever.

"Umm.. no, it's fine. I am actually in a mood for some early morning coffee", i said with a smile.

"Good.(:", He said walking towards the bathroom. " What time is it by the way?"

"umm.." i searched my iPhone from my bed, and answered as i grabbed it, "6:14am"

"Okay, we'll go right after i finish using the restroom" , He said right before closing the door.

I searched for a hoodie from my luggage, considering that it's alot chillier in the UK than in Florida.

I tugged it onto my head, and over my body, self checking how my hair looked. I looked into my Mirror iPhone Screen Protector, and i looked like shit.


I hurried to get some pencil eyeliner and glided it across my waterlines.


I was startled by the sound of the bathroom door opening to see Niall smiling.

wow boys pee fast

"Let's go!", He smiled, before grabbing his keys and his wallet. He tugged a hoodie over his head and we both headed downstairs.

Damn, he looks really attractive.

"Umm.. Do you think it would be better if we walked? It's perfect weather for a walk, and Starbucks is just 'round the corner.", he suggested.

"Actually, that's a really good idea! I'll probably fall asleep in the car anyways.."

Niall snickered to himself as he set down the keys on the kitchen-counter top.

He opened the door and gestured me out the door to say, "After you"

"Thank you, that's quite lovely of you to do", I said in a British accent.

He laughed as he closed the door.

Oh my gosh, his laugh is so cute and addicting(:

"You can do accents!?"

"Yep! I love acting, i already told you(:", i replied as we were walking out of the gate that protected their house from crazed fans. These boys had EVERYTHING.

"What else can you do?", he questioned, with curiousity.

"Umm.. I can do Britsh, American-Of course, i can do an Indian accent, Irish, Ghetto, Umm.. and a Russian accent.", i listed.

"Wow! That's a turn on", he said flirtasiously.

I just looked down and blushed. "thanks(:"

Was he.. flirting?

"No prob! So, did you sleep well?", he asked turning his head to me.

"Noooo. I couldn't sleep at ALL."

"Awh, Why not, babe?"


calm down, Taseena. It's just slang.

"Umm..." I looked down to the floor. Should i tell him about the texts? I think it's best i should.

Just as i was ABOUT to say something, i felt something vibrate in my front hoodie pocket.

I took out my iPhone to see another text from that blocked number.

As i read it, i dodged tears of frustration from running down my cheeks. .

"You tell, I make your life HELL."

My heart was racing and my nerves felt like they were set on fire. WHO IS DOING THIS.

"Who is it?"

"Oh, it's just another update from this website i once subscribed to, Let me unsubcribe real quick", i lied. I hated lying to his beautiful face. But then again, im not really 17. FML

I typed the words as fast as i could, trying to hide the phone from Niall, since he was a lot taller than me.

"Who are you? Please stop doing this! I did NOTHING to you!! Please..stop. Im begging you. My life is already a living hell, how the fuck are you going to manage to make it worse??"


I slid it back in my pocket, trying to jolt the text messages out of my thoughts.

"Taseena..Are you sure everything is alright?? You seem a bit.. shaken up.", Niall claimed.

"Yeah! Everything's fine, now! Those updates were literally annoying the shit out of me. Oh lord.", i replied, once again LYING.

He just chuckled to himself and said, "Jesus, im foundered."

"Haha, what in the heck does that mean?"

"Its meeeans, its extremely cold out!!", he answered as he was rubbing his hands together.

"it's not that cold, you know."

"Are you kidding?! My pee could turn into icicles."

I couldnt help but burst out laughing.

what. in. the. heck. hahahahah(:

"What?? It is true!!", he defended.

"I still disagree.", i said stubbornly.

"How bout now?!", he said as he suddenly grabbed my behind, picked me up, and spun me around.

"hahahahahah!! Put me down, Niall!! I. WILL. PUKE. ON. YOU.", I scream-laughed.

"Okay, okay! Feistyy!" , he said putting me down, as he made a purring sound.

"How are you sooo energetic in the morning?! We havent even had coffee yet!", i claimed.

"Speaking of coffee.. I found Starbucks!", he said as he was pointing to a Starbucks, just a couple of feet away.

"Last one there has to......tell the cashier to.. wear pink tomorrow, otherwise a shark will eat them. GO!" i said, as i ran off.

I got there first before Niall, and we both stood in front of the door to catch our breathes.

When we did catch out breath, we had...a moment. Call me cheesy, but we had a moment.

His nose was only about 2 inches away from mine, and he looked into my eyes. I diffussed into his sparkling, blue eyes, and i lost total connection with the universe. We were silent, and just exchanged breathes. His breath smelled like cool, fresh peppermint. And i held back the urge to press my lips against his, taking in the peppermint smell.

He leaned in about an inch closer and my heart frisked 7 beats. He was about to crash his lips onto mine, and i couldn't believe what was about to happen.

All of a sudden, he moved back.

SHIT. Was he disgusted? Embarrassed? Annoyed? Di- Did he know?

"We shouldn't do this in public.", he said before a shining smile.

"Agreed." , i said, shooting him with a pleased grin.

I totally forgot that he the one of the most famous stars in the entire world. H-how could i have forgotten?

We walked in and the store was completly empty, with only a cashier, with a Starbucks uniform, and a hat and apron. His hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes, as he was reading a book called, Taken. Good book, great movie.

"Remember-'wear pink tomorrow, otherwise a shark will eat you', in a creepy voice. go-go-go!" i whispered to Niall, with grin.

"wait, what do you want?"

"Umm.. French Vanilla Cappachino is fine.", i answered as i was heading to one of the booths, that were attached to the windows, to the right side of the store.

I sat down looking out the window, thinking. How did i get to this place? From being a normal girl in Florida, to being in the UK in Starbucks, with NIALL HORAN. NIALL FREAKING HORAN. And we were about to kiss! Oh my gosh.. Will-

"Hey beautiful", Niall said as he set down both cups, and slid in to the other side of the booth, shredding me from my thoughts, once again.

I blushed, took a refreshing sip, and said, "Thanks blondie(:"

"No prob!", he said as he took a sip out of his coffee.

"What did that guy say?", i asked.

"He was just freaked out, and he was just like, 'Wut..' , like a gom", he said with a slight laugh.


"Ehmm.. Let's see, how do Americans say this? uhh.. idiot(;", he replied.

"You know, i am American, so i dont get half of your Irish slang.", i stated with a smile.

"Whatever. ", he responded with a beam, before taking another sip.

"So, do you like it in the UK, so far?", he asked, trying to make conversation

"actually, yes! I love it here! The weather is absolutley amazing- not too hot, not too cold, but just right. And the people here are so wonderful! Have i mentioned 5 amazingly gorgeous boys? I prefer the blonde though, you might know him(;", i answered with a wink, before taking a sip out of my delicous coffee.

He looked down at his coffee and blushed. It. was. adorable. and VERY attractive.

"I do actually! Niall, may be his name?", he replied, with a HUGE smile.

"Hmmm... i think so..", i said, faking to hesitate.

After a couple of seconds of laughing, he told me something that made my heart melt into my stomach, causing butterflies to travel.

"Taseena, i think you're wonderful. I think you're gorgeous, and funny, and amazing, and-and perfect. You dont have to feel the same way, cuz i know im not the BEST looking guy on this planet,and i know im not perfect, but i just needed to let those bottled up feelings out.", he said with a smile, but then with a nervous look, looking down at his hands.

I set down my coffee, grabbed his hands, lifted his chin, and looked into his ocean-blue eyes.

"Niall. You are the most beautiful creature i have ever seen in my entire life. The minute i laid eyes on you, I- I was lost of words. That's why i was kind of quiet when Zayn introduced me to you guys. i was speachless. In my opinion, there's no one else that's better looking than you. I think- Actually, you ARE perfect.", i said with a smile.

What was happening? Did we have.. mutual feelings for each other? this is crazy.

He looked down, and shed a tear from his right eye.

"Niall! You alright? What's wrong?"

"Nothing!", he said as he wiped the tear from his cheek. "It's just.. no one has EVER said anything like that to me before.", he said with a simper.

I couldn't help but smile.


This time it was Niall's phone.

I let go of his hands, and he grabbed his phone from his hoodie pocket.

"Shit, we better get going! Liam just texted and said we would be leaving in about 30 minutes! Let's go, love", he said as he helped me up from my seat with a grin.

We threw away our cups, and walked out the door.

Maybe i should reconsider about being so negative about myself.

We were silent, and then suddenly, he grabbed my hand.

We were.... holding hands?

We were holding hands(:


We walked in to the house to the sight of Harry with only boxers on, and with toast in his hands, Liam fully-dressed, and Louis in the kitchen making coffee.

"NIALL! TASEENA!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?? We leave in less that 20 minutes for our meeting!!", Liam yelled.

"I felt bad that we had to leave Taseena home alone, so -"

"No need to explain, Niall. Just hurry and get ready!!", Liam cut Niall off.

Damn, Liam.

Niall ran upstairs and i followed.

I looked back to see Louis glaring at me.


When he saw that i saw him, he immediatiley went back to what he was doing with his regular smile. That was wierd. There was no way that was a 'jokingly' glare.

I kept climbing the stairs and went into my room. Niall was in the bathroom getting ready, and i plopped down onto my bed, laying down.

Things were finally perfect. Never in my life, have things been this perfect.

I smiled to myself, thinking about what Niall said to me at the coffee shop. He's so astonishing.

I searched my hoodie pocket for my iPhone to check what time it was.



I opened the message and shot out of my bed.

My eyes stinged, plus my head started to spin.

I wanted to throw up and i was paralyzed.

"Didn't I tell you to Beware the Blonde? You guys almost kissed. Poor Niall. Doesn't even know you're barely even 16. What will the press say? What will Zayn say? What will NIALL say? They are going to hate you forever. I'm telling you, one more strike, and you're dead. "

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