The Coach's Daughter (Jerrie)

By scobidoo

235K 6K 1.8K

Jade Thirlwall, captain of the school's football team and most popular girl in the entire school. She's got m... More

The Coach's Daughter (Jerrie)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Information numero 2

Chapter 18

8K 248 30
By scobidoo

Jade´s POV

"Are you excited for the game today?" Camila asked me, she had been bouncing up and down the entire time already. We as in Mila, me and our girlfriends were going to the Manchester game today. We got tickets for the derby and I know it surely will be one of the best games I´ve ever been to.

"To be honest I still can´t believe Pez actually agreed on going with us" I whispered, Pez had been asleep on my shoulder for some time now, but I didn´t want to risk waking her up, knowing she had a long day at school today and Stacey´s been an annoying bug again. I made sure she didn´t hurt Pez, so she only annoyed her without touching her. Plus she just looks adorable.

Lauren mirrored her best friend´s actions, leaning against her girlfriend´s shoulder, sleeping peacefully. They are so alike no wonder they are best friends. Actually it´s funny how they look nothing like each other but their minds are pretty much the same.

And I´m sure Pez had to talk Lauren into going with us, so she wouldn´t have to keep up with us talking about football all the time. That´s why I was so surprised she actually is on this train right now. But I´m glad we couldn´t see each other these last few days because Pez had to work on this presentation which is really important for her mark and took up loads of time. Whenever I tried to call her after school she was busy with the project and when she wasn´t busy I was at practice.

So I basically had Pez withdrawal these few days, so it´s basically the best thing she could have possibly done from my point of view. Having her in my arms and seeing her smile, her body fitting perfectly in mine, her hair tickling me slightly when she turns a bit, is making me unbelievably happy. I really did miss her.

I could tell Mila felt the same way, Lauren and her saw each other every day at school, but from what Mila and Pez told me Lauren is having trouble with her family right now, she nearly wasn´t allowed to go to Manchester just to watch some football game, because her parents know she really isn´t one for football. But thanks to my lovely girlfriend she was allowed to go.

You see Lauren´s parents love Pez, they call her her second daughter, kind of similar to how Pez´ family treats Lauren, well not Chloe. I still need to find out what´s the deal with her. Pez absolutely loathes her and something seems off about her, but I´m not sure what. When Pez told her family about the opportunity she got thanks to Leigh, everyone was more than happy for her, excluding Chloe, there seems to be nothing she could be happy about if it includes Pez. And as I said before I need to find out why it´s like that.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Mila, who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, a slightly worried look on her face, which concerned me greatly. She always knows when something´s wrong with me and same goes for her.


"Mila you know I´m not stupid" I told her, my voice strict. She sighed, knowing she won´t get anywhere with this.

"It´s just I´m worried about Lolo, she´s been really stressed and I feel like I need to help her relieve her stress somehow"

"Then do it"

"It´s not that easy, Jade"

"It is, have a little romantic night with her once we get back and she won´t be stressed anymore" I told her wiggling my eyebrows so she surely knew what I meant by a romantic night. Once she got it she gasped and hit my arm hard. She might not look like it, but she surely can hit.

"Jade! I thought Pez changed you for the better"

"She did, but a girl still can have imaginations right?"

"So you masturbate then?" she asked laughing to herself, making me blush a dark shade of red.

"I do not"

"That blush on your face is telling another story" she winked, making me roll my eyes at my idiotic best friend.

"I won´t be talking to you anymore" I told her and turned so that I was facing Pez, her head now on my chest and my arms fully wrapped around her, pulling her as close to me as possible.

"You won´t last long" Mila said, a determinate smile on her face, but I just put my earphones in and ignored her, cuddling myself more into Pez. I could smell her incredibly sweet scent, smiling widely because it has to be my favourite scent in the world.

My eyes were threatening to close, my eyelids battling with my brain for them to stay open, in the end my brain won and I fell asleep with my wonderful girlfriend all cuddled up to me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

Camila´s POV

Jade really did manage to ignore me, it was just one harmless joke she won´t die because of it. And she just fell asleep on me, how could she do that. But she gave me more time to think about everything happening. I think having a romantic night today with Lolo is a great idea. We haven´t really had one of those in a long time and I think that´s what she needs now. Some time with her girlfriend and a reminder that I´m always here for her no matter what might happen.

I should set up a candle light dinner in the garden and we could eat some takeaway, because there´s not enough time to cook ourselves, she´ll absolutely love it. I smiled to myself thinking about everything and how perfectly it´ll be set up and how Lolo´s eyes will light up once she takes everything in, she loves romantic gestures. She might be the one who protects me all the time, but when it´s just us she shows her vulnerable side.

Speaking of, my love is starting to move again, her eyelids fluttering open slowly letting me see her beautifully mesmerizing green orbs, I love so much. I swear her eyes are the most beautiful ones ever, they are so perfectly green with a hint of brown in them and I fall in love again and again, looking into them.

"Good morning sleepy head" I told her, stroking her head slightly, kissing her forehead, making her smile lazily. She rubbed her eyes trying to get a clearer vision, before placing a quick kiss on my lips. It may only lasted a few seconds but I still felt all these feelings shotting through my body, making me smile like an idiot.

"Had a nice sleep?" I asked my girlfriend, getting a nod as response, she still wasn´t fully awake and rested her head sleepily against my chest, my fingers still stroking her hair. A yawn escaped her mouth and she looks so freaking adorable muffling her yawn.

"You´re adorable" I whispered in her ear, kissing the skin around her earlobe gently.

"Says the adorable one" I heard my girlfriend´s beautiful voice, which was still slightly raspy, which made it sound a whole lot sexier and I´m not gonna lie I love her voice like that, actually I always love her voice. What am I saying I always love everything about her.

"Where are we?" Lolo asked, looking around for any signs to see wherever we were, once we found out we were only 2 stops away from Manchester, we knew we had to wake up Jerrie, which wouldn´t be easy from the looks of it.

"Don´t they look too cute together?" my girlfriend pointed out, while nodding her head in their direction, a big smile on her face. She´s really fond of Jade and I really like Perrie myself we couldn´t be happier for our best friends, tehy are both in love with the one they belong to. And it´s great not seeing your best friend sleeping around and basically being a hoe, known everywhere.

Right now they were all cuddled up to each other, Jade´s arms wrapping tightly around her girlfriend, both of them wearing content smiles. Lolo detangled herself from my grip and got her phone. Why would she need her phone right now? She just grinned at me and sat down again.

"What do you want to do now with your phone?"

"Taking pictures"

"But we already have enough cute couple pictures of us"

"Not of us, of them. I swear sometimes you aren´t one of the brightest, Camz"

"Whatever, you still love me" I said while wrapping my arms around my girlfriend´s torso from behind, my head resting on her shoulder, kissing her cheek briefly, watching her taking pictures off of Jerrie. But it wouldn´t be us, if we only took normal pictures, so we made them pose in the most idiotic ways like sticking their fingers up their noses, or sticking Jade´s hand in Pez´ pants and many others, when we tried one Jade woke up though.

"What are you doing?" she asked, rubbing her eyes, looking pretty annoyed in our direction.

"Taking pictures" Jade nodded and just sat back, stretching letting the subject go. Oh Jade you won´t let it go when we use these pictures to embarrass you. I smiled smugly to myself, seeing my girlfriend having the exact same expression on her face. Jade was still clueless to what happened just seconds ago, but the later she knows the better.

"You should wake blondie over there, we need to get off at the next stop" I informed her, she nodded again and woke her girlfriend, trying to be as gentle and nice as possible. Which didn´t really work out at first but she still managed to wake her up. When we got off the train Perrie was leaning against Jade tiredly, a yawn leaving her mouth.

I looked at mine and Lolo´s intertwined hands a big smile forming on my face, knowing she´s with me and she´s safe and happy, no worries in the world. And that´s exactly what kind of effect I want to have on her, I want her to be happy and not worry about anything bad happening.

"I love you, Camz" my girlfriend told me, making me look up in her gorgeous green eyes, they were glistening with joy, happiness and honesty.

"I love you too, Lolo" I told her and pecked her lips, making her smile big, showing me her pearl white teeth. I´m so lucky.

Jade´s POV

The second half of the game just started and it was a tie so far, both teams having a goal scored, both of them playing their best, trying to beat the other team. I´m glad ManU found their own strength again, after all these disappointing games, they finally are on the edge to win or at least get a point today.

Pez and Lauren looked rather bored and were too busy being engaged in their own conversation to pay attention, I´m glad Lauren could come so Pez isn´t bored out of her mind, she had her best friend to talk to and I had mine to cheer with.

Di Maria just did a long solo, never losing the ball, before passing it to Rooney, who was near the goal already, waiting for the ball, tricking a player, before taking a shot. The ball flew in the air and you couldn´t hear anything, the entire crowd was silent, waiting for the ball to get in or not. The ball spun around in the air some more, before making its way past the goalkeeper. A goal.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" I and every other ManU fan cheered at the top of their lungs. He did it, he scored. Mila and I hugged each other happily, still cheering for our team. Our girlfriends looked confused, obviously having no idea what just happened, bless them.I think I saw Pez being scared and jump slightly as everyone started screaming all at once. 

"What happened?" Pez finally asked, making me chuckle a bit, only they couldn´t realize someone scored, only knowing something had to happen because everyone started cheering and on top of that she didn´t figure out that when we´re at a football game the people would be cheering when someone scored, but oh well it´s Pez and it´s actually adorable to me.

"We scored, Pez"

"We did?" I nodded and suddenly she started cheering and jumped up and down, jumping on me. Fortunately for her I caught her and held her close to me, her lips immediately crashing against mine, the sparks and butterflies going wild in my body. She´s the only one who´s able to make me feel all of this, I´ve never felt any of these feelings before with anyone, only Pez is able to make me feel like this and to me it´s some sign of knowing she´s the right one. I know I´ll be with her for a long time and I really don´t want to lose her.

We pulled away, our foreheads resting on each others, my eyes being met by my girlfriend´s wonderful blue orbs, blue has become one of my favourite colours now thanks to Pez. But none of the blue tones existing can even exist with the colour of her eyes. It´s just something special and if I could I would get everything in this colour, because to me it´s the most beautiful one existing.

"We scored, Jadey" she whispered, making me laugh, she got really excited and didn´t even pay attention, but I´m not complaining about Pez´ kisses or having her clinging onto me. "We did" I whispered back, kissing her cheek and letting her down taking our seats again. Our hands intertwined, while I paid attention to the game again and Pez chatted with Lauren again, not paying even one bit of attention to the game.

I got to hold her hand and watch my favourite football club win against their biggest opponent. Their rival after so many miserable games it looks like they´re winning again and they´re winning such an important one as well. It´s such a good day.

The game was nearing its end and Manchester City didn´t stop trying to win the game they had a few good chances, but luckily none of them succeeded. Only a few more minutes were left and it was time for some players to change. And for some reason they started doing Kiss Cams you know like those at American Football games searching for couples, making them kiss.

The camera searched for a couple, which gladly kissed each other. Soon the camera searched for another couple, stopping and showing two girls on the big screen, they were holding hands and sitting as close as possible together. One of them was brunette and the other one was blonde, to me the blonde is pretty fit, but don´t tell Pez.

The crowd started chanting "Kiss" over and over again, but the couple didn´t move one bit, why don´t they move? If they are a couple one little kiss won´t be a problem. The crowd got even louder and louder, they really did want them to kiss.

I turned my head to my right, only to see the girl on the screen doing the same, that was when I realized it was us on the big screen. How come I didn´t notice earlier? I nudged Pez´ side and once she turned to me I showed her the screen. She instantly blushed highlighting her amazing cheekbones in red and turned to me, a shy smile on her face.

We both leaned in and once our lips touched the crowd cheered loudly, kissing your special someone is always special, but when you have thousands of people cheering for you it´s even more special. And they really were cheering, which surprised me greatly, because normally you´d have loads of haters and homophobs, but it didn´t look like it. And to me this is a big step forward for our society.

We pulled away again, Pez still blushing the deepest shade of red I´ve ever seen her blush, hiding her head in the crook of my neck. She needs to stop being so damn adorable. Or she´ll kill me with her cuteness overload. But at least it would be a happy death.

Manchester United ended up winning the game that day and it had to be the best game I´ve ever been to, not only because of the fact that I saw two Premier League clubs play against each other and my favourite ended up winning, but also and more importantly because I watched it with Pez, the one who means the most to me. The one I plan on being with for a long long time. The one I love.


Servas :)

Sorry for the boring update I felt like I needed to update but had no ideas so this happened :/ btw thank you so so much for nearly 20K reads and nearly 1K votes on this story! You guys are insane :) xx

Anyways my family and I are going to a spa tomorrow and I have to finish a presentation as in I need everything and it needs to be finished or else I´m fucked so there won´t be any more updates this week :)

And one thing I´ve been thinking about a lot especially reading Jerrie fanfics, you know how baba is basically everywhere. I´ve been wondering if anyone even knows that in Austria you can use baba to say bye, so reading them like at the very beginning it was confusing but it´s actually funny, no? It´s just me? God I´m being idiotic again and I´m talking to myself now, well done. :')

See you on the next update :) xx <3

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