Lil Papi | itzzzstoryzzz

By itzzzstoryzzz

208K 6K 1.2K

Ka-sai moves to a new school, and falls for the big man on campus, Azari. Little did he know having the title... More

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4.9K 159 45
By itzzzstoryzzz

Ka-sai POV

After a few more brining classes it was finally time to go home. After a short drive of me blasting Rico Nasty I arrived at  home.

I walked through the door and saw my mother sitting on the couch eating ice cream straight out of the container.

"Hey baby, you tryna watch Love and HipHop withcha mama?"

"Umm maybe in a minute I might have company coming over." I said as I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

"Mmmm would this company happen to be the lil boy who took you out to the mall the other day?" She questioned shoving a spoonful of cookies and cream into her mouth.

"Maybe." I took a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Mmhmm well you better behave y'all selves." She pointed her spoon towards me.

I took a sip of my water. "You can meet him if you want." I shrugged.
I figured that since Azari told me I had his heart and all, and that I feel like he was being truthful I figured why not.

"Oh, and by meet I don't mean a federal investigation. I mean a "Hello I'm Mrs.Baxter nice to meet you" and a good bye." I followed up.

"Mmhmm. So that must mean he's your lil boyfriend?" She asked me.

"Something like that." I grabbed a container of frosting and a spoon and walked upstairs.

I closed the door behind me and put my snack down and went to my bathroom to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later I was refreshed and relaxed sitting on my bed eating my frosting.

I was wondering when Azari was going to come through with my surprise but I didn't think too much into it. I still was trying to wrap my head around him telling me that he was going to surprise me, but I didn't think too much into it.

I soon realized that the more I tried not to think that much into it, the more I started to think about it. What was he planning to do? Was he going to take me somewhere? Is there going to be food? I want to know what's going to happen. I pouted.

As I was deep into overthinking I felt my phone buzzing from underneath me, Azari was calling me.

"Helloooo." I answered the phone cheerfully.

"Aye lil baby, you home right?"

"Yeah I'm here wassup?" I questioned.

"Well come outside." He told me.

I hung up the phone and walked downstairs.

"It's a white car outside is that for you, oooohhh is that my future son in law outside?" She got excited.

"Mama....chill." I said plainly.

I opened the door to find Azari holding food from Domino's and some drinks.

"Surprise lil baby." He cheesed.

I smiled back and let him in.

He walked inside and his eyes looked around until his eyes met my mother's.

"Hello you must be Ka-sai's beautiful mother, I see where he gets it from. I'm Azari" He introduced himself to my mother.

Damn he went from hood to proper real quick.

"You're sweet and you bring food home? I can already tell imma like you, but I'm Mrs.Baxter you can call me Mrs.B if you want to."

He nodded in agreement.

"Ok well mama we're gonna go upstairs now....." I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs with me and into my room.

"You can sit the food on the bed." I said as I walked into my bathroom to wash my hands.

He followed in behind me and hugged me from behind.

"So do you like your surprise?"

"So we supposed to eat and chill?" I asked.

He responded by nodding.

"We can do something else if you'n wanna do just that."

"Nahh we cool. I like the simple stuff." I turned around pecked him on his lips.

He let me go and we walked back into my room.

"You got Netflix or something right?"

"Mmhmm. Choose something." I threw him the remote.

Azari put on some scary movie from Netflix and I grabbed a piece of pizza and we cuddled up together on my bed. As I was sitting there in his arms stuffing my face, the damn demon from the movie popped up out of nowhere which caused me to jump back into Azari's arms and smash my piece of pizza into his all white shirt.

"Damn boo..." he groaned.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. Imma get you another shirt." I got up off the bed and went to my dresser to grab him a shirt. When I turned around I saw a shirtless Azari. I stood there as I looked over all of his tattoos.

"Or you can stay like that if you want to..." I blushed.

"Fine with me." He flopped back on the bed and patted the spot next to him.

I threw threw the shirt on the floor and went to go sit back next to him.

"I never knew you had this many tattoos." I looked over his chest and forearms.

"You never asked." He said chewing on a brownie. "You also never seen me shirtless." He followed up.

I honestly fascinated by his ink. I've only seen a couple of the ones on his arms and hand, and even then I didn't pay much attention to them.

My eyes roamed around all of the designs, words, and pictures along his caramel chest.

"You know you can touch them if you want to...." he trailed off.

I took my finger and traced along the words of 'Always and Forever'.

"What does this one mean?"

He sat up a bit.

"A few years ago I ran away from home and my play brother Esco gave me this long ass speech and convinced me to go back. Basically it's our lil pact of having each others back til the end."

"He got it tatted on him to?"

"Mmhmmm." He nodded. "I gotta introduce y'all one of these days."

I nodded.

"I'm cold."

"C'mere then." He told me

I lied down on against his his and he wrapped his arms around. I can really get used to this type of stuff.

Eventually Azari drifted to sleep with me stuck in his strong ass arms. I sat there for about twenty minutes doing nothing, just enjoying the moment.

A few minutes later I leaned more into his grip and fell asleep wrapped up in his arms.

I'm jp but thank y'all so much for being active on this book so like I'm going to try to interact more with y'all so.
-Constructive Criticism?

1075 words

Escobar Jones
-21 years old
-Birthday: April 14th (Aries)
-Straight, sometimes bisexual

Yall this is Esco's character, I forgot to put him in the characters page. ❤️

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