
By Megan-Nicole

3.7K 64 56

All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween
Ending All The Pain
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Miam Or Payzer?
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Family Reunion
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!

Plane Trip

32 0 0
By Megan-Nicole

"How could you be so stupid Liam? I mean, what the hell?"

"I'm sorry but I love her. If you can't accept this, than I don't know what you're going to do because I'm not letting her go." He protests.

We're talking to management and they don't fully agree with the situation. Okay, they don't agree at all.

"Liam, it's not good for your image." The man says.

"I don't care about my image. I'm not trying to impress anybody but her. If the fans don't accept it, they're not real fans." Liam says, grabbing my hand.

"Sorry I'm late. What's going on now Liam?" Simon Cowell walks through the door.

"Mister Cowell. It seems like we have a huge dilemma here." The man says.

"And what might that be?" Simon asks. The man looks at me expectantly. Jesus, why me?

"Well sir. You see-uh-I'm pregnant." I say shyly.

"And you are-? Liam's sister?" Simon raises an eyebrow.

"Uh-" This is where it gets awkward.

"This is my girlfriend. Megan." Liam finally says, noticing my awkwardness. I give him a thankful smile and he smiles back.

"You're dating a pregnant girl?" Simon asks, looking at Liam.

"Well she wasn't when we first started dating." Liam points out, trying to subside the awkwardness.

"So she cheated on you? There's an obvious solution Liam." Simon says.

Uh-is he playing dumb, or is he actually this dumb?

"Uncle Si. Uh. W-Well, you s-see." Liam starts stuttering and getting shaky.

"It's his baby." I say to Simon.

"Excuse me?" He turns his head so he has a clear ear shot of me.

"It's his." I repeat. He sighs, looking between us.

"Well. Liam. What did I say about using protection?" Simon asks, chuckling. Liam and I look at each other questioningly.

"I mean, there's nothing we can do about it now. It's the boys choice anyway. Well, her's too. I'm not going to make them break up. That wouldn't solve anything. Plus, they would just find a way to be together and it would make the paps go crazy. Let's let it be. Congrats kids." Simon says and walks out.

"I guess there's nothing left to say." Liam says, getting up and grabbing my hand.

"Well that went better than I expected." I say once we get to the car.

"Yea. I thought I was going to have to break someone's face." Liam says, helping me in the car.

I feel like this is too good to be true.

*2 months later*

"Guys! Let's go!" I yell at them. If they don't hurry their asses up, I'm going to drag them out by their ears.

"We're ready!" Lou comes running down the stairs. The others follow shortly behind.

"You look stunning." Liam says, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me gently. I give him a questioning look as I'm just wearing a floral top with some high waisted jeans.

"Oi! Lovebirds, let's go." Niall says, walking to the door. I laugh and follow them out.

"Hey Zayn. Is Perrie going?" I ask, winking. Zayn met a girl named Perrie last month. They have been going on dates here and there. She's really cool. She's in a band and her voice is amazing. Her and I are pretty good friends now.

"Yea. She's meeting us at the airport when we get there. She can only go for a few days though." He smiles.

Thank goodness she's going. We can have a shopping day in Paris. Yea, we're going to Paris.

The boys are going back on tour. Liam says he doesn't want to leave me alone again. So now we're on our way to the airport. From there, we're going Paris, then some other places in Europe, America, then we come home for a week, and finally we go to South America.

"C'mon Meg." Liam says, picking me up. I squeal and laugh.

"Liam! I can walk ya know." I laugh, wiggling in his arms.

"What, I can't carry my future wife and child?" He asks innocently. I laugh, snuggling into his neck. My heart leaps at his words, calling me his wife. Well, future wife, but still.

"Alright, now you can walk" He sets me down, only to sit in a chair. I shake my head and sit next to him.

I look down at my growing stomach. I never thought I would ever look down to see something growing inside me. Someone growing inside me.

I feel a soft hand place itself under my shirt. I look up to see Liam smiling at the small bump.

"This is going to be a mini you one day." I smile at him.

"Or a mini you. Hopefully you 'cause I want a girl." He says, making my smile bigger.

"You're very smily today." He looks up at me.

"Sorry?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows but still smiling.

"No. I like it. You should do it more." He laughs.

"C'mon guys." Harry says, grabbing my bag and walking to the gate entrance. We all get up and follow.

"Are you sure it's fine for you to fly?" Liam asks, grabbing my hand in his.

"Yes. Doctor Massi said I should be fine." I roll my eyes. We get to the plane and find our seats in first class. Liam, Niall and I get three seats together. Lou, Harry and Zayn get the seats behind us.

"Who wants the window?" Liam asks, looking between Niall and I.

"Me!" We shout simutaneously, running to the seat.

"Woah! Let's do this the safe way." Liam says, stopping us.

"Best two out of three." I say to Niall.

"You're on." He gets his hands ready. We shake our right hands, mine landing flat and his curled in a ball.

"Ha!" I cheer. He huffs and shakes it off. We go again and he wins. We go one last time and we both land on paper. Lastly, we go once again and he wins.

"Goddamn you!" I yell at him as he takes his seat by the window.

"I love you." He smiles.

I take my seat in the middle and Liam sits in the isle seat. Behind us, Lou gets the window. Harry sits behind me and Zayn gets the isle seat. I swear, I'm going to shove my foot down Lou's throat if he tries anything. I say that with love.

"Go to sleep. You look tired and It's going to be a while." Liam says, putting his arm around my shoulders. I lean on his shoulder anad close my eyes, falling asleep.


"Why did he want the window seat if he was going to sleep the whole time?"  I groan, watching Niall sleeping against the window.

"Babe, you were sleeping too, I'm sure you're going to go back to sleep." Liam laughs.

"But still." I whine, getting up from my seat.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I say, squeezing past Liam and walking to the back. I go inside and shut the door.

Is it just me or is it super hot in here? Oh wait, that's 'cause I'm here. Cue flirty face. But really, it is super hot in here. Okay, I will admit, I have never been a good flyer. I hate it. With a burning passion.

I turn the little sink on and splash my face with water. I lean against the sink for a minute and the door opens.

"Uh. Sorry? The bathroom is occupi-" I'm cut off by lips on mine. Oh Liam. You greedy child.

I kiss back and smile into the kiss. So does he. He backs me up against the sink and I hop on it, getting face level with him, all that while still kissing. He grabs my waist and tugs me towards him and grinds his hips on mine. Man this kid is something. He pulls away, my eyes still closed, and leans his forehead on mine. He gives me one last peck and walks away. I open my eyes and the last thing I see is a curly mop walking out of the bathroom.


Hey guys.

How is everybody? Good? Good.

He interview went great! Except the fact that I ran into the door on the way out okay, I thought it was unlocked but it wasn' I tried to open it and it was locked.

Other than that it went good. She's gonna call me this week I think and talk to me about an audition with some movie or something. I don't know, she's gone a give me details later.

Anyway. Comment and vote!! I only have classes Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday this week so I'll update again Thursday or Friday.

Meg xx

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