Reunion (The Monkees Family V...

By teareadknitsleep

2.8K 110 181

In the mid-1980s, the Monkees are hot stuff again after MTV has reintroduced them to a whole new generation o... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Final Author's Note

Chapter 14

22 2 0
By teareadknitsleep

The new year brought a whirlwind of activity. Jan moved in with Micky and Gabby unexpectedly on New Year's Day. She called while they were watching the Rose Parade, asking for asylum from Davy's ranting and raving. Apparently, he was still drunk from the night before and was toggling between tearfully begging her not to leave him and bragging about all the women who would be lined up to take her place once she left. So she called Lynda and Robert and asked them to come over and help her gather as many of her belongings as she could carry and they caravanned over to the Levitt-Dolenz house, her destination unbeknownst to Davy. In an eerily similar scenario to the one Gabby wrought on Micky by fleeing to Davy's home, Jan fled to Gabby's home and refused to tell Davy where she was going. Not because she was afraid of him but because she felt it was poetic justice and it gave her a pleasing sense of twisted symmetry. She knew she'd eventually tell him where she was staying, or he'd find out through someone else in the family, and she looked forward to twisting the knife when he found out. In any case, she reflected, it wouldn't be for too long. Davy had encouraged Jan to quit her job when they got married because he didn't want people to think he couldn't afford to support her, but fortunately she hadn't listened to him. So she was still working at Wallichs Music City and had a source of income to support herself and could well afford to find a new place to live.

When Wendy came to Gabby's house for her scheduled visit the following Saturday, Jan joined in on the Seventeen magazine and junk food fest and Wendy asked her whether she'd be interested in making a career move.

"Jan, would you be interested in coming on board at Pacific Arts? I'm starting to get really overwhelmed and I could use an assistant. And I'm definitely going to need one once the baby arrives. I'd rather have someone in place before the baby is born than try to train them after the fact."

Jan's posture straightened up as if someone had rammed a poker up her spine. "You mean it? You're not just throwing me a bone, Wendy? I mean, you know I've been looking for a way into the music business for a long time, but I want to do this on merit, legit, you know?"

Wendy nodded and her posture was the opposite of Jan's, slumping down in her chair with relief. "Yeah, I'm serious. I could really use someone I can trust and who has her head screwed on the right way. You've obviously got the chops. You know the biz and you're got common sense. And you're great to be around, which is a plus when you have to work long hours. It would be such a relief if I knew I could have you to count on. Will you do it?"

"For sure! When do I start?" Jan hugged Wendy and Wendy basked in her embrace. Wendy knew she was hormonal, but she also knew that without a doubt it was a fact that it felt good to be back in the good graces of her friends and to have them back in her life. She started to cry and laugh simultaneously. Gabby joined the hug and made it a three-way embrace.

"Girls, this calls for a special toast! How about hot chocolate?"

Wendy cried "Are you crazy, girl? It's broiling in here! Of course, bring it on! Do you have any candy canes left over from Christmas that we can dip in it?"

They brewed up their drinks, melted candy canes in them and Jan and Gabby added a bit of peppermint Schnapps to theirs. Gabby stood and declared "To the real bosses of Pacific Arts!" The other girls gassed with laughter and clinked their mugs.

Just then, Micky came strolling through the room and asked what the hubbub was all about. Jan said "Hey, Micky, this is just great! I'm going to be Wendy's Girl Friday at Pacific Arts! I'm finally getting my career off the ground. New year, new career, new chapter of my life!"

Micky nodded and stroked his chin. "Well, you sure aren't letting the grass grow under your feet, Jan. Congratulations!"

Wendy asked shyly, "Do you mind if I ask you, Jan, are you really going to divorce Davy, or are you just taking a time out?"

Jan leaned back in her chair and sipped her hot chocolate. "Nah, I'm not going to divorce him."

Micky and Gabby exchanged significant looks.

Gabby said "So then what's your next move? How are you going to play it? Do you think you'll just be with us for a few days to cool off or what?"

Jan shook her head "Oh, no, I'm going to be here for a while, until I can find my own place. I'm not divorcing him, I'm going to go for a full annulment of the marriage!"

The other three had expressions of shock that to Jan seemed comical in the extreme. Gabby was the first to muster the ability to verbalize her reaction.

"Wow, Jan, you aren't fucking around. You're really going for the jugular!"

Jan nodded her head solemnly with satisfaction. "Oh yeah. You of all people should realize, he married me under false pretenses. He said he loved me and made me all sorts of promises and vows that he obviously didn't mean. He had his heart and soul dedicated to someone else. I don't mean to put you on the spot, Gabby, and of course it's all among friends here. But seriously, he lied to me. He stood at that altar and he fucking lied to me in front of my family and friends, or really what it comes to is my family and family. So my position is we never really were married, and I don't want that hanging around my neck like an albatross. It was a colossal mistake, and of course I'm partly to blame. I was a fool to believe him, but the only thing I'm guilty of was being a blind optimist."

Wendy, ever the practical materialist with an eye for the main chance pointed out "But Jan, if you annul the marriage, you can't soak him for alimony! You'll get nothing!"

Jan shrugged "So fucking what? I got nothing before we were married. I didn't take anything from him other than what he voluntarily chose to give me. I lived off my own earnings, just like Gabby did. I never quit my job, never stopped supporting myself. He paid for my travel and sometimes meals and occasionally gave me gifts, but I don't care about that. And to be honest, he hasn't got as much money as you think he has. He'll probably be thrilled that I'm asking for the annulment and will sign on the dotted line happily just so he doesn't have to pay me alimony. I just want to end things quickly and cleanly. Then we can both get on with our lives."

Micky peeped at Jan from under his mop of unruly hair and asked "Do you mind if I say something, Jan?"

She laughed "Nope, fire away."

He ventured a smile and said "Well, I think you've got the right idea. Reclaim your life and start it again on your own terms. Cut the cord and be who you know you can be. I admire you and think you are an extraordinary person."

Jan beamed at Micky and said "Thanks, Micky. I know you've seen a lot of people remake their lives in AA, so you know of what you speak. I never was one to dwell in misery. It was good while it lasted, and when we were together I always had what I wanted. And when I couldn't have what I wanted, we stopped being together. It was always a simple equation for me. Now it's time to say goodbye and put it all behind me. There's a whole big wide world out there. And hell, here I am, starting a whole new chapter of my professional life! Who knows who I'm going to meet in my life next? I'm a practical farm girl. I guess that kind of tripped me up and that's why I settled for marrying him. I told myself it didn't matter that I wasn't his first choice. But now I realize it does matter. So you live and learn and you move on. Right?"

Micky nodded. "Right. Gabby taught me a lot about love and life. I was a boy when I met her and I had a hell of a lot to learn."

Gabby walked over to him and put her arms around his waist. She said "We grew up together and learned together."

Wendy chipped in "So did Mikey and I. You're just affirming my decision to ask you to be my assistant, Jan. You've got your head screwed on right. You've got a lot of sense."

Jan laughed. "Well, I just feel a wee bit bad for Micky. Micky, you're going to be working with Davy and he's going to be a misery guts when he hears about this. Are you going to be okay with that?"

Micky gave a wry smile. "Oh, I think I'll manage. Maybe I'll even enjoy it just a bit. Are you going to tell him before he leaves for England?"

"Do you mind if I do?"

"Hey, it's none of my business. We may be family, but you don't have to consult me or anyone else. Do your thing."

"Okay, thanks. I want to just get it over with. Wendy, you and Mike must know a lawyer I can use. Can you hook me up?"

Wendy nodded. "Yeah, we'll take care of you. I'll even pay for it. Let's just get this done."

Jan melted with a look of gratitude. "Thank you. I won't say no."

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