Hatred V.S. Acceptance (A Nia...

By HoranyForHorann

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"What does it matter, the age of the girl i date?" -Niall Horan. Taseena Hawk is only 14, and her parents are... More

A/N (Please Read)
About Taseena (Introduction of Main Character)
Chapter 2: Road to getting along
Chapter 3: Meeting the boys
Chapter 4: It's Everything About You
Chapter 5: Unexpected Message
Chapter 6: My Heart Skips a Beat
Chapter 7: Terrified
Chapter 8: I Want to Play a Game...
Chapter 9: The Lie Slithers Out
Chapter 10: Finish With You
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: Weak Smiles
Chapter 13: Tough Luck
Chapter 14: What had I just done? (R-RATED: DIRTY CHAPTER)
Chapter 15: Everything happens for a reason, right?
Chapter 16: Raining Apology
Chapter 17: A Rose
Chapter 18: Rejected

Chapter 1: Cousins

5.1K 59 17
By HoranyForHorann

Zayn couldnt take it anymore with the rage he had built up inside of him. He went to his room and just lied on his bed and just started thinking bout how his dad dosent understand him. Ever since he was a kid, his dad would always push him into doing things he wanted, not Zayn. The idea of having unknown, stupid, distant cousins coming to live with him and his bandmates, just absolutley furied him.

Zayn's POV

There was enough room for them to stay at this house, why the fuck do they have to stay at the boys' house. with me and my best friends. i dont know these god damn people, and there's no way in hell, i'm having them live with me. Our break before the tour just started and i wanted to have a vacation with the boys. GOD DAMN IT DAD.  He mentioned 2 boys, one my age, and one about Saffaa's age, 8 years old. He also mentioned a 14 year old girl. SUpposedly, their parents had a business event in Japan, so they have to live with us. My dad and their dad were freinds from college, but i dont get why they have to stay with us. I need- WE need privacy. 

"Zayn! Come down here! They're here! , "  I heard my dad yell from downstairs.

Great. Now they're gonna find out I'm  THE ZAYN MALIK from THE ONE DIRECTION. I dont wanna deal with this bullshit right now. 

I headed downstairs, and i did NOT want to smile at all. i was never this pissed. 

"This is Jake", my dad pointed to the older teenage boy, that looked my age. He was about my height, and his style of clothes seemed simialr to mine. Get your own swag. 

"Hi", he casually said. He seems nice. 

"This is Max", he then pointed to a younger boy that had matching spider man shirt, shorts, and shoes. Damn. He must really like spiderman..

"HAAAAAII", he responded as soon as he was introduced. 

"Um.. hi. ", i replied, creeped out. 

"And this is Taseena", he pointed to a girl about 15- years old. She had long, black hair, and was fairly short. 

"Hello!", she said very joyfully. How do these people remain to stay so jolly? She seems like a very happy person. Reminds me alot of Niall. 

Maybe if i stay with these people, i'll learn not to get worked up so easily. 

"Hi, I'm Zayn!", i said with a fake smile put on my face. i decided to give them a chance.

"These are your distant cousins. They are muslim as well, and they are very wonderful people. They're parents are the funniest people I've ever met! Great Family", my dad said cheerfully. 

" You're from ONE DIRECTION! You're my faaaaaavvvorite!!!!!!", Max said. Aw. That was sweet of him. 

"Haha, yes i am! And thank you, lad. i love your spiderman clothes!", i replied. 

Max gaspin 'Awe', and his eyes widened. He tugged at his sister's jeans and whispered something in her ear and they both smiled. 

Jake just stood there, very politley and i think he seems pretty cool. 

"I decided they should stay here with us, instead of with you. I think you need at least, some privacy." , My dad said. "But there arent enough rooms in this house for all three of them, so Taseena is going to have to stay with you guys. i hope you dont mind, i tried giving you enough priva-"

I cut him off saying, "No, it's fine dad. Thank you for at least trying", i said in the most thankfull and happy way, with a hug to show appreciation. 

"Soo, i have to stay with you and 'the guys'? Who does that refer to?", Taseena asked. 

"oh, the rest of the ladds, of course. Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry.", I replied matter- of- factly. 

"Oh, okay", she said, ending it with a hidden smile.  I'm guessing she likes our band. Oh, gosh. I hope she's not like that crazy fan that tried to lick Harry's dimple at our last signing.  OH. LORD.

"You guys can start unpacking, and zayn, take Taseena to your and Liam's house so she can get comfortable," my dad said with a smile. 

"Alright, Taseena, Let's go!", i grabbed the keys to my car, helpped put her luggage into my car, and we got into the car and i started driving to our 2-story house. 

Taseena's POV

We arrived at the airport in the UK, and I'm nervous to see what my cousins are gonna be like. What if they hate me? Oh, what does it matter? It's not like anybody ACTUALLY cares nowadays. It's so hard to stay jolly and happy all the time. But I guess I'm just a good actress. I wonde-

"Hey, look that guy has a sign with our last name on it. 'Hawk'", my Older brother, Jake said, breaking me from my thoughts. 

I sighed, and said "Let's get prepared for some weird-ass cousins.", i said with a fake smile put on my face.

My little brother, Max, giggled, and we walked towards the man. Im guessing that's Uncle Yaser. Mom and dad told us we'd be living with him, his wife, and his 4 kids. i reaaaaallly do hope they like us. 

"Are you our Uncle Yaser?", Jake asked. 

"You guys are Yasmin and Jawaad's kids,right?", he said. 

"yes, we are", I smiled. 

"Hiiii!!! I'm your Uncle Yaser, you guys are so much older, than last time i saw you! Wow, you guys look alot like your 'rents!", he said cheerfully. 

Nice guy. 

On the ride to their house, he was telling us he had a son and 3 daughters, but his daughters went on a shopping spree in Paris with their mom, so they wont't be home. 


4 less people to worry about. 

After 20 minutes of listening to raging college stories and pointless questions about our lives, we pulled up to a huge, 2- story house with a gate in front. We went in and the house was so freakin' amazing. [Front-of-the-house]

   A billion times better than our 1- story house with only 2 bedrooms. 

These people are effin rich. Maybe Uncle Yaser's a doctor or somethin.

We went in and to the right was a nice family room, and then following that, was a descending staircase. Following that, towards the left, was the gigantic living room with a 60-inch 3D tv. DAMN. In front of the family room, to the left of the enterence, was the kitchen , with an opening to the living room. There was a room to the right of the living room, behind the stairs. 

Seems like, our entire house would be just their living room. haha. 

"Zayn! Come down here! They're here! , " Uncle Yaser screamed. 

Zayn? I like that name, reminds me of that very attractive band that Julie likes. -Scratch that-- LOVES. She wouldnt stop talking bout them, and to be honest, i kind of like them too. 

As he walked down the stairs, i couldn't believe my fucking eyes. It was ZAYN FUCKING MALIK.  He is my cousin??  That is not possible.

He looked a bit off, but he was still really good looking. Is it weird that im saying that about my cousin? HOLY SHITBALLS ZAYN MALIK IS MY COUSIN. 

Uncle Yaser introduced my two brothers to him.

Then he introduced me, "Hello!", i said. 

"Hi, I'm Zayn!", he exclaimed. I love how he was so happy!

"These are your distant cousins. They are Muslim as well, and they are very wonderful people. Their parents are the funniest people I've ever met! Great Family", Uncle explained cheerfully. 

" You're from One Direction! You're my favorite!", Max said. 

"Yes i am! And thank you, lad. i love your spider-man clothes!", Zayn chuckeled. 

Max tugged at my jeans and whispered to me "I can't believe Zayn's my cousin!" 

I just smiled. I cant believe it either. 

"I decided they should stay here with us, instead of with you. I think you need at least, some privacy." , Uncle Yaser explained to Zayn. "But there arent enough rooms in this house for all three of them, so Taseena is going to have to stay with you guys."

Hold on. Where was he going with this.

"i hope you dont mind, i tried giving you enough priva-"

Zayn cut him off saying, "No, it's fine dad. Thank you for at least trying." They hugged and it was touching. My dad would never do that. Instead, he would call me a fatass and tell me to manage my own room to sleep in so the guests can be in my room. 

"So, i have to stay with you and 'the guys'? Who does that refer to?", I asked, dying for an answer.

"oh, the rest of the lads, of course. Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry.", Zayn replied.

"Oh, okay", I said, trying to hide a smile.

"You guys can start unpacking, and zayn, take Taseena to your and Liam's house so she can get comfortable," Uncle Yaser said with a smile. 

After giving a hesitant look to my brothers, Zayn finally said, 

"Alright, Taseena, Let's go!"

He put my luggage in his car, and we drove off. 

What if they dont like me? What if they're creeped out? What if they find out i cut? They will definitely think I'm a freak. 

Let's hope this goes well.

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