Puss in Boots and his new fri...

By AlexLienau

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This is a huge crossover story of Puss in Boots, going through life with a new house and enjoying new adventu... More

Chapter 1: Camping trip to Yosemite with new friends
Chapter 2: Puss and Platy: family and friends forever
Chapter 3: Up the snowy mountain
Chapter 4: Go wild for Valentine's Day
Chapter 6: To the rescue with new friends
Chapter 7: In the forest and Paradise Beach
Chapter 8: Friends Halloween
Chapter 9: Friends Christmas
Chapter 10: The bad case of hiccups
Chapter 11: Mittens' birthday
Chapter 12: Is there a doctor in the house?
Chapter 13: Love and dances
Chapter 14: In the cave
Chapter 15: Puss saves the day
Chapter 16: Friends, family, and new neighbors
Chapter 17: The great escape and petsitting
Chapter 18: The storm
Chapter 19: The fight
Chapter 20: Lost
Chapter 21: The penpal
Chapter 22: Rita's sick birthday surprise
Chapter 23: The magic charm
Chapter 24: The trouble with siblings
Chapter 25: Adventures in babysitting
Chapter 26: Rhino's crazy and adventurous bad dream
Chapter 27: Brothers in outer space
Chapter 28: Alex and Puss' bad hairday
Chapter 29: Rodney's magic show stage fright
Chapter 30: Friends or foes

Chapter 5: The search for Platy

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By AlexLienau

Platy's gone missing! Will Puss ever find her and bring her back home?
Puss has had his platypus, Platy for almost half a year now and he loves her very much. All of his friends and family love her, too. Puss would do anything to protect and keep her safe. Even make her happy. Platy was starting to become more of a daughter than a pet to Puss. Now with Kitty and Perrito in the family, Kitty decided to become the mother figure to Platy while Perrito is the uncle.

One night, Donkey came out of his room, down the stairs, not looking very happy before he stopped in the living room, putting down his hoof hard. "Okay, I am very upset right now." He said.

"What's wrong, Donkey?" Kitty asked.

"Somebody ripped my favorite dragon costume!" Donkey said, laying down a dragon suit, which was shown to be ripped by the tail.

Platy started shaking in fear before she hid behind the coffee table. Puss looked down at the rip on the dragon costume before looking back at Donkey, raising a serious eyebrow. "Come on, Donkey, it's just a little rip." He said.

"Not just any rip, the rip is at the tail, which will show my butt from the back! It'll be so embarrassing!"

"Well, you have worn this costume four Halloweens in a row. You've probably outgrown it now. Do you have to make it a big deal about it?"

Yes! This costume is special to me. Even my wife and kids love it." Donkey said.

"Well, alright. You can go find Fiona and she'll sew it back up for you." Puss said.

"Thank you." Donkey said, turning around to go back upstairs until something dawned on him before he turned back to Puss. "Wait a minute. I've worn this costume for four years and not even one single tear came out from it unless somebody did it."

"Okay, and I probably know what you're thinking. It wasn't me this time. Cat's honor." Puss said, laying his hands on his chest, proudly.

"Not me, either. This is my first time, seeing that costume." Perrito said.

"Well, at least I can tell you're honest, Perrito." Donkey said, before turning back to Puss. "Okay, then, who did?"

"Don't look at me." Tigress said, reading her book.

Platy tried hiding underneath the coffee table more, but Donkey spotted her right away. "I think I know who did it. Platy!" He said.

Puss gasped of insult. "How dare you blame it on my platypus! Why would you even think it was her?" He said, picking Platy up from the coffee table, cuddling her in his arms.

"Well, she always slobbers all over my face in the mornings when I wake up."

"She's just giving you morning kisses. She does that."

"And she ate my waffles one time." Donkey said.

"She's a growing platypus. She gets hungry sometimes." Puss said.

"And she never leaves me alone!"

"She just wants your company. Platy's nothing, but a sweet little monotreme and I'm sure she didn't rip your stupid costume." Puss said.

"Actually, Puss, when I was playing with Platy yesterday, we sort of borrowed Donkey's dragon costume and Platy was playing around in it, pretending she was a dragon. We were having fun until she got stuck under the couch while wearing the costume and the tail ripped open." Kitty said.

"And you didn't tell me about me?"

"I meant to, but I didn't. Sorry."

"You were saying, Puss?" Donkey replied, raising a serious eyebrow.

"Hey, it was an accident, okay? I'm sorry. I was responsible with Platy and I let her play with the costume. So it's my fault." Kitty said.

"Mostly Platy's fault."

"Oh, sure, blame the platypus. You know what? I don't care who's fault it is. It's getting late anyways. So Kitty, Platy, let's get ready for bed." Puss said before he went upstairs with Kitty and Platy to go to bed.

The next morning, Puss woke up with the sun, shining through his window, stretching his muscles before turning to his side to find Platy gone. Where did she go? All Puss can find was Kitty, sleeping right next to him until she woke up. "Good morning, Puss." She said, stretching her arms.

"Good morning, Kitty." Puss said, looking around, all worried.

"What is it?"

"I don't see Platy anywhere. Have you seen her?"

"Last time I saw her was last night, sleeping here between you and me."

"I know, but she's not there anymore. Where is she?"

"I don't know. She couldn't have gone too far." Kitty said, sitting up.

"She shouldn't. She never leaves the room without me." Puss said, getting out of bed along with Kitty.

"How about we go find her around the house. Maybe some of our friends can help, too."

"Okay. Good idea." Puss said before he and Kitty left their room to search for Platy. They found Tigress and Crane in the living room, playing one of their favorite video games: Call of Duty. "Hey, have you guys seen Platy anywhere?" Kitty asked. Tigress paused the game before she and Crane looked at her and Puss and shook their heads.

"No, we haven't seen her this morning." She said.

"She's probably downstairs swimming. We'll help you look for her right after we beat this level and see if I can beat Tigress' high score." Crane said.

"You wish." Tigress scoffed.

"We'll see about that." Crane said before he and Tigress got back to playing their game. Puss got confused along with Kitty.

"Swimming? Platy never goes swimming without me unless someone is downstairs with her." He said.

"Let's check and see who's down there." Kitty said as she and Puss went downstairs where they find Roddy and Rita, relaxing in a hot tub, having alone time together while Rita's family was watching their kids back at their house, but they saw no Platy anywhere downstairs. Puss frowned when he didn't find her. So he went over to ask Roddy and Rita where she went. "Hey, have you guys seen Platy? Kitty and I can't find her anywhere." As Roddy and Rita both looked up at him and Kitty and shook their heads.

"Nope. Sorry. We haven't seen her." Roddy said.

"She usually doesn't go swimming without you." Rita said.

"I know."

"And you've interrupted our alone time together. So can you please go back upstairs?" Roddy said.

"We'll help you guys look for her soon, okay? We just need to unwind for a minute." Rita said.

"Okay. Enjoy the rest of your alone time." Kitty said before she and Puss went back upstairs.

Afterwards, the friends went to go help Puss and Kitty find Platy around the house. They looked in the living room, all the bathrooms, the kitchen, the dining room, all the closets, the arcade, and all the bedrooms. They checked Puss and Kitty's room last because Platy sleeps in there. They started looking everywhere for her all over the room until Perrito cried out, "Hey, look what I found!" As he pulled out a note underneath Platy's pillow, giving it to Puss before he started reading it.

The note said, "Puss, I have loved being your pet and best friend. Even though it's been half a year now, but thanks to Donkey, I ran away from home. Now I won't be living here for so long now if that's okay with him. Goodbye, forever, best friend. Platy."

Puss finished reading the note and was devastated that Platy ran away from home. "It says she ran away." He said.

"What?" Kitty replied.

Puss couldn't believe it. He knows how much he loves Platy. He was so hurt that he got angry at Donkey.

"This is all YOUR fault, Donkey!" Puss shouted, pointing at Donkey.

"Me? What did I do? Why is it my fault?" He asked, in confusion.

"If you weren't blaming Platy over your stupid dragon costume, being ripped, she wouldn't have run away now, would she?!"

"Well, she did rip my dragon costume. It was my favorite. She's lucky Fiona stitched it back up. It was like my good luck charm until the little thing ruined it."

"She did it by accident! It wasn't her fault."

Shrek came down the hallway to stop their arguing. "Enough! Both of you quit it! Look, Arguing isn't gonna bring Platy back now, is it?" He said.

"Well, he started it." Donkey said, pointing at Puss. Puss glared at him and growled in his cat growl.

"Donkey, I don't care who started it! I'm finishing it, even though I'm not in charge around here now, but both of you need to quit fighting right now." Shrek said.

"Thanks, Shrek." Puss said.

"You know, Puss, I never meant for her to run away in the first place because I know how much you love her and how much she loves you. I'm sorry I got upset over something stupid." Donkey said.

"Thank you, Donkey, but right now, I need to be alone." Puss said before marching upstairs to his room. He started getting more upset because he misses Platy.

While in his room, Puss was looking at his picture of him and Platy together in it as he sighed, deeply. He heard a knock at the door. "Come in." He said, before the door opened and Tigress and Kitty, both walked in with Perrito following from behind, bringing him a tuna sandwich while he was holding his ham sandwich.

"We made you lunch. We thought you might be hungry." Kitty said in a sweet voice.

"And I thought you might want tuna while I have ham this time." Perrito said.

"Just set it on my nightstand. I'm not really hungry at the moment." Puss said.

"We understand you're upset, Puss. It's my fault she's gone." Kitty said before sitting on the bed next to her boyfriend. "If I had told you what happened when I was playing with her, Donkey never would've been too upset and Platy wouldn't have run away in the first place."

"Kitty, it's not your fault. It was an accident, but next time this kinda stuff happens, please let me know, okay? We agreed as boyfriend and girlfriend, we'd be honest with each other."

"I know."

Puss sighed deeply while he looked at his picture as tears came rushing down his face. "I wish she come back home right now, though. I want her back so bad." He said, crying softly while Kitty gave him a big hug while Perrito jumped up on the bed, resting his head on his friend's shoulder. "Thank you, Kitty. Thank you, Perrito."

"Hey, it's what we're here for." Perrito said.

"Anytime, Puss. We're here for you." Kitty said.

"We'll find her tomorrow. I promise." Tigress said.

"Okay." Puss said, as Kitty helped him wipe all his tears away.

"We all will." Crane said, standing by Puss and Kitty's door with Roddy, Rita, and their kids.

"Because Platy is family." Rachel said.

"You're right, Rayray, she is our family after all." Rita said.

"We love her just as much as you do, Puss." Roddy said.

"Yeah." Rodney said.

"Don't worry, Puss, we're here to help you find Platy. We're not gonna rest until we find her." Kitty said.

"Okay. I hope we find her. I miss her so much." Puss said. A tear fell down his cheek.

"We know you do, Puss."

"We will find her. We promise." Crane said, before the Friends came over to Puss for a group hug, comforting him.

The next day, the friends started searching all over the place for Platy. Puss and Kitty looked around the pond. "Platy!" They both cried, but Platy wasn't there. Tigress looked behind and in the bushes.

"Platy?" She replied, but Platy wasn't there either. Crane looked over the hills while flying.

"Platy!" He cried, but Platy wasn't there either. Roddy and Rita both looked over the trees.

"Platy!!!!" They both cried, but Platy was nowhere to be found. So the friends went back to their house to put up posters on every pole in town. They even gave one to almost every one of their friends and they asked them to find her, including The North Wind, which they agreed to find her.

While Tigress was putting up another lost poster of Platy, Puss brought out her food bowl full of deep fried tadpoles and crayfish while Kitty held her water bowl full of water. Crane kept blowing the platypus whistle, Roddy kept shaking Platy's can of fish eggs, and Rita kept squeaking her favorite frog toy, but nothing made Platy appear. Come home, Platy. Please come home. Puss thought as a few tears came rolling down his cheeks.

Later on, The North Wind came over to Puss' house, knocking on the door before Puss answered it to find them there. "Any luck, guys?" Puss asked.

Classified sighed deeply, shaking his head in disappointment. "I'm sorry, Puss, we've searched everywhere." He said.

"We've looked high and low." Eva said.

"But we can't seem to find Platy anywhere, I'm afraid."

"Well, please keep looking for her. I can't rest until my Platy is home. I'm not giving up because I love her." Puss said.

"I understand, Puss. You and Platy have such a special bond together. We'll keep trying for you." Classified said.

"It's even worrying Corporal. If we don't help you find Platy soon, he's gonna end up eating all of our packed up food in the plane. He's got a stress eating problem." Short Fuse said.

"We'll keep looking until she's found safe and sound." Eva said.

"But we might need your help." Corporal said.

"Anything for my Platy. Of course." Puss said.

"Then I'll come along." Kitty said, walking up to the door along with Tigress and Crane.

"Me, too." Tigress said.

"Count me in." Crane said.

"I'm sorry, I wish we could come, too." Rita said.

"But we have dinner, waiting for us at home." Roddy said.

"Then I'll come with you." Donkey said, walking up to the friends and the North Wind.

"You, too, Donkey?" Puss replied.

"Yes, I feel bad for being upset with Platy. So I thought maybe I could help you find her to make this right. For you, Puss."

Puss grew a small smile. "Thank you, Donkey."

"Have you tried any gadgets of your own?" Tigress asked the North Wind.

"Well, we did send a drone. It should let us know where your platypus should be." Classified said before they heard a beeping sound.

"Sir, we found her." Eva said, looking through her computer where it showed a video camera from the drone they sent.

"Alright, Eva, where did it find her at?"

"Someplace called 'The Floodgates.' It appears to be in the sewers of England."

Classified looked confused. "Never heard of that place. Why would Platy be found there?" He asked.

"Maybe she didn't run away somewhere like there. What if she was kidnapped by someone." Crane said, thinking it through.

"But who would kidnap an adorable little platypus?" Corporal asked.

Puss narrowed his eyebrows, assuming he knows he took his platypus. "The Toad." He hissed through his teeth.

"That giant evil amphibian from the snowy mountain?" Short Fuse replied.

"You sure he took your platypus?" Classified asked.

"Yes, he's always trying to get his revenge on us by taking away everything we love." Roddy said.

"Including our kids." Rita said.

"And my platypus. He tried to kill her by throwing her off a building." Puss said.

"That's awful!" Corporal gasped.

"Yes, and I have a big feeling he's gonna be doing something terrible to her there." Puss said.

"Then we better get there fast before it's too late." Kitty said.

"We'll give you a ride to get there." Classified said.

"That'll work. Come on, guys. Let's move!" Tigress said as the friends went with the North Wind, riding in their plane to get to the Floodgates to save Platy.

Once the friends and the North Wind made it to the Floodgates, they landed the plane down before they came marching up to the door as Puss knocked on it roughly until The Toad answered it. He appeared to be holding his head with one hand while the other was the holding the door knob, looking exhausted before he looked up to find Puss by his door, rolling his eyes.

"What do you want, Puss?" He groaned.

"Don't play innocent with me, sapo, where is she? What have you done with her?!" Puss replied in anger, lifting the Toad by his collar.

"Whoa! Take it easy. Please! I have a splitting headache today. Who are you talking about?" The Toad replied, feeling dizzy.

"My platypus, Platy! She's been gone missing all day today and we've looked everywhere for her! Her letter said she ran away, but I assume you probably kidnapped her so you can still have your revenge!"

"Okay, how long has your platypus been missing?"

"Since this morning." Puss said.

"Come on, Toad, spill it out! We know you took her!" Kitty said.

"I didn't take your platypus." The Toad said, shaking his head.

"Ah-ha! I knew it!" Classified said, pointing at The Toad before he got confused when he realized what he really said. "Wait, what?"

"You didn't take my Platy?" Puss asked.

"No, it's my day off today." The Toad said.

"Your day off?" Kitty replied in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, even villains, like me, can have Day-offs, too. So I'm not doing anything bad today."

Le Frog walked up to the door to find his cousin there. "Cousin, what are doing out of your chair?" He asked before he looked up at the friends and the North Wind. He scoffed while rolling his eyes. "Of course. Why am I not surprised? Look, my cousin's not feeling well. So no villain stuff today."

"We already know about that, Le Frog. The North Wind's drone found my platypus here for some reason. Do you have any idea where she could be unless this could be some kind of joke." Puss said.

"It shouldn't be. The North Wind drone never fails to show us." Short Fuse said.

Le Frog's eyes opened wide, realizing something. "Your platypus ran away, right, Puss?" He said, which made Puss light up with excitement.

"Yes! You know where she is, right?" He said.

"Well, once I put my cousin to bed so he can relax, I need you all to come follow me." Le Frog said, closing the door until five minutes later, he came outside before the friends and the North Wind followed him all the way down to the submarine, which sounds like a ruckus going all around in there.

"The henchmen have company?" Crane asked.

"Well, yes, you may think it's just Spike, Whitey, Thimblenose Ted, Ladykiller, Fat Barry, and Delilah, but have you met the rest of the clan?" Le Frog said.

"No, I don't think so." Puss said, in deep thought, shaking his head.

"Well, you'll find out in a minute." Le Frog said before knocking on the submarine door. Waiting until it was answered by Spike and Whitey, excited to see their Frog friend.

"Le Frog! You're here." Whitey said.

Spike had a worried look on his face. "Uh-oh, are we being too loud out here for the boss? We can try to tune it down a little." He said.

"Oh, no, not at all, but we do have a few someones here, looking for something." Le Frog said before showing the friends and The North Wind to Spike and Whitey as Whitey waved to them.

"Hey, guys, here to join the party?" He asked.

"Party?" Kitty replied.

"My girlfriend, Delilah, wanted to throw one for our friends and young ones to celebrate them, coming back from their trips to France and Ireland."

"I'm sorry. Young ones?" Puss replied in confusion.

"Yes, alongside my Irish cousin, Frosty Heather." Whitey said.

"Who is my girlfriend, by the way. Even my evil little sister, Penny, is here, too since I promised my mother I'd watch her." Spike said before narrowing his eyebrows in annoyance.

"Even Ladykiller's watching his sister, Sassy, too. Anyways, moving on with more. There's also Thimblenose Ted's girlfriend from France, Seux Francois, who used to be deaf for years until she finally got her hearing aids six years ago." Whitey said.

"And last, but not least, there's also Ted's six-year-old daughter and Barry's four-year-old niece, Thimblenose Perri and Fat Barrette."

"Daughter?" Puss replied.

"Niece?" Kitty replied.

"I didn't know Ted had a daughter."

"And I didn't know Barry had a niece."

"Well, now you know. So what was that something you guys were looking for?" Spike asked.

"My platypus, Platy, she ran away last night and we've been searching for her all day. We thought your boss kidnapped her, but found out he was taking a day-off today." Puss said.

"Then Le Frog came up to us and lead us here, wondering if you guys know about having her in this submarine." Kitty said.

Spike scoffed. "You're joking, right? Come on, Le Frog, you can't be serious. Our submarine is not meant to keep in a baby platypus and you know it." He said.

"Wait. Did you say your platypus was missing since last night?" Whitey asked.

"Yes, you know about it, too?" Puss said in excitement.

"Yes, except there's a slight problem." Whitey said, squinting his finger and thumb down in gesture.

"No, Perri, you and Barrette cannot keep her here." Thimblenose Ted's voice was heard in the background.

"Please, daddy? I promise we'll take good care of her." A little girl's voice was heard as well.

"Why can't we, Uncle Barry?" Another little girl's voice, sounding much younger than the other girl's voice was heard, too.

"Because if she's got a collar on her with a name tag on it, it means she already has a home and somebody who owns her probably misses her." Fat Barry's voice was also heard.

"Hey, Ted, Barry!" Whitey called out in the submarine before Barry and Ted came up to him and Spike.

"Yes, Whitey, what is it?" Barry asked.

"And make it quick. We already got two little girls, begging for us to keep this baby platypus, they found at the park earlier today." Ted groaned.

"I think Le Frog found the owner." Whitey said, pointing up at Puss before Ted and Barry looked up at him with wide opened eyes.

"Wait. You have a pet platypus, right?"

"Yes." Puss nodded.

"And her name is Platy, who wears a purple collar around her neck, right?" Barry said.

"Yes, that's her! You have my platypus?"

"Sure do." Ted said, holding up a poster with a picture of Platy on it, making Puss squeal of excitement.

"My niece and Ted's daughter found her at the park while we were having a picnic there today and we noticed her on the poster. So we took it and kept her here for a while, hoping someone will come here, looking for her. The girls been wanting a pet so bad lately and they were very excited when they found Platy." Barry said.

"They really want to keep her and we keep telling them that she has a home since she's wearing a collar."

"That's great! Can I have her back, please?" Puss asked.

"Of course." Ted said before he called out in the submarine. "Perri, Barrette, come on out here, girls, there's someone out here you should meet."

Not too long ago, two little girl rats, came outside. Ted's daughter, Perri, had the same gray skin color as him along with having a thimble for a nose as well and green eyes. She had dark hair, tied up in braided pigtails, wearing a blue dress with a white top in it, black Mary Jane shoes, and socks, high up to her knees.

Barry's niece, Barrette, was like a chubbier version of him, along with having his tan skin and blue eyes. She had light brown hair, tied up in high pigtails, wearing a grey beige dress and black boots. Both girls looked up at Puss, shyly.

Puss looked down at them, smiling sweetly, kneeling down to them. "Hi, girls. You must be Perri and Barrette, right?" He said.

"Yes." Barrette nodded.

"Are the owner of the baby platypus?" Perri asked.

"I am. Yes. Is she in there at the moment?" Puss said.

Perri and Barrette both turned to the submarine door, turning back to Puss, nodding sadly before bringing Platy outside. Puss spotted her right away, growing a big smile.

"Platy." He gasped. Platy looked up at him when she heard his voice, smiling back at him, all excited and happy. Puss turned back to Perri and Barrette. "Thank you so much for taking such good care of her for me."

"You're welcome. She was a lot of fun to have around." Perri said, hugging Platy goodbye along with her cousin as Barrette, cried softly with tears rushing down her face.

"I don't want her to go already." She cried before Barry picked her up to hug her.

"I know, sweetie, I know it's hard, but Puss really misses her and he really wants to take her home with him." He said.

"But we love her." Perri said before Ted picked her up, hugging her as well.

"I know, sweetheart, but sometimes, we have to let go of the things we love, including lost pets." He said.

"You can come over to visit her anytime you wanna see her. Will that be okay for you, girls?" Puss said.

"Yes, we would love that a lot." Perri said, growing a smile along with Barrette.

"Yay!" She cried out, clapping her heads.

"Alright, now give Platy hugs and kisses goodbye. We're leaving soon." Kitty said.

"Okay." The girls both said before Ted and Barry put them down to give Platy hugs and kisses one last time.

"Bye, Platy, thanks for a fun day." Perri said, petting Platy.

"Yeah, bye, Platy, I'll miss you lots. Love you." Barrette said.

"Alright, cuties, let's get you two ready for your bath." Barry said.

"No! Not another bath!" Perri cried out before she and Barrette disappeared with their father and uncle as Spike and Whitey both chuckled.

"Kids, huh?" Whitey said.

The Friends and The North Wind all chuckled, softly. "I gotta say, you guys may do a lot of bad things with your boss, but I think deep down inside, you can be a bunch of softies." Kitty said.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't get too used to it if I were you." Spike said.

Puss looked down at Platy, picking her up, feeling relieved that she was okay and hugged her tight. "Oh, Platy! I missed you so much! Don't ever run away from me again!" Happy tears came out of Puss' eyes.

"Mission accomplished, team. The platypus has been found, safe and sound." Classified said, giving a thumbs up.

"Yay! Group hug, everyone!" Corporal said, before the friends came close to Puss and Platy for a group hug. Even Eva, Short Fuse, and Classified, shrugging their shoulders, deciding to come in for the group hug as well, including Donkey.

After the group hug, Donkey came up to Platy. "Hey, Platy, I'm really sorry I blamed you for ripping my favorite dragon costume. I know you didn't mean to do it. It was an accident after all. I shouldn't have gotten upset with you in the first places. I now believe that you're way more important than that stupid costume of mine. Do you forgive me?" He said, as Platy nodded while smiling.

"Apology accepted, Donkey." Puss said.

"Platy, will you come back home with us? I promise I'll try not to yell at you or blame you that much for anything stupid anymore."

Platy nodded before Puss gave her another hug.

"Aww, that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard and seen." Whitey said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now all of you get out of here!" Spike said.

"Okay, bye, guys! Thank you so much!" Puss said.

"You're welcome!" Whitey said, waving.

"Yeah, whatever." Spike said, the friends left the Floodgates, heading back to the North Wind's plane.

"Again, North Wind, thank you so much for your help. We couldn't have done it without you." Puss said.

"All in a day's work, Puss. We're all glad she's alright." Classified said.

"We are, too." Kitty said.

"Alright, buckle up, please. Let's take you all home." Classified said, starting the plane before flying off to take the friends home with them.

The friends were all very happy to have Platy back home. Even Puss.

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