Furiously Loving The Thirteen...

By UndertakersWaifu

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Once a Royal, Sybil Emerence LeFey finds her life thrust into chaos as the Vampires take over Europe. Running... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Fourteen

399 11 1
By UndertakersWaifu

"The world seems full of good men - even if there are monsters in it."

- Bram Stoker, Dracula


The days that followed, had seemingly blurred together as Sybil once again found herself alone at Ferid's mansion.

Said vampire, along with Crowley, Horn and Chess were all at Krul's lair. The four had been there for a few days, apparently dealing with strategies. Menial things they knew she would want no part in anyway. And knowing that Sybil had certain limits as to how much time she could spend with Krul before she cracked, she was politely excused.

She sighed out as she sat in the garden, the book in her lap long forgotten as she picked up on a strange scent which toyed with her as she tried to pin it. She felt ridiculous as she sat there, trying her level best not to look obvious, yet what she had not expected was the blade which pressed against her throat.

Blinking slowly, she relaxed her shoulders, trying to show who ever it was who currently had her at knife point, that she didn't wish to engage them in a fight.

She was confused when a familiar scent wafted through, moving away and turning, only to come face to face with Shinya and another man.

Brows creased in confusion, she gazed at Shinya who had an apologetic look on his face before her world was thrust into darkness.

It had been a strange sense of déjà vu for her, triggering the memory of the first time she was ever shoved in a cage like a wild animal. This time however she wished it was a mere cage.

The cage she was in was alive, buzzing with an unknown energy, she assumed it would harm her severely if she tried to escape. The room she was in however did not smell horrible, instead it smelled of industrial chemicals which hung thick in the air to the point where Sybil could almost taste them on her tongue. Clinical and sterile, most surfaces where a pristine white.

There where lights hanging all around her, not that she needed them to see, but she assumed the florescent lighting would be enough to burn sensitive human eyes.

She turned around slowly glancing at her surroundings before her gaze landed on the ever apologetic gaze of Shinya, who stood silently watching her. She couldn't help the pang of betrayal that surged through her as he met her gaze.

"Tell me, after all the times I tried to protect you from been caught and possibly tortured, why? Why lead the others to me when you know I mean you no harm." Her voice was soft yet clear as it conveyed her emotions. "I was supposed to go back to my home country before anymore fights occurred, I did not want to be a part of this war, my generals do not even wish to be a part of it anymore. Even they have grown tired of the senseless killing."

"We know, we were informed that you would be leaving so a note was forged, stating that due to an emergency you had to leave sooner." Shinya spoke. "I am sorry, really I am, but if I denied any form of participation in your capture they would have accused me of treason."

"Who is this they you speak of?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

"My brother, he figured out that I had interacted with you, they couldn't capture Krul, so you naturally were the next target. It was too risky having two Queens in the same country. Specially when your intentions where unknown." Shinya sighed. "I tried to tell them that you held no ill intentions but that nearly landed me in a holding cell."

"Its a crime to even communicate with a vampire?" She looked horrified. "How can someone kill thier own brethren?"

"It is a long complicated story." Shinya admitted. "Kureto is not to be trifled with. He is merciless. He captured you, hoping that a certain vampire will come after you, but with the note that was left, it was ensured that they don't come looking for you anytime soon. Please, for your sake you need to stay alive."

"And why is that, it does not matter if I am killed or not." She sighed out. "Most of my life I was some form of bargaining chip, even in my immortality, I'm still one. Why was capturing me of such great importance that he would risk this building been torn down by the enemy?"

"My brother wants full control of your faction, you have humans there, he sees soldiers, more people to experiment on, he sees it as an untapped resource and by capturing you, he thinks they will abide by his law." Shinya admitted.

"To me it sounds like your brother is driven mad by power and greed. My people will never follow him. They know exactly what to do if anything ever happened to me, I prepared them well enough." she murmured. "He is deranged and after a higher power that would be too great for he, himself to handle. Are the others aware of his intentions?"

"They follow him blindly." Shinya admitted. "I've always seen through his plans and tried to keep my distance."

"If anything it is not the vampires you need to worry about, it is your own kind you need to look at." she pointed out. "Your brother wants world domination. Are you willing to live in a world where his word is life?"

"No." Shinya admitted.

"Well then, get me out of here. If there comes a time I can offer you asylum in my own faction. Humans are treated equally there and protected by certain laws which grant them freedom." she stated. "Innocent people are going to go die because I am here. I cannot protect anyone if I am stuck like some wild animal in a cage."

"It is a pity that you seem to see it that way, you're already to beautiful to be a wild animal, vampire scum." Another voice joined them. "What makes you think we will believe you and your promises of protection, your a vampire, your kind kills us to ensure your own survival." he hissed at her. "All you are is an abomination."

"Kureto..." Shinya trailed off, glancing between the vampire queen and his brother.

"If I were you I'd watch that tongue of yours." she snapped at the man watching as a sadistic smirk which rivalled Ferid's crossed Kureto's lips.

"So this one still has some fire left in her, we will see how long that lasts." he snickered as he pulled out his sword. "I'll gladly teach you your place."

"You arrogant fool, it is you who needs to learn your place, you will be the end of your own kind with your selfish one sided views." she growled out. "If anything I am the greatest ally you could have."

"And why should I believe you?" he smirked, "As is I think you would make a wonderful demon, maybe I should curse you too like my family did to the others." his smirk grew wider.


"You can't do that." Shinya rushed in. "Not to her, it won't work."

"And why is that?" Kureto asked, impatience slipping into his voice.

"Because she is still pure." he rushed out watching as the woman's eyes nearly bulged out her head.

"How on earth, just....just how long have you been watching me?" she stared at Shinya in disbelief.

"Long enough to have over heard....some conversations you may have had." He answered truthfully.

"Well then this is a rather interesting turn of events." Kureto smirked viciously. "We could always fix that."

"Just try anything and I swear, I will do everything in my power and beyond to kill you." She threatened. "You will not have a moment's peace, nor will you when you are dead. For I will turn you into the thing you loathe the most." She snapped.

Only to watch as Kureto smirked wildly at her.

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