
By 0cecilia

76.9K 1.1K 295

Rachel Berry is 16 and is in the sophomore year of High School, she dates Jesse St.James but he is an abusive... More

Please Stop
Your Fault
Deep Shit
Stay Strong
Just A Nightmare
Movie With Friend
Can't Sleep
Safe With Him
Push Him Away
Don't Ignore Me
Because Of You
Wait And See
He Is Out
Grab My Hand
A Little Visit
A Month Later
4 Months Later
Hello Or Goodbye?
North Carolina
Get Out
Planning The Future
New York


622 8 2
By 0cecilia

Two Weeks Later

"Quinn! Stay quiet so I can finish your makeup!" Santana shouted and we all laughed.

"I'm so excited! But I'm kind of sad tho, that means we only have more two weeks of school left." I said.

"Yeah, it's sad to think we will each one to each side of the country." Kurt said.

"Yeah...Okay! Enough whining! Today is a happy day." Santana said and turn on the music and we all started to sing as we get ready and laugh a lot.


"Okay, are we all ready?" Quinn asked and we all nodded happy.





"YOUR DATES ARE ALREADY HERE!!" Quinn's mom shouted from downstairs and we all squealed with excitement.

"Okay, first I'll go downstairs." Kurt said and when he goes I could hear the applauses and we laugh.

"Now me." I said. When I'm going to downstairs, everyone cheered like they did to Kurt and I look to Finn and his eyes are glowing.

"You're the most beautiful girl I ever seen." He said with a smile and I smiled and kissed him.

Finn's POV

In the second I saw Rachel, I thought I died and went to Heaven. She is perfect in every single way. I can't take my eyes off her. She is perfect.

"You're the most beautiful girl I ever seen." I said and she smiled and kissed me.

"Thank you." She said with a smirk. Someday her smiles will kill me. My heart can't handle this.

When Quinn and Santana came downstairs we cheered and they laughed as well. They all look beautiful. But between us? Rachel is the prettier girl here. All the girls with their corsage in hands. We all take bunches of pictures. When we finished, we go outside and the girls saw the limo we rented for the night and they got surprised. We all get in and Santana opened a champagne and gave to each other a glass and we toasted.

"Best prom ever!!" Quinn shouted and we all laughed agreeing. We get off the car and go inside the school. Everybody was already here and the glee club have to start singing soon.

"Have I ever told you that you're the prettiest girl here?" I whisper to Rachel and she laughed and turn to me and put her hands on my shoulders and kissed me.

"Thank you." She said "And you're the most handsome guy in here."

We get a table and the girls put their bags and we met up with the rest of the glee club on in and Mr.Schue came talk to us and ask who is going to sing first.

"This was so fun! I never thought this song could ever be good!" Rachel said laughing and I laughed as well. I love my girl.

"Totally!" Quinn said and we laughed hard.

"Blaine! It's your turn!" Puck said getting off the stage.

As Blaine sing, everyone just dance and sing along having so much fun. This is the best prom ever. I couldn't ask for a better prom and of course, I couldn't ask for a better company to this prom. Santana go to the stage and grab the mic and started singing.

Now is Rachel's turn to sing and she goes to the stage and I left the dancing floor and watch as she goes on the stage. She looks extremely gorgeous tonight, her blue dress is perfect. Everyone were with the pairs and started to dance as the slow music plays.

When she started singing, many tears filled up my eyes. I couldn't help it. Her voice give me chills, when she sang the solo at Nationals, I cried so much. Like a baby. She smiled with teary eyes as she singed and I half smiled to her. I want her to be my wife so badly. School is almost over and I have to think in a way to ask her to marry me, I was 100% serious when I said that we will get married in the sunset at California.

When she finished the song, she walked up to me and I hugged her so tight and kissed her passionately. Eyes were on us cause everyone here knows she was looking to me as she sang. We teared apart to breathe and I hugged her again.

"You're the love of my life." I said and she look at me smiling.

"I love you." She said.

As the hours go by, is time for announce prom Queen and King. The Principal goes to the stage and everyone is watching as the candidates go on the stage. I stay watching with Rachel and I have my arms wrapped around her and I pull her close to my body.

"And the Prom and Queen from the Senior prom of class of 2012 are..." The principal said "Quinn Fabray and Sam Evans!" The principal said and everyone smiled and applauded them.

"Aww I'm so happy for them!" Rachel said excited and I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "This is Quinn's dream!"

"They are cute, not as cute as us, but definitely cute." I said and Rachel look up and smiled.

They go to the middle of the dance floor and Mercedes and Santana go to the stage to sing.

"BEST PROM EVER!" Puck shouted and we all danced. Even me, that am a terrible dancer.

(A/N: Who was wearing your favorite outfit?)

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