143 : Until the end of time (...

By miagoldii

23.4K 1.2K 402

Listed as #33 in Loyalty DONT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ BOOK ONE YET ✨ Continue to follow the journey of Kele... More

Chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
🌺 New characters 🌸
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
❤ New Story ❤
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter twenty
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
NEW STORY ALERT UPDATE - Until the end of time : forever

chapter nineteen

556 35 7
By miagoldii

Warning I didn't proof read guys so sorry in advance ⚡

Four months later

Nobody's POV

" Aye "

" Ayo "

Tay looked up to see Santana standing there motioning over to the entrance.

" Looks like we got company ", he said before he took a sip out of his glass.

Tay slowly stood up so he can get a better look at the men that came walking in the club Tay's dad let him have. Along with Tyree and Tre.

" You think we needa holla at them ? ", Santana asked. It's not that he likes drama but he just want things handled. Normally he would've already approached the guys but since this Tay's club he thought he'd ask.

Tay picked up the Hennessey bottle he's been drinking from all night and started sipping from it. All he did was shrug his shoulders and then slump down in the couch.

Santana looked over at Mikey and Rock who were also in the v.i.p section with them. They shook their heads feeling bad that their best friend is feeling down. Ever since Kenzo and Keleii went missing he's been pretty much by himself. He barely talks to anyone and he rarely leaves the house anymore. The only reason he's out tonight is because there's supposed to be a shipment coming in.

" I know we need to do something. They've been coming in here almost every night looking suspicious ", Mikey said.

" I say we go down there right now and kick their ass ", Rock chimed in.

" Y'all do what y'all gotta do, I'm out ", Tay picked up his bottle and stood up.

" Wait what about the 'present' we're posed to be getting tonight ", Santana said. He used code words because girls were in their section.

" Yall got it ", Tay said before walking away. Once he made it on the first level he got bumped into.

" Watch where you going ", one of the dudes that came in looking suspicious had said.

" you the one that act like you can't walk right ", Tay responded. Sizing the dude up.

" Oh he acting like that cause his kid got taken away ", another dude said then all of them started laughing.

What he said quickly registered into Tay's head which made him tackled the dude to the ground. Tay was on top punching dude's face until blood started to appear. Then all you heard was his jaw crack. Which caused the other dudes to get involved.

Santana and them came running down the stairs and over to where everybody were, pushing people out of the way. Mikey and Rock pointed their guns at the guys making them back up while Santana went to pull Tay off of the dude.

" Come on Tay bruh ", Santana said.

" His bitch ass know something ", Tay told San. Once Tay was pulled off of him he started stomping dude out. " You're gonna kill him bro chill ", Santana said pulling him over to the side. The dude laid there in tears.

" Why you fighting for ? "

" Cause he said something about MY SON ", Tay yelled out.

Santana looked at Tay before he went back over to the dude and squat down to dude's level. 

" What you know about the kidnapping "

" I don't know nothing ", Dude responded.

Santana stood up and motioned for the security to come get the guy off the floor. " I want y'all to take them to the back ", he told them. The security escorted all of them out of the club.

Mikey went over to the dj and took over the mic. " Aye y'all go home or something ".

Everybody moaned and groaned catching an attitude as they gathered up their things and left out of the club. Mikey was about to jump down from the stage until DJ Soothe stick his hand out.

" tssh*, you get paid tomorrow ", Mikey said then he got ready to get down.

" Yeah and I might not have my set here anymore if y'all little fucks don't pay me my money on time ", Soothe responded. He gathered his stuff and got down too.

" Look Soothe you'll get your money tomorrow aight ", Santana told him, getting annoyed.

" Yeah whatever ", Soothe replied then he walked out of the club. Leaving everybody else standing in the middle of the floor.

Tay walked off first heading to the back of the club. He went out the door and was met with the body guards holding the dudes from earlier. Tay walked up to them and started yelling at them.

" Y'all gonna tell me what the fuck y'all know.. Or ima lay y'all down one by one "

" I told you I don't know nothing ", the dude who got beat up responded.

" Then how you know my kid is missing huh ? ", Tay pointed his gun out aiming it at him.

" I- ... I don't know ", dude replied then he looked down.

" Maybe this will jog your memory ", Tay cocked back his gun and pointed at one of the dude's friends at the end. He pulled the trigger and shot him in the head making his body jerk back.

" Ahhhh what the fuck ", the dude yelled out.

" You still don't know nothing ? ", Tay asked again.

" come on bruh just tell- ", his next friend in line begged.

"-NO! I'm not telling him shit ", dude replied. Tay wasted no time in shooting the next one in the chest then I'm the head. Dude shook his head as tears ran down his face. Tay pointed the gun at him and was ready to pull the trigger.

" AYE AYE WAIT...wait ", Dude yelled out. Tay continued to eye him while his gun was still up.

" Don't shoot bro, I'll tell you everything ", dude pleaded. Tay put the gun down then he looked around.

" Aight and you better tell me everything you fucking know "

" I don't know everything- ", the dude said. Tay immediately raised his gun back up.

" -BUT but I know who took them "

" Who ", Tay asked.

" WHO ", Tay asked again when the dude didn't respond.

" Look if I tell y'all who it is they gonna chop my ass into million pieces and feed them to their pitbulls ", dude said.

" It's either you get your head blown off now or tell us who it is and get killed later ", Rock chimed in and said.

" tssh* Aight but if I tell y'all then yall gotta keep me safe ", dude replied.

" Nigga we don't owe you shit ", Santana said while he glared at him.

" Aye y'all chill for a second... We'll keep you around but only because I think you know more then what you finna tell us ", Tay said.

" But Tay he- ", Mikey was about to say.

" Y'all just trust me on this "

" You said the same shit about Fade and look what he did ", Santana said.

It was silence for a good minute until the dude begin talking. " Well I don't know who the hell a fade is but I'm not gonna do whatever he did ".

" We don't even know you so how you figure ", Mikey replied.

" Well I'll start off by saying that the man who took your family goes by Phil or some shit ", dude told them.

" Phil... Who the fuck is that ", Rock asked no one in particular.

" He owns a cartel ... You'll think he just sells crack but nah. He got his niggas selling ecstacy, meth, man all kind of shit.  you name it he got it ", dude replied.

" And how you know this ", Tay asked. He had a feeling who this Phil person was because his dad mentioned him before.

" Cause Im his messenger "

" Messenger ? ", Mikey asked confused. Everyone looked at him. I mean he did drop out of highschool.

" Yeah, he wanted me to come to your club and mess with y'all ", Dude explained.

" So where he stay at ? ", Rock asked and everybody stared at the dude waiting for a answer.

" Look.. Even when I tell y'all you can't just show up "

" We ain't stupid, we stay strapped so ", Santana said.

" Nah, to get through these niggas you needa army. Y'all ain't gonna stand a chance ", dude told them.

Tay looked at him for a minute and then nodded. " Y'all can let him up ". Tay felt like he can trust him for some reason.

The bodyguards roughly pulled him up off the ground. The dude dusted himself off with a attitude. " Y'all mean as hell ", he glared at the guards.

" Whats your name ", Tay asked.

" Dre ", the dude said.

" Well Dre we're gonna keep you around so you can help me get my family back ", Tay told him.

" But if you don't come through and tell us the correct info I'm killing you myself ", Mikey said then he walked off back into the club.

" I promise we'll get your family back y'all just gotta trust me ", Dre said.

" Your friends trusted you earlier ", Santana said.

" I ain't like them niggas I was just forced to hang with them ", Dre admitted. Phil has all his messengers together just in case if one dies the message can still get to that person.

Tay shook his head and walked back into the club. Everybody soon followed behind him. They stayed there long enough to get the shipment and then left to make up a plan to get Kenzo and Keleii back home.


So the dude's name is Dre so I'll be using Dre instead of dude from here on out in the story 😂

What do y'all think about Dre anyways?

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