Twisted Love |Jason McCann Fa...

By MccannxTiana

89.1K 1K 49

Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, And let me love you anyways More

Twisted love
Twisted love |Cast|
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Stella
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Twisted Love

Chapter 6

1.8K 22 0
By MccannxTiana

Vanessas P.O.V.

I stared down at my phone hoping Jason would text me back but i got nothing which worried me that something might of happened to him

"Are you still staring down at your phone" Kendall groaned taking it from my hand

"Jason hasn't texted me back and it's starting to worry me" I said trying not to think that anything bad may have happened to him

"He's fine he's probably ripping someones head off" Kendall said

"Or popping their brains out which I'd love to see" Chantel added making me lightly laugh

"Yeah but he'd usually text me back by now" I said fiddling with the ring on my finger that he gave me. Something I do when I'm nervous

"And he's fine" Kendall smiled when the door opened revealing Zayn and Shawn who wad laughing like an idiot making me roll my eyes that he was here

"Why is this idiot here" Gigi asked

"And why is he laughing like a freakin idiot" Chantel asked looking at him like he was crazy

"Hey Ness" Zayn smiled walking over to me hugging me kissing the top of my head

"Hey Vanessa" Shawn smirked staring me up and down making me feel uncomfortable. I pulled the blanket over my body to prevent him looking at me like he was undressing me in his mind. If Jason saw that he was here or in the same room staring at me the way he was I don't even think he'd be breathing right now

"Er I'll be back" I said before sliding out the blanket running upstairs into my bedroom before changing into something more comfortable. I put on some leggings with one of Jasons hoodies i brought with me feeling better. I walked downstairs into the kitchen taking out a packet of popcorn before putting it in the microwave sense me and the girls are about to watch a movie. I took out a think of strawberries before opening the when i startef to cut them

"Mmm someone smells good" I heard Shawn say making me look over seeing him looking me up and down before walking in standing next to me "Why'd yoy switch your clothing I kinda loved the sight seeing you with nothing really on" He smirked disgustingly making me scoot away

"I'm kidding" He laughed touching the end of my hair making me scoot away pulling my hair to the other side of my shoulder

"Don't touch me" I said a little over a whisper

"Oh come on I thought we were all friends here" He laughed like an Idiot "So where's your boyfriend Jason wouldn't want him killing the mood" He laughed as i felt his eyes burning holes into my skin making me feel uncomfortable. The microwave started to beep making me turn around taking the popcorn out when I felt him touch my ass making me gasp turning around shoving him when Kendall walked in

"Are you harassing her you sick fuck" She yelled pulling me back

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said

"Liar you just touched me" I said

"You're hallucinating baby" He said

"Don't call her that you sick fuck" Kendall spat when Zayn and Harry walked in

"What's going on" Harry said when Kendall was about to talk when i cut her off

"Nothing" I said as Kendall looked at me like i was crazy "Just making popcorn" I smiled before grabbing kendalls hand and our food walking out

"Are you crazy he just harassed you, you should've let Harry blow his head off cause I swear to god when I tell Jason about this" She said

"Jason isn't gonna know nothing about this cause you're not gonna tell him anything" I said

"Oh no that was the last straw from that freak" Kendall whisper yelled

"Yeah but that's my brothers bestfriend" I said

"And your his sister and i don't think he'd be to fond either with a perv touching you any way they want to" She said

"Ken please don't say anything just keep this between us" I said "Please" I said making her sigh

"Fine but i swear if he does anything else i will make sure he's killed on the spot" she said making me laugh nodding

"Now can we go watch the movie" I asked

"Yeah I wanna see some happy endings" Kendall smiled before we walked into the living room sitting down

"Popcorn" Gigi cheered making me laugh when I played The notebook. Half way through the movie the guys walked in when Harry turned the Tv off

"Hey you dick we was watching that" Kendall laughef sitting up

"Well we wanna do something and we're bored" Zayn said squeezing in between Chantel and Gigi kissing Gigi making me smile

"So you decided to annoy us" Kendall asked

"Yup" Harry smiled sitting down

"Lets play spin the bottle" Shawn suggested

"I'll just watch" I said holding my knees against me

"Oh come on it's just a game" Shawn smirked making me roll my eyes

"Yeah please" Chantel said

"Ok fine" I smiled sitting next to Kendall and Harry

"Ill start" Gigi said before thr game begun. Throughout the game it never really landed on me till it was Shawns turn and the bottle landed on me

"Truth or dare" He smirked

"Truth" I said

"Ok besides Jason who would you fuck" He asked

"Shut the hell up Shawn you're weird" Chantel said

"Not you" Kendall said while he stared at me with an intimidating look

"I don't wanna play anymore" I said before walking away. I walked upstairs into my bedroom closing the door when it soon opened again revealing the girls

"Ignore that weirdo" Chantel said laying next to me

"I'm just tired" I said

"Oh come on it's not because of Shawn is it" Gigi asked

"He's weird and he gives me weird vibes like no matter where i go his eyes are always following me" I said stating to feel nervous again

"Just ignore him he's weird he's not gonna do anything to you and we're gonna make sure of that" Kendall smiled

"You sure" I asked as they nodded

"We're positive" Chantel smiled making me laugh lightly

"But seriously I'm tired" I said laying down

"You're so old" Kendall laughed laying next to me and Chantel on the other side while gigi laid on the bottom. I texted Jason good night with a heart before cutting my phone off closing my eyes falling asleep.


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