if my imagination can be real...

Da gunshyboo

540 10 2

I was a regular factory worker, completely bored with work and with life. I got through these days relying on... Altro

credit to paid artist
My life
when everything changed
something is wrong
some killer fun
everything is not like it seems
somethings you cant change
A World I Once Knew
I interrogated myself
punishing pleasure
some furry fun
the girl with glowing tattoos
god for a day
the monster of nightmares
change of heart
blood on my hands
lost of powers
the day i became a guardian angel
first day of my new new life
my job is done
getting sent to boot camp
sealed away from all
im now a government hunter
sucide mission
the storm is coming
murder, sex, and deal making
all leaders are the same
I have a daughter
the truth came out
meeting the wendigo queen
all in

the government had a few questions

3 0 0
Da gunshyboo

I was held under a large rock, I didn't have anything to do but sleep. I would wake up to bugs crawling on me to crush them with small rocks. I would lift the rock a small bit but the chains held me back from getting it all, but one day I felt something messing with the rocks, I got excited because it was large. Suddenly dirt started to fill the room that was now in the gaps of the rocks. I yelled for help at who it was but no use. I started to lose oxygen but as my lungs burned like I was drowning it would heal so I could feel it all over again. This lasted about 30 minutes until a crane started to dig up the rock and dirt. After healing my lungs once more I then yelled, "Help me you fucker!" The machine stopped and I saw four heads pop out from the edges of the hole in the ground and they all had wide eyes. I then said, "Help me, this crazy girl tied me down here." In about 10 minutes after the heads went away. The machine started up and I yelled, "Wait don't fucking leave me here!" I then saw a massive crane arm reach down and dump something then turned off. I then heard a voice next to me, it said, "I'm here to help, how did you get down here and what are you?" I quickly looked and saw a construction worker wearing safety clothes with glasses and holding a small flashlight. I looked at him a few seconds and said, "Look, it doesn't matter. I haven't eaten in a long time and I can't feel most of my body so please help me." He paused and was stunned I forced myself to cry as I lightly moved my body acting like I was weak. He then snapped out of being scared and quickly helped me. He tried removing the chains but found they were somehow together like welded together. He called up the massive hole and said, "I need cutting tools!" I then said, "Just pull them apart." He looked at me confused but did as I suggested. As soon as he put any force on them they snapped into pieces. He was dumbfounded but then went to the other cuffs and did the same, but as he was about to get the last chain on my foot a loud alarm went off. This made both of us jump as it echoed through the hole. Then men in black suits holding pistols aimed down the hole and the worker put his hands up as someone yelled, "Step away from the person on the ground." I quickly got up and tried to grab the guy but I got shot in the shoulder.  The guy panicked and ran to a side of the hole where I couldn't reach. I let out a hateful groan as I grabbed my shoulder and said, "How about you shoot me in the head assholes?" Soon followed was cables with men grappling down soon crowded me and aimed their guns. One of them said, "You are under arrest by the CIA. Don't try anything stupid, what soon followed was them setting up camp in the hole and around blocking anyone from coming in or around. They were fast I'll give them that. I sat on the ground near the last chain holding me and tried to break it but no use. As it began to go dark they started to question me about stuff about me. For example, where did you come from? How old are you? Why are you here? What effects you? My personal favorite can you be killed? I laughed and gave them hateful looks each time they asked a question. 

I didn't pay too much attention to them but once they began to try to do tests on me, that's what made me snap. How it started was one of them crept up on me when I was sleeping and stuck a needle in me and tried to take blood. I woke up and grabbed the person in rage. I then squeezed him and listened to all his bone snap in my hands, the guards/soldiers began to open fire on me like I was attacking them. Of course, I couldn't move much so I stood there feeling each bullet. It was painful but it was also fuel for my rage of fire burning inside. It was like it was there with me all these years being stuck underground. Luckily one of the dumbasses shot the chain holding me in place, once they emptied their clips in me, the bullets started to pop out of my body and make light clinging sounds. I looked to see my foot was no longer cuffed, I noticed that they saw this too. I ran at them but stopped my fist from one of their faces only an inch away. I then said, "You come looking for me then this won't be the last time your life is seconds from death." Then someone behind me said something in the deepest voice I ever heard. I slowly turned to see a brute of a guy easily towering over me smiling. He was on the other side of the hole, about 16 feet away. He then said, "You aren't going to give me a show? I came all this way to see the great Cody that fought for kings and Vikings to kill once more only to see him coward from a few men with small guns." I looked at the men and said, "Call all you got here now!" I then felt a sharp pain in my back going to my chest. I look down to see one of the metal poles holding a tent like a stand was sticking through my chest, I grabbed it and yelled, "GO!" The men quickly ran away and I turned to face him and slowly pulled the pole out of my back. He laughed and said, "I see you can heal pretty quick. This might be more of a challenge than I first thought." 

I then ran to tackle him but he blocked my attack and held me back and laughed as he threw me to the wall. He smiled and slowly walked to me and said, "Your daughter will soon be the next one that comes looking for you." My insides filled with butterflies and I smiled and stood up. He paused and stopped getting closer as he was not thinking I would be so happy about what he said. I then looked at him and said, "Well if that's true then I need you to get out of my way and get ready to meet her." He laughed but I ran in front of him and gave him a super hard uppercut making him fly about 6 feet in the air. He hit the ground hard, I then stomped his chest in until it was a bloody mess covering the bottom of the hole and the wall. I took a deep breath and said, "Great I need to clean all this blood off. I stepped away from the guy's body after pulling my foot from his chest. It made a sound like jumping it a deep mud puddle and pulling it out. 

I suddenly was stopped by the clicking of 6 guns, I looked up from my body and at a large number of men with assault rifles. Their guns shaking rapidly as they switch from me and the guy with his chest pounded in. I looked at the body then at them and said, "Just push all the dirt back in the hole and no worries about the body, it's easy to clean up." They then began to fire. I sighed as bullets bounced off my body, they backed up and reloaded. I nod and said, "If you shoot any more bullets, I will make this hole become filled with your blood." I walked passed them and went into where they came from. Outside of the massive hole was possibly 12 black SUVs with blacked out windows, and 4 tents with white plastic as the walls. There were at least 70 people gathering technology and papers but all stopped once they noticed me.  I then felt a sharp pain in my back, I tried to reach for where the pain was coming from to see and it felt like a large object was in my back. I grabbed the object and pulled on it away from my skin. It came loose with ease and I pulled it around to my face to see I was holding a tranquilizer dart. I turned to see no one, I then looked up high for a sniper's soon enough I found light coming from a window, it was like light shining off metal. I frown and said, "Is that all you fucking got!" I then saw something flying at me. I grabbed it mid-air and saw it was another dart, I threw both to the ground and started to run through the construction area the hole was in ducking and dodging darts left and right till making it to the street where I was hit by a car. They quickly slammed on there breaks throwing me off the hood and running out of the car to help me. I held my back for a second before pushing them to the ground and jumping into the running car. I couldn't see out the window shield at all and I then noticed someone crying. I turned to see a baby and little child in the back of the car in car seats. I sighed and stepped out the car and was met by 20 men all holding rifles, I gave them a hateful look as they all fired shooting darts in me. I got light headed fast, as I hit them around but fell short and onto one of them as I closed my eyes and listened to them as I was drifting off and heard one of them say, "Make sure he is under before moving across the state to the home base." 

I woke up in a white room about ten by ten feet with a large glass window in front of me covering the entire wall. There were three cameras one under the window, and the other two behind me. I looked around to see if I could break out as I saw all these things. I then looked to see what I was laying on and it was metal bed frame with a single bed on top, the sheets and covers were red. I took a deep breath but as I was exhaling I heard the sound you get when someone pushes a button on a microphone to yell at a large crowd of people. I then heard a man's voice say, "Good morning, subject 94." I rose out of the bed and stared at the glass and said, "You best call me Cody if you like to see another day." I heard the button get pushed again and the same person said, "Ok ....." I then heard faint whispering coming from the other side of the mic until he said, "Cody, I would like to ask a few questions." I smiled and said, "Look, I'll answer questions in honest if one of you come in this room face to face. Until then you can fuck off I'm not going to be trapped under rocks for 1000 years to be stuck in a white room and go insane because pussy ass cunts don't have enough balls to come in the same room and treat me like a normal person!" Near the end of me talking my tone of voice got loud and annoyed which may have influenced them a bit more into sending someone in the room. The microphone button was pushed and I heard him say, "We are sending someone in there, don't cause any harm to them or...." I ran to the glass and punched it lightly and watched as the glass cracked and a piece broke off. I looked in the broken window and said, "Don't tell me what the fuck to do, I'm not trapped here. you are trapped in here with me." My gaze turned to a hidden door that just opened in the doorway was a short girl in a lab coat and behind her were military officers with large rifles. The door shut behind her and it was clear she was staring at me with her eyes filled with fear. I removed my fist from the incaved glasses and gave her a friendly smile and walked to her, her legs began to shake as I grew closer. I extended my hand towards her to shake her hand but she closed her eyes and held the paper to her face. I sighed and said, "My name is Cody, what is yours?" It took a few seconds and she opened her eyes and saw my hand. She slowly reached out and shook it, her hands were cold and sweaty like she just saw death. She quietly said, "It's nice to meet you, but I can't tell you my name." I nod and had a bit of an annoying face on as I then walked to the bed and sat down looking at her and said, "Well you going to ask me questions or be scared of me." She snapped out of fear and walked till she was about 5 feet away from me and looked at the paper before saying, "Where did you come from?" I smiled and said, "Earth." She wrote something on the paper then said, "When were you born?" I then said, "1999." She looked a bit confused and looked at the glass but I said, "Then in 2019 I time traveled to 1064, I think. I'm not for sure but there were Vikings and I fought beside them until an angel offered me a job which made me go to a more modern time and I saved this girl, um once killing a vampire lord I then was sent back to 1065 or maybe few years after that, we went up against the Vikings which I single handed killed many men and their leader or king. I'm not good with history but shortly after that a lizard girl trapped me in the chains and blew up the cave I was in and left me there till yall uncovered me." She had her mouth open and was in shock she quickly looked at the glass and the microphone button was pushed and the guy said, "Continue please." She nods slightly and looked at the paper and said, "Um what abilities do you have?" I smiled big and looked at the glass and laid on the bed and said, "Wouldn't yall like to know." The room was quiet as the girl didn't want to continue and the microphone button broke the silence and the guy now was getting annoyed and said, "You said if we send some..." I interrupted him and yelled, "I know what I said but I never said I was answering all your questions!" I raised up and looked at the broken glass with the most hateful look I could give. I then looked at the girl and said, "Go ahead and ask the rest of them." She hesitated before continuing and asked, "How did you get your powers?" I laughed and said, "Well I got it from a girl, but she took it away so I killed her and the lizard girl gave them back or made them appear once more." She then said, "Why are you here?" I looked at my body then slowly looked up to face her and said, "I'm honestly not sure, but I want to not be here. Maybe die in battle and be remembered as a great soldier, or maybe I go around stopping crime and saving people." She for once smiled but soon as it appeared she forced it down and said, "That's all the questions for now." She turned around and began to leave the room, I looked at the glass and said, "How about you replace the glass and make it clear. I like to see who I'm talking to." The microphone button sound came from the speaker and he said, "We will be replacing it but you will never see our face." I nod and said, "Ok then let me help you open a few social barriers."

I slowly got up and walked to the glass then an alarm went off and gas began to fill the room, I sighed and pulled my arm back like I was about to give this glass a pitch of a baseball and I slammed my fist into the glass breaking the rest of the layers and looking at the people in lab coats and in military uniforms. I gave them a smile and said, "It's nice to meet you I'm Cody." They began to flee the room as the toxic gas filled my room. I watched them all flea and saw the girl from before was on the ground choking on the gas, I shook my head and bent down picking her up and looking around before leaving the room the same way the others did. As I was walking through the brightly lit hall I ran into a large group of soldiers with guns, I walked to them until one of them shot me in the shoulder,  they all had dart guns. I continue to walk backward so they wouldn't hit her,  my back was filling with needles of all the ammo they had. I turned to face them and set the girl down and said, "Fucking ass wipes." As I then pressed my hand against the wall and fell to the ground blacking out shortly after.

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