Night at the Museum Imagines

By bookworm3254

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I don't own any images used or Night at the Museum. Requests: CLOSED Rules: 1. No smut 2. No triggering topic... More

Ahkmenrah x Reader: Cute Part 1
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Cute Part 2
Dad!Ahkmenrah x Daughter!Reader: I Promise
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Goodbye Part 1
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Goodbye Part 2
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Excuses
Ahkmenrah x Reader: The Intern
God!Ahkmenrah x Dancer!Reader: Tribute
Dad!Ahkmenrah x Daughter!Reader: Surprise
Ahkmenrah x Male!Reader: Oblivious
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Reunion
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Jealousy
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Jealousy Part 2
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Wait For Me
Ahkmenrah x Reader: My Best Friend
Father!Ahkmenrah x Daughter!Reader: Bargaining
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Dreaming
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Dusty and Barbie
Ahkmenrah x Reader: You Have to Try
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Healing
Ahkmenrah x Reader: 21, 900
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Bluebeard
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Stress Tears
Ahkmenrah x Reader: A Kiss for Every Year
Ahkmenrah x Punk!Reader: Settling the Score
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Sorry
Ahkmenrah x Male!Servant!Reader: When Night Falls
Nicky x Reader: Ahk-ward
Nicky x Reader: Finally Home Part 1
Nicky x Reader: Finally Home Part 2
Nicky x Reader: Finally Home Part 3
Nicky x Reader: Nerf Guns and Dinosaurs
Nicky x Reader: Nostalgia
Kahmunrah x Reader: Impossible Part 1
Kahmunrah x Reader: Impossible Part 2
Kahmunrah x Reader: Impossible Part 3
Kahmunrah x Reader: Halloween
Kahmunrah x Reader: Oh Crap
Kahmunrah x Reader: Reassurance
Kahmunrah x Reader: I Remember You
Jedediah x Reader: Tour Guide Part 1
Jedediah x Reader: Tour Guide Part 2
Octavius x Reader: Making Faces
Lancelot x Reader: The Quest
Lancelot x Reader: Of Stumbles and Shyness
Teddy x Reader: Study Buddies
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Attila x Reader: Tokens
Al Capone x Reader: This World Will Remember Us Part 1
Al Capone x Reader: This World Will Remember Us Part 2
Al Capone x Reader: Persistence
Al Capone x Reader: Birthday Bumps
Napoleon x Reader: A Wonderful Night
General Custer x Reader: Insecurities
Jedediah x Octavius: Of Car Wrecks and Cowboys
Mom and Dad
We've Got Your Back
Jedediah x Larry: It's a Date
Napoleon x Reader: Until Tomorrow
Ahkmenrah x Reader: Fingersnaps
Al Capone x Reader: Questions
Ahkmenrah x Magic!Reader: Anchor Me
Jedediah x Octavius: Change
Seeing Double
Napoleon x Reader: That Little Stack of Letters
Ahkmenrah x Male!Redhead!Reader: Watch This!

Ahkmenrah x Reader: Too Dangerous

15.6K 176 20
By bookworm3254

"Open! Open this door right now!" You were currently huddled with all of the others exhibits in a large shipping crate. Attila and some of the civil war mannequins were grasping onto the door, desperately trying to keep it closed. You were confused and terrified at the same time. Why did you wake up? You wouldn't have woken up unless the Tablet...

"Oh my God." You breathed. Sacagawea looked at you, never moving her bow from where it was aimed.


"Someone brought the Tablet," You whispered. You felt a tug on the hem of your clothing. You looked down to see Dexter. The Tablet was clutched in his tiny hands. "Dexter!" You gasped, picking him up and setting him down on the smaller box in front of you. "Why would you bring the Tablet? It's not supposed to be here!" He screeched loudly, the sound echoing off the walls. Attila shouted something, but as usual, you couldn't understand. You looked through the crack and saw Egyptian soldiers. That wasn't what interested you most. What you instantly noticed was that there was a gap between them. You thought to yourself. If I can get out, I can distract them long enough for everyone else. You knew it was a long shot, but you didn't have any other options. Pushing your way to the front of the crate, you looked out at the soldiers. You gently put your hands on the doors. Before anyone could stop you, you shot out of the crate and started running. You heard shouts behind you, which only pushed you to run faster. You felt your muscles begin to slowly freeze up. Your head snapped up to see sunlight filtering through the warehouse windows. You tried to turn around, and you saw that the soldiers were already frozen. You breathed a sigh of relief, and managed to hide yourself around a corner just as you froze. Everything went black as you waited for dusk. After what felt like a few seconds but was really at least eight hours, you unfroze. The last night's events returned to you in a flood of memories. You cautiously peeked around the corner you had ducked behind the evening before. The soldiers were gone. You felt your throat tighten in fear. You had to help your friends. You quietly crept back to where the crate sat. What you saw confused you even more: Larry, holding onto the Tablet, was surrounded by the soldiers. One of the Egyptians was talking to him, but even though his back was to you, you were able to tell from the way he dressed that he had a different rank than the soldiers. He was their leader, perhaps? You crouched down and tried to listen in on what they were saying. Before you could try and inch closer, someone's hand clamped down on your mouth, stifling your scream. You were pulled away from the edge and pressed against the crates that lined the shelves. You shakily lifted your gaze to your attacker.

"Shh," Ahkmenrah whispered. "I need you to be quiet, okay Y/N?" You nodded, and he removed his hand from your face before pulling you into a crushing embrace. "Thank the gods you're alright." He murmured as you hugged him back. He was the first to pull back. Quietly getting up, he took your spot at the edge of the aisle of crates and peered around the corner. He cursed in Egyptian.

"What?" You asked him, coming up to look over his shoulder.

"My brother," His voice was a low growl. "He's trying to take the Tablet." You breathed in sharply. "I have to stop him."

"We have to stop him." You corrected him. He turned to you.

"No, not we. It's too dangerous, Y/N. I'm not risking your safety." He said firmly.

"Ahk. You and I both know that either way, we're both getting dragged into this." He looked around, probably trying to come up with a good argument, but failing. "So, you can let me help, or you can stand by and watch me help anyway." He looked down in defeat.

"Fine. But you're not leaving my side." He turned to face you and wrapped his arms around your waist

"Deal." You looked over his shoulder and quietly gasped. "Ahk," You said, staring over his shoulder.


"Look," You pointed. Her turned around and followed your gaze.

"No," He breathed. Everyone was gone. You noticed the foot of one of the soldiers disappear around another corner. Stepping as lightly as possible, you both tried to follow as quickly as possible with being to close. You both watched from behind a tall crate as Larry and Ahkmenrah's brother seemed to be talking about something. You had to stifle yet another gasp when you saw that the Tablet was now in the other Pharaoh's hands. Larry turned around and started to walk towards a long crate behind him. He slowly unlatched the lid, and the long tentacles of a squid sprang out and began to take out the soldiers. In the commotion, Larry took the Tablet back. Ahk gently grabbed your arm, and you both began to run after Larry. He looked over at the two of you.

"Ahk? Y/N?" He said once he realized who you were. "How did you—" A spear landed in the crate next to him, inches from his nose. "Actually, never mind. Tell me later." He said. You shakily nodded as you heard the footsteps come closer. Ahk and Larry noticed too. They both looked for a place to hide. Larry noticed a wide gap between to crates. "Over there," He whispered. "Quick!" Ahk nodded and led you over to the space. He let you crawl in first before following you. Larry came in third. You all faced the aisle you were once standing in and waited for the footsteps to pass. What you didn't notice was that the aisle behind you had a gap as well. You felt yet another hand clamp down on your mouth and drag you out of your hiding place. You looked up to see Ahkmenrah's brother in front of you, smiling sadistically.

"You've gotten lazy, little brother." He said to Ahkmenrah. I wonder if he even knows where he is. You thought. "Leaving your little flower so vulnerable. I'm so very disappointed." You could hear quiet shuffling from your hiding spot, and could only guess that one or both of them were turning around. "Well, you've made a mistake, that's for certain." He was obviously rubbing this in. "I guess you'll just have to face the consequences." He snapped his fingers, and the guard holding you began to drag you away. Just as you disappeared around the corner, you saw Ahk and Larry slowly crawl out of their hiding spot and towards you.

"Let me go," You demanded once the guard's hand was removed. The Pharaoh ignored you. "I said, let me go!"

"I heard you," He waved his hand dismissively. You glared at his back. "Tie her up," he ordered lazily. The guards pulled you over to a pillar and tied you to it with a long rope. When the soldiers stepped away, the Pharaoh came up to you.

"I don't know if we've been formally introduced. I, am Kahmunrah!" He exclaimed dramatically, sweeping his arms out and rolling the 'r' in his name. He waited for a reaction. When he didn't get one, he dropped his arms with a scowl on his face. "You could at least pretend to be awed."

"I was taught to never lie." You told him flatly. His frown deepened. Suddenly, he began to quietly laugh.

"You have a sharp tongue, I'll give you that," The smirk suddenly disappeared. "But I would show some respect if I were you. I wouldn't want to tell my dear brother that something happened to his little desert flower." You raised an eyebrow at the threat. It could have been threatening, but the tone of voice he used made it sound pretty lame. He looked at you for a moment.

"I do not understand what my brother sees in you." He said at last.

"You shouldn't. It's none of your business."

"My apologies, but anything involving my brother is my business." He turned away from you again. "See, I didn't just take you for no reason. I'm sure you've been informed that I need the Tablet. My dear brother and that Larry fellow will do anything to keep it away from me. I need some leverage, if you will."

"You're crazy." You said.

"That's not very nice," He said in mock-hurt. "You should watch your tongue; you wouldn't want anything to happen would you? It would be a shame if Ahkmenrah was the one to find you la—"

"Y/N!" You heard your name being called. You looked up to see Larry, a girl with curly red hair, and a cavalry officer with blond hair running towards you and Kahmunrah. Kahmunrah snapped his fingers and a dozen guards surrounded the trio, stopping them in their tracks.

"I was wondering when I would see you again," He said, and began to monologue, going on about how 'futile their efforts are' and how 'inevitable their demise is'. It was boring you to death, and you were hardly paying attention! While everyone's attention was on the Pharaoh, you felt the ropes around you shuffling around. You turned your head as far as you could, trying to see what was causing the movement. You smiled when you saw Ahk untying your ropes. He smiled back and put a finger to his lips. The ropes loosened, and you gently lowered them to the ground so they wouldn't make any noise. Ahkmenrah grabbed your arm and pulled you behind the pillar, sandwiching you between the concrete and himself.

"Are you alright?" He bent down so his mouth was to your ear. His warm breath made you shiver involuntarily.

"I'm fine," You told him. He pressed his lips to the side of your head.

"I'm getting you out of here." He said firmly.

"But what abou—"

"They'll be fine." He assured you. Just as you were about to make your escape, you heard Kahmunrah's voice ring out.

"She's gone! Search everywhere! Find her!" He roared. You and Ahkmenrah stiffened at the tone of his voice. Ahkmenrah stepped closer, his robes concealing you from view. "This isn't over," He growled, and you heard multiple footsteps fade from the room. After a few minutes, you heard a voice.

"Do you have her, Ahk?" Larry called out.

"She's safe," He replied.

"Told you it would work, Ace!" A girl's voice rang out.

"What'd we tell ya?" A different man answered. You and Ahk walked over to the three.

"Okay, I was wrong, you were right." Larry said dejectedly. You hid a giggle behind your hand as the two strangers continued to gloat. Ahkmenrah put an arm around your shoulders, and turned you to face him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He murmured, quiet enough so only you could hear.

"I'm fine, Ahk," You answered him.

"You're sure? No cuts, bruises..." He inspected you for any injuries.

"Ahk." You smiled at how worried he was getting. "I'm fine," You cupped his face in your hands, gently forcing him to meet your gaze. "I promise," You reassured him. His gaze softened, and he gently pressed his forehead to yours.

"I'm sorry," He said.


"Letting you get captured."


"What?" He stared at you confusedly. You stepped back, and pointed a finger at him.

"You are not apologizing for this." You said firmly. "You had no control over this. Me getting taken was not your fault. And I am not going to listen to you apologize for something you didn't do. Got it?" He blinked a few times, and without warning, he pulled you to him and pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes slowly closed and you wound your arms around his neck. When you pulled away, he smiled and nuzzled into your hair.

"I don't know what I ever did to deserve you, but thank Ra I did it." He sighed. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder.

"Me neither," You said.

"Um, guys." You both looked up to see Larry awkwardly standing there, the two exhibits standing behind him with smug grins on their faces. "Hate to break up the moment here, I really do, but we need to go before Kahmunrah comes back." You let go of each other and followed the night guard, your hands tightly entwined with each other.

"Y/N?" You looked up at Ahkmenrah.


"You do realize I'm not letting you take part in any more situations that are even a little risky, right?" You dropped your head in defeat.


"I'm serious, Y/N. That was too dangerous."

"I'm being serious too," You told him honestly, meeting his gaze. "And if you don't want me to be a part of something, as much as I may disagree with them, I can respect your wishes. Okay?" He smiled at you, and leaned down to brush his lips to your forehead.


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