Numinous | KHR Fanfiction

Par Junny3458

54.6K 2.3K 265

Saikawa Jun, a lazy 18-year-old girl, who just graduated from high school. The school organised a trip for a... Plus

Prologue: Shrine
Chapter 1: Reincarnated
Chapter 2: New family
Chapter 3: Simon babies
Chapter 4: First day of Kindergarten
Chapter 5: Visitor
Chapter 6: Visitor part 2
Chapter 7: Soon
Chapter 9: Grief
Chapter 10: By your side
Chapter 11: Leaving
Chapter 12: Family friend
Chapter 13: Friends
Chapter 14: Little Tuna
Chapter 15: Transfer
Chapter 16: Sushi
Chapter 17: Bento and Mother
Chapter 18: Forward
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19

Chapter 8: Intrude

2.5K 98 5
Par Junny3458

Sun sank lower in the horizon, dimmed bright lights cast rich hues of red blended with orange, purple, crimson. People crowded the streets like ants. The city bustled with lights, music, voices. The night was still active. After a long day of work, most dragged their feet home to rest for the next day.

Makoto brushed past people, mumbling apologies when his shoulder hit someone. He just sold a painting at a decent price and felt content afterwards. Being an art dealer can be hard. He needed to keep an eye on the art market as it fluctuates depending on the various trends. 

He walked along the sidewalk, observing the people when, without warning, a hard force ran into him that he fall back. He groaned on the ground. The person frantically sputtered apologies to him and offered him a hand.

"Thank you," Makoto politely said as he took his hand. He made eye contact with the stranger. A pair of brown eyes belonged to a young boy, a middle school student, with short raven hair. 

"Are you okay, mister?" The boy looked up at him, concern swirled in his eyes. Makoto smiled at him and patted his head.

"No worries, boy. I am fine. Be careful when you are running," he softened his gaze on him. He was a father of two children. His paternal instincts flared up when he met a child. 

"Hai, thank you, again, I apologized for running into you. Bye!" he waved at Makoto before he disappeared in the crowd. The adult smiled to himself, his mind wondered how his wife and children were doing. He walked across the traffic, looking forward to see his family at home. 

His hands dug into his pockets to protect from the cold air. He froze in his steps. He rummaged his pockets, his wallet and phone remained, yet his personal gun went missing. His heart thudded against his ribcage. His wide eyes darted around the sea of people. 

Somewhere, someone pickpocket his gun. Why do they take the weapon? Would it be more valuable to take the wallet or phone?  He did not know the culprit. There could only be one in the crowd of hundreds. Concerned, he thought he left it somewhere or someone who made contact with him snatched it away. Makoto gulped, his throat patchy and dry, as he jogged back where he came from to figure out the source.

Meanwhile, a raven child smirked to himself as he watched the man panicked. In his hands, he gripped the firearm. Everything planned from the start was going well. The vision of his dreams will come true soon. He will eradicate the weak family to plant a seed of hatred in the young heir. He will use the future Tenth generation to annihilate the other party. He will killed anyone, innocent or not, who dare to stop him. They will fall into his hands and be his puppets for his goal. 

"Nufufufu...," indigo flames covered him, leaving behind the body of the child stumped in the alley.

| ...|

Years elapsed before I realized. Those years filled with memories I spent in this world. The days I felt were unreal as I mingled with fictional characters who become my friends and family. They were supposed to be fake, yet I made bonds with them like any human beings. They also have feelings and thoughts, and their own identity. 

Living in this world, I felt my previous memories slowly fading as the new ones replaced it. Though pieces of my childhood friends and my family still lingered in my mind. No longer am I Saikawa Jun. This world began to feel real around me as I got use to this life. 

Life was mundane as always. Woke up to the same routine, to another new day. The man has not shown up yet. I have a feeling he will show up. A sense of foreboding consumed my thoughts. I still have no plan on how to stop him. He hid himself in illusions, using different identities and borrowing bodies to thrive on. All for the sake of Vongola.

I lacked fighting and analytical skills. Daemon Spade was a tricky man. His heart consumed by hatred and greed led him to think that killing the weak will make the Vongola strong. His head misunderstood Elena's words when she clearly stated to protect the weak as what the original Vongola did. If I interfered the plot, what would happen? Should I do such a thing? Then Enma and Tsuna will not fight. Is it the right thing to do?

"Ms. Hiragii," a sharp voice snapped me out of my mental conflicts. The class teacher stood in front of my desk, a frown displayed on his face. 

"What are you daydreaming about?" he said, arms crossed over his chest. "Care to share with the class?"

I smiled at him. "Sorry, sensei! I was thinking about some work to be done."

"Is that so? Then come up here and solved this question," he smugly said. I did as he ordered. The question was an algebraic problem. It stated to solve for y. Easy peasy. He made a wrong move to challenge me. I solved it in less than thirty seconds.

"Is it correct?" I beamed at him. I felt like Father's smiles rubbed on me as I kept smiling.

"Y-Yes, y-you may go b-back...," he stuttered, flabbergasted and embarrassed he was defeated. The whole class went 'oh'ed and 'ah'ed. I sat back on my seat, feeling accomplished. A tap on my shoulder made me turn around to face a classmate of mine. 

"How did you do that?" she whispered. 

"I learnt it," I replied back softly. Her eyes widened a bit. 

"The topic on the board has not been taught yet."

Oh, I see. No wonder the class was surprised. I just chuckled nervously and told her I learned it by myself because I was bored. Yea, what a diligent worker you are, Chisaki. Note the sarcasm. No way, someone would study if they were bored. 

The rest of the day passed peacefully until the last class finished. I waited for Enma since meanies tend to bring him trouble. (Got to protect the little bun) 

"Chi-chan...Later, do you want to come to my house?" Enma asked, his eyes averted to his feet as we walked. 

"Sure thing!" I smiled and grabbed his hand. His face flushed red. We walked side by side, enjoying the tranquility. That stopped when two boys stopped in front of us.

"Oi, Loser-Enma, give us your wallet," one of them commanded, approaching towards us. I glared and stepped in front of Enma. My eyes met his.

"Oh, what is this, Freaky eyes protecting Loser-Enma," he sneered. 

"Leave him alone, you ugly pig!" I spat back, teeth bared out. Wait for it. He came closer and pushed me against Enma, him being clumsy, fell down. Without support, my balance toppled. 

"Ha, Freaky eyes, acting so big! Don't think so high of yourself! Give me your wallets!" he towered over us. Once he was close enough, I jumped up and pushed him down. He landed with an 'of'ed, I took out my pepper spray and aimed it at his eyes. He let out a girlish scream, arms flailing around like a dying fish.

"Haha, kiss my ass, you brats!" I pulled Enma along and dashed away from the scene. 

We did not stop until his house came into view. I pressed the doorbell multiple times, trying hard to catch my breath. Enma coughed and choked as if he came back from a marathon. The door clicked open. I scampered inside like a wild boar with Enma in tow. 

"Ara, what happened? Why are you breathing heavily?" Akira asked, her curious large, brown eyes wandered over us. 

"Err, we occur some weirdo and instantly run away," I nervously rubbed the back of my head. Akira rose one eyebrow, giving me a 'Really?' look. She decided to brush it off and helped us with our bags. We sat on cushions around a Kotatsu, a cup of milk in our hands. My thoughts began to wander again. 

When will Daemon strike? Four years has gone by, no sign of the illusionist around. 

A weight pressed on my back, causing me to hunch forward. 

"Chi-nee~!" a high-pitched voice squealed behind me. I smiled and turned around to hug the adorable chick.

"Mami-chan~! How are you?"

Her short red hair framed her face. A red cherry pin held part of her hair at the left side. She wore it, I caressed the hair pin, my heart swelled with happiness. The hairpin was a birthday gift that Enma and I saw at an accessories shop.

"Mami is fine! Mami misses Chi-nee!" her doe red eyes with the same compass irises looked up at me, her bright smile illuminated the room. My smile enlarged. I pulled her towards me and rubbed my cheeks against hers.

"Aw~ you are so cute, Mami-chan! I miss you too!"

We shared giggles. I felt eyes on me and met the same red eyes. Enma sat there, pouting, when he caught my eyes. He quickly broke the contact, cheeks colored red matching his hair. I chuckled and extended an arm out.

"Come in, En-chan~ We will give you a hug, you poor little lamb," I coaxed him. He peeked from his crossed arms, cheeks flushed deeper. 

"Onii-chan, come and join us~!" Mami beckoned him. He stood up and approached us, his bangs hid his eyes, his red cheeks visible. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into our arms. We huddled closer, warmth seeped into my heart. 

"Aw, what about me?" Akira chirped from the kitchen. She squeezed us into her arms. We squealed and light laughter filled the room. This moment I hope to treasure it forever. I dreaded the thought of Akira, Mami and Makoto killed. I wanted to remember the times we spent together. Because they will not be here. 

I sucked in the deepest breath and released it. Panic would not do any justice in the situation. I closed my eyes, feeling my heartbeat calmed steadily. The fear lingered inside her. 

"I wish I could protect them," I muttered. A stinging sensation pricked my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, feeling the tears coming out. "Dammit..."


Anticipation ran through his veins. The moment has come. After he initiated the "Flood of Blood" incident, he left the gun at the scene and disappeared in thin air. The event would become a part of Vongola's history. 

He strolled down the pathway, disguised as the CEDEF Head, black coat over his shoulders and a hat to obscure his identity. He chose to executed the plan at night as there was not much people roaming.  His plans will go without fail. He have arranged everything behind the curtains, pulling strings to control the show. His Vongola will stand at the top, the weak does not deserve to be alive.

He reached his destination, standing in front of the door. His eyes glanced at the sign board on the concrete wall. 

Kozato's House

He smiled wickedly. He readied his gun and raised a hand to knock on the door. 

"Coming!" footsteps neared the entrance. The door swung open to reveal Kozato Makoto. Swiftly, Daemon pointed the muzzle at him and pulled the trigger. 


Specks of red painted the walls and floor. Alarmed shouts resounded inside the house. He wasted no time to venture into the compound. A woman in an apron came around the corner. Before she could blink, a bullet fired to her heart. She screamed in pain and fell down onto the ground. A puddle of red oozed out from her chest. Daemon continued to fire more. He wanted to make sure she was completely dead.

Daemon stepped over the corpse and walked into the living room. Three pairs of eyes stared at him, terror written over their face. He smirked. He loves to see the fear on his victims' faces.

"Well, hello there, little ones," he cooed. "I am sorry but you have to die."

He pointed his gun at the red-headed girl. Tears streaming down her eyes. Then a white blonde girl stepped in front of her. He frowned, unhappy that someone blocked his target.

"D-don't you dare hurt them!" the girl shouted. He clicked his tongue and aimed at her. His grip faltered when he saw those eyes. His mouth agape. She looks like her. Impossible, she did not have any descendants after she died.

The girl stood straight, her legs shook like jelly. Eyes firm and glimmered with fear and determination. She has no chance against him. His powers overwhelmed hers. She stared at him, confused by his lack of response as he stood there just looking at her intently. 

Out of nowhere, a cold hand grabbed her chin. A shiver went down her spine as gold amber eyes peered at her. 

"Interesting...," a wide smirk stretched his lips, as if he found a new toy to play.

A small hand tugged his arm. Enma glared at him, red eyes glowing, and screamed,

"Let go of Chi-chan!" 

Daemon simply hurled the small boy to the wall. His body crashed into furniture, pain racked his entire being. He landed on his front and grimaced. A warm liquid ran down his forehead.

"Enma!" the girl flashed a worried glance to him. His head was bleeding! 

"Sorry, but there is only one person who will be the Simon's heir." he pointed the gun at Chisaki. "For you, I will let you live as you are just a witness."

He shot at her knee and pushed her to one side. He loomed over the five-years-old. His eyes showed no mercy or kindness. Mami trembled uncontrollably, her tears ran down her cheeks endlessly. 

"Mami...!" Chisaki tried to move, pain erupted from her knee. The bullet implanted in her flesh, hindering her movements.

"Nee-chan...Onii-chan...Help me...," Mami pleaded, her glossy eyes looked up at the killer. 

"Mami, move! Hurry!" Chisaki yelled, hoping to bring some senses to her. Mami continued to sat there like a statue. 


"Goodbye," his finger pulled the trigger. The sound reverberated through the house Mami dropped to the floor. Her body laid there, eyes dimmed, her limbs not moving. She laid there like a doll. Makoto was dead. Akira was dead. Mami was dead.

That day, Enma and Chisaki watched the massacre of their loved ones. A burning rage bubbled inside the boy, guilt struck to the girl's heart. 

The house once warm and happy turned silent and eerie.


Hey, a new chapter here. Sorry if it looks bad. I was rushing to complete this. Though I have a thought that the plot needs a bit of patch up. Anyways, thank you for reading!

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