Perfect// scotty sire

By finnies_curls_

39.5K 784 69

"Your a dick dobrik " Luna Davis 24 year old actress says running out of the house after scotty sire , she re... More

1 "hi im luna"
2 "Birthday bash"
3 "#lotty"
4 "Runaways"
5 "shorty awards"
6 "im fine,i promise"
7 "Coachella"
8 "your a dick dobrick"
9 "Tmz"
10 "luna we need to talk"
11 "welcome this is kylie jenner"
12 "im a survior "
13 "a not so happy aniversary"
14 "im so sorry david"
15 "welcome to my dark place"
16 "Breaking down"
17. "No matter what i love you"
18. "bikinis & Pancakes"
20. "no. 1"
21 "chicago pt.1"
22 "chicago pt2"
23 "home sweet home bitch"
24 "our song"
25 "its mine"
26 "baby's and blindfolds"
27 "the photo album"
28 "lukey"
29 "annoucments"
30 "releases and presents"
31 "a millions times"
32 "lullaby"
33 "The wedding video"
34 "award winning"
35 "test taking"
36 "babys and the gabbie show"
37 "LunaXstormi"
38 "the wedding"
39 "Pregnant"
40 "uncles, aunts and grandpas pt.1"
41 "uncles, aunts and grandpas pt.2"
42 "the one with goodbyes"
43 "i got you"
44 "appointments"
45 "Natural"
46 "sam gets mad"
47 "emma"
48 "New jersey"
49 "the video and surprises"
50 "dance partner"
51 "jummped"
52 "bye bitch"
53 "lonely"
54 "stormi"
55 "mommy in training"
56 "you did this for me"
57 "hesitation and contemplation"
58 "sad together"
59 "date"
60 "men are trash"
61 "space"
"Dead yet"
63 "Launch Party"
64 "oh my god"
65 " a chore"

19. "Surprise"

688 17 0
By finnies_curls_

"Baby I'm going to get ready" I say wrapping my hands around Scott's waist and leaning against his back "Luna your ruining our bit" Alex says pretending to be angry playing up his character so I play along "piss off alex" I say snuggling into Scott "I will kill you" he says "you know you love me Alex" I say in a song-song voice "no I don't" he protested, I walked towards and pecked his cheek and he start blushing "yeah ye do" I say partting his chest as David , zane and Scott laugh , I walk into Natalie's room "hey baby girl" I say sitting beside her "hey baby" she says smiling at me "you coming Tonight" I ask "no" she says "why not" I say looking down at her "i don't want to intrude and Kylie invited the squad" she says shrugging "you are in the squad come on Carly Erin and riah are going to" I say "I'm not going I wasn't invited" she says "DAVID" I yell and he ignores me "watch this it's a good tip" *scream* the four boys sprint into the room and zane falls onto Natalie's bed , me and Natalie are dyeing laughing "what's wrong" David asks "please tell Natalie she is coming tonight and she is part of the squad" I say "of course you are Nat and your coming" Scott says "yeah totally" Alex says "I can't belive you made me run to tell you your in the squad" zane says laughing "your coming are your going to be my date" David says smiling everyone oohs and Natalie blushes "why did you scream" Scott asks "David ignored me" o say squinting at him "sorry I was texting heath" he shrugs "okay bye and Nat come over to my room to do your make up" I say smiling at her I head over to my room and get ready I choose a orange velvet dress that hugs my curves perfectly matching heels and some good jewellery

"Wow" Natalie says standing in the door "Natalie you look gorgeous" I squeal she is wearing a dress similar to mine but it's red and she has matching heels "David is going to die" I say jumping up and down and she rolls her eyes "how can you do that in heels " she laughs "I did widow the avengers and superstition in heels and I did my own stunts so I'm used to it" I laugh "okay we have 30 minutes to do our make up" she adds heading to my bathroom "I'll be one second" I say she doesn't reply she just smiles and nods "SCOTT COME GET READY ME AND NAT ARE CHANGED IN THE BATHROOM SO USE DAVIDS" I yell out the door "OKAY BEAUTIFUL" he yells back and I smile and join Natalie in the bathroom "you two are like a married couple" She remarks bending out her foundation "one day" I say smirking and she gasps "have you talked about it" she asks "well yeah everything where we want to get married where we want to live , kids" I say "KIDS" she gasps looking at me and I shush her for the next 30 minutes we just talk and laugh about stupid stuff, I do my regular makeup routine since the outfit is so flashy and for hair i do a bun and curl the rest of my hair

"David is going to absolutely die" I say looking at Natalie "shut up" she says smacking my arm lightly "come on Ill prove it" i say grabbing her hand and sitting her on my bed "DAVE COME HERE I NEED HELP" I yell down the hall "coming" he yells "Luna" she growls "I need to pee" I say as David walks in "you look beautiful" he says pecking my cheek "hey nat do you need to pee" I say smirking "wow" David says jaw slightly "you look beautiful" he says twirls her and she giggles "wow my ultimate ship" I say putting my hand over my heart they just glare at me "and that dobrik is for kiss blocking me and Scott all the time but genuinely sorry Nat" I say patting David's shoulder as they laughs "come on Nat" I say intertwining our fingers and waking out to he boys

"Damn you two clean up nice" Todd says looking behind me , I see a better Natalie and then a breath taking Luna "I - uh - you look" I stutter "tanks bubba you looking sexy as hell" she says pecking my lips and then sitting beside me on the couch "IM BACK BITCHES" zane yells coming in the door with heath and Mariah "damn baby your beautiful" She says then zane says "you too sweetie" assuming it's him but she walks past him and hug riah "rude" zane says shoving his camera in her faces "you look beautiful to baby" Shes say kissing his cheek "thanks" he says smiling weirdly and She join him "you two are so weird" David says arm around Nat "uh huh and you want to fu" zane begins but I cut him off "want to be funny" I say pinching zane and the others laugh and David mouths "thank you" to me I smile and nod , Luna comes over and intertwined our fingers and we walked out to the limo waiting for the others to arrive

We arrive at kylies and I'm about to get out of the car "WAIT" zane yells to me and I turn to look at him "can you take a pick of me when the others leave" he says "sure" I say climbing back over Scott they all pile out except me Scott and zane "you know what nevermind" he says hoping pout of the car and I laugh "that was weird" I say as Scott helps me out of the car "zanes weird" he chuckles I walk up to the door hand in hand with Scott and open it and then the lights suddenly came on "SURPRISE"

No ones point of view
"SURPRISE" hundreds of people say jumping out recording for there socials "omg" Luna yells grabbing onto Scott and everyone start cheering "Awh guys" she says tears coming to her eyes "don't cry yet we have a surprise" Scott says and the crowd start moving apart "TOMMY" she screamed letting go of her purse and running into his arms "hello Luna" he laughs in his cute English accent "your going to ruin your make up" some one says behind him "SHAWNIE" she yells jumping into his arms and everyone burst out laughing again "I guess where not wanted then" some other people say "What the - CHADWICK , SAM EVERYONE" she yells again hugging them all "surprise" scott says behind her she tackles him into a big hug making him fall onto the couch the both laugh as she hoovers over him she leans in and kisses him "I think we say I love you too much" she says looking into his eyes "we need a new word" he says as she stands up "think about it I'll back in a few minutes I'm going to greet everyone else and thank kylie" she says pecking his lips "okay love you" he says "love you too" she says walking away
"Can we have Luna Davis up to the stage please " Kylie says over the microphone "well I got to go but we have to collaborate and thanks for coming Justin and of course you to hailey" i says hugging them and walking up on the stage and everyone cheers "well hello everyone" I say and the crowd say hi back "so I don't really have a speech to say so I'm going to say a few things from my heart and some special thank you's" I say "so obviously you all know what this song is about and I don't want to bring anyone's mood down because it used to be a sad thing but now it's not it's a empowering thing , so two years ago I was beaten and raped witch was obviously a awful experience I thought I was going to die in that apartment but then a little ray of sunshine known as Tom Holland saved my life with the police he came in and saved me witch half of you didn't know till now so thank you Tommy from the bottoms of my heart" I say "thank you tom" the crowd say outloud witch I wasn't expecting "I was so down and sad those following years witch probably no one could tell because if you don't know I'm a actor" I say and everyone laughs "but I was at a premiere for a movie feeling practically sad when I was introduced to someone who I see as a brother and will cherish Till my last breath, and that person is David dobrik , he acts evil but I promise nicest most perfect bean ever , so thank you David"I say and yet again the crowd thank him "so david introduced me to his and now mine amazing friends I was nervous and they welcomed me with open arms and there is 4 specific one I want to thank , toddy for always being there for me and supporting my choices , Natalie who is my beautiful friend and helps me cope with living with two very annoying boys and the last two have a special place in my heart zane and heath , two months ago I self harmed and zane and heath found my scars and cuts and sat me down and we talked it out and I'm now clean so I want to thanks them so dearly" I say and the crowd thanks them "I would also like to thanks Kylie for being another one of my best friends and helping me through tough times I love you and thank you" I add and the crowd thanked her "so I saved best for last the others weren't in order but you know I'm getting side tracked sorry" I say and they laughed "but yes best for last , , nearly a year ago now I met a man called Scotty and damn was he not only fine but he is the most genuine, kind hearted, lovable, cuddliest and hard working person I have ever met , Scott was one of the main reason well he was the main reason I was brought back to my self he brought a light to my life a smile and most importantly love back into my life" I say my voice cracking "scott I thought how I was treated was Normal and thats what love was buy you showed me I was wrong love is so much more love is kindness not being screamed at , love is gentle and not being hit and love is between two people who have a genuine connection really being in love with eachother it's not being scared to leave , so Scott thanks for teaching me what real love and I will always and forever be your princess" I say wiping a few tears off my face "sorry if I made you cry" I laugh still wiping off tears "so anyway" I say and the crowd erupts in laughter "who wants to hear the song witch by now" I say checking my phone "is now available on all streaming platforms" I say cheering with the crowd so I'll get the dj to play it now hold on" I begin but I'm cut of by someone saying "sing , sing , sing" it's Samuel he is Also clapping and soon everyone in the room joins in "can I have Scotty sire to the stage and Bruce" I say and everyone cheers as they join me Scott Dose not even say anything he just grabs my face and kisses me and everyone awhs , I blush and pull away "I love you too the moon and back" he whispers but the microphone pics it up and everyone awhs again "you too" I smile "now can I have the vlog squad all of you Shawn, Kylie , Tom and my gorgeous cast mates in stage to help me" I say as everyone claps as they come up "such a convince Bruce has his guitar" I say glaring at sam and he shrugs "hit it Bruce" I say and start singing I go around and dance with everyone and soon the song finishes and everyone is clapping and Cheering and we dance the rest of the night away

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