I'll Be Your Nightmare {Night...

By agaywriterr

99.2K 1.1K 1.2K

Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear known each other for a long time. They start to like each other. Will they b... More

~Hey there Guys!~
~Too Shy~
~I'll Keep You Safe~
~I Love You~
~Love is what?
~Where is he?~
~How we Meet~
~How we meet CONTINUING~
~You Ask~
~Please guys~
~I'm a what?~
~Da baby or babiess~
~Just a day~
~His brother~
~High School Life~
~Alone time?~
~You know what to do~
Update I guess

~...I'm Sorry...~

3.1K 42 27
By agaywriterr

N.Fredbear POV

I woke up to see me alone in bed... My back hurts I sit up to see bandages wrap around me. What happened? I hear the door open and I see Chica.
"Y-you are awake Fredbear!" She runs to me.
"... What happened?" I ask she looked sad.
"You don't remember?" I shake my head no. "Nightmare got mad at Bonnie you tried to stop Nightmare but... Nightmare threw you." My ears go down...
"B-but he didn't mean to?... R-right?" I started to shake. Chica walk to me and hugged me.
"He didn't mean to he just lost control... Right now Freddy is talking with him" I hugged her back.

Nightmare POV

Freddy told me to sit down... So I did... I know I'm the boss but sometimes I think Freddy is a way better boss then me. So sometimes I listen to him.
"Nightmare what did you remember last?" Freddy ask me I look at him.
"I remember everything that happen... Everything..." My ears go down, "I-I threw Fred..." I look down too... I feel bad for doing that to him... I didn't mean too...
"Nightmare, Chica just told me that Fredbear is awake" I stand up quickly.
"H-he is?!?"
"Yea... But what are you going to tell him?"
"That I'm sorry of course!" Freddy stared "w-what?"
"That's all?"
"... I'll talk to him when I see him" I walk over to our room I waa about to walk in and Chica stares at me... She sees Fred has a brother so I don't blame her at all. I walk in and looks at Fred.
"N-Night?!" He lookee happy and sad.
"Hey Fred..." I walk over to him and i knee down and hold his paws. "I'm so sorry for what I did to you... Please forgive me Fred... You don't have to... J-just please do..." He was about to talk but I cut him off. "Also... I-it's ok if you don't wanna date me a-after this... It will be fine."
"Maybe you should be with someone else... Who is not me."
"Maybe I should just be alone and have no lover?... Heh... Do I really need love in my life? Do I even deserve-"
"NIGHT!" I jumped up and look at Fred. "STOP TALKING THAT! You do deserve love! Everyone does! Everyone makes mistakes nobody is perfect... But you are perfect to me and I'll always love you Night" Fred put his paw on my cheek... But he is right... We all make mistakes it's part of life...
"I'm still very sorry about what I did to you..."
"I forgive you... But you have to say sorry to Bonnie you know"
"Yes I know Fred... I'll tell him I'm sorry too... But first..."
"First?" I pull Fred close to me and kissed him. And he blushes dark red as I pull him closer to me to deeping the kiss. Fred soon starts kissing back which made me happy so my tail wags a bit. Fred pulls away from the kiss and I was a bit sad. I gave Fred my pouty face.
"Night you have to apologize to Bonnie you know"
"I know I know... When I'm done apologizing I'll come back here to be with my golden bear ok?" Fred laughs a bit.
"Ok Night" I kiss his cheek and walks out... Time to find Bonnie. I look around the house but couldn't find him...
"Mmm... Where can he be?" I walks to his room and knock.
"Y-yes?" That's Bonnie...
"Hey Bonnie... It's me Nightmare... So you think you can come out here for a bit?"
"S-sure!" He sounds scared... Bonnie walks out. "Y-yes?"
"No need to be scare Bonnie..." He was shaking a bit... "Look I'm sorry for yelling at you... I am very sorry... I hope you can forgive me" Bonnie just stared... "You don't have to forgive me right now Bonnie"
"N-no Nightmare... Just please give me time"
"Will do Bonnie" he nods and walks back into his room and I walk about to my room. Maybe can rest now because it's getting late. I open the door to see Fred already laying in bed. He turns to me.
"Hey Night" he did sound tried.
"Hey Fred... Is it ok if I can stay here with you?"
"You can... Why ask tho?"
"Just wondering because you know..." I lay down next to Fred. He was sleeping on his side so his back is to me. I wrap my arms around him and pulled him close to me. Still making sure I don't hurt him I saw Fred blushing. I just smile at him. "Goodnight babe" Fred blushes a bit more.
"S-same to you Night, g-goodnight." Fred soon falls asleep I put a blanket over us and fall asleep while hugging Fred.

End Of Chapter

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