Change Me (BoyxBoy)

By AliJarNightmare

10K 385 133

Ethan is just a regular guy with a regular life except the fact that he is a direct descendant of one of the... More

CM: Chapter One
CM: Chapter Two
CM: Chapter Three
CM: Chapter Four
CM: Chapter Five
CM:Chapter Seven
CM: Chapter Eight
CM: Chapter Nine
CM: Chapter Ten
CM: Chapter 12
CM: Chapter Thirteen
CM:Chapter 14

CM: Chapter Six

868 32 6
By AliJarNightmare

<<--A/N Guys thank you for the reads and the votes but I would also like some comments too so I can know if there is anything that I need to change or improve on, constructive comments guys.. think its time to introduce Ash, ...Thanks for the love!!!!--AliJar--->>


Its's been two weeks since the whole me and Ethan thing has gone down and I haven't been allowed out of the house since not even for a run. I was starting to get even more restless.

My dad keeps checking in on me at weird times which makes it even harder to try and sneak out.

I had to see Ethan though there was this ache for him I never knew I had, it wasn't bad enough for me to go crazy but it was like an itch I couldn't scratch though.

I sighed.

I closed my eyes remembering that night, I had never seen Ethan so open to somebody touching him that way or even him doing anything sexual with anybody. His eyes had changed colors, I was sure it was weird, he almost bit me though but he didn't get the chance to. I know he couldn't do anything by biting me, it would just make the experience much more intense and he wasn't an Alpha so I don't see how it would hurt a Beta.

My dad and his mom gave me a thorough inspection but the only thing they could find were claw marks.

I still don't know what the whole fuss was about it's not like I was going have sex with him, he even had made it clear that he didn't want that. Besides I don't want him to hate me either.

I was getting frustrated because he kept asking me if I was ok sexually. I said yes to get him to leave but gosh I was so sexually frustrated.

I missed Ethan's company and it didn't help my situation either when the full moon was here a week ago. I had to be locked in the basement and doused with cold water to how horny I was.

I couldn't think straight all I saw were Ethan's eyes. His mom had come over a few times to check on me and gave me this sweet substance to drink which made me calm down and fall asleep but trust me I was so hard.

It felt like I was going to explode.

I was rock solid.

Just the slightest touch caused me moan and whither in both pleasure and pain so intense I got devastating headaches, every thing was hyper sensitive, my eyesight, my hearing, I could feel everything tenfold. It was so bad I couldn't even shift.

Ever since then every time I tried to ask what happened my dad would tell me to drop the topic and that he would tell me soon and to go back to my room or to get something to eat or rest.

I was so annoyed. I threw my hands over my face in frustration. His eyes and face popping up as soon as I did. I had to find out why I was feeling like this and fast because I don't know how much more I could take.



I was roasting in a terrible fever, I thought that if we didn't have sex then I wouldn't act up but I was dead wrong. I don't know why this happens to me and to nobody else.

My mom told me its a very rare trait that only a few wolves get who were descendants of Alpha females and I as the first of our family and that it would pass soon enough.. It's been two goddamn weeks and I feel no better than I did before.

Ever since I had allowed Zack to continue his adventure. I haven't been able to sleep, my entire body was on fire, my eyes kept jumping from it's original color to red, then to purple. I was aching all over not for Zack I knew that but for someone else.

My mom told me that because we did what we did, he was going to go through a sort of heat, not as intense as females but enough to make him go crazy with want. He would want me but not I him.

I felt bad and as soon as this was over, I was going to apologize because she wants us to talk with his parents after it passes.

I was also told not to touch myself in an effort to find release as it would only cause it to become stronger. I felt like ripping my hair out right about now but I would probably regret that since I love my hair to death.

I sighed rolling over on my side since I couldn't lay on my stomach unless I wanted to torture myself.

"Ethan baby, how are you feeling?" My mom asked peeking her head through the door, scrunching up her face a bit.

I knew the smell of my overwhelming arousal was potent in the air and it didn't help that I had to keep my windows shut tight not to cause chaos for the other unmarked wolves.

"I still feel the same mom,when is this going to end?" I asked.

"It should pass soon baby, I've never experienced this before but from what we were taught it differs for every wolf" She answered.

"So you don't actually know when this is going to end do you?" I asked groaning in frustration.

"No I don't"

We talked for a while until she had to leave to get me something to ease the pain a bit. I swear I'm never touching anyone ever again after this not even a hug.

I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy if I had one. If it was this bad now imagine when I find my mate, gosh I feel terrible already. Even though then it wouldn't really matter.

This is going to be a long couple of weeks. I just know it. I hope Zack is doing better than I am.


--Mrs Wolf--

I feel terrible about this whole thing between Ethan and Zack. I should have prepared him for this. I knew Zack liked him but I didn't think he would actually act on it since Ethan was not the intimacy before mate type.

But something must have caused him to go along with, meaning he must have allowed him to.

If I hadn't stepped in before he bit him things would have gone tragically wrong.

It's bad enough he clawed him and injected the aphrodisiac without knowing. I wouldn't have been able to pry them apart and since Ethan has Alpha blood that would make Zack his concubine mate.

He would still find his mate but he would be torn between the two and two jealous wolves who lay claim on the same person is not good, one is going to die and sadly it wouldn't be Ethan it would be Zacks' true mate.

I sighed inwardly and pushed myself from the closed door.

I need to tell him everything before this gets out of hand again but first I need to see Beta so we can discuss further precautions. Until Ethan find his mate we are going to have to watch him like a hawk even though I trust him as the person. I don't trust his wolf especially since Ethan is weak now.

This is going to be a long few weeks.



"Finally Hunter, we're about to graduate from this darn academy!" I screamed and fist pumped as we left for the training grounds for practice.

"Yeah mate, I can finally go back home to Australia and take over my pack" Hunter said smiling enthusiastically .

"I was so excited to come here because my dad told me all about it and the many Alphas that werehere" I said thinking back to when I just came here at thirteen.

It was a huge place, it was easy to be consumed by its grandeur, but after your first term, there you get to see that everything is not what it seems.

Especially when everybody started to realize that I was strange, as if my eye color wasn't enough of a distraction and yes that is exactly what my passport picture looks like. That was one funny day though hilarious.

I haven't seem my mom or my dad since I left because they have a no communication rule. An Alpha has to learn how to deal with petty feelings such as missing someone, we must learn to conquer our feelings. So no Christmas and holidays with family that is . Our parents could send us things though so that was the only good thing about it.

The training was rigorous and some of these boys were full of themselves. I was always good at everything I did because my dad taught me what he knew from early so no one would take advantage of me since because of my moms sickness and where we were he didn't want to send me to a regular wolf training school.

He told me all about his pack at home since I wasn't born there, the pack members know ofme but not about me for some reason he doesn't explain but I hope to finally get to go to my real home and leave his bloody country some day.

I haven't been informed of my mom's condition and when I left, she was doing fine. I hope she was ok though.

It's been seven years since I've been here and Hunter has become my best friend in addition to my roommate since I didn't want a single room and the one my dad paid for was like an apartment. When I first got here he was the first person I met and we hit it off and he had some difficulty getting his accommodations so I offered him one of the rooms I had.

I know you might be thinking which kind of school does that, but this isn't any regular school and besides, I can take care of myself, my daddy never taught me to be a pushover. I was just as good as any of these boys here and even better.

So we have been roommates ever since. We had been dating for a while, but we realized we were better as just friends, we were too comfortable with each other to let anything like that make things awkward.

Well then again, it was a school for only males, Males where the Alphas and  I was just like any regular guy.

I was comfortable in my body, but I'm not sure everyone else would since because of my mother's lineage there were a few modifications to your typical full blown werewolf genes. I can't change the way I was born, but thank the goddess I could hide the most obvious ones.

It's not like I have a deformity or anything my body is perfectly normal, I cut my white, silver toned hair in a more boyish style since I grew it out when I was little, I like quiffs so I just did it that way.

There is a whole lot about me, that's different from the norm, but hey, I guess that's what you get for being the weirdest Alpha for one hundred years. My dad told me all he knew about them and that he knew a pack here that were descendants of those types of Alpha. I have never been there though, but I will one day because I have so many questions to ask.

"Hey Silver, Hunt, wait up!" I heard someone call from behind us. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

Hunter and I stopped and waited for Dale to catch up, for an Alpha this dude was like the total opposite of what you would expect. He was a sassy, I don't wanna break a nail one kinda guy, with a sharp tongue that always got him into fights.

"Omiggosh, why do you guys have to walk so fast" Dale panted after he had to run to get to where we were.

"No, we don't Dale" I said, rolling my eyes, earning a chuckle from Hunter.

Dale scrunched his face up trying to look angry, but it only made him look cute.

He was as cute as a button, his sparkling blue eyes would make the sky jealous, he was well built like a swimmers body since he refused to lift any weights at all.

Most of the other guys tried to pick on him and make snide comments about him and his sexuality, but Dale being Dale just either laughed it off, blew them a kiss or if you went too far his pretty little nails can turn into well manicured claws. He could hold his own, but because we hang out, nobody bothers him when Hunter and I are around.

I wasn't the top of my class for nothing.

We finally made it to the practice field and headed for the changing room. Yes, we all used the same changing room. I was comfortable despite how different I looked from everybody else and the difference wasn't that obvious anyways and it's not like there is anyone around here that wears a skirt anyways.

It is totally realistic people where bikinis on the beach which is just underwear and a bra, so what's wrong with changing and having only underwear on for a couple seconds and plus I wear boxers, not briefs, way more comfortable so I have nothing to hide well that they can see anyway. It's not like I was gonna strip naked.

I have a nice, well toned body from working out at the gym and on the field and the only time we used different rooms was when we practice in wolf form and when I had to shower but apart from that it's the same.

I don't want special treatment. I came here to be the best and show these testosterone inflated dolls that I can do it just as good as they can.

"Gosh, why do you guys have to be so darn sexy" Dale wailed, his intention to change long gone as he stared at the many chiseled bodies around the room.

I whacked him in the back of his head, earning a scowl.

"Oww!, Silver what was that for?" He whined rubbing the back of his head.

"Consider that a wake up call and saving you from Sir Spenser's wrath if you don't get dressed before he calls us out."

"Oh shit yeah!"

Sir Spenser was one of the scariest teachers here and he took to humiliating Dale like it was his day job, so the two developed a mutual hatred for each other.

Just as Dale finished changing, Sir Spenser made his appearance.

"I see you ladies are all ready now get out there and give me twenty warm up laps and then we will group up to do some close combat practice." He bellowed as if we weren't right in front of him.

Everyone groaned and filed out of the room to begin the laps of death. If it were a just an open track field that wouldn't be so bad, but this was a goddamn forested area with all kinds of god he knows what's in it..

"And before I forget Winters try not to get yourself injured like the last time" He said, shaking his head as we continued to file out of the room.


"Gosh I feel like my legs are on fire" Dale wailed as we made it back and went to get water from the cooler stand.

"Mine too, and other places" Hunter moaned hopping a little after royally tripping on a slug on a stone and falling face first into mud.

It was so funny, he only cut his knee and a few scraps but they were healing already so I could laugh about it all I wanted.

"You should have seen your face" I commented while Dale giggled into his bottle of water.

"How was I suppose to know there was a slug there?" He explained.

"Dude, you're a werewolf and an Alpha at that your senses should have been in tune and looking where you were going" I answered taking a swig from my water bottle.

"Harharhar what ever" Hunter replied as he poured some of the cold water onto his messy head of brown hair.

"Winters I see you survived" Sir Spenser said as he appeared out of nowhere as usual.

"DeSilver, excellent as always, Degarios what in the goddess's name happened to you?" He asked shaking his head.

"I tripped on a rock , Sir" Hunter replied.

"I would have expected that from Winters but I guess there is a first time for everything." Sir Spencer stated jabbing his thumb in Dales direction.

I laughed at Dales bewildered like seriously expression.

"Come on cuteness lets go do some combat" I said pulling him along with me.

This was our last class for the day so after that we showered and went to get dinner and hang out since tomorrow is Saturday and we had some beach trip or something like that.

<--A/N-- so there you go guys a little bit of everybody especially Ash and two new characters Dale and Hunter, so let me know if u have any suggestions as to who you would want to play them. sorry for the long wait gonna be busy with skl wrk for a while so bear with me plz.. vote,comment and such thanks guys..--AliJar-->

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