Bad Boy's Shy Girl (New Ve...

By JadaJade31_

192K 4.3K 2.2K

In which the bad boy falls for the shy girl, and in like every other classic love story the shy girl feels th... More

Intro [ 0.1 ]
[ 1 ] - Raspberry Lollipops
[ 2 ] - Late For Tutoring
[ 3 ] - The One With Too Much Coffee
[ 4 ] - Midnight Snack
[ 5 ] - Tutoring Meetings
[ 6 ] - Library Scares
[ 7 ] - New Class Partner
[ 8 ] - Coffee Shop Resturant
[ 9 ] - Friends
[ 10 ] - Making Progress
[ 11 ] - Old Colleagues
[ 12 ] - Mrs. Harrison & Custord
[ 13 ] - Guess Who's Home!
[ 14 ] - Unexpected Visits
[ 15 ] - Meeting Someone New
[ 16 ] - Sneaky Success
[ 17 ] - Rumor Has It...
[ 18 ] - Custord's New Friend
[ 19 ] - Wild Dreams
[ 20 ] - Pie, Coffee and Soda
[ 21 ] - Smells Like Sunshine
[ 22 ] - The Sunset's Pretty In Your Eyes
[ 23 ] - Explainations & Coffee
[ 24 ] - Confrontations
[ 25 ] - The Truth Untold
[ 26 ] - Something Special
[ 27 ] - Old Faces
[ 28 ] - Decisions, Decisions
[ 29 ] - On My Mind
[ 31 ] - Only You
[ 32 ] - New Friends
[ 33 ] - Mother Knows All
[ 34 ] - Hello Again, Papa Grey
[ 35 ] - A Little Bit More About You
[ 36 ] - Baby Sister Jamie
[ 37 ] - Secrets, Secrets, Secrets....
[ 38 ] - Family Surprise!
[ 39 ] - Goodbye, Old Friend
[ 40 ] - Late Night Love
[ 41 ] - Dad's Home
[ 42 ] - The One With No Coffee
[ 43 ] - Last Minute Fieldtrip
[ 44 ] - Early Morning Sun
[ 45 ] - Just A Little Longer
[ 46 ] - A Couple of Kids In Love
[ 47 ] - The Warm Belly
[ 48 ] - Dream A Little Dream Of Me

[ 30 ] - Crystal Clear

2.9K 74 33
By JadaJade31_

I was excited and nervous when I woke up exactly an hour after Noah had left. I was up with a jump, gasping with my blood racing as I quickly glanced at my clock near my bed, it read 7:05 AM leaving me with enough time to get ready by the time Noah was to come back and pick me up for school. Custord was sitting on the window sill watching me as I shot up from my mattress and gathered whatever clothes I could find that looked good enough in my hurried state and rushed toward the bathroom for a quick shower.

When I was done I got dressed then blow dried my hair. My whole morning process felt longer than usual, and it took longer than usual when I looked back at the clock and saw that it was almost 7:55.

I grabbed a pair of vans from my closet and pulled them on my feet, hopping around as i tried to pull them on with Custord still staring at me. Huffing i grabbed the homework I wasn't able to finish last night and my textbooks from my desk and placed them in my bag as well as my keys, I kept my phone in my hand just in case Noah was to message or call me when he was outside. I took the stairs two-by-two, and for that I had almost slipped and fallen to my death more times that I could keep track of.

In the kitchen I could hear my mother and Alize conversing in low yet happy tones, when I entered they were standing side by side near the stove with coffee mugs sitting beside each of the end of the opposite counters. Hannah and Carter were sitting at the island counter on the high chairs, both on separate laptops with stacks of papers around them. I was curious for a moment at what the papers were about and leaned on the free chair beside Carter to look at the laptop screen he was currently looking at, "What's this?" I asked him.

Carter turned his head slightly before looking back at the screen, "University enrollments," Carter fully turned his head now to look at me with a forced smile, "Fun, right?"

I looked at him confusingly, "I thought you weren't gonna go to University?"

Carter shrugged his shoulders in defeat and turned back to the screen, "Not my choice anymore."

Of course it wasn't, my mother has always been persistent about her children going to University at some point in their lives and getting a degree in something. She always wants to brag to her friends about us and what grey accomplishment we do with our lives. I looked over to Hannah's laptop and saw her looking through some online clothing store, expected.

"What happened last night?" Carter whispered.

The color drained from my face as i processed his words; what was i supposed to say? What was he talking about? Could there be a slim chance that he was talking about Noa- no. That couldn't have been... right?

I blinked and inhaled deeply, "Wh-what?" I stammered nervously.

Carter discreetly sent me a look which made my cheeks shift a ferocious red. "With Alize and Jesse. I figured she would've told you what happened last night, didn't she?" He questioned with his brows furrowed deeply.

Of course that's what he was talking about, I thought quietly to myself.

I answered with a small shake of my head, "No. No, she didn't."

Carter looked a little disappointed but didn't say anything about it, only looking back to his laptop. Alize noticed my presence and popped up right beside me, "Morning, sleepy-head." She chirped with her arm over my shoulder.

I jumped at the contact and looked at her with shock. "Hey," I gulped down the little bit of mouthwash I accidentally swallowed earlier, "Why so chirpy this morning?"

There was this sudden glow about her today. Her eyes were the brightest I've ever seen them and she was pink in the cheeks. I haven't seen her so carefree since her mother passed away. "Oh, nothing," She smiled and brought her a gentle closed fist up to my shoulder hitting me playfully, "Just feeling happy, is all. "

And then she went back to my mother's side, continuing their silent conversation and laughing amongst themselves like there was no one else in the room. Carter and I stared at the young blonde before sharing a quiet look ourselves, something had definitely happened last night on her date with Jesse.

"Jaime, there's coffee made for you in the pot, okay?" My mother announced suddenly making both Carter and I jump.

"Thanks, mom. "

She didn't hear me, to busy gossiping with Alize to even care.

Without much thought I placed my bag on the floor near the spare chair and put my phone face down on the island counter so I could get my morning coffee. Adding a little bit of creamer and the tiniest bit of sugar, I took a sip and instantly felt my taste buds dance with delight- though with having my teeth freshly brushed it had this questionable aftertaste, I didn't think too much of it once I had sipped the drink a little bit more.

I walked back toward the island beside Carter and looked out the window to see Custord looking out the exact window. He waved his tail behind him and stretched his flexible body across the sill, his claws extending and lightly scratching the white paint making my eyes widen. I made note to clip them later on.

"Your phones vibrating," Carter informed.

Lightning fast I turned and grabbed my cellphone making Carter and Hannah look at me oddly- I didn't care.

Quickly i turned on my phone and unlcoked it, upon seeing the message notifiction i felt gosebumps litter my skin and opened it.

Noah: I'm outside.

I looked out the window and there in front of my house was Noah's car. The new arrival had caught Custord's attnetion. Closing my phone i grabbed my bag from the floor and put it over my shoulder, "See you later, Carter."

Carter looked at me briefly before turning back to his laptop, "Okay," He sighed, "Be careful walking to school, Jams."

For a brief moment i wondered if i should tell him i wasn't going to be walking to school, but then my phone vibrated again in my hand catching my attention, it was another message from Noah.

Noah: Are you up?

Noah: Should i come wake you up?

I could only imagine the lightness in his eyes, the little playful smile he had on his face right about now; just thinking about it made my cheeks pink. Quickly i turned off my phone and said a quick, "Bye!" to my mother, Alize and Hannah, but there was no way of knowing if they had replied since i was already shutting the door behind me.

Out of sheer habit i turned and locked the door, not even thinking for a second that Noah would be standing behind me once i was done. But, he was, leading me to knock into his chest and drop my coffee down on the floor. A gasp passed my lips once his hands were on my waist to keep the both us from stumbling, it also brought up memories of last night which made me even more flustered. "Good morning," The amusement wasn't missed in his raspy greeting.

Goosebumps littered my arms just feeling his head dip down lightly beside my cheek, the tip of nose lightly nuzzling into my hairline and making me swoon.

I looked up seeing his blue orbs shining and his mouth turned up in a charming grin that left me breathless, "Good morning," I replied in a quiet voice.

Noah's grin widened making his dimples appear more prominent than before- how could he be so handsome?

"Do you want to go get a refill? I don't mind waiting." He drawled with his eyes roaming around my heated face then down to my attire.

Blinking I wondered if I looked okay. I was such in a rush this morning that I hadn't had time to adjust my clothes, my hair was slightly puffy from the blow drier and wasn't cooperating, I could feel sweat already forming underneath my arms. My eyes widened only slightly at a small thought- did I put deodorant on?

God, I hope I did.

I felt Noah lightly tugging on the bottom of the brown long sleeve crew neck that was tucked lazily into my black jeans and peered down at it, then up at him confused. He flickered his glowing orbs into mine, and with a little smile dancing on his lips muttered, "You look nice."


Quickly I looked down at my old vans to hide my flaming cheeks, "T-thank you," I stammered.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something dark shift. Curious I looked in the direction it came from and couldn't help the smile forming on my face at a peeking Custord staring directly at us from the kitchen window, it hadn't looked like he moved an inch yet. Noah noticed my expression and followed my gaze, his brow raising as he saw the feline. "Which one of us is he looking at?" He marveled in a low tone.

An unexpected giggle passed my lips seeing Custord lean closer to the window, his wide cat eyes staring intently at the two of us with his tail beside him unmoving. "I think he's looking at you," I breathed out and looked up at him, "I'm not sure he's used to seeing me with a lot of different people."

Noah suddenly leaned down closer, his arms that were still enclosed around my waist bringing me close enough that I could smell his cologne. Instinctively my hands were brought up to his chest and upon feeling the firm pectoral muscle beneath my fingertips, I became nervous. Noah didn't seem afraid of this public display of affection, mainly because around this time the entire block was dead, but maybe because he was finally letting go and accepting things as they were.

Or, maybe he just didn't mind.

"He didn't seem to have a problem with it last night," Noah noted, his eyes intently searching my shaky gaze and nuzzling me gently, "Maybe he's biased."

"Maybe." I choked, I didn't know how much more of this I could take. All I kept thinking about was his smell and his warmth, the feeling of his lips on mine and making me feel like I was on fire just with a simple touch. I wanted that again, I wanted that adrenaline that made me greedy for his affection. "Should we... should we find out?"

Noah seemed to like that idea and tightened his hold on me. My legs felt like jelly and my eyes were trained on his pink lips, just inches away and looking really kissable. I leaned closer, desperate to be reminded of the feeling of kissing him- but he moved his head and bent down to pick up the cup instead.

Flustered and confused I watched as he stood back to his height, one of his arms loosely looped around my waist as he looked at me with his ocean eyes. Tilting his head he asked, "Ready?" In the most innocent way possible, as if he wasn't reeling me in a second ago.

Blinking I forced myself to shake his affect off, but it wasn't working. I still felt hot.

I didn't notice Custord still watching us intently, nor did I notice Noah's fingers easily intertwine with mine tugging me along behind him as we walked to his car. Looking at the back of his head, I just knew he was smiling.

And so was I.

All day, wherever I turned, wherever I looked eyes were always on me. I knew there would be considering possibly everyone that attended this exact high school, both students and teachers, had seen me climb out of Noah's car. It didn't help that, just like before, he had hooked his fingers around mine and held on to me tightly. A reassuring squeeze, I thought.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He pondered.

I tore my gaze away from the shiny tile floors and looked at him, seeing his slightly worried eyes I nodded, "I'll be fine." I offered a small smile, my fingers twitching around his own in a reassuring squeeze of my own.

Noah looked unsure, and maybe it was because he knew I wasn't used to having eyes on me, but I really did feel okay. Nothing was bothering me, nothing was worrying me or making me have second thoughts about anything, I felt content and very sure of myself. This self-assurance was something only Noah ignited in me, and because of that, I wore this genuine look of happiness with confidence.

We didn't have the same classes together in the beginning of the day, only after lunch in Mrs. Strout's class, but that didn't stop Noah from being practically glued to my hip once classes were over. Especially at lunch.

And the entire time, wherever we were, dozens of eyes followed. Whispers were heard, but I didn't once pay attention. Everything was just noise, and it was calming knowing that I really didn't bother myself trying to hear any of it- Noah, on the other hand was extremely bothered by it.

I noticed when we were seated at the same building we visited the first time we had lunch together. Sitting beside each other on the same brick wall as before, but the atmosphere being totally different this time. I crossed my legs together watching as Noah seemed lost in thought, he didn't even touch his lunch. "What's wrong?" I asked lightly.

Noah blinked, his brows deeply furrowed and turned his head to look at me. I looked back with a soft gaze.

"Did you happen to hear the things people were saying today?" He started, "About the two of us... theories of how we ended up together?"

Without hesitation I responded, "No."

His eyes were confused now. "'No'  you didn't hear what people were saying or... ?" He trailed off with a small shake of his head for emphasis.

Again I shook my head, "No, I didn't hear anything. I wasn't paying attention to what people were saying, why would I need to?"

Noah looked at me with his infamous blank face, but I grew accustomed to this look and searched harder for anything and was able to see the confusion buried deep in his swirling hues. They looked darker with the unidentified expression on his face and that much more wondrous to me.

"You didn't care?" He wondered.

For the third time in a span of two minutes, I shook my head.

Noah blinked and asked, "Why?"

Now it was my turn to look at him with confusion- why? Wasn't it obvious why? I would've thought so. "Because what other people say shouldn't matter. Let them talk all they want, this is between you and I, not them." I started and moved the lunch tray aside that was blocking me from sitting next to him, all while he watched me like a hawk. "Why? What've they been saying?"

Noah watched as I reached or his hand, bringing it to my lap and intertwining our fingers, my thumb rubbing his rough, scarred knuckles as I waited for him to speak. "Nothing," He refused and looked away taking a breath, "You're right, it doesn't matter what people say. Let's just forget about it and eat. Is there a lot I missed while I was absent in Mrs. Strout's class?" He brought me closer so our thighs were touching, probably hoping that I would forget about what we were talking about.

And if it were under different circumstances, i would've.

But with Noah so bothered it made me wonder what exactly people were saying about us, it must've been enough to make Noah question things, i hoped it didn't relate to us but seeing how quickly he was trying to brush this conversation under the rug i knew it just had to be.

That didn't frighten me, surprisingly, it did however motivate me to take his mind off it. "Not really. I have all the notes from the classes you missed, i could let you borrow them if you want."

Noah looked at me silently for a moment before nodding his head with a little smile, "You're gonna tutor me again?"

I easily shrugged my shoulders. "If you want me too."

His eyes seemed brighter, as well as his smile as he nuzzled into my cheek again. I was growing used to this sort of affection, that didn't stop the blush from glowing on my face from it, though. He noticed and smiled, pressing a light peck against my heated flesh and mumbled, "Always."

i hope i did Noah and Jamie stans justice. i really liked this little fluff chapter and am really looking forward to doing more of these, i think they look so cute!!

i'll be posting hopefully a lot more, if this brain of mine actually comes up with something good 🙄. be good and be well, and i'll see you soon!

-Jay. 💕. 🌙.

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