Five Ticks 'Til I'm Yours (Da...

By theadrenalinejunkie

104K 2.3K 4.3K

They were after you. You weren't sure why, nothing really made sense. Somehow they were convinced you knew so... More

The Perks of a Hairdryer
The Downsides of Not Knowing
More Than Human
Why Clowns?
Exposition and Insanity
Can Someone Kindly Point Out The Nearest Exist?
Setting the Ground Rules
An Unwanted Tour of the Mansion
Kiss and Tell


3.7K 85 78
By theadrenalinejunkie

You were never one for floral dresses, there wasn't anything wrong with them of course but they simply weren't practical in the city. However, you weren't in the city anymore. You weren't even sure where you were. What you did know was that this floral dress fitted you perfectly, suited you very nicely too, and once belonged to a dead woman. One that was alive only days ago, one that lived in the middle of freezing Canada yet only had floral dresses in her wardrobe. She must have been very fun at parties. But now she was probably buried in the backyard somewhere, in a floral dress under layers of snow.

The very thought made you shiver.

The woman had a completely color coordinated kitchen, the bowls were all orange, the plates white with yellow flowers, the glasses thankfully were simply glass. Even her fridge seemed extremely colorful, all the green vegetables in one section, the white bottles in another, anything red on the top shelf. Thankfully that made it quite easy to locate a red bottle of pasta sauce, barely used but used nonetheless.

It felt kind of odd, cooking in another woman's kitchen, even worse considering that woman was now dead. But there was no point in you starving over it, even if it made you feel sick to your stomach, you'd power through. And so, with that mentality you added a few spoonful's of the pasta sauce onto the pan, stirring the macaroni you had boiled moments ago. There was a time when you enjoyed cooking, when you would seek out recipes for the sheer pleasure of creating and eating them. Then school came along and killed every hobby you ever had. There was no time to enjoy life when you were far too busy with academics. 

So, if there was a silver lining to your kidnapping ordeal, it was that at least you got to indulge in your hobbies.

With the painkillers providing you support, you found it much easier to walk on your ankle. In fact, you barely felt any pain as you sampled the pasta. It tasted bland and doughy. Perhaps you needed to work a little harder on your hobby. Now where had you gone wrong? You had followed the instructions to the letter. Just in case, you picked up the pasta box and re-read the back of it. Yep, you had done precisely as asked, yet here you were with raw, tasteless pasta. Should have known better than trying something so fancy. Well, boxed pasta really isn't that fancy.

Oh well.

You turned off the stove, deciding you really weren't chef material as you opened a pantry and found the peanut butter you had remembered seeing there. Apparently, you'd have to settle for the classics, and so you took out a knife and began smoothing the butter over some bread. Every time you held a knife, you'd briefly consider all the things you could do with it. Then you'd remember how pointless all of them would be. Sighing, you bit into the sandwich. Even it seemed to taste bland and somehow raw. You were pretty sure that was impossible though.

Deciding to blame it all on your psyche, you forced the sandwich down your throat, standing in the kitchen with the plate in hand as you glanced over. The kitchen had no door, instead there was a very large opening in the wall that connected it with the living room. This gave you a perfect view of a dozing Toby, the TV was running, Winter Olympics by the looks of it. Apparently, the figure skaters had put him to sleep.

After some quick debating you decided to go join him on the couch, maybe a little TV would help you find your groove. With sandwich in hand, you turned off the kitchen lights before quietly tiptoeing over to the couch. He was a light sleeper from what you gathered, and so you were pretty sure he noticed you but chose not to do or say anything as you lifted his legs onto your lap so you could sit. You continued to eat the sandwich, watching the figure skaters as you internally wondered how you could be so terrified yet comfortable in the presence of a killer. Maybe it was because you knew you were safe for the time being. Still, you should hate him. You do hate him, right?

Turns out the pretty music and elegant skaters were quite adept at putting people to sleep. With no sandwich left to occupy you, the sensation of sleep began to sneak in. You'd probably have given in if the doorbell hadn't rung. There was a doorbell?

Toby was on his feet in a literal second, still looking pretty exhausted as he headed over to the door. The couch was practically across from the door, and so you turned around and leaned over so you could see. He casually matted down his tousled hair before opening the door. Who was it this time? Was he expecting Tim? Was it one of the others? Hopefully not Jeff. Maybe it was the police? Yeah, no way.

"Oh... hello?" it was a woman, dressed from head to toe in snow gear, a covered tray in her hands. Behind her was a man, a large hunters rifle strung across his shoulder. You had never seen them before, and by the looks of it, neither had Toby. Still, he seemed to keep his composure.

"C-can I help you?" he asked rather politely, looking the right amount of concerned.

The woman and man seemed to exchange confused glances before the woman's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh, you must be Nora's nephew!" she declared, sounding far too excited now, "you look just like she described. Mark, right?"

"Y-y-yeah, it's nice to meet you...?" he faked a smile, shaking the woman's hand.

"Annie," she introduced herself, "and this is my husband Joseph, don't mind his gun, he's been looking forward to hunting with Daniel all week."

"Ah, I'm sorry but Uncle Daniel broke his leg yesterday," it was almost disgusting watching how easily Toby got into character and began lying. Disgusting but intriguing. "Aunt Nora's staying with h-him in the h-hospital. She must've forgot to tell you in her panic."

"Oh God!" Annie looked horrified, "How'd it happen?"

"Tumble down the stairs," he said without any hesitation.

"Oh, that stupid man, I always told him 'Daniel you watch your step, don't rush.' Kept actin' like he was way younger than he was. God bless him, will he be okay?"

Toby only nodded.

"Well you must be so lonely all alone 'ere," the woman seemed to invite herself in as she walked right past Toby and into the house, "Luckily I brought some casserole, let me get you a plate honey." The man followed suit, pausing to hug Toby as if they were old friends, calling him son before walking into the house.

"Oh, and who's this?" Annie asked, walking over into the kitchen and placing the tray on the table before jogging back into the living room to shake your hand. These people were extremely friendly, and you supposed you liked it. Now the only issue was that Toby would probably kill them. The should have left the first chance they got.

"Son?" Annie turned to look at him, waiting for him to introduce you. Toby genuinely seemed lost.

"I'm Kathy," you picked the first name that came to mind, "I'm his...?"

"Wife?" Toby offered.

"Wife." You agreed, acting casual.

"You sound unsure," Joseph laughed, placing his gun against the wall.

"It's very new," you explained.

"That explains why Nora never mentioned anythin' 'bout you being married Mark."

Toby only nodded.

He seemed to act well but you noticed the way he was looking around, searching for a weapon, for his weapons. He probably wasn't expecting anything like this, his weapons were most likely upstairs. For the moment he was dressed in plain clothes, and the other man had a gun mere inches away, not that it mattered much.

"Excuse me," Toby moved away from the woman, smoothly heading upstairs.

"So, where you from dear?" Annie asked, she was in the kitchen now, opening up the tray. Now that smelt amazing, far better than your failed attempt at pasta.

"Um, Argentina." Okay, maybe you weren't as good at lying as Toby was. Why the fuck did Argentina come to mind? Where even was Argentina? You probably didn't even look Argentinian.

"Oh... how... exotic." Annie didn't press further as she seemed to know exactly where the knives and plates were.

"Hate these damn 'lympics." Joseph grumbled as plopped down on the couch. "Show me the real sports, not these frilly skaters."

"Don't mind him, tell me, how are you liking Nora's house?"

"Oh it's... really... quaint?" God, why were you being so awkward. Maybe it was because you knew they were about to die in a few minutes. "Were you guys really close?"

"Oh, me and Nora practically grew up together, best friends and all," Annie explained, now stripping off her jacket and putting it in the closet. She knew exactly where the closet was too. "We must look crazy to you, jus' barging in here. I'm sorry, I really am, it's jus' a habit y'know? Her house is my house and my house is her house. We were jus' so close, I hope it ain't odd for you kids."

"N-not at all," you managed a smile, moving away from the couch and simply standing there in the middle of the living room. Your gaze couldn't help but wander to the stairs. "Um, I'll be right back, excuse me."

"We won't steal anything, take your time," Joseph chuckled.

You carefully walked up the stairs, nervous that you might slip and find yourself at the bottom again. Your hands didn't leave the railing until you reached the top. One of the bedroom doors were opened, and you peaked in to see Toby digging around the closet.

"Have you seen my duffel bag?" he mumbled as you walked in.

"You're gonna kill them?" you asked, sounding as nervous as you felt.

"D-don't h-have a choice," he paused in his searching to turn and look at you. "What happens if they come back again in a few days and Nora and Daniel still aren't here?"

"I don't know," you sighed, he had a point. Still, too many people had died already, you weren't sure if your conscious could bare another. Those two were annoyingly eccentric, but they didn't deserve to die. You walked into the room, closing the door behind you. "Don't kill them please."

"It's not a matter of choice," was his bleak answer as he returned to his searching.

"Toby," You said his name a little forcefully, and he stopped in his searching once again.

"I don't have a-

"Just, hear me out?" you asked, and he seemed to comply, rolling his eyes before closing the closets door and heading over to you. He was intimidatingly close, standing with his arms folded as he waited to 'hear you out'.

"You don't like killing," you spoke softly, slowly, in an almost tantalizing manner. "you'd rather not do it, so, here's your chance. Just let them go this one time, there's no harm in that. If they come back again, and only if, then you can kill them. That sound's fair, right? This way you don't have to kill unless you actually have to. Please, for me?"

He frowned at that, cold, brown eyes staring into yours. You could already feel the 'no' coming, he wasn't buying it. So, regrettably you moved a little closer, using his shoulder for balance as you leaned in and whispered in your sultriest voice, "I'd be really, really grateful."

You then pulled away and tried not to let the burning embarrassment show on your face. Did you just solicit sex to save lives?

"Fine," was all he said as he opened the door and left the room, sounding almost irritated. Wow, you felt like a strange mixture of badass and ashamed, but there was definitely a hint of pride in there too. It felt good to save a life, even if the means were absolutely awful, it still felt pretty good, and with that in mind you made your way back downstairs.

Having dinner with two of the worlds friendliest strangers was actually quite fun. Given you probably had far more fun than Toby, who understandably just sat there at the table quietly, faking polite smiles and nodding along with the conversation. Annie and Joseph were very talkative, they had far too many stories to tell and you were personally grateful to have a conversation with someone who wasn't a wanted serial killer.

"So, Daniel told me the gun was a thousand percent loaded," Joseph had both his hands out on the table, making crazy gestures as he told the story, "So, being the idiot I am, I trusted the damn fool and crawled up to the bear. It had sure as hell noticed me but hadn't ran off yet, curious little sucker. I pointed the gun at it... took a deep breath and... nothing, it wasn't loaded. I never ran faster in my life."

Everyone but Toby laughed, it really wasn't a funny story but these people had such a homey sense about them, you couldn't help but go along with it.

"Well we best be movin' on," Annie got up from her seat and rounded the table, stacking plates on plates before dropping them by the sink. "Can I help you clean these Kathy?"

"Oh, no, that's totally fine," you got up from your seat now too, wiping your hands off with a paper towel before picking up the remaining dishes and adding them to the sink. You'd do them eventually. "Thank you for lunch," you now turned your attention to Annie, reaching to shake her hand but instead receiving a hug as she grabbed onto you.

"You're welcome dear, I had fun, didn't you have fun Joseph?'"

"I'll have more fun once Dan's outta the hospital," was Josephs response as he too got up and gave Toby another hug before heading over to get his own jacket out from the closet.

"Have Nora call us once he's home, we'll all have to celebrate," Annie said before heading over to join her husband.

The moment the two were out of the kitchen was the moment Toby leaned back in his chair, giving you an almost pleading look. You couldn't help but laugh a little, still smiling as you headed over to see them out the door. Annie was putting on her shoes as you held the door open for her, not minding the cold, snowy winds that greeted you.

"You two have a lovely night, I'm sure I'll see you soon," Annie said as she finished strapping her shoes on. Shortly after you closed the door to find the cabin had once again gone quiet. They'd be seeing you again soon, which meant he'd kill them soon. You sighed, the smile leaving your face now. What could you possibly do then? Well, dwelling on it now wasn't going to help anyone. You'd just have to figure it out when time comes.

"I've never hated two people so much," Toby grumbled, now behind you as he leaned against the back of the couch. "One more hunting story and I would have had to kill him."

"Well I'm glad you didn't," yeah, maybe you actually were a little grateful. "Thank you."

Did he just smile?

"T-this is t-the part I act all humble and say it was nothing, r-right?"

You weren't entirely sure why you did what you did next, maybe it was because you wanted to express how grateful you were, maybe it was all for some far more manipulative plan, or maybe just maybe, you liked him a little too. Just a little though, barely enough to be concerned about. Either way, you took his hand and led him around the couch. He followed along, not saying a word as you pushed him down onto the couch. This was wrong on so many levels, he was a serial killer, a monster, he had hurt and abused you in so many ways, he had killed people you cared about.

But for the first time in a long time, he had spared someone. All because you asked him too, all for you. Keeping the monster on your side was definitely the best thing to do. Keeping him happy and compliant would not only save you, but maybe others in the long run. And maybe, just maybe, you could get him to leave it all behind, leave all this madness and killing behind.

You were curled up in his lap now, kissing him so easily, so casually, after all you had done it so often. The ambiance in the room was nice, the only light coming from the kitchen and the moonlight that slipped through the windows. The smell of casserole didn't exactly help the atmosphere but it didn't bother you as you ran a hand through his hair, a little too sweetly. God, what had they put in that casserole? You must be drunk on something because your affection towards him didn't make any sense.

Perhaps you were the bipolar one.

This monster had cut off your finger, he had slapped you across the face, he had thrown you down a staircase. Yet, here you were, kissing him like your life depended on it. Well, in a sense it actually did. After all this monster had also protected you from Jeff on multiple occasions, had saved your life, and even though you were a prisoner, he had treated you with the most respect and care. Just imagine being imprisoned by Jeff, Jack, or even Tim for that matter. Compared to them Toby was a mercy and you were aware of that, you were even thankful.

You pulled away from his arms and he let you, simply watching as you turned your attention to the buttons of his pants. Ah, this was a terrible idea. Terrible, stupid, drunken idea. Who the hell puts alcohol in casserole? I mean, clearly you must be under some influence, nothing else would make sense. Swallowing all those mixed emotions, you gave his pants a little tug and he immediately straightened up.

"W-what a-are you doing?" even though he was asking, he took charge and removed your hands, easily undoing the buttons of his pants and kicking them off. Clearly, he was curious.

"Well, I, um, just wanna show you how grateful I am." you sounded nervous, not at all sexy or sultry. "Maybe show you that sparing lives gets you a lot more than you think," as if to emphasis your point, your hand found its way into his boxers, your fingers wrapping around his cock. Wow, did you just do that? Did you actually just do that? Damn, you were beginning to get brave. He seemed equally surprised, his dark eyes widening for a moment before he shuffled backwards.

"I..." he seemed genuinely flustered, you don't remember ever seeing him this hesitant. However, his nerves just seemed to make you feel more confident.

"It's only fair," you were now beginning to get that sexy tone, low and breathy, just like in the movies. You could pretend you knew what you were doing, play the role of seductive victim. Fake it until you make it, right? "I mean, you did do the same for me," your fingers now hooked around his boxers, tugging them down as well. You were just glad the darkness of the room hid your embarrassment.

At this point you had given up on any logical thinking, just going with the flow, sinking down to your knees between his legs. It's all part of some plan, was what you told yourself as you pushed his shirt up a little, leaning down and kissing his waist. He was very toned, deep, muscular v-lines marked his sides and you shamelessly nibbled at each one, your tongue trailing down his hips just the way he had once done to you. His breath hitched the moment your tongue came in contact with his now semi-hard cock, he even sat up a little before sinking back into the couch.

Alright, maybe watching him squirm was a lot of fun.

So, with that in mind you trailed his length with your tongue, licking all sorts of shapes as you held it up with you hand, your fingers absentmindedly stroking him. Well, at this point you had no shame left to lose. He groaned as you brought your mouth around the tip of his cock, sucking in an almost playful manner, watching the way his fingers dug into the armrests of the couch.

"You're a fucking tease," he practically growled the words out and you were quite certain you had never heard him sound so irritated before. As if his tone wasn't evidence enough, you felt his other hand around your head, his fingers intertwining with your hair as he pulled your mouth further up his cock. Apparently being submissive doesn't sit well with him. You struggled at first but quickly grew accustomed to having so much of him down your throat. With saliva as the only form of lube, your tongue continued to ease around him, your cheeks hollowing out in a sucking fashion. He wasn't very vocal, but the unevenness in his breathing was your indication of a job well done.

It's not like you were especially experienced in this department. So, you went off instincts, your lips gagging around him as you tried to figure out how to breathe around him. He didn't stop you when you pulled away, gasping for air while he too began to regain his composure. Now you couldn't have that, and so you took another deep breath before going down on him again, doubling your efforts as you licked, sucked and even moaned around his cock. His fingers dug into your hair, holding your head up before you felt the unfamiliar sensations of cum in your mouth. Not knowing what else to do, you tried to swallow, though some of it was probably trailing down your mouth. He released you and you found yourself on your hands and knees coughing, trying to regain the ability to breathe. You felt hot and dizzy, and the idea of having him between your legs didn't sound so bad as you cleaned your mouth with the sleeves of the dress.

"S-sorry," Toby's sounded a little out of breath.

You weren't exactly sure what to say, your instincts still seemed to be in charge as your crawled back up onto the couch. His arm came around you as you curled up beside him, breathing in that scent of smoke and sandalwood.

"You didn't have to do that..." he whispered a moment later, sounding more relaxed and comfortable than he ever had before. But what surprised you more than that was the affection in his voice, his tone was almost loving, the way he pulled your head against his chest was gentle and sweet. His fingers were in your hair, playing with the strands in an all too familiar fashion.

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