The Dying Moon Child I VxBts

By goldendolleyes

114K 3.5K 862

{VxBTS}Taehyung has heart failure that only leaves him one year to live only his family knows and he would li... More

Character Profiles
The End of The Rest of My Life
Late Start
Starting Hell
Anti Social Club
Weekend thoughts
Student Council
The Aftermath
Friday night football
Morning after
Piano Lessons
The Underground
Pac man
Boba Tea
Fluffy Socks
break up with your girlfriend
The sleepover
I swear I'll never leave again
Saying I love you part 3
Stars and Slushis
Sex and Cheap Beer pt1
Sex and Cheap beer pt2
Pills and Gummy worms
I am sorry i love you?
update w

Love in October

1.7K 58 17
By goldendolleyes

Time flies when your with people you love october was almost over and it feels like I just meet these boys. We are at our lunch table they where talking about overwatch or something i just keept on losseing my self in my own thoughts.

"Tae are you ok" jimin asked witched got the attention of the others they all looked my way

"Yeah i was just thinking" i said


"Well guys I am having a Halloween party at my house if yall wanna go it's this friday after my game "namjoon said.

"Sounds good hoseok "said

"Will there be big booty bitches... i am just kidding i am just kidding the only ass I need is yours babe" yoongi said

"Haha vErY fUnNy "I said

"So all yall in" namjoon said

"Yeah all of them" said

"Tae are you in "namjoom ask

"Yeah" I said

"Oh and you have to where a coustum to the party "namjoon added

"Ohh ok "I said

"So what do you wanna do today" jimin asked.

"Probably just hang out of do other stuff "

"Ohh and i have a doctors appointment today" I said  stuffing my face with gummies.

"Do you want one of us to go with you" jin asked.

"No it super boring and they tell me the same shit every time. "I said

"Tae are you sure you dont want one of us to go with you" jeongguk said

"Yeah I will be fine "



"Taehyung" the nurse said

I walked in to the doctors office

"So Taehyung how you feeling"

"Like shit "I said

"I have headache all the time and I have been throwing up a lot i didnt tell anyone tho i am scared too" I said

"Well taehyung i will put you on diffrent medication to see if that help "

"And how are you mentally "he asked

"Um good I am so fucking scared tho i tell everybody i am fine but i am so scared i dont wanna die" I had tears in my eyes by this point

"I see."

"Ok umm i will prescribe you some medical marijuana for you headaches and some anti depressing pills i know it must be hard to cope with this but there is still hope "he said.

"Ok so we will meet next week"

"Ok doc" I said


"How was your doctor's appointment sweetie "my mom said.

"Good" I lied

"Oh and he is going to prescribe me new meds" I said walking up the stairs

"Great honey, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes "she said,

I walked into my room and Took a short little nap that was interrupted by my mom yelling to me that dinner was ready. My mom uses to never make dinner she would never be home. Well I guess thats a purk of dying.

"Taehyung dinners ready "

"Coming mom" I said

Dinner was uneventful my mom was just talking about her day at work. dad couldint make it he was to wraped up in work jimin was coming over to watch a movie

"Mom can jimin stay over tonight" I asked

"Sure why not "she said

I went up stairs and just layed in my bed staing at the celling

"Taehyung jimins here " my mom yelled from down stairs

I got up and went down stairs and saw jimin and yoongi at my door way

"We came with snacks yoongi" said

"Don't stay up to late it a school night "my mom said as we walked up the stairs

"So what do yall wanna watch" i said laying down on my bed .

[Ok sorry this chapter is so short but the next chapter Taehyung may lose his virginity so who should it be ]

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