Long Odds-Vhope

By zoneddiva

38.2K 2.4K 987

This is a story of two people with their own troubled past and present who see no chances in changing that, n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not an update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 17

762 59 35
By zoneddiva

As soon as Taehyung enters the Kimin's studio, he was swarmed by a number of stylists to take him to get ready for his first section of the photoshoot but he so wanted to see his hyung, just for a slight reassurance, but he didn't even get a glance of his hyung

Taehyung was first made to dress up into a baby blue soft furry turtle neck sweater with a blue padded jacket and some fluffly white ear muffs and a pair of warm white pants, the whole attire made him look cuter than ever and the stylists couldn't resist themselves from cooing at the adorable creature in front of them.

"awwww.....you are looking adorable, your husband is so lucky" one of the stylist say and the rest of them agree which makes a natural blush form on his cheeks and nose which makes the stylist noona coo even more

And to taehyung's rescue, the photographer call him and he jumps out of his seat and bows to them before walking out

Then he was taken to their studio which was converted into a beautiful garden covered in snow and a few rabbits were jumping around the fake grass and behind those fake trees and the sight makes Taehyung smile his boxy smile and run into the set to catch one of the jumping creature, Taehyung kneels down and takes one of the rabbits into his arms, he was so mesmerized by the red eyed, white creature, that he didn't see his hyung coming and standing right behind his back, in his sky blue fluff turtle neck, looking down at his cutest form.

As soon as Hoseok sees his cute fiancé cooing at the bunny, his heart flutters and he walks towards the younger

Upon feeling a presence behind him, Taehyung looks up to meet his hyung's gaze and he smiles

"hyung, look at him...isn't he cute" Taehyung says like an excited child, referring to the rabbit in his arms, Taehyung stands up so that Hoseok could look at the rabbit clearly

"hyung touch him...he is so soft" saying that Taehyung takes hoseok's hand and keeps it on the rabbit's fur

Both of them were standing together with a rabbit cradled in taehyung's arms....taehyung was so busy cooing at the rabbit while Hoseok was just staring at his fiancé with his heart  doing light flips at every smile of the younger that neither of them see the camera flashes flashing at them since the time they entered.

Soon artificial snow starts falling and Taehyung lets go of the rabbit and starts staring upwards with an amazed look

"hyung!!! Its snowing" Taehyung says....his demanour nothing less than an amazed child talking to their parents, but they were brought back from their world by their photographer

"ok sir, the first section was perfect, we've got some amazing shots, now lets get to the next segment" Hoseok and Taehyung looks at the photographer confused

"we are done with the first set?" Taehyung voices his confusion

"yes we are, now Taehyung can you please get rid of that jacket and Mr. Jung, pls wear that coat, our stylist is holding

"sure and please call me Hoseok" with that they both do what they were asked to but the snow felt so real that it was really cold and Taehyung started shivering which he tried to control, now standing at the middle of the set in his baby blue sweater

"ok Hoseok, come and hug Taehyung from behind and wrap your coat around him" the photographer instructs which makes Taehyung freeze in his spot

Soon he feels his hyung standing behind him and he clenches his fist, waiting for his hyung to hug him but instead he hears his hyung's soothing voice

"its ok Taehyung, relax...hyung is hugging you now" Taehyung finds him releasing his fist and slowly the elder wraps the flaps of his coat around the younger, back hugging him completely and in an instant, Taehyung's shivering was replaced by the warmth of the elder, his hot breath hitting him and making his face go red

"ok perfect, Taehyung, pls look here" the photographer says and Taehyung looks up shyly and he could hear his hyung's even breathing which was very relaxing to him.

"ok, now Taehyung, please turn around to face Hoseok and hug him and give me a side profile and Hoseok rest your head on his head" the photographer explains their pose elegantly, ignoring the blush that was growing on the younger's face with each passing second.

Taehyung does as he was instructed, without looking at the elder, he turns with the elder's coat still wrapped around him and hugs him and to his surprise the elder again curls his hand around his waist which makes Taehyung stiffens

"relax, Taehyung....its fine just hold on for a few pictures, ok? It will be over soon." Hoseok says

"o-ok h-hyung" Taehyung hides his face in the elder's neck" the photographer kimin was smiling while snapping everything, deciding to sort them later, coz the couple were too adorable to let any snap slide.

"perfect, now Hoseok, please go and lean on that tree and Taehyung, you will have to rest your forehead on his chest

Hoseok does as he was told "put your hands up above your head Hoseok and look away and Taehyung do as I told and look down" Taehyung nods and walks to his hyung who was looking like a Greek god to him in that pose of his. Taehyung timidly goes and rest his head on his chest, hearing his hyung's heart beating calmly.

"ok perfect, Taehyung...please loosen up a bit and then we can move to our next concept" the photographer starts snapping their pics from different angles

"ok done, just one last thing, Taehyung...look up at Hoseok, Hoseok look down at Taehyung and hold his waist" they do as they were told "ok, hold that" , kimin snaps that "Hoseok, can you plant a kiss on his forehead" hearing that Taehyung visibly stiffens in the elder's grip which Hoseok clearly notices

"I think we can stop here and move to the next concept" saying that Hoseok releases the younger and looks at kimin which clearly says that it was not arguable

"r-right, ok guys lets set up for the next concept, and taehyung, Hoseok..pls go and change your outfit and makeup" Taehyung heard the stutter in kimin's voice which was definitely caused by the look Hoseok gave the photographer a few mins back.

Taehyung was relieved that the elder decided not to do the kiss but somewhere deep inside he was disappointed at the clear refusal but he decided to shake that feeling off

Taehyung enters the dressing room and the stylist hands him a pair of soft striped pajamas with extra long sleeves, once he was in those pajamas, he gets his hair done while he keeps on wondering about, how would his hyung look like and what all things were they be made to do now.

Here Hoseok changes to a plain white set of pajamas and groans. When he told his noona to decide everything on her own, he never thought that her theme selections would be like these and he was low key afraid for the next few themes, he internally curses himself for not doing a double check when his noona said that the themes were "cute and sexy"...well he has seen the cute part but he didn't even want to think about the sexy part.....coz things are totally going to get awkward...all thank to his noona

When he was asked to kiss Taehyung, he couldn't believe that he actually thought of doing so but then he saw Taehyung stiffening and he was brought back to his senses.

Once all dressed, he goes to the set which was now converted into a cozy bedroom setting and Hoseok dreaded the poses they would be asked to make.

His thoughts were interrupted when Taehyung enters the scene in his oversized pjs, flapping the extra long sleeves, which stops when he spots the elder

He looks at the elder, in his white pjs, he totally looked like and angel.

"ok, lets start.....hoseok, sit on the bed with your back resting on the head board" Hoseok does as he was told "now Taehyung go and lie across hoseok's leg, sideways...and prop your head up using your hand supported by your elbow" Taehyung bows and reluctantly does as he was told....he lies on hoseok's legs and tries not to put too much weight on his legs which results in his stiff posture...then he feels a hand on his arm and a slight patting comes

"relax Taehyung....lie down properly...hyung is fine...relax, ok?" hearing that Taehyung relaxes and the photographer claps his hand

"ok perfect, hold that" he takes a few snaps "ok now Taehyung lie on your back and look up at Hoseok" Taehyung does that and their eyes meet and for some reason he didn't feel like looking away...from where he was lieing, Taehyung could see how long the elder's lashes were, which casted a shadow, making the elder look so beautiful.

"perfect...I loved that look Taehyung" kimin shouts in ecstasy making Taehyung blush "ok Taehyung, copy hoseok's pose" Taehyung sits on the bed next to Hoseok "Hoseok, rest your head on taehyung's shoulder and close your eyes and Taehyung, rest your head on hoseok's head and close your eyes.

They do as they were told and as soon as Taehyung closes his eyes, he could feel the elder's even breath and soon they were breathing in sync

Next they were both lying under covers looking up at the camera which was now hovering above them...next, Taehyung was made to pretend to sleep while Hoseok would be watching him... and after a few more poses they were done and by the end kimin again tries to get a kiss out of him, which Hoseok again refuses.

They went in to change once again, and this time they were given suits to change into, Hoseok was given a silver suit with white shirt and black tie while Taehyung was dressed in black suit with white shirt and black tie

Once they enter the set up, they see that it was now turn into a cozy office....more like those study that we have at homes

"ok, so Hoseok sit on the chair and look at the camera and Taehyung lean on the table, right next to Hoseok and look at the camera and both of you....since the concept is sexy...you know what expression I want and Taehyung...no blushing...we are done with the cute concept, ok?" Taehyung nods his head and tries to hide his blush but he was sure that his hyung won't find giving that look any difficult.

This was the concept which was taking more of their time because, apparently Taehyung's expression didn't match with the concept

"its ok, I am fine with whatever his expressions are, its our wedding album....let it be" comes Hoseok reply when kimin again points out that Taehyung wasn't doing a good work.

"sorry hoseok, I just wanted to do a perfect job........" kimin says and then clears his throat "Hoseok, come around the table and lean on it with your one hand behind you on the table and Taehyung, stand in front of him and both of you wound each other's tie around your fist and look into each other's eyes and pretend as if you guys are pulling eachother near"

Taehyung looks up when Hoseok slowly holds onto the younger's tie and wounds it once in his fist.

"Taehyung, you are doing fine ok?" Hoseok finds himself say when he sees the scared expression on the younger's face and Taehyung mirror's the elders action

"ok, hold that" he snaps some pics "now look here both of you..dont let go of the tie" then a few more snaps and they were made to change their pose again...now the table was cleared and Taehyung was asked to lie on it for which he looks at kimin with wide eyes which the photographer totally ignores and the younger turns to the elder who was surprisingly looking at him and Taehyung turns away

"ok Taehyung, get on, we have one more concept to go with"

Taehyung hesitantly lies down on the table with one leg flat and one leg propped up which Taehyung find was the sexy way to lie down and kimin asks Hoseok to sit on the edge and lean back on his hands which were rested on the table, across Taehyung and was looking up......the camera hovering above them takes their snaps and finally they were done with this concept and now to both of the groom's relief were moving to the last concept but not before snapping some normal sitting and standing poses in those suits.

The next costume that Taehyung wore was anything but sexy which made Taehyung frown....he was now sitting in a setting of an art room...with a number of canvases...some filled with beautiful paintings, some blank...Taehyung was wearing a white shirt and loose white pants with round rimmed glasses ....but he didn't see the connection between him and the theme....that is until his hyung made an appearance in a plain white, almost see through shirt, with only one single button done in the middle and hence giving Taehyung a full view of elder's abs and toned chest.

Taehyung gulps thinking about what would they be made to do with the elder looking like that.

"ok guys...this is the last concept...please help me here and Hoseok....your sister asked me to specifically make this AMAZING, so just understand that I am doing my job" all this extra explanation was making Taehyung nervous as hell and he wouldn't be surprised if he had started shaking in fear.

"lets get it done with kimin" comes hoseok's curt reply and taeyung was amazed that the elder didn't give a shit about the fact that he was standing there torso naked

"ok hoseok...go and sit on that podium....leaning back on your hands and looking above and Taehyung sit in front of that canvas and pretend like you are drawing Hoseok...as if he is your live model

Wow!! taehyung couldn't even image if someone like Hoseok were to become a live model for an art class...how many would actually be able to complete the painting

They do as they were told

"perfect...amazing....hold that there"

In taehyung's opinion....hoseok looked like the sun....with the glowing aura that was surrounding him through the window that was right above the podium and the sun was starting to go down...to taehyung's eyes...it was the most picturesque scene of the day and he slowly asks their photographer to snap that picture of the elder alone who was holding his pose with his eyes now closed making him look all calm in that white attire. And the photographer complies with a smile.

Next Taehyung was asked to sit with the elder...more specifically between the elder's legs with his back resting on the elder's chest....both of them were hesitant because nothing that they could tag as near as romantic has bloomed till date and doing something like this made them feel awkward but then again these were one of those many things they must do to get through this wedding and so they did.

Now Taehyung was sitting between the elder's legs....his back pressed to the elder's almost bare torso and the heat that was radiating through their bodies was making it warmer in the studio

"ok guys....hold the hand that has your engagement ring and Taehyung bring that to your mouth as if you are about to kiss it and hold it there...I will take a wide shot and then a zoom in on your fingers..ok?" Taehyung nods...still feeling the heat from where the elder's other hand was resting on his waist.

Taehyung did as they were told and apparently kimin find it to be the perfect one.

After a few more awkward shots....kimin for the last and final time tries with his request "hoseok....as a final snap....hold hands and kiss his forehead....it will be a perfect finish to the shoot"

Hoseok was about to retort but he feels a tug on his sleeve and he looks at Taehyung

"its ok hyung...lets do it" Taehyung says...not looking up at the elder

"Taehyung, we don't have to do anything that you might feel uncomfortable with" Hoseok clarifies

"its ok hyung, I am fine" Taehyung reassures and then turns to kimin and gives him a thumbs up for hich he smile

So now they take their position, standing on the podium holding hands and their foreheads joined...which they were asked to hold onto so that kimin could snap some pic and the slowly Taehyung looks up at his hyung and then his hyung slowly leans in and just lightly touches his lips on the younger's forehead....and they hear a few gasps and more than one camera flashing and snapping

"PERRRRRRFECT, OH MY GOD....THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL" the two grooms look around once Hoseok pulls away, to see people were staring at their phone and camera screens with awe

Kimin sees the confused look that the couple was sporting and calls them to the screen to see the beauty that they have captured

As soon as Taehyung sees the last picture he couldn't help but gasps.....it was like just as Hoseok's lips touched his forehead....the sun decided to go down...creating a beautiful sunset behind them and through that window, it became even more beautiful because that orange hue of the light outlined their faces perfectly....creating a magical glow behind them and making that snap something more than just a picture, it was turned into an art just because of that one perfect moment.

Taehyung looks up at his hyung with his boxy smile and Taehyung saw a small tug at the corners of the elder's mouth and a nod which Taehyung predicted to be the elder's way to say that it was beautiful.

"thank you so much sirs for your hardwork....i will send the sorted pictures to you as soon as possible" kimin says once they all were done admiring the art and Taehyung and Hoseok were now dressed in their own clothes

"you've worked so hard for us kimin-shii...thank you" Taehyung says...already counting the photographer into his friends' list

"thank you Taehyung...I hope you will like the pictures.....and all the best for the wedding and your future" kimin says while shaking both their hands an d then they leave the studio.

Once in hoseok's car......Taehyung feels his heart suddenly running a marathon


So finally the photoshoot chapter is done.

How was it?

I tried to explain all those poses to the best of my ability and I hope you guys will be able to imagine it and if you find anything difficult...let me know and I might try to search and if I find anything similar...I will show you that pose...but I doubt if I will find the pictures exactly the same, so I hope you guys will be able to imagine.

Let me know in the comments below

Don't forget to vote and share

See ya




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