Galran Paladin

By ThunderTavon

41.3K 1K 177

The team captures a Galran who seems to be linked to Zarkon's high command, they intend to get information fr... More

Family and Foes
Arena of Carnage
Operation: Keith
The Red Paladin
The Blue Paladin
Honerva's dream


5.8K 127 33
By ThunderTavon

Lance wasn't the best at questioning the enemy, matter of a fact he was terrible at it. When Allura asked him if he could interrogate their Galra prisoner, he was very reluctant. Even if he was the one that helped capture him, questioning was something he was terrible at. But of course, the Blue Paladin agreed because he didn't want to disappoint Allura. Meanwhile, Shiro and the others were helping Coran clean up after their recent battle with the Galra.

They didn't accomplish anything besides getting this prisoner. Lance hoped he would give them some details, but the Galra just giving away information is something they have never encountered. And why send the most laid back guy to handle such a serious matter? Why couldn't they have waited and questioned this Galra themselves? All these questions rattled around in Lance's brain. Yet he continued to walk to the middle of the Castle, where they hold people.

It hasn't been used at all, of course, they planned to use it on Zarkon if they could have reached him, but capturing this Galra was the closest they could get to Zarkon himself. Lance looked ahead and saw the Galra prisoner, his gaze fixated at his shoes. The Galran wasn't the nicest looking person, he was cruel-looking and his hair was almost in an 'emo style'. Not to mention his fangs would pop out every couple seconds, as if showing Lance he wasn't someone to be messed with.

The Paladin continued his walk to the prisoner nonetheless and stopped in front of his containment chamber. The chamber was practically unbreakable, but again it hasn't been tested fully. Lance hoped the Galran wouldn't break out, at least while he was in charge of him. The Paladin cleared his throat, prepared to start the interrogation, the Galran looked up at Lance not paying attention to him in the least.

"So. . . um. . . hello. I'm Lance the--" The Galran cut him off.

"I know. I heard from other Galra. Are you going to start the questions already?"

Even the Galran's voice was harsh, matching his appearance. Lance cleared his throat again and played with his hair nervously.

"Well yes. I'd like to know Zarkon's plan. . . once he gets the lions, what is he going to do?"

The Galran chuckled and shook his head, "Isn't it obvious? He is going to continue ruling the universe."

Lance knew from the tone of his voice that he was being sarcastic or he was lying, either way, it wasn't the real answer.

"There's another reason than just that. . . Allura seems to think Voltron is the only thing that can beat Zarkon and that once he has it he'll be safe. . . but that can't be the only thing. There's something else."

The Galran didn't say anything and continued to keep his scowl. What was Lance supposed to do? He wasn't the smartest one in the bunch, so thinking of what to do with him was almost impossible.

"Look, whether you like it or not, you're staying in here until you start speaking." Lance tried to sound menacing but it didn't really work.

The Galran nodded and went to the corner of the chamber, his eyes closing in content. Lance growled in frustration and stomped out of the room, not even caring about questioning him any more.

"Damn, how did they think I could do that!?" Lance shouted to himself, walking to the lounge area and sitting on the circle couch. He was soon joined by his fellow comrade, Pidge, who had brought the whole gang along to check on Lance's progress. The Cuban male told them of his failed attempt, which they seemed to understand considering they knew it wasn't going to be easy. Yet a comment from Allura seemed to really bug him the most.

"Maybe we should have had Pidge or Shiro do the interrogation? After all, they have really good smarts and Shiro should be the best at it considering all he went through."

Lance looked down solemnly and nodded, very obvious distraught over the hurtful comment. But of course, no one noticed.

"Well, he's not going anywhere. We have time." Pidge mentioned.

The team then continued to strategize, causing Lance to sigh and get up, leaving them alone.

. . .

No one seemed to get how isolated he really felt, how useless he felt. When the other's treated him like that and acted as if he wasn't apart of the team. Especially Allura, who he has cared about ever since the Paladins were first formed. Of course, the 5th, and final Paladin wasn't found, which is another mystery in the group. Lance decided to go back to the holding cell, talk to the prisoner, and make him talk! Maybe then, the team would see he is important and not a liability!

Lance walked into the holding area, sighing once he saw the Galran already smirking with confidence. He sat on the ground and placed his chin on his palm, giving the Galran a menacing look.

"You think you can hold up, can you? Well, what if I tell you that I know where your family is as well?" Lance spoke with a smirk of his own, which caused the Galran to growl.

"You leave them alone. . . I swear if you hurt them--"

"You'll what?" Lance chuckled, "You realize that this holding cell is made by Altean tech, it's impossible to break. You might as well give up."

Lance knew lying was wrong, and even if they were Galra, bringing family into this was terrible; yet he knew no other way. He had to get him to talk, and hopefully, this will light a fire under him.

The Galran sighed and held his hands up, "Okay, I will tell you what I know. But you have to promise me my family will be safe."

Lance nodded and sat up, thinking he finally hit something. The Galran sighed and scratched his head.

"Look, Zarkon has the Red Lion, but it's useless since we can't find it's Paladin. Even if we would, there would be a chance they wouldn't work for us. . . ."

Lance nodded, surprised that the Lion was with the Galra this whole time.

"He is working on that. Trying to find who it's Paladin is and brainwash them. But he needs Voltron, only that weapon can enter the Quintessence field, where the most powerful Quintessence lies. If he can get Voltron, there will be an endless supply for him. And the weapon he fears will also be under his rule,"

The Galran sighed and looked down, probably feeling guilty for revealing all the secrets so easily, "That's. . . all I know."

Lance nodded, trying to take this all in. He was feeling very proud of himself, the plans of Galra now finally revealed. The Galran banged his hand on the glass to snap Lance out of his trance.

"Hey, doofus! My family! Will they be okay now!?"

Lance smirked with newfound confidence, "They are fine. They were never in danger." Lance said with a chuckle, which just made the Galran hiss in hostility.

"Bastard! Do you think knowing the plan is going to help you? There is far more you don't get and far more you will never understand!" He yelled, soon stomping back off into his corner with a rage.

Lance sighed and rubbed his head, he knew that the team would now think of him as helpful, but now in hindsight, this plan was a little hurtful. Though he was Galra, using family as a threat was a low blow. Just then Galran then chuckled and knocked Lance out of his thoughts again.

"Must be hard. . . being the team's liability, huh?" He muttered with a hateful tone, still curled up in his corner.

Lance bit his lip and stood up, suddenly the guilt of what he did wash away by anger,
"You don't know anything. Shut your mouth." Lance spat, walking off with a growl.

The Cuban boy bit his lip as he held back tears, heading to his room and walking in the automatic door, sitting on his bed with a sigh. He ran his fingers through his chocolate brown hair, tears still stinging in his eyes.

"How did. . . how did he know?" Lance mused, soon sitting for a while in deep thought and anger, knowing that the Galran was right.

Meanwhile, in the holding cell, the Galran cried tears of his own. He quickly wiped them away, growling at the pathetic mess he became. He couldn't believe that a stupid idiot like him could make him like this. He was still in shock, yet happy, over the reveal that his family was okay. He knew that them being safe was the most important thing, even more than Zarkon or the Galra plans. He knew these Paladins were evil, just as Zarkon told him.

He sighed and looked out from his transparent cell, putting his hands on the force field causing a small ripple to move along it.

"I need to get out of here. I have to warn Zarkon, and protect my family. . . ." The Galran then looked down and pulled out his blade, smiling at it as biting his lip to prevent more tears from escaping,
"Don't worry Mom. I'll be back soon. . . ."
. . .
Thank you all for reading the first chapter!! Please share this if you think it is good, and please vote and comment ^^ love ya, see you next chapter!♡

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