Tough Times (Choni)

By briisk_333

72.5K 1.2K 986

Toni and Cheryl have been together for a while until Toni finds out something she wasn't supposed to. Toni an... More

I Want You
Together Again
Pure Anger
Let's make a deal
Fuck You
Its Over
Free or not free?
Talking it out
New Story
Coming Out
Are U Cheating On Me
Issue(please read)
I Can't Believe She Did It Again
Next Update
I've Been Thinking
Best Day
Too Hard
Hang Out
The Start
Oh My God
Let's Settle This
My Heart
I Love Them
The News
Believe Me
Baby Shower
She's Here!
Moving On


1.4K 31 5
By briisk_333

Sweet Pea's P.O.V
When I saw Toni run off, I went inside to look for Cheryl to tell her the news. When I went inside, I saw people carrying a limping, and bruised up Reggie. He deserved that shit anyways.

Veronica came up to me, and slapped me in my face. "What the fuck Veronica" I hissed, holding my cheek. "You need to fucking control your best friend" she said, while pointing at me.

"Last time I checked, you guys wanted to do anything to protect Cheryl, but you weren't there for her the past few weeks" I said back. "What the hell are you talking about". "I'm talking about how Reggie threw insults at Cheryl ever since her and Toni broke up. Andd not once have you guys checked up on her".

"Actually, we did check up on her" she tried stating, but I shook my head. "You guys only texted or called her like 3 times in the span of like 5 weeks. That's a shitty job of checking up on someone".

She raised her hand, I'm assuming to hit me, but someone called her name. I turned around and saw Betty speed walking towards us. "Veronica leave him alone" Betty sighed out. "He's talking shit about us though" Veronica argued.

"Sweet Pea, you look like you wanna get out of here, so go"Betty told me and I nodded. Before I left, I glanced at Veronica saying, "You all seriously better fix things with Cheryl". I then left the two in the hallway and started my search for Cheryl.

I went through every hallway, until I found her walking in the last hallway. "Cheryl" I called out and she turned around to me. "What's wrong Sweet Pea" she asked, as I walked closer to her. "It's Toni" I said quietly. "What about her, what's wrong" she asked in a worried tone. "She said she's sorry".

"For what, Sweet Pea cut the bullshit and just tell me what happened" she partially growled. I told Cheryl what happened with the fight, and the police going after Toni. When I was done talking, Cheryl started crying.

I pulled her into a hug, and said "It's gonna be okay Cheryl". "W-what if she goes to jail, what will I d-do" she sobbed out. "Shhhh we're gonna go to the station, and see what they say okay" I tried comforting her.

She nodded her head, and as we headed to exit the school, we stopped at the bathroom so Cheryl could fix her makeup. When she got out, we made our way outside and to my motorcycle. I got on first, then Cheryl got on afterwards.

I gave Cheryl my helmet, and started the motorcycle. Once Cheryl was ready, I drove out the parking lot, and sped my way to the police station.

Toni's P.O.V
I've been sitting in some room for about 15 minutes, and I'm getting frustrated. When we got here, the police officer who hit me, was treating me so badly. He pissed me off so badly that I would beat his ass up, if we were alone.

As I played with my handcuffs, the door opened, and I saw a 40 looking year old man come through it. He closed the door, and sat in front of me.

"Hello" he said. I just looked at him. "Okay, well in this file we have on you, it says you are in a gang is that true".

I never answered him, I just continued looking at him. He slammed his hand against the table, and it made me flinch a little. "Answer the fucking question little girl" he yelled.

"I don't have to fucking answer you old man" I yelled back. "It's not that hard to just cooperate you know" he stated. "And it's not that hard to respect the fact that I don't want to answer any of your questions".

"You're gonna answer the question or else" "Or else what, you're not gonna do shit" I said with a smirk. "Bring them in" he said, and I looked at him confused. The door opened, and I saw two buff ass men come in.

They came over to me, and each of them stood beside me. "Now, if you don't answer me, I'll make you answer me the hard way" he said. "Now I ask again, is it true that you are in a gang".

Again, I never answered him, and I felt a pain in both my left and right side. I realized that the men punched me, but I never said anything still. "Again" he said.

They both punched me two more times, and I hissed in pain. Earlier, the officer hurt my ribs, and the punching wasn't making it any better. I looked up at the man and said "Yes, I'm in a fucking gang, happy?".

The guy on my left punched me, and then the old man said "Don't fucking talk to me like that". This is a shitty police station with shitty people. He cleared his throat, asking "South-side Serpents, correct", in which I nodded my head.

"Do you realize, by that fight you created, you are corrupting the school with your bad gang ways" he stated. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at how stupid he sounded right now. "You do know we didn't have a choice to switch to that school right".

He looked at me and started questioning me again, completely ignoring what I said. "Looks here that this isn't your first time getting arrested" the guy said with a smirk. I nearly gagged at how ugly he looked with a smirk right now.

"Okay yes, and what's the issue" I asked, not really getting his point. "Those other officers let you go with warnings, but I'm different than them". "Jeez who could've noticed that" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that" he said, turning his ear to me. I had the urge to reach over and stick a wet finger in his ear, but I decided not to.

"I could give you up to 2 years for all the criminal activities you've done in this town" he said which made me sit up straight.

"Man what! I only did that shit cause I was protecting myself and my family" I argued. "I don't give a fuck. What you did is still against the law". I stood up, but I got pushed back down by both of the buff guys.

I tried again, and they were about to push me back down, when I punched one of them in face, and kicked the other one in the balls. One of them recovered, so I started punching him in his stomach.

He was now hunched over, and I kicked him in the face hard. He fell on the floor, and I felt the other one lift me up. I used my elbows, and hit him straight in the face. He let me go, and stumbled backwards, and I kicked him in the back of his legs.

I heard the other one groaning still, so I took my chance to knock this guy's head to the ground. They were now unconscious, and I went over to the old man. I wrapped the cuffs around his neck and started pulling.

Just as he was about to pass out, backup came and I felt myself being thrown off of him. I was held down to the ground and I saw them bring out a taser. I struggled under an officer's hold, not wanting to be tased.

They tased me once and I hissed in pain. They did it again and again, doing it longer than the one before. After that, I slowly closed my eyes, falling into a pit of darkness.

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