The Problem Children Have Bee...

Autorstwa Jakeleyy

41.5K 704 143

The story of three problem children has been increased to four and that is not good for a certain rabbit. (I... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Special chapter: April Fools
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Special chapter: Summer
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

1.2K 19 5
Autorstwa Jakeleyy

Black Rabbit: Sorry for the wait, everyone! The main Gift Game of the Nativity of the Salamander, Battle of the Creators, will now begin!

The audience cheered at the sight of Black Rabbit since she was royalty in Little Garden.

Black Rabbit: I, Black Rabbit, exclusive Judge for Thousand Eyes, will be referee, facilitator, and the judge of this Game.

In the VIP seat were the No-Name Community members, Shioryasha, Sandora and her guards.

Seiji stood next to Sandora as her bodyguard.

Izayoi: Oh yeah, Shiroyasha. What the heck is with, Black Rabbit's miniskirt, "You think you can see but you can't see" business? This kind of subtlety stuff has been outdated already!

Izayoi complained, his arms crossed while staring at Black Rabbit's miniskirt.

Shiroyasha: Hmph. I am disappointed that a man like you is unable to appreciate such art.

Shiroyasha countered with her eyes closed.

Izayoi glared at Shiroyasha.

Izayoi: What?

Shiroyasha: True art is shaped by one's imagination of the unknown... By one's desire to grasp the mysterious... Indeed! True art lies... within your own universe!

Izayoi felt intimidated and backed off a little.

Izayoi: My own... universe?

Shiroyasha: The underside of a maiden's skirt is no different. Shamelessly exposed lingerie is merely lewdness, but if you can't see it, it becomes art!

Izayoi's eyes widened while looking at Shiroyasha in shock.

Izayoi: If you can't see it... it is art!

Shiroyasha: Let us now confirm it together... the miracles that happen in this world.

Izayoi: Shiroyasha...

Izayoi felt moved by Shiroyasha's speech while she nodded.

Then they both took out binoculars out of nowhere aimed at Black Rabbit.

Lily and Sandora: U-Um...

Mandora: Don't look at them. You catch their stupidity.

Asuka sighed and held her head in pain while Seiji tried to hold his laughter.

Asuka: Dear Lord... Kasukabe-san's Game is starting any minute now...

Asuka looked down to her lap where the fairy sat while eating a cookie.

Asuka: Rattenfänger... the Pied Piper of Hamelin... Could she really be the Demon King's...

Fairy: Asuka.

Asuka snapped out from her thoughts and looked at the fairy. She wanted to share her cookie with Asuka.

Asuka smiled at her and took the cookie.

Asuka: Thank you. It's fine. There's no way.

Asuka put the negative thoughts away while eating the cookie.

Seiji: Shiroyasha, I want to sit down.

Shiroyasha: No. You need to stay close to Sandora so she won't be attacked.

Seiji sighed in defeat.

Sandora leaned close to Seiji and whispered to him.

Sandora: I am sorry about this.

Seiji: Don't worry. I am doing this because I want to. Not because I was forced.

Seiji smiled softly at Sandora and continued to spectate the Game.


Yō was fooling around with the calico cat at the flank of the stage, hidden from the crowd.

The helpers Jin and Leticia were currently reviewing the information about the opponent.

Jin: That's all I know about WIll-o'-Wisp. I hope it will be useful on stage.

Leticia: Are you sure you don't need any support? The rules allow you to have one partner.

Leticia asked worriedly.

Yō smiled at her and nodded.

Yō: Don't worry about me.

Jin: But-

Yō: I'll be fine.

Yō said and gave Calico cat to Jin. She walked to the stage and heard Calico cat shouting behind her.

Calico cat: Hang in there, Miss.

Yō looked behind her and waved at them while continuing to walk.

Black Rabbit: Then let's welcome the participants on stage! Our first Player, Yō Kasukabe, from the No-Name Community!

Black Rabbit waved her hand to her left side where Yō came and the audience cheered at Yō.

Yō walked to the stage where Black Rabbit was.

Asuka: Do your best, Kasukabe-san!

Izayoi and Shioryasha didn't have their binoculars anymore.

Izayoi grinned while leaning to his fist.

Yō waved at the audience while Black Rabbit continued to present the next Player.

Black Rabbit: Next up, from the Will-o'-Wisp Community. Ayesha Ignis Fatuus!

From the other gate, a blue flame dashed to the stage. The flame passed the girls in front of them and Yō fell down in surprise.

Both of the girls heard someone laughing behind them and looked there.

Ayesha: Ahahahaha. Did you see that? I knocked that No-Name girl right on her butt!

In front of them was a pale girl, in a gothic dress, standing on top of the blue flame. She had her hair in twin tails. Her ears were pointy and eyes orange.

Ayesha jumped off from the flame to the stage and looked behind her.

Ayesha: Come on, Jack, let's enjoy an obnoxious laugh at her expense!

Jack: Yafufufufuuuuuu!

Yō: Is that a...

Ayesha: Exactly! This is our, Will-o'-Wisp's, greatest Gift, the famous monster, Jack-o'-Lantern!

Jack bowed down, greeting Yō.

Jack: Yafu.

In the VIP seat, Asuka stood up in excitement.

Asuka: Izayoi-kun, it's Jack! It's a real Jack-o'-Lantern! I never thought I'd see one in my life!

Izayoi: Okay, okay, I got it, please calm down, Milady.

Seiji: I already hate that girl...

Ayesha stood next to Yō.

Ayesha: You should feel honored just to be present at my first big debut, you No-Name!

Yō looked away while closing her eyes and ignored Ayesha. Ayesha got surprised by Yō's action and got annoyed.

Shiroyasha: According to the Host Master's orders, we will now set the stage for the Gift Game!

Shiroyasha clapped her hands together and the stage was engulfed by a huge tree. This was one of the game boards

Inside the tree Yō, Ayesha and Jack were surrounded by tree's roots.

Ayesha: Where are we?

Yō: The air... It changed.

Yō noticed the change with the air using her sense of smell.

Outside the game board, the audience was in awe.

Lily and Sandora felt excited but Lily was the one who expressed her feelings.

Lily: It's gigantic!

Izayoi: The Game's going on inside that huge tree, huh?

Shiroyasha: Well, then... Let's see what these two have to show us today.

Black Rabbit: This Gift Game is called "The Labyrinth of Underwood."

Ayesha: So we just have to race to the exit of the maze...

Yō: ...or destroy the enemy's Gift.

Yō stared at Jack and held her wooden carving in hand.

Black Rabbit: I now... will announce the start of this Gift Game!

Ayesha: Come at me first! It wouldn't be cool if I went all out on some No-Name.

Ayesha arrogantly told Yō.

Yō: Are you the leader of Will-o'-Wisp?

Ayesha: Oh? Did I look like a leader? It makes me happy, but regretful, cause Ayesha-sama is not.....

Yō: Is that so? I got it.

Probably because she was mistaken as a leader, Ayesha was elated, smiling cutely when replying to that question. Ignoring what she had just said, Yō gave up on the conversation and started sprinting away.

Ayesha: W-Where're you going!?

Ayesha regained her composure and got annoyed with Yō's actions.

Ayesha: F-Fine, then... I won't hold back if you're going to be like that! Let's go, Jack! We'll hunt down that No-Name in this labyrinth of roots!

Jack: Yafufufuuuuu!

Ayesha jumped on Jack's back and Jack flew towards Yō.

Ayesha: Just wait for me!!!

Yō continued to sprint away while Jack was flying next to her.

Yō jumped from different root to another root and Jack caught up.

Ayesha: Your back is wide open! Burn her down, Jack!

Jack: Ya-FUUU!

Jack breathed blue fire out and chased Yō from behind.

Yō added more speed to her sprint and dodged the flames jumping left and right.

Ayesha got more annoyed and glared at Yō.

Ayesha: Why, you... Jack!

Ayesha slapped Jack's pumpkin head.

Jack: Yafuuuu!

Jack continued to attack with his flame while Yō dodged easily.

Yō noticed something beneath her feet. It was connected with the flame Jack breathed out.

Yō: This is...

As Jack breathed out the blue flame, Yō made a small gust of wind against the flame.

The flame was pushed away from Yō.

Yō: It's exactly as Jin said.

Outside the game board, Jin and Leticia spectated from the gate Yō came out.

Leticia: I see. So it's natural gas.

Jin: Yes. The Will-o'-Wisp legend originated from ghostly blueish flames people saw at night. They're also known as "The friar's lantern." However, the sightings were just flames from natural gas spontaneously combusting underground.

Yō continued again to sprint away and dodge the blue flame Jack shot with ease.

Yō: The leader of the Will-o'-Wisp Community is a devil born in limbo between life and death. If they were here, I wouldn't stand a chance. But she isn't the leader, though. Then I can do this.

Yō smiled confidently and sped up. Ayesha noticed the change in her speed and got surprised,

Ayesha: Does she know where the exit is!?

Asuka: I see! She's following the scent of fresh air to the exit!

Jack shot the flame rapidly at Yō and still didn't hit her. Ayesha jumped off from Jack's back and gave up chasing Yō.

Ayesha: Damn it! I'll just leave this to you. Give it everything you've got, Jack-san!

Jack: Yes, Ma'am!

Jack answered back as his eyes glowed. Jack moved quickly in front of Yō, who was clinging to a tree root, as it was teleportation.

Yō got surprised by Jack's appearance.

Jack: Pardon me, Madam.

Jack slapped Yō away with his palm which made Yō to fly away.

Jack: Hurry up and go ahead, Ayesha.

Ayesha: Roger!

Ayesha continued to run towards the exit while Yō stood up.

Yō: wait!

Yō sprinted towards Ayesha quickly but was interrupted by Jack's flame.

This time the flame wasn't blue. It was red like any other flame.

Yō countered it with a gust of wind and Jack appeared in front of her.

Yō: Don't tell me... Are you!

Jack: Yes, I am the ultimate work of Willa the Ignis Fatuus, the demon born in limbo between life and death: Jack-o'-Lantern.

Jack laughed with his usual "Yafufufuuu" laugh after introducing himself again.

Jack: The flame known as the Will-o'-Wisp is actually the flame of a demon.

Yō continued to chase Ayesha but Jack's flames blocked her way to get there easily.

Jack: We created a scientific explanation to enlighten humans about this phenomenon... To tell them corpses lie buried beneath the flames.

Jack continued to shoot fireballs at Yō.

Yō: Then what was that back there!?

Jack: Ayesha is an earthly spirit who controls natural gas. She was, however, a wandering ghost when our leader found her.

Jack shot another fireball but was countered with Yō's wind.

Jack: By using a sacred gem to guide lost spirits like Ayesha to us, we have expanded our Community in size and power.

Yō turned around and tried to sprint away but Jack was in front of her in a second.

Jack: Come hither, girl who holds the evolutionary tree! The immortal monster, Jack-o'-Lantern, will be your opponent!

Jack held his lantern and created a ring of fire.

Yō felt intimidated and held her wooden carving in her hand.

Yō: This is... a demon?

Flames from hell that burned fiercely, the whole root-tunnel became a sea of fire.

The pressure that the flaming eyes produced, was the strongest opponent Yō faced since coming to the Little Garden.

They are known as the Devil race, recognized by the world as extraordinary individuals that possessed spirit power.

Yō's whole body realized the truth before her very own eyes.

Since Ayesha had already left, the only winning condition left was to destroy Jack, however...

Yō: .......Immortal? Since it's like this, it won't be destroyed right....

Smiling bitterly, Kasukabe looked away. Even if he wasn't immortal, the flaming eyes had already seen through the strength of Genome Tree. With her trump card revealed, Kasukabe had no chance of winning. She held the necklace hung on her neck. After a while, quietly announced the end of the game.

Yō: I surrender.

The game board shattered in million pieces and the Players were back at the stage.

Black Rabbit: The winner is Ayesha Ignis Fatuus!

Black Rabbit announced and the crowd cheered again.

Ayesha waved at the audience on the stage while Yō walked down the stage.

Jack flew next to Yō and looked at her.

Jack: There's something I'd like to ask. Did you not consider having a friend assist you?

Yō: Well...

Jack: I see loneliness in your eyes. You will often experience times when you need help from your Community.

Yō stayed quiet with her eyes closed.

Jack: Excuse my presumption: after all, I am just a pumpkin.

Jack flew away while laughing.

Yō could only smile wryly at Jack's comment.

Ayesha: Hey, you there!

Yō looked at the stage and Ayesha stood in front of her.

Ayesha: I can't even think of this as a victory, so next time we meet, I'm going to beat you for real! Got that? Don't forget it!

Ayesha left the stage with Jack as Jin, Leticia, and Calico cat came.

Calico cat: Miss!

Leticia: That was unfortunate, Master-dono.

Jin: She's right. If only I had given you better advice...

Black Rabbit: Good work, Yō-san.

Yō could only smile and apologize for her friends.

Yō: Sorry, everyone.

Black Rabbit: Excuse me?

Shiroyasha: That girl... she may have lost the Game, but she definitely learned something from it.

Sandora: That was a very exciting Game. You have great comrades.

Asuka: Indeed. Kasukabe-san is truly amazing. Right, Izayoi-kun, Seiji-kun?

Izayoi: Hey, what is that?

Izayoi was looking at the sky.

Shiroyasha: What!?

Mandora: That's...

Seiji: Black... Geass Roll? And that many?

The whole city was filled with a rain of black Geass Roll.

Black Rabbit: They're black Geass Rolls!

Jin: Could it be!?

Yō went to take one of the Geass Rolls while Izayoi had taken one of the Geass Rolls and read it out loud.

<<GIFT GAME NAME: "The Pied Piper of Hamelin">>

List of Participant(s):

Participants /hosts/communities currently in the Outer Gate of 3999999 and 4000000.

Competitors side: Host of the game:

Spirit of the sun and white night, Star class-Shiroyasha.

Winner conditions for the host master:

All participants to be massacred or pushed to submission

Winner conditions for participants:

1. Kill the host master.

2. Shatter the false legend, making the true legend known.

Oath: Respecting the described content, the community that hosts this Gift Game based on their glory and flag.

All the civilians screamed in a panic until one of them shouted.

Man: It's a Demon King! A Demon King is here!


Boundary wall, 2000 meters above the ground.

In the sky, there were 4 figures that appeared above the boundary wall.

There was a woman who was wearing skimpy clothes. She had white hair and looked to be about 20 years old, playing around with the flute in her right hand while gazing at the stage area below her foot.

??? 1: The ones that can qualify as our opponents......Including the Miss from Salamandra, there are 4 others right, Weser?

Weser: No, 3 people. The pumpkin cannot participate. The tough ones are the vampire and the fire dragon Floor Master, we should dispose of them along with the fake Rattenfänger.

The person who responded to the white-clothed girl was a man called Weser. He had black hair and wore a black military uniform.

The third person was definitely not human.

The flute he was holding was different from the white-clothed girl's; it was probably as long as the man's height. If it was a musical instrument, it was certainly of an abnormal length.

It had a smooth appearance similar to pottery material, with many dug up vents visible along the lower to the upper parts of the body. To say it more simply, it was about fifty feet high and looked like an anthropomorphic flute.

The place where its face was supposed to be had a specifically huge vent which emitted a strange sound and vibration.

Standing in the center of the three was a girl wearing a black and white polka-dotted dress.

After looking at the others' faces, the girl expressionlessly announced with a dull tone:

??? 2: The gift game has started, I'll trouble you to go according to the scheduled plan.

Waser: Yes! What if there was someone who got in our way?

??? 2: Kill them.

??? 1: Understood, my master.


Shiroyasha: How bold... Seiji protect Sandora!

Seiji: On it!

As soon as Shiroyasha shouted a black gust of wind surrounded Shiroyasha.

Shiroyasha: What the!?

Sandora: Shiroyasha-sama!

Sandora tried to help Shiroyasha but Seiji stopped her.

Seiji: Stop! You don't know what that is!

The black gust of wind continued to grow as it pushed everyone from the VIP room away except Shiroyasha.

Before they all flew away Seiji grabbed Sandora and Lily.

Izayoi and Seiji landed on the stage. Izayoi carried Asuka and Seiji carried Sandora and Lily.

Black Rabbit: Izayoi-san! Seiji-san!

Jin: Lily! Sandora!

Izayoi: The Demon King-sama has arrived... I can assume that, right?

Black Rabbit: Yes.

Izayoi let Asuka down and Seiji let Sandora and Lily down.

Fairy: Asuka?

The fairy looked at Asuka worriedly.

Asuka: Don't worry. You just keep hiding there.

Asuka told the fairy as she pushed her gently back to her bosom.

Yō: Look! Over there!

Yō pointed at the boundary wall where glowed four lights.

Izayoi: Here they come.

Izayoi looked at Jin.

Izayoi: Take care of Shiroyasha and the panic in the city, okay?

Leticia: Take care...?

Jin: Izayoi-san, are you...

Izayoi: I'm just going for a quick greeting to the Demon King-sama!

Izayoi happily bent down, using a strength that could literally break the stage, he jumped towards the boundary wall.

Weser: What?!

This panicky shout came from the black-uniform wearing man.

Within a second, Izayoi had used all his strength to arrive in front of the man's face, smacking the man against the boundary wall faster than the third cosmic velocity.

??? 1: Weser!

Izayoi was seen holding Weser, who was stuck in the boundary wall, from the collar of his shirt.

Izayoi: I've been waiting for you, Demon King-sama! Can I have this dance?

Weser glared at Izayoi with anger.

Weser: You.......What the hell!

Izayoi gave out a "Yahaha" smile and started using his brute force to drag the man up the wall horizontally as if the wall was like water.

Although the black-uniformed man was dragged up the wall, with his face in constant friction, he could still roar while remaining uninjured.

Weser: Don't look down on us, you twerp!

Waving his staff-like flute, it produced a strange wind noise.

A disturbance was created on the wall, forcing Izayoi to stop. Taking this chance, the uniformed man escaped from Izayoi's grasp.

Probably because there were some injuries in his mouth, he spat out some red-colored liquid and told Izayoi.

Weser: You really have something up your sleeves, never thought the initiative would be seized first.

Izayoi: My school report cards did always say that I "exceeded expectations."

Izayoi who let out a "Yahaha" was currently standing vertically on the wall.

Looking both ridiculous and unusual, his ankle was currently buried deep into the rock, resembling nails.

While the two were conversing, the polka-dots girl, as well as the pottery-made giant soldier, had already descended down, while a young girl who was grabbing onto the wall shouted towards the uniformed man.

??? 1: Weser! Hurry up and finish this!

Weser: What? Then wouldn't it be faster if you use your flute's noise to catch hold of him?

The girl puckered her lips and brought the flute to her mouth.

At this moment, the crowd that was originally pushing around came to a stop.

A discordant note was played that enveloped the whole area, without any immunity to the sound. When the crowd heard the sound, they started to bend down on their knees as if feeling dizzy.

The abnormal situation happening below widened Izayoi's eyes, then he immediately leaked out a proud smile and responded.

Izayoi: Oh....? Is this the magic flute? So is that girl the real Rat-catcher Clown?

While the crowd slowly lost their reasoning of what they were doing, Izayoi stood there as if nothing had happened.

??? 1: This.... This guy....! My music doesn't work.....?

The white-shirt wearing girl inhaled deeply, with her beautiful lips trembling.

In contrast, Weser who retained his composure first winked to the girl.

Weser: Ratten, you go down first. If your master is alone, she will kill everyone.

After Ratten puckered her lips again, she jumped downwards.

Looking at her leave and not showing any sign of trying to pursue, Izayoi just merely stood at his original position.

Perhaps feeling quite surprised, Weser looked at Izayoi with probing and puzzled eyes.

Weser: ........I don't get it, why did you let her go?

Izayoi: It's not something that serious, I can slowly catch her after I'm done with you, Avatar of the Weser River.

Feeling surprised yet again, Weser's expression became distorted. The Weser river Izayoi mentioned was the huge river that flowed nearby Hamelin city. Confirming what he said was true just by looking at the man's expression, Izayoi used a more interesting attitude and ridiculed the opponent:

Izayoi: Ratten, as in rats, and Weser, the river in Hamelin. The answer's obvious now. You lot are demons born from the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. After the sacrifice of 130 children, the ghastly specter of their death lived on. Many have conjectured about the legend of Hamelin, saying the children were kidnapped or "spirited away." Some even suggested natural disasters. I'd guess that your spiritual ability to warp this wall is somehow derived from landslides.

Izayoi kept his smile while looking at Weser sharply.

Izayoi: If so, "Shatter the False Legend, Making the True Legend known" probably means that we have to find the truth behind the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Izayoi laughed proudly, the one quietly listening to him was Weser, who scratched his head while giving out a bitter smile.

Weser: Tch! I thought you were just some twerp......In the end, you are quite smart.

Weser leaked out a ferocious smile, before swinging his staff-like flute forcefully. The sharp sound enveloped the area and dramatic changes started to happen on the rock, eventually, it became smooth like before.

Weser landed on the flat surface and got into a fighting stance.

Weser: I must correct you on one thing, though. I am not the Demon Lord, I'm only a low-leveled demon. Our Demon Lord excellency is one of those two below.

Izayoi gazed downwards to what Weser had directed, there were a huge pottery-looking monster and a polka-dotted dress wearing girl currently battling with Leticia.

With Leticia currently at a disadvantage. Izayoi unhappily announced.

Izayoi: Is that so? Then let's finish this opening act, or else it would be rude to the Demon Lord.

Weser: What stupid words are you saying? The opening act was the sizzling atmosphere. To have the best opening act is the greatest climax... Never mind, looking at you, maybe that doesn't even qualify as an opening act right?

Both of them got into their fighting stance while laughing.

Both of them started running, creating huge cracks in the boundary wall, with both rocks and dust falling together.

Weser used the flute to receive Izayoi's fist which could break the mountains and rivers.

The huge force that Weser received made him surprised, but he took one big step back to support his feet.

After fighting against Perseus' former Demon Lord, Algol, no one else could receive Izayoi's blow.

While fighting, Izayoi was happily laughing.

Izayoi: Ha! Looks like this will turn out to be a great opening act....!

Weser: Tch! Those were my lines, you twerp!

After roaring, Weser used his strength to swing the huge flute across.

One thousand feet above the sky. Izayoi and Hamelin's demon were having a heated battle.


At the other side. Leticia started a confrontation with the polka-dotted dress wearing girl and the pottery-like giant soldier. The pottery-like giant soldier exhaled air out of its vents, creating huge whirlwinds in every direction.


The air responded with a strange voice which started the vibration. The rubble on the ground started getting absorbed by the turbulent whirlwind.

Leticia originally was going to spread our her wings and fly, but couldn't move smoothly due to the turbulence created by the enemy. The polka-dotted dress wearing girl used her eyes that were lacking vitality to look at Leticia.

??? 2: Are you really a pureblood Vampire? That's enough, Sturm.

Leticia: That was such a harsh criticism! I'm fighting with all I got.....!

Letting down her blond hair, Leticia replied in a bitter tone. However, when she heard the giant soldier's name, she realized something.

Leticia: Sturm "a Storm" right? Then that giant soldier must be a demon related to natural disasters.....!

Although she lost a lot of strength due to losing her divinity, Leticia still acquired lots of experience from different games. That's why she was very sure when facing Demon Lord games, even the subtlety of intelligence was very important. Also knowing the enemy's name may be an important factor in solving the game.

Leticia: No matter what I'll have to obtain information about that girl.

??? 2: That's enough Sturm, I don't want this girl anymore, kill her.

The young girl gave the death sentence expressionlessly. This was probably the best signal to explain, the so-called Sturm would fire something like a mortar after it has collected and compressed the rubble together.


The huge holes on the giant soldier's face fired out rubble to attack Leticia.

However, at this moment, Leticia kept her wings, suddenly increased her speed to close the distance with the two.

??? 2: .....Eh?

Leticia: I won't apologize, it's the fault of the deceived.

Leticia laughed proudly. Even if the opponent realized that the act before was a farce, it was already too late. Taking out a gold and black gift card, a long-handled spear flew through the sky and pierced the girl's chest.

Leticia: Did it succeed!

??? 2: No it didn't.

The girl replied in a cadence tone. What was more shocking was, the spear that Leticia had thrust only lifted the body of the girl, with the spearhead becoming flat upon contact with the girl's chest.

The polka-dotted girl easily grabbed hold of the spear and pulled Leticia towards herself, releasing black wind from her hand to bind Leticia.

Leticia: What.....What is this? This strange wind....?

Even Leticia was clueless about this strange wind.

It was unlike dark shadows, was also unlike a frenzy storm, wasn't even close to being hot air.

If one would describe it, it was a dusky, tepid, strange wind.

Like a wriggling creature, it slowly eroded all of Leticia's awareness.

The polka-dotted girl reined in Leticia's chin and collar, revealing a shallow smile.

??? 2: It hurt, It really hurt, but I'll forgive you....ah, about the words I've said before, looks like you'll be a wonderful pawn.

Smiling with a *Hehe*, the black wind that the polka-dotted girl produced started to cover up Leticia's body as if wanting to corrode her.

When the turbulence caused by Sturm shook the chandeliers illuminating the boundary wall, a red and purple flash shot through the pottery-like giant soldier.


After being shot through the center, the pottery-like giant soldier started to dissolve, before collapsing like wreckage and returning back to dust. Taking advantage of when the polka-dotted girl was looking at the sky, Leticia moved her arms and pulled away to the distance.

However, her body could not muster any more strength, going down on one knee, she squatted on the ground.

Ignoring Leticia, the polka-dotted girl lifted up her gaze behind her.

Behind the polka-dotted girl were Seiji and Sandora. With the help of Sandora's fire dragon, they both could fly in the sky.

The wind blew on the polka-dotted girl's dress, looking up at Sandora, she smiled.

??? 2: I've been waiting, was just worrying about the thought that you ran away.

Sandora: ........What's your motive? Hamelin's Demon Lord.

??? 2: Ah. You've got it wrong. The correct term for my gift is Black Death Demon Lord.

Sandora: ..........24th generation of Fire Dragon, Sandora

??? 2: Thank you for the self-introduction. And what about the boy next to you? Your brother?

Seiji: Seiji Nagano from the No-Name Community. Nice to meet you.

??? 2: You're quite friendly, even though I am an enemy. But I guess I should say the same. Nice to meet you.

Seiji: And if I may ask, what is your motive?

??? 2: You don't need me to tell the motive, you all should be quite clear right? I want to have the sun dominion rights from Shiroyasha and the remains of the Stellar Sea Dragon King. In other words, what you are wearing on your head

The girl's tone was clearly meant for demanding, while she pointed at the crown on Sandra's head.

??? 2: So give it to me.

Sandora: .....So that's how it is, very befitting of the Demon Lord title, so rude and disrespectful. However, as the protector of peace, I'll not allow this wrongful act to go on. I will definitely punish you under the name of my flag.

??? 2: Really? So impressive, Floor Master.

The strange black windstorm blocked the raging dragon flame.

The attacks that collided with each other created such a huge shockwave that the chandeliers illuminating the boundary wall shattered.

The fragments of the chandeliers festooned both of their battles, before disappearing after letting out light.

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Nursery (kindergarten) AU Atsumu, suga, oikawa and tsukishima all work at little bees nursery, they all love their jobs, (well maybe not tsukishima...
217 2 10
There was a snowstorm at the new Arcadeplex after the incident a corrupted animatronic with a child few months ago. Now there's a bigger problem at t...
30.5K 590 12
A compilation of Haikyuu Angst Week 2020 entries. I also have these stories posted on AO3 as munchinletters.
140K 1.6K 42
Bakubottom // Bakubowl oneshots ♡ [ warning ― slow updates. i have a horrible writing schedule, sorry ]