Chapter 13

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The divided search teams were all looking for the stained glass in Hamelin city.

A team that went to search inside a building exclaimed out loudly:

Random participant: Found it! The stained glass with the rat manipulator!

Jin: That is the [False legend]! Shatter it!

The sound of shattering glass could be heard after Jin replied. Confirming the rat patterns on the road, he surveyed the surrounding buildings.

Jin: Yes......This is Burgundy Rawson Street! The place where the 130 children were abducted!

Jin looked downwards on the floor. The whole road was painted with red rat patterns. While following the pattern, he was also using a map, locating the stained glass that would shine.

Jin: The differences in distance between where the stained glass were displayed in the stage area and in Hamelin city are not quite far apart. In other words, we weren't swallowed by the city, but it was Hamelin that was summoned to Little Garden—?

???: Okay~ That will be all♪

On instinct, everyone turned to look up at the building next to the road.

Standing on the roof, was the demon of spirited away that manipulated rats, Ratten.

Jin: You were that time.....! What did you do to Asuka-san!

Jin yelled, but Ratten just ignored his presence while laughing. After she mimicked a salute, Ratten lifted up her magic flute.

Ratten: Welcome to Burgundy Rawson Street! This was once famous for the spirited away! The next step is to allow everyone to experience the wonderful internecine♪

The next moment, a dozen fire salamanders appeared on the roof. They were all comrades of [Salamandra].

The search teams immediately went into combative action but were stopped by the livid face of Jin.

Salamandra member 1: No......No can do! If the participants are fighting each other......

Salamandra member 2: There is no time to worry that much! Since they are being controlled under that Demon Lord, only we can stop them! This is called being dependent on each other!

Salamandra member 3: It's not that kind of reason! Has everyone not read the amended rules! If you attack your comrades, even you will be disqualified.

Members of [Salamandra] suddenly recalled that. If the already small number of participants attack and get disqualified, even the search team may be influenced by it too.

Looking at the picturesque scene, Ratten smiled happily.

Ratten: Yes, but it's alright if you don't kill right? One has to beware of killing your comrades while being cautious of being killed, doesn't this solve everything?

Curling her sexy lips, she overlooked Jin and company.

With everyone biting down on their teeth, not knowing what to do, Ratten without hesitation took out her magic flute and gave orders to the salamanders.

Ratten: Okay! Go and have fun with your comrades!

Fireballs then started raining down from the roof caused by the Salamanders, causing the participants to tense up.

Just when they were going to decide that retaliating was the only choice, a huge shadow that was like a hurricane extinguished all the fireballs that were being fired.

Ratten: What.....!

The smile on Ratten disappeared. The black shadows collected together to form a new shape.

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