
By HarperAshley

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*Book One* Every bad boy wants a good girl that can be bad only for him... And every good girl wants a bad bo... More

What Comes Next?


669 31 9
By HarperAshley

Being curled up in the bed with Beau on that sailboat seemed like something out of a Sparks novel. It had been a few hours, and the light snores escaping him made me smile. I took this opportunity to explore every inch of his face, appreciating his beauty. His sharp jawline was a wonder, and the scruff that covered it was even sexier. He was incredibly attractive, and I couldn't help but feel lucky to be able to be so close to him... so intimately. 

Our bodies fit together perfectly, and his arms held me tightly. I watched his chest rise and fall, wanting to put off stirring him from this peaceful slumber as long as possible. 

I had to though. 

Between my Aunt Shelly, Sam, and Thomas I would be shocked if there wasn't already a search party underway. 

I placed my palm against his cheek and caressed it gently, "Beau, we have to go."

He groaned and pulled me in tighter. 

I couldn't help but smile. "Come on, Shelly is probably in a fit."

Beau's eyes fluttered open, "I could get used to this." His voice was low and gravelly. 

"Used to what?" I asked quietly. 

"Waking up next to you." The words sent a shiver down my spine, and I fell to pieces all over again. This power he had over me was insane. 

He placed a quick kiss on the tip of my nose before rolling over and stretching. "Alright, alright. Let's get you home before they sound the alarms."

When I stepped back onto the dock I realized that I didn't want to leave that boat at all. As soon as we left here it was back to the real world... and I had no clue what was in store for us. 

The sound of the passenger door closing brought me back, and when he slid into the drivers seat he looked at me quizzically. "Where are you at, Kat? You seem like you're on a different planet."

I shrugged, "I guess I was. I'm just- I guess I'm worried."

His eyebrow raised, "About getting in trouble? Nah, everyone was pretty gassed. I doubt they have even noticed."

I shook my head, "No, about what happens tomorrow."

 A look of realization washed over his face. "Ah, I got it."

I bit my lip and let out a sigh. "What do I tell Thomas? What are your parents going to think? I think Shelly is already suspicious ever since you showed up at our front door in the middle of the night."

Beau placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it. "I don't know how Thomas will react, or my parents. Does it matter though?"

Did it matter? Of course it mattered. Thomas had become one of my best friends, and I didn't want to lose that. And his mom... she had been so kind to me. What if she hated me after finding out? 

"It matters." I said in almost a whisper. 

We spent the rest of the ride is silence. When we pulled into the driveway I exited the car and took a step towards Shelly's but stopped. I waited for him to be at my side. He took my hand and walked me to the door. 

"Look, I know this is going to get a little messy. I don't want to hurt my brother either, but I also refuse to let him mess this up. I'm not going to tip-toe around his feelings here. You wanted to come out of hiding, and that is what we are going to do. No more secrets, you said that yourself. We can tell him together if you want?" Beau was holding my hand tightly, and I shook my head.

"No, that wouldn't be a good idea. I will tell him. Tomorrow. You're right, no more secrets." I smiled, trying to reassure him. 

We kissed again, this time letting it deepen. He pressed me against the door and my breathing became ragged. 

"You drive me wild, Katherine Wilder." 

There is was again, that complete sense of empowerment that came when he spoke to me in that way. My inner-goddess beamed. 

"The feeling is mutual." I said, still trying to catch my breath. 

"Goodnight, beautiful." He said, and kissed me again before walking away. 

"Goodnight." I whispered back. 

I slid my key into the door and tried to open it as quietly as possible. As soon as I was inside and thought the coast was clear, on came the lights. 

"What the Hell, kid?" Shelly's voice was loud, she was pissed. 

Sam was next to her and mouthed I'm sorry.

"What? I didn't-"

Shelly cut me off. 

"Beau Dalton? Seriously? What are you thinking?" Her voice was calmer now, more than anything she seemed genuinely concerned. 

Sam interjected, "Sorry, she was so worried and when Thomas came by she knew you weren't with him. I had to tell her."

"Thomas came by?" I asked, my voice sounding more like a squeak. 

Shelly scoffed, "Of course he did, he WAS your date! That poor boy is crazy about you, and you leave with his brother? What is going on? This isn't like you at all."

I honestly had no clue what to say, instead I just started to cry. I sure had been doing that a lot lately. 

"Oh, honey. Just talk to me." Shelly wrapped her arms around me. I nodded, and we moved to the sofa. 

I unloaded on the both of them, telling them everything. I even mentioned that he'd opened up to me about the problems with his father, but left out the details. Again, that wasn't my story to tell. 

After I was finished it felt like a 3000 ton weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Sam's mouth was wide open and Shelly just stared at me. 

"So you think whatever is happening between you two is... real?" Sam asked. 

I nodded, "It feels real."

Shelly slumped further into the sofa. "Honey, I've known Beau for years. His reputation... It's not the best. You are just so... well inexperienced. I don't want to see you get taken advantage of."

I knew she was coming from a place of love, and I knew what she was saying was true. His reputation was horrible, and he'd even told me multiple times he wasn't capable of a real relationship. That didn't matter right now though. I needed to see where this would go. If I didn't I would spend the rest of my life thinking what-if

"He hasn't pressured me into doing anything. Believe it or not, he's actually been the perfect gentlemen. I trust him, Shelly." Saying that out loud felt good. 

I did trust him. Deep in my heart I knew that he really cared, and didn't want to hurt me. That was enough for now. 

"I do have to tell Thomas though. None of this is fair to him, but I can't hide the way I feel." I wanted to cry again imagining this conversation with him. The last thing I wanted to do was burn this bridge with Thomas. 

"Yes, you do have to tell him. I didn't lie for you when he came here. I told him the truth, that I had no clue where you were. He will be waiting up, I can promise that."

I wanted to puke. Sam gave me a hug and promised she'd stay until I got back. I looked over at the digital clock above the stove. It was 3:00 AM.

The cool air felt nice as I stepped outside and walked towards the Dalton's summer home. A chill caught me and I knew that someone was there. He was sitting in a lounge chair by the pool, waiting on me. This conversation with Thomas was about to happen a lot sooner than I had anticipated. 

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