
By baby_dagger

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Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... More

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
I-I think I Like Him
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
It Was Self-Defence
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
You Are Such A Tease
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
Diseases Love To Linger In Groups
My Hero

It's Not Tea With The Queen

169 4 15
By baby_dagger

Louis' POV

I took my glasses off and rubbed my eyes. I was pretty tired, but I had to study for my English final exam. Mr Frain was a cool teacher and all, but he wasn't as lenient with exam scores as he was with quiz scores.

Although I was tired, the main reason I couldn't concentrate was that Harry occupied my mind all the time now. No surprise there. I mean, have you seen him? Right now, it was what he said that was occupying my mind. Could he go through with killing his father? I knew that bastard deserved it. Des has made Harry's life horrible, and he won't stop until he kills Harry, or Harry kills him. Putting him in jail won't stop him either, but a bullet in the head might, but would it stop there? Harry has killed before, but it was for survival. Killing his dad would be revenge. Can anybody come back from killing their father, even if they deserved it? Could Harry?

With all these thoughts running through my head, I didn't notice my mum coming into my room. I finally saw her when she waved a hand in front of my face.

"I've called your name ten times! What is going on in that head of yours?" My mum asked with a bright smile on her face.

I smiled, not wanting to worry her. "Oh, nothing, just thinking about tomorrow." It wasn't a complete lie. I was thinking about tomorrow's dinner before I thought about everything else I explained in the paragraphs above.

Her smile widened. "That's what I came here for; I wanted to ask if Marcel is allergic to anything."I smiled as I remembered that one night a few days ago, where we talked all night. It was four days after the whole hospital incident.


"Wait, seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah, they called me into the office and everything," Harry said through his laughs.

"I cannot believe you hacked their system and changed your grade!"

Harry shrugged. "My teacher was an arse, and I deserved my A. He was mad because he didn't agree with my opinion on the topic."

"Did they kick you out?" I asked, catching some popcorn in my mouth.

Harry shook his head and tilted his head back, catching popcorn in his mouth as well. "They didn't have any proof to say it was me."

I shook my head and laughed. "Wait, you were 11?"

"11 and a half," He corrected. He ate some more popcorn then turned to me. "Okay, my turn. What are you allergic to?"


Harry's eyes narrowed. "You have zero allergies? I don't believe you."

"It's true!" I defended myself. "To this day, I've no allergies."

Harry looked at me a second longer before saying, "Okay."

"What about you?" I asked in a mocking tone. "Are you allergic to anything?"


I smiled fondly at the memory and looked up at my mum. "Marshmallows."


Harry's POV

What felt like an eternity, when in reality, it was only an hour, passed, and I still didn't have an outfit. Last time I had no trouble picking an outfit.

Well, this time you're officially meeting his family

I cursed his brain and went back to stressing on what to wear.

"Come in!" I yelled and went back to biting my nail. I heard the door open then Amar spluttering in shock.

"How you can manage to ruin your room in the span of thirty minutes escapes my understanding."

I looked up, ignoring her comment and ranted. "I don't know what to wear! Should I go casual, or laid back? It's Louis' mum! I should wear something formal! A suit is too reserved, right?"

Amar stifled a laugh and raised her hands, telling me to stop. "Calm down, Harry! It's dinner with Louis' family. It's not tea with the queen."

"It might as well be!" I retorted, starting to pace, still biting my nail.

"You are a mess." She teased.

I scoffed. "Why, thank you, Amar, for that obvious observation."

"Do you want me to help you?"

I stopped pacing and let go of my hand. "You're not going to dress me like a clown?"

She shook her head. "I'll save that for another day. Right now, you have less than an hour to get ready."

"What?" I grabbed my phone from my bed and checked the time. She was right. "Fuck," I cursed softly.

"Yeah, like I said, your a mess," Amar called out from my closet.

I was glad she could help me, even if she teased me the whole time.


I stood in my bathroom, staring at my reflection. "Are you sure my hair looks okay like this?"

Amar rolled her eyes. "Yes, now stop touching it. You're going to ruin it."

I sighed and let my arms drop to my sides. Amar chose a clean black shirt paired with black skinnies. She said it was too dull, so she threw a red and black flannel and a black blazer over the shirt. After six minutes of arguing, we decided on my black boots. Then we debated on how to do my hair, but she finally won when she told me to shut up and let her do her "magic". In the end, she did have magic. She gelled my hair back, some curls still peeking out.

"Stop being nervous. Everything will be fine. Just be yourself." Amar reassured.

My lips pursed into a thin line. "And who would that be? I don't know who I am. I've been multiple people, but I don't know who I am."

Amar pushed herself off the wall and rested her head on my shoulder. "Louis met you as Marcel and liked you. Louis found out you were Harry, and he fell in love with you."

I shook my head. "He's not in love with me."

"Yes, he is." Amar snapped, making eye contact through the mirror. "And you're in love with him."

I opened my mouth to protest, but Amar continues. "Even if you don't want to admit it.

I closed my mouth. How can I accept that I think about Louis all the time? How can I admit that I care about him more than anyone? How can I concede that I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to him? How can I when my father is close, and Louis is in danger. Everyone I hold dear is in danger. I could lose them. I could lose Louis. To admit my feelings, knowing that, hurts too much.

I faked a smile, one that I've perfected over the years. Amar believed. "Thanks."

Amar returned the smile and turned to face me properly. "So when is prince charming coming?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "He said he would be here by six."

Amar made her way out of my bathroom. "Well, then stop staring at yourself and come downstairs."

I followed her, turning off all my lights and closing the door. I plopped down next to her on the couch. 'Grey's Anatomy' was paused on the telly.

"Why do you even watch this show?" I asked, crossing my legs. "It's all tears and drama."

"Exactly." She replied and resumed the show.

I shook my head and turned my attention to the telly. After another scene of two doctors making out, I heard the rev of an engine, then a knock at the door. I got up to answer it as Amar once again pauses her show. I opened the door. Louis stood there, looking hot as always. He was wearing a grey shirt with a dark denim jacket over it with black skinnies and black vans.

"You look amazing," Louis said as he looked me up and down.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks at hearing the compliment. "Thanks. You look incredible as always. As if you could look any less."

Louis smile widened. "Cheeky."

"Oi! Get a room, you two!" Amar called out as she stopped beside me.

"Hello to you too, Amar." Louis spread his arm out and hugged Amar.

"He better come back in one piece Tomlinson," Amar threatened as she pulled away.

"Damn, I thought we were over the last name calling."

Amar shrugged. "I'll switch over when I want to."

"Fair enough." He turned to face me. "We have to go because my mum is VERY eager to meet you."

I nodded and side-hugged Amar, pressing a kiss to Amar's head. "Remember-"

"Don't open the door unless I see you and don't go into the shed." Amar finished for him. "Yes, I know."

Harry ruffled her hair. "Bye."

Amar waved goodbye, then practically shoved us out.


Louis removed the key and turned to me. "All right, my mum is very hands-on, so don't be surprised if she hugs you." I laughed and nodded, preparing myself.

It's just dinner

Louis got out of the car and ran to my side and opened the door. I stepped out, grabbing his hand. "Such a gentleman."

"For you, yes." Louis placed a kiss on my cheek, and we started walking towards his house.

As soon as the door opened, there were arms around me, hugging me. I forced my muscles to relax.

Hugging is normal for other people


I wrapped my arms around Louis' mum slowly and for a second, let my thoughts drift back to when my mum used to hug me. She always smelled of strawberries. When I pulled away, my smile dropped as I watched her face morph into fear and confusion.


My hand instinctively went to my gun, but I stopped my movements. It's Louis' mum. I let go of her and let myself go into my cold stance. It's something I've practised for a long time. If I don't want someone to read me, I'll remove any sign of emotion from my face and body.

"How do you know who I am?"

She couldn't answer because two little girls rushed in and wrapped their arms around my waist. I forced a smile on my face and looked down at the twins, beaming up at me as if I was Santa clause and came bearing sweets.

"And who are these two little angels?" I asked, setting my arms around them.

"Phoebe. Daisy." Her voice was stern. "Go up to your room and finish getting ready. I need to talk to Louis and, uh, Marcel."

The twins, Phoebe and Daisy, frown but let go of me and rush up the stairs. Louis' mum waited until she heard the door shut, then motioned us outside.

When she closed the door, I repeated my question. "How do you know who I am?"

She sighed, preparing herself to answer my question. I eyed her. She seemed tense, and her eyes kept darting around as if she was worried someone was hearing us. She fidgeted with her wedding ring. It seemed a bit old, so it was from her first marriage, with Louis' dad. I did a quick overlook of everything. There wasn't anything alarming, yet she looked as if she were in danger.

"For the past two months, I've been working with someone, and they warned me to look out for someone." She paused and looked around again before whispering, "Harry Styles."

I wanted to question who this person was, but I had a feeling I already knew who it was.

"They showed me a picture of you and told me about your history. Brandon is his name, but I doubt that's his real name."

I growled and clenched my fist. "It's Alex."

"How do you know?" Louis spoke for the first time.

"It was his alias when we lived in New York," I explained. "What does he have on you?"

"He's made me sell drugs in the hospital I work in."

"So, that's why you came back to work," Louis stated.

She nodded and continued. "Some of Alex's men come every once in a while and get the bottles of pills, but there are bags with drugs inside." She dropped her gaze to her wedding ring. "He said that if I didn't help him, he would hurt you and the girls."

I clenched my jaw, mad that he's going after the people close to me. I don't care if he goes after me, but he can't harm them. He can't hurt Louis.

I looked back up at her and noticed her fidgeting has resumed. She was holding something back. I knew it, but I wasn't going to pry it out of her right now. Instead, I asked,

"What did he say about me?"

She seemed to relax a bit after that. "Alex said he wanted to take revenge on Louis because he took you away from him."

"That doesn't make any sense." Louis voiced his thoughts. "Harry chose to be with me. I didn't take him away from anybody, and they weren't together." I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

I cocked my head and shrugged. "Alex doesn't see it that way."

"Wait. Revenge? How?" Louis questioned.

She sighed. "We can talk about it later. Right now, let's worry if my chicken came out all right."I smiled and tried to lighten the mood. "I bet it's wonderful."

Louis still had a frown on his face. "But we will talk about it, though, right?"

I saw her hesitate. The topic makes her uncomfortable, but now that everything, well almost everything, is out on the open, there's no going back. She nodded and opened the door and headed inside. I faced Louis and grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey," I said, my voice soft. "Everything will be fine. Let's enjoy this dinner and forget about our problems, just for tonight. Tomorrow we can go back to stressing about everything."

Louis smiled and squeezed my hand. "All right." He leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on my lips. If we weren't in Louis' porch, I would've gone for more.

We headed back inside, and Lottie approached me. "Marcel, right?"

Here goes nothing.

"No, Louis was messing around. My sister calls me that, and I don't enjoy the name, so Louis calls me it all the time." I looked back at Louis and slightly nodded, then turned back to her. "My name is Harry."

She bought it. "Oh, yeah, that seems like something Louis would do. Well, it's nice to meet you, Harry."

I had to dig my nails into my hand to stop myself reaching for my gun. It's an instinct because a lot of the people who know my name, want to kill me.

I smiled. "Likewise."

Jay appeared again with a smile. "Well, the food is done. I'll start serving."

"Oh, let me help set the table," I said, already following her into the kitchen area.

"Oh, you don't have-"

"Please, I want to."

She makes a pleasing sound, almost a hum. "Louis, you should learn a bit from Harry."

I turned around and smirked at him to which he responded by rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out. I chuckled and went to help.

It was quiet until Johanna spoke up. "He's wrong about you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned towards her. "What do you mean?"

"Alex," She clarified. "He says horrible things about you, and he's wrong."

"How do you know he's wrong?"

A sweet smile filled her face. "Because my son fell in love with you, and my son wouldn't fall in love with a horrible person."

I stayed quiet; my lips pierced in a thin line. Could Louis truly love me? Me? Of all people, why me? What's so special about me? As far as I know, there's nothing special about me. I'm merely a kid with a tragic past who had to unspeakable things to survive. I'm not worth loving, especially Louis' love.

"I know he hasn't said it yet," She said, bringing me back and away from my thoughts. "He's afraid."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Of what?"

"For the same reason that you haven't told him you loved him either." I held back a wince. "You're both afraid the other doesn't feel the same way. You're afraid you might lose the other if you admit your feelings."

I leaned my hands on one of the chairs. "I don't know if Louis wants to be public or keep it low until..." I couldn't even think about a 'later'. I thought I would be dead by now.

She stepped closer. "Louis loves you. I don't think there's anything else he wants more."

I opened my mouth to ask how she was so sure about Louis' feelings towards me, but the twins rushed in.

"We're ready!" They exclaimed in unison.

I leaned down to be at eye level and smiled. "Both of you look adorable!"

Louis walked in, with two other girls behind him. "Harry, meet Daisy and Phoebe. Dais and Pheebs, meet Harry, my boyfriend." He pointed to each one. The one on the right was Phoebe and next to her, on the left, was Daisy.

"Hi, Harry," Phoebe said, and Daisy waved.

I looked at Daisy and smiled at her. "Ah, so you're the one I talked to on the phone."

"Hey, I'm Felicite, but never call me that, call me Fizzy."

I nodded. "Fizzy, it is."

"All right!" Louis' mum exclaimed behind me, setting the last plate down. "It's time to eat!"

I turned around. "It smells delicious, Johannah."

"Oh, please, call me Jay, and thank you. It's roasted prime ribs with Yorkshire pudding."

We all sat down. Jay and Louis got wine, but I opted out and got water like the girls.

"Eat up!" Jay exclaimed.

We all picked up our forks and started cutting the meat. I brought the fork to my mouth and slid the piece of meat out of the fork and into my mouth. I closed my eyes and swallowed the moan that threatened to slip out of my lips.

"Oh my-" I finished chewing. "I'm going to have to ask for the recipe, Jay."

"Oh, you cook?" She asked.

I shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, I'm a pretty decent cook. My mum used to have a passion for cooking, so she showed me how to do many of her favourite dishes."

She wrapped her fingers around the glass and brought it up to her lips. " 'Used to'? What made her stop?"

Louis' utensils came to a stop. He looks up at me. "I'm sorry. I forgot to mention it."

"It's fine," I reassured him then turned to Jay. "My mum...uh passed away when I was young."

Sadness covered Jay's face. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have mentioned if I knew."

I shook my head. "Oh, no. It's fine." I smiled. "It's nice to talk about her."

There was a tint of sadness in her smile. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, what was she like, your mother?"

I smiled down at my food. "My mum was beautiful and smart and compassionate. She loved cats and to read and cook. She had this way of making you feel like you were someone special, and she was always preaching about treating people with kindness."

"She seemed like a lovely person," Jay said.

"Do you miss her?" Lottie asked, taking a sip of her water.

I paused and bit my bottom lip then looked at her. "Terribly."

"Our dad left, too," Daisy spoke up.

Jay leaned over and whispered, "We haven't quite explained it to them, yet."

I nodded, understanding. The twins are young. "You know, my mum and your dad are together right now."

"Why did they leave?" Phoebe asked confusion and sadness in her tone.

"Well, they had to go to this place to be at peace, but we'll both see them eventually."

Jay smiled at me in appreciation then quickly changed the subject before the twins could ask any more questions.


"I hope you saved room for dessert!" Jay exclaimed.

Louis groaned. "Oh, mum, I'm full. I don't think I-" Jay walked up to the table, holding a tray full of desserts. "Nevermind. I can fit dessert."

I scoffed. "You're worse than Niall."

Jay's eyebrows furrowed. "Whose Niall?"

"A friend of mine," Louis replied.

"Since when do you have other friends?" Fizzy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Haha." He stuck his tongue out at her. "I can make friends."

"I forced you two to talk to each other." I corrected him.

"The details aren't important."

We all laughed at his comment.

Jay set the tray down on the table. "So, you do have other friends?"

Louis' arms rose in exasperation. "Is it that hard to believe?"

"Well, I did make you talk to my friends," I said, shrugging.

"How did you two meet?" Phoebe asked, reaching out for one of the cups. Jay grabbed one and gave her one.

"Well, I was on my phone, talking to Charlie, and when I ended the call and was about to leave, I bumped into Louis. He was eavesdropping." I explained.

"Louis!" Jay scolded.

"I wasn't eavesdropping!" Louis defended himself. "He dropped his journal the day before, and I was returning it to him. I was waiting for him to end his call."

"And you thought that while you wait, you would listen into my phone call," I said, raising my eyebrows and pointing my spoon at him.

"All right, fine. I'll admit that I eavesdropped, but just a little!" Louis exclaimed. "And in my defence, I argued with myself whether I should listen or not."

"Yeah, that makes it all the better," Lottie mumbled.

Louis' cheeks got the faintest shade of red on them. "Shut up."

Once again, we all laughed.


"I haven't met another person, besides Louis, who could tuck them to sleep," Jay whispered as I pulled Phoebe's blanket up to her chin.

I shrugged. "I'm good with kids." I cocked my head to the side and motioned us to leave. I gently closed their bedroom door then turned back to Jay.

Over Jay's shoulder, I saw Louis walking up the stairs. "Are they asleep?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah, Harry put them to sleep."

A shiver went down my spine. It was still weird to hear people call me by real name out in the open. Everyone in my life has known me by an alias. To hear so many people call me 'Harry' was foreign, but pleasant.

Louis looked back to makes sure Lottie and Fizzy were still watching telly. "So can we talk now?"

Jay nodded and motioned us to follow her to her room. Louis' described his mum's bedroom before, but the sight in front of me was entirely different as to what he described.

"What do you want to know?" Jay asked, sitting in her vanity chair.

"How did all of this start?" Louis asked.

She drew a huge breath, readying herself. "Well, I was at this club, and I had a few drinks. I was pretty drunk, and I was dancing with someone, but I got hit in the back of the head. The next thing I know, I woke up in this old, abandoned factory." She played with her wedding ring again. "Bran- Alex was there, and he told me that I had to help him.

"I was still a bit tipsy, so I thought this was some prank, so I didn't take him seriously." When she looked back up, she had tears in her eyes. "He made sure I took him seriously."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean? What did he do?"

"He started talking about the girls and Louis. He had his people watching you." She stopped briefly to wet her lips, then continued. "He said that I had to help him or he would send his men to hurt you. I couldn't let that happen, so I agreed to work for him."

"Do you know what he's planning?" I asked, hoping we could have the upper hand on him.

She shook her head. "Not exactly. I know he's planning something to do with the tunnels under the hospital." When she saw my confused face, she explained further. "He kept talking about bringing someone through them."

"A name, by any chance?" I asked.

She shook her head again. "No, he never said names, but I know it's someone he doesn't like. Whenever he talked about this man, he would be mad. As if he doesn't want to work with him."

I turned to Louis and shrugged. "It could be Des."

Louis blew a raspberry. "I don't like the sound of that, but we have speculated that they're working together."

I nodded, lips pursed in a thin line. It was quiet before Louis spoke up.

"Why didn't you come to me?"

"I didn't know if I was putting you in danger if I did. Alex said he has people watching you and the girls." Her voice broke mid-sentence. "I didn't know what to do, but I knew I couldn't let him hurt my family."

I folded my arms. "So, you are sure that there are people following you?"

She nodded. "If I defied Alex, he would show me pictures of the girls walking into school, Lottie on a date, Fizzy at her friends' house, and you at your practices."

I ran a hand through my hair. How have I not noticed this? I've been at Louis' practices. How did I not see someone watching us?

Louis must've seen my distress because he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, this isn't your fault, okay?"

I nodded, but I couldn't get myself to believe it. Louis' family has been targeted, for weeks, and I didn't know about it,

"It's getting late, and it's a school night. You should get home, Harry." Jay said, standing up.

I didn't argue with her. We exited her room and headed downstairs.

"Girls, say bye to Harry," Louis announced as we descended the stairs.

Lottie and Fizzy got up, pausing the show they were watching. I immediately recognised it; it was Amar's favourite show: 'Grey's Anatomy'.

"Oh, my sister watches that show."

"You didn't mention having a sister," Lottie said.

Fizzy swung an arm around Lottie. "She should come over, and we can watch Mc Dreamy together."

"They've already met Amar," Louis told me.

"Wait. Amar is your sister?" Fizzy asked.

I nodded, not giving any more information. "I'll be sure to tell Amar to come over some time, so you can watch Mc- whatever his name is."

Lottie smiled. "Well, I liked you. You seem like a great person, so I honestly don't know how you got the hots for my brother."

"Hey!" Louis exclaimed, offended.

Everyone laughed, besides Louis.

"It would be nice to have you for dinner again." Fizzy smiled. "We could tell you some of Louis' embarrassing childhood stories."

My eyebrows rose, a smile forming on my face. "Uh, yes! I'm certainly coming back for that."

"I have pictures!" Jay piped in.

Louis groaned and held his head in his hands. "You guys are supposed to be my family."

Lottie punched Louis' arm. "And what's family for if they don't embarrass each other when one gets a boyfriend."

I laughed along with them before I had to break it up. "I hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but I have to head home."

Louis nodded and told his mum he would be back in a few, then lead me outside.

"That was a good lie," Louis spoke up.

"What was?" I questioned.

"As to why I called you Marcel." Louis clarified.

I shrugged. "I didn't want your family to like me based on lies. I didn't think they would know this early, but I'm glad they know, even if it's just a name."

Louis opened the passenger door for me. "I'm glad, too."


Louis turned the engine off. "I can finally walk you to your door."

I smiled and got out. Louis rushed to my side and grabbed my hand. When we arrived at my door, I knocked on the door. It was the same knock pattern Charlie has for his place. I waited for Amar to enter the password. Once a small beep went off, the door swiftly opened.

I stepped inside, holding onto the doorknob. "I had fun."

Louis' eyebrows rose as his eyes widened. "Today had some pretty...big surprises, but I had fun, too."

"I know your mother lied to you, but she didn't want to put you or your sisters in danger," I told him as I rubbed circles on his hand.

He sighed. "I know that."

"So don't get hostile and close her off. You tend to do that."

"Hey!" He exclaimed. "That only happened once!"

I snickered. "And I won't let you forget!"

He shook his head. "In my defence, I had just gotten kidnapped then the guy I fancied got shot then told me that he's been lying and that his life is a chaotic mess."

I nodded. "Yeah, but your life is a chaotic mess, too. I mean, who would've thought that your mother would be working with my ex who is a psychopath and is trying to kill you for dating me."

He laughed, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. "Yeah, our lives are pretty weird."

I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "And I wouldn't want any other person to have a weird life with." I cocked my head slightly and pressed my lips on his.

It's a short, passionate kiss, but something in it made something spark in me. The soft feeling of Louis' lips on mine, his warm hands on my waist, the slight bump of our noses, and the warmth I'm enveloped in when I'm with him made everything slip away. It was like our first kiss, but unlike that one, this one was slow and sweet. We were pouring out the love we were scared to say out loud.

Once we pulled away, it took me a while before I opened my eyes. Louis rested his forehead on mine. In the dull light of my porch light made Louis' sharp features more beautiful. His eyes were full of fond, but I could see the sleepiness in them. He had a lazy smile plastered on his face. His sharp cheekbones looked sharper in the light. Everything he is was beautiful. I wanted to tell him. I was tempted to do it, but it wasn't the right moment. If I was going to do it, it had to be perfect.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked.

I nodded. "Text me when you get home, okay?"

He nodded and slowly stepped back. I didn't want him to leave, but he had to go back to his house. He held onto my hand until he couldn't do it anymore.

"Bye," He said with a smile.

"Bye," I replied softly. I watched as Louis got into his car and sped off before I closed the door.


Zayn's POV

Liam closed my bedroom door and came to sit next to me on my bed. I blew a raspberry and rubbed my thighs.

"So, I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I think-"

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" Liam cut me off.

"No!" I yelled, then I cleared my throat. "Heaven's no. Quite the opposite."

He laughed. "You're not proposing, are you?"

I shook my head, a small smile on my face. "No, that's reserved for later in the future. Plus, I feel like we should, you know, come out first."

The silence that followed was horrible. I wanted Liam to say something, anything. I couldn't read his expression. I didn't know if I had just fucked everything up or not. Finally, he spoke up,

"Are you saying you want to..." He drifted off. "What about Johnathan?"

"To hell with Johnathan!" I grabbed his hand. "I love you, and I want to kiss you at school and hold your hand while walking in the halls. I want to show everyone that you are mine. Plus, I have Louis' support. He wants to come out with Harry, too." I brought his hand up to my lips and pressed a light kiss on his knuckles. "Johnathan is nothing compared to us."

Liam stayed quiet, thinking. I was getting impatient. "Say something. Please."

He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you, too." He tackled me back onto my bed and smashed his lips on mine. "Of course, I want to come out! I'm tired of seeing those fake blondes try to get into your pants."

I smirked. "Well, the only person I want getting into my pants is you." Liam chuckled and kissed me again.


Alex's POV

"Well, the only person I want getting into my pants is you."

I watched as they kissed again and again and again.

"Ugh! Turn it off!"

The screen turns black.

I placed my fists on the table. "Are you any closer on finding where Harry lives?"

"No, he's done a good job of hiding where he's staying," Carter replied.

I slammed my hand on the table. "I pay you to be better than Harry!"

Carter winced. "Boss, if I may, Harry has much more expertise. He has more experience, too, and his work is beyond my comprehension of coding or hacking."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care. What about the girl, Amar? What of her?"

Carter shook his head. "Nothing. Harry's hidden her for some reason."

"But why? She's just a girl, and he's with Louis." I growled the boys' name. I shook my head.
"Harry cares about that girl. That's where we hit next."

The door to Carter's workshop opened, and Julian entered. "Boss." He greeted. "Ryan is conscious."

I smirked. "Ah, great. I've been looking forward to punching something."


"Do you know where he is?" I screamed at him. When he didn't respond, I punched him in the gut again.

"No!" He answered through a grunt.

"See, I don't believe you, so I'm going to ask for the last time before I let my men take care of you." I grabbed onto his shoulders and made him look at me. "Where is Harry?"

"You captured me before I got the chance to find him! I don't know where he is!"

I shook my head and let go of him roughly. I knew he was lying. "Make him talk." I faced Julian. 

"Do whatever it takes."


Charlie's POV

"Oscar! Enough! Harry wanted us to find him, and that's what we'll do."

"I don't think it's a good idea, Charlie!" Oscar argued.

"Yes, I know. You've said at least 20 times now." I stopped what I was doing and looked at Oscar. 

"Look, I know it's risky, but we can't blame the kid for wanting to find Des. Harry's found his sister, good friends, and someone he loves. He wants to stay here. He's tired of moving and killing Des will solve everything. The kid wants to be free."

"I know." Oscar's shoulders slumped. "I just want him to be safe."

I smiled and patted his shoulder. "Trust me; he'll be fine."

My smile dropped when a beeping sound came from the computer. "Okay, we have good news and bad news."

"What's the bad news?"

"Des has various pictures of Amar, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn," I told him as I looked at all the photos in front of me.

"Dating back to when?" Oscar asked.

I looked through the pictures on the file. "It dates back to when Harry found out about Amar."Oscar sat on the edge of his seat. "What does that mean?"

"Someone's been giving Des pictures. Someone is helping him. It could be Alex, but it's, most likely, Ryan. He did break out around the same time Harry found out about Amar, or it could be both."

"Well, Harry did say that Alex was looking for Ryan," Oscar said.

"We know that Ryan is helping Des, but what would Alex want with Ryan?" I paused and thought about it when it dawned on me. "What if Ryan owed Micheal something?"

"Alex would kill him for trying to get away without paying back," Oscar said, lost in thought.

I shook my head. "Not unless Alex knew Ryan could lead him to Harry."

"Hmm," Oscar whimpered. "And the good news?"

"Harry's pizza order is here."



Louis: Two fooking months, E!

E: I know! I know!

Niall: Two months and you leave them on a cliffhanger?

E: It wouldn't be me if I didn't leave them on a cliffhanger, would it?

Amar: She's got a point.

E: Thank you, Amar.

Amar: But I'm with Louis. You took too long to update.

Liam: I think the readers started to think you would leave the story there without updating ever again.

Zayn: Even I started to think that.

Harry: Same here.

E: Okay! I see your point! All of your points! But it won't happen again.

Louis: Mhmm, we've all heard that before.



I know it's been two months since I've updated, but school got hectic, and I literally had to raise my grades from the depths of hell. I ended passing the year with A's and B's (more B's than A's, but the details aren't important). thEN I GOT A FOOKING PUPPY! AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF ASKING FOR A PUPPY I FINALLY GOT ONE, it was mainly because it was my fifteenth birthday so it was an early present (my B-day is on Monday) but still, i  gOT A FREAKING PUPPY


Then I started my summer college classes, and I had to train Frankie (my doggo), and I honestly forgot to write BUT I finished this chappie and now, here it is.

One more thing before I go, the whole two month waiting period won't happen again. Frankie is trained and my classes don't take up too much of my time, so chappies will be coming regularly on schedule (every other Sunday).


*Dolan Twins Voice* PEACE!!!!!!

- E

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