Unknown Past (Book 1)

By cookiemybaby

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This story is about Willow Rose Anderson a 16 year old girl with an unknown past and an unknown future whose... More

Chapter 1 : A special guest
Chapter 2 : Leaving the orphanage
Chapter 3 : Boarding my first plane ever
Chapter 4 : My new home
Chapter 5 : Around the house
Chapter 6 : Dinner
Chapter 7 : The town's centre
Chapter 8 : Starbucks
Chapter 9 : The letter
Chapter 10 : The beach
Chapter 11 : The truth
Chapter 12 : Telling him the truth
Chapter 13 : Understanding
Chapter 14 : Who is he?
Chapter 15 : The Flynns
Chapter 16 : A bad decision
Chapter 17 : Meeting my parents
Chapter 18 : Stay with me
Chapter 19 : First day of school
Chapter 20 : A promise and the change
Chapter 21 : Waking up
Chapter 22 : The imprint
Chapter 23 : The note
Chapter 24 : I'm sorry
Chapter 25 : The meeting
Chapter 26 : Planning for a trip
Chapter 27 : London
Chapter 28 : The orphanage and a surprise
Chapter 29 : Going back home
Chapter 30 : The second meeting
Chapter 31 : Last day together
Chapter 32 : The big fight

Chapter 33 : Last goodbye

707 12 4
By cookiemybaby

When I woke up the next day I turned in my bed so I could cuddle with Jack,but he wasn't there next to me.After a few seconds reality caught up with me and I remembered yesterday's events that made me start crying again.

After a short while Dane and Amy entered my room and sat on the edge of my bed without a sound.

''Willow I think that you better get dressed because we have to go to the...funeral''Dane told me slowly and softly.

I cried even more into Jack's pillow that still smelled like him,this was the last time that I would see him and then we will be parted forever.

I got into the bathroom and took a long hot shower and then I got into my black dress that was appropriate for the funeral.

When I was doing my hair in a bun I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that I looked different.

My skin was paler and I had dark circles under my eyes,my mouth wasn't into my usual smile instead it was in a thin line and my eyes looked dull and sad.

I knew that life was going to be really hard and dull without Jack.

When I was ready from everything I went downstairs and ate some toast with scrambled eggs,after I was finished we got into the car and the chauffeur drove us off to the local church were the funeral was going to be held.


When we arrived at the church I saw my friends outside all in black and they were all sobbing and crying their heart out.

When they saw me they hugged me tight and told me how sorry they were and that they were always there for me.

We entered the church and went to sit together in the front row next to John who was crying soundlessly.

The priest came and started the service.There were many people in the church that I never saw and I noticed that Darius and Nina were there as well.The mass was very sad and heartbreaking,I couldn't take this any longer.

After the priest was done talking John went on the altar and started to talk about Jack and say his last goodbyes,when he had finished it was my turn.

I took a deep breath and turned around to face the people that all had tears streaming down their face except Cole.I cleared my throat and started my speech.

''Jack was my best friend,my lover and my everything.I loved him with all my heart and we were going to get married this Summer but I guess that is impossible now.I don't know how I'm going to cope without him but before he died I promised him that I would live for him and be happy,but I know that that is going to be very difficult.Now I really know what separation feels like and it's very heart breaking and it feels like there is no reason to live anymore,but you have to try and continue on with your life.We may have been separated but we will meet again.I love you always and forever.''

By the time I had finished my speech I was sobbing and all the people applauded me,although they were crying more than before.

When my friends and some close relatives of his had said their speeches we went to put a red rose on his coffin.After everyone had placed their rose some men lifted the coffin and we made our way to the cemetery.

When we arrived at the cemetery and his coffin was being lowered in the tomb I let out a scream and I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and hold me tight.

I turned my face without seeing who the man was and I cried into his chest while he stroked my hair,I really needed someone to comfort me so I didn't take any notice who the man was.

When I looked up to thank him I saw that it was Cole.I gasped and got out of his arms to stand as far away from him as possible.

After the coffin was underground and the service was finished everyone started to leave but I stayed there on the cold floor in front of his grave.

Amy and Dane had left as well because I told them that I needed some time alone.John was nowhere to be seen and I was left alone in the cemetery with one person.

''I'm so sorry for what happened''Cole told me as he knelt down beside me and wrapped his arm around me.

''Don't pretend to care!''I snapped at him while I tried to get away from him but his hold on me was too tight so struggling was useless.

''I do care,about you and I know how much pain it causes to loose your soul marte.Although I didn't like Jack I still feel sorry''he told me while he stroked my back.

Why was he being so caring I thought that he didn't even have a heart!

After a few more minutes I decided to go home because it had started to rain.Cole was kind enough to take me back home in his car.

''If you need anything tell me,I'm here for you''he told me before I got out of the car.

When I got into the house I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Amy thought that I had stomach flu,but it was something more than just a stomach flu.

That night we got a call from the hospital that John was dead because he had committed suicide.The only person that reminded me of Jack was now dead this was just a whole disaster!

I went up to my room and locked my door.I wished that this was just a nightmare and it would be over,too bad that this was my reality and there was no way I could get out.

I never break my promises especially ones I made to the one I will love forever...

A/N: This was the last chapter of Unknown Past but there will be an epilogue later today.I think that I'm going to write a series based on this book what do you think?

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