Trials of Love (Phoenix Wrigh...

By GhostTellings

24.1K 618 173

He pressed his lips against mine firmly, cupping his hands over my cheeks. He seemed to relax, even just for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

1.7K 43 15
By GhostTellings

As we stood in the elevator, I could feel my hearts pounding. White wasn't going to be easy to get at; it'd take quite a bit of poking and pressing.

When we arrived at his office, he was leaning against his golden desk, smirking slyly. "Miss L/N, you brought company? Another measly lawyer, I see. What is your title?"

"Phoenix Wright." Phoenix looked nervous. I was surprised that White wasn't using his large vocabulary, I guess he knew it'd be a waste.

"Well, Mr. Wrong,what brings you to my fine establishment?" Redd sneered, his many rings gleaming in the bright light of the room.

"You've taken something of mine, Mr. White. I came by to check that it was you." I answered for the poor guy. Wright seemed to grow frusterated quickly with White, understandably so.

"Oh hoh hoh hoh! Well, you've dropped by at quite a stupendous time!" His tone sent chills down my spine, "I had planned for one of my agents to fetch you."

"What do you need me for?" I asked, worry and doubt starting to plague me. His eyes twinkled, and I took a step back, uneasy.

"I heard from a little birdie that you didn't need those folders for a special reason." He tapped his forehead, smirking.

I took another step back, which now was met with him taking a step forward. "Back off, White." Phoenix ordered, clenching his fists.

"Oh? And what is it to you, Mr. Wrong, that I don't do whatever you think I was about to do?" He fixed his spotted tie, enjoying every moment.

"I'll take you to court if you- OMMPH!" Wright doubled over, clutching his abdomen where White had punched him.

White leaned closer to him, still smiling. "I own the court, boy. Try to testify against me; in the end you'll be found guilty." He stepped away, focusing his attention on me again.

Wright quickly recovered and stepped between White and I, scowling. "Haven't I made my point clear, Mr. Wrong? You can't do anything to me, this is out of your useless, filthy lawyer hands." White pushed Phoenix aside.

I backed myself up further, accidentally bumping into someone. Before I could react, hands clutched onto my wrists and mouth, holding me in place. 'Must be his employees!' I thought, struggling.

Wright stood up again, his balance wobbling. As soon as he realized what was going on, I could see panic in his eyes as White looked at me with amusement, toying with the gold trophy he held in one hand.

Just as Redd White lifted his arm to strike, Phoenix tackled him to the ground, attempting to pin the flamboyant man down. But White managed to kick Wright to the side, standing up and brushing himself off.

"Mmnx!" I tried to call to Wright, writhing about. But this only reminded White of my presence. He moved quicker this time, falling down abruptly when Wright grabbed his ankle.

In normal circumstances, it'd be hilarious to see two mean slowly fight while they advance, but in this case it meant life or death. Phoenix snatched the trophy and used it to knock one of my captors down, allowing me to free myself.

"Phoenix, behind you!" I cried out, flinching as I heard the *thwack* of metal against the back of Wright's head. He fell forward, so fast I was only able to slow his fall enough so he wouldn't get hurt.

I tried to drag him away from White, but Wright was too heavy. 'His body is do toned... Probably why he's this heavy.' I noted, trying feebly to get him to safety.

As soon as White got close enough, I attempted to strike him. But he caught my wrist, sneering as he twisted it painfully. I yelped and attempted to pull away, but his grip was pretty strong. The last thing I heard was the sound of the trophy against my skull, and the ground rushed up to meet me.

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