Revenge is a Dish Best Served...

By mikaelsonswhore

75.5K 2K 507

Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago, and Jace Wayland Idris High's most notorious fuckboys. Who will sleep with any... More

Choke Me Daddy
You Piece of Shit
Magnus Bane. More Like Magnus Bang;)
Are You Thristing Me Alexander?
Double Date More Like Double Hate
I Want Ice Cream
I Got a Little Drunk Last Night
God's Speed
The "I" Message
You're Perfect In My Eyes
Monday's Suck
Love Sucks
I Don't Snore
You're Weak
Wise Men Say
What if?
Prince Charming
Here's something nobody asked for
something nobody asked for pt. 2

Here Ends the Commencement of the Heartbreakers

2.2K 60 4
By mikaelsonswhore

Alec's POV
Silence. Complete silence as me and Izzy head to Clary's. I just can't believe she's leaving and Izzy won't even tell me why and I've asked repeatedly and every time she says she'll explain later.

What could make her leave? I don't even know if I could survive the next few weeks with out my best friend. I'm being dramatic but with everything that's going on with Magnus I need her. Why does she have to leave so soon? Why can't she wait til the end of the year? Why is she leaving me? I have so many questions and no answers.

"Izzy," I say anxiously. "We're almost there Alec I'll explain when we get there." She says calmly but I see a tear run down her cheek. "But-" I try to interject.

"ALEC please." She screams her voice cracking. "Okay I'm sorry." I say trying to calm her down. I stay quiet the rest of the ride, overthinking everything.

We pull into Clary's  apartment complex parking lot, I get out slowly  breathing heavily. I walk steadily I can hear my heart beat why am I so nervous. Probably because I'll never see my best friend after today. I'm so zoned out I don't even realize we've reached her apartment door. Izzy knocks, Clary opens tear stained checks, eyes red and puffy. Shit this isn't good, is this going to be the final goodbye, bitch stop being dramatic.

This isn't the end Alec stop overthinking. "Hey come in." Clary says smiling faintly. "Hey Clar." I say faking a happy smile. We enter and head to her room. She sits on her bed and motions for us to join us, we head over and sit on opposite sides of her.

"Are we waiting for Simon?" Izzy asks crying. Clary nods, "He'll be here soon." Izzy lays her head on clary's shoulder and we sit here in silence air full of sadness and unanswered questions, until there's a knock on the door. I stand up, "I'll get it." I say faintly.

I head to the door and open it. There stands Simon he looks different almost changed, a pain hits me remembering what he's going through. "Hey Simon, how are you doing?" I ask then realize what a ignorant prick I am, his first love just died and he just found out his best friend is leaving. He must have saw the look on my face.

"It's fine Alec, I'm doing a lot better." He says laughing a little. "Where's Clary all she told me is that I needed to come over right away?" He asks, he doesn't know. I stutter out, "ummm in her room." We both head to her room, "Hey Fray!" He says sitting down on the other side of her, she waves faintly.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I lean again the wall facing them, Clary breathes deeply before explaining everything, "Clary, please don't you can stay with us." I plead after a long explanation from her about everything that's going on.

"But Jace-" she squeaks out. "You can figure everything out with him." I say comfortingly. "You slept with JACE WAYLAND and didn't tell me!" Simon says utterly in shock. Well Clary hasn't told him shit, despite the moment we laugh like so much it fucking hurts.

"But seriously Clary if you have no where to stay my door is always open." Simon says. "I know you guys, but I just need to get away from everything." Clary says. "What about Jace are you going to tell him?" Izzy asks breaking her silence. "Izzy he's not ready." Clary says simply, but you can tell that's not the only reason.

"Well neither are you Clary, he can change." Izzy states. "Izzy please don't tell him." Clary begs.

" I won't but I don't agree with you." She says coldly. "Izzy don't judge." I say, she rolls her eyes.

I agree with Clary Jace is not ready and people don't change all that quickly. "Clary it's okay we'll all support you no matter what." Simon says encouragingly giving a side eye to Izzy. That's the first time I've seen Simon get an attitude, I giggle a little. Izzy glares at me,

"What?! He's right Izzy we should be supportive in this situation anything she chooses to do and damn well know that Jace is not ready! Hell they're not even together!" I says very sharply. Izzy starts to tear up, "I know but if she told Jace she could stay." She says about to break down. We all start to tear up, "guys stop let's just have a good time." Clary says wiping of her tears. "Let's drink!" Simon shouts, Clary glares at him.

"Simon I can't." She says talking to him like he's an idiot. "Yeah well we sure as hell can." He says pointing to me and Izzy. We all laugh, "Simon shut up!" Clary says throwing a pillow at him.

"What I think I'm punny!" Simon says doing finger guns. Dear god I think I'm going to die of laughter, that was the cringest shit I've ever seen and heard and you know me!

"Let's watch Legends of the Fall!" Clary says excitedly. Although Clary talks about the movie all the time neither me or Izzy has seen it only Simon. "Clary!" Simon groans.

"Come on it has Brad Pitt in it!" Clary shouts. "I'm in!" Izzy shouts. Simon groans as we get up and head to the living room.

"Is it really that bad?" I ask Simon. "No It's really good just traumatizing and has eye candy." He says. "Ohhh okay wait what traumatizing?" I say not fully processing til mid sentenced.

We watch the movie everyone is in tears except me because I'm to shocked to react . Who ends a fucking movie like that, "that's bullshit!" I shout. Simon laughs, "told you!" Simon says laughing, what an ass.

"Isabelle and Samuel!" I say throwing my arms up dramatically. "What about Susanna?" Clary asks, "oh fuck her!" I say aggressively.
We all spend the night and in the morning as Clary is about to leave she says, "this isn't the end, promise we'll keep in touch forever?" She asks hopefully.

"Yes, But can I be the god father?" I ask. "Of course Alec!" Clary says happily hugging me. "What about me?" Simon asks, "you'll be uncle Simon duh!" Clary says in an obvious tone, Simon smiles hugging her lifting her up.

"And of course Izzy we'll be the god mother!" Clary says suddenly getting confused, "you know what we'll figure it out later!" She says.

"Well I guess this is the end of the heartbreakers!" Izzy says, we all laugh. Clary gets in the car after a lot of hugging and tearful goodbyes. She drives off into the distance all of us wave until we can't see her anymore. Then we go on our way, never would I have ever thought at the beginning of this 'pact' would I think this would happen, but life's a bitch.

*hope you liked it!!!

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