Mysterious Avenger

By gaylittlemess

23.3K 515 127

She was asked to be an Avenger. She became one. She guards her feelings. Nobody knows anything about her. Nob... More

Introducing her
More about Hazel
Hazel slowly opens up
Bad memories are triggered
Loki's visit triggers Hazel's past
Loving the fam and the gf
Author's note
Friends reunited
Author's note
Lonely and a Speedster?
Author's Note
Well that's new
Drunk Jokes
Author's Note

Meeting her

3.7K 83 36
By gaylittlemess

Everyone knew that there was a new Avenger on the team but they have never met or worked with her. They don't know her name, how she looks or even her powers. According to Maria Hill, if you ever see her fight, it was already lucky. The Avengers were dying to meet their new member but never could. Until the day they stormed into Fury's office and demanded to meet her. 

Now she stood outside the Avengers Tower, she was expected to stay with them. Team bonding, they called it. It was the first time they were going to met her. And frankly she couldn't care. When she stepped into the facility, she was greeted by voice. "Hello I am JARVIS. You must be the new Avenger. I will direct you to your room and the Avengers will be meeting you in 5 minutes in the common room." she followed JARVIS instructions and found herself in a bleak grey room. Could be worse she thought and placed down her items. She walked out to the common room and all the Avengers were there. 

"Sir, the new member is here." JARVIS spoke causing all the heads to turn to look at her. She was not what they expected. In front of them stood a 15 year old. she was...young. She had blue hair but they couldn't see her eyes. Tony clapped his hands and stood up. 

"You must be our newest member. I'm Tony Stark aka Iron Man. That over there is Steve aka Captain America. Bruce aka Hulk. Natasha aka Black Widow. Clint aka Hawkeye. Thor. Sam aka Falcon. Bucky aka Winter soldier. Rhodey aka War Machine. Wanda  aka Scarlet Witch. Vision." Tony introduced pointing at the respective Avenger. "What's your name?" Tony enquired.

She pushed back her hair and stared at all the Avengers with piercing hazel eyes. "Hazel" 

"Nice to meet you Hazel." Steve stepped forward to shake your hand.

"What are your powers?" Tony asked.

"Don't the Avengers do a background check on everyone?" Hazel sacastically answered.

Silence filled the room. Wanda tried to read Hazel's mind but instead found her inaccessible. 

"Don't try. You won't find anything." Hazel responded, looking at Wanda with a pair of dead eyes. Wanda blushed, embarrassed and moved back. 

"If you must know my powers, I'm witch like Wanda, just under different contexts. I'm a nature witch and a shape shifter." Hazel replied.

"And what do you mean by nature witch?" Vision asked, curious.

"It means that I can control elements, weather, natural disasters and communicate with animals." Hazel answered.

Once again silence filled the room. 

"If we are done here, I would like to go back to my room." Hazel broke the silence.

 "Why are you here?" Bruce asked timidly. 

"Look, I didn't ask to be here. I'm just returning a favour. So just don't bother with me unless you want to get killed." With that, Hazel left to her room.

Steve: "She is young. She's only a kid."

Thor: "Yes she is but she is powerful. She is willing to fight but prove to her that she can do it with us."

Natasha: "She's fierce. I like her."

Tony: "She will warm up to us eventually. Everybody does."

Everyone left the room.

Hazel was in her room. She was bored. 


JARVIS: "Yes Ms Hazel?"

"Is there a lab I could use?"

"Yes, it is down in the basement."

"Thank you JARVIS."

Hazel grabbed her box and headed to the lab. From the box she took out her suit. "Yikes, you are due for some upgrade. Better get to work." Hazel spent three hours upgrading and fixing her suit. And laid in front of her was a navy blue suit. It was her best yet. She kept it aside and went back to her room. She took a shower. It was already night time. Air seems fresh tonight, maybe I will head out for a walk. Hazel though. She put on her coat and headed into the fresh night air. She walked out and sat on a bench. A stray cat jumped onto her lap.

Hazel: "Hey cutie. I had a rough day With Fury and the Avengers."

Cat: "Meow (I feel you. Carry on talking, I'm listening.)"  

Hazel: "Thanks. I just never thought that Fury would pull his favour on this. I just don't know how to react. I don't know who to trust anymore. I can't forget about the past. I'm not sure about what I want to do. I'm...scared. I don't dare to open up to the Avengers, I'm worried they might be like my past family. Yet I feel guilty when I put on my stoic act. I'm just not ready."

Cat: "Meow. (I can't say I have been in your situation.) Meow (I can't give you the best advice, I'm a stray cat.) Meow (But what I can tell you is that do what you feel comfortable.)"

Hazel: "Thank you. I just needed to hear some logic from a cat I guess."

Hazel scooped the cat up and gave it a kiss. From her coat pocket she pulled out a treat and gave it to the cat before leaving. Hazel returned to the Avengers tower and went to fetch her suit from the lab. There she found Tony poking around it. She snatched it away from him.

Hazel: "Ever heard a thing called privacy?"

Tony: "How did you create your suit? It is made of vibranium and yet it is soft and flexible."

Hazel: "I need soft and flexible so it can fit whatever I shapeshift into."

Hazel clicked a button on her suit and it shrunk into her bracelet.

Tony: "Wait What?"

Hazel left the lab leaving Tony dumbfounded. Hazel went into her room and sat on her bed. She was in deep thoughts until someone broke her out of it.

Steve: *knocks on the door*

Hazel: *runs over and opens it*

Steve: "Wanda cooked dinner, want some?"

Hazel: "Ok." *Closes door and follows Steve*

Hazel followed Steve and saw that every Avenger was in the living room happily eating and chatting. A small smile appeared on her face, they were like one big happy family. Then her thoughts diminshed the idea that she could be part of the family. Her smile vanished and was once again replaced by a stoic expression. Hazel mumbles a thank you as Wanda passes her a plate of pasta.  Hazel looked around and found a small chair by the corner and sat there. Hazel looked at her plate, she wasn't used to eating so much. After a few mouthfuls of spagetti, she could feel it coming back up and placed her plate down. She felt sick and felt that she was going to puke. She stood up from her chair and ran to her bathroom and proceeded to puke her guts out. When she left the room, she also left a group of very confused superheros. 

Tony: "What was that?"

JARVIS: "Sir, Ms Hazel seems to be experiencing a term I believe you call puking in her bathroom. She is in great discomfort and has proceeded to puke some more."

Natasha: "Wanda and I will check on her."

Natasha and Wanda knocked on Hazel's door and found it unlocked. They walked in and found Hazel sitting by the toilet bowl, looking exhausted and deathly pale.

Wanda: "Hazel?"

Hazel *dying by the toilet bowl* "I'm fine." 

Natasha: "Are you sure? You seem quite pale."

Hazel: "I'm fine."   "Is there energy bars in the kitchen?"

Wanda: "Yes..."

Hazel tried to stand up but she had no energy. Natasha and Wanda supported her, she nearly screamed when they touched her. But she didn't scream instead she started to sweat profusely. When they walked into the living room, it was quite a sight. Natasha and Wanda were supporting a pale, sweating powerful 15 year old who looked like she could collapse at any moment. They helped her into a chair and Wanda started searching for the energy bars. When she found one, she handed it to Hazel who accepted it and started taking painful bites.  As Hazel was eating she could feel the Avengers watching her.

Hazel: "Is there something I can help you with?"

Sam: "Are you alright?"

Hazel: "I'm fine.Thanks for asking." "Well, it's late. I"m just going to head back into my room. Thanks for your help."

Hazel spoke with no expression and went into her room. Once she shut the door, "That could have gone worse. So much embarrassment on my first day. That's just great." She mumbled into her pillow. "Tomorrow better be better so else the universe will get a visit from me." Hazel drifted into a sleep.

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