Point of no return

By JennyMarie1984

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Elizabeth's cousin Samantha moved to Greece two years ago after falling in love with the country while on hol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

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By JennyMarie1984

She wasn't. He got up, threw some clothes on, and went to find her. She was sitting out in the garden, he walked up behind her and engulfed her in a hug from behind, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

'When did you get up?'

She looked back at him with a smile. He would never get used to her looking at him like this, with loving eyes and joyful expression. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to keep that forever.

'Thirty minutes ago. I saw your father, he's already left. I apologized for yesterday.'

'There was no need to do that.'

'We've not made the last three months for him easy Luca.'

That was so much like her. She said we like she had any part in creating a war zone in this house. She didn't, it was all him.

'What do you want to do today?'

He was expecting her after last night's discussion to say 'I'm going to go see Samantha' or possible 'I'm going away for a week.' But she didn't say any of those things.

'I thought maybe we could go to a beach; just lay out catch some lunch, maybe look through some street shops. Just be a normal ordinary boring couple for a day. Unless you have work to do?'

He was surprised.

'I think I can manage to take a day off. I got a lot done these last two days.'

He hadn't meant that as criticism just stating a fact.

'Sorry about that. I went a little crazy, I think.'

'We all do from time to time. I don't think I should be throwing stones while living in a glass house.'


He gave her a serious look.

'You have the most beautiful exquisite face I've ever seen. Do you know that?'

She actually blushed. He should start giving her more compliments. She was absolute perfection, he didn't even know if he'd ever said so.

'Let's go get ready and get out of here.'

What followed was a day Luca would cherish for the rest of his days.

They got to the beach; he almost packed them up and went home, when he realized just how good she looked in her bikini. Having other men drool and stare over his wife was a novel and not altogether pleasant experience. But Elizabeth had just laughed off his comment when she asked why he looked like thunder.

'You're crazy, we are on the beach. There are tons of women here wearing less than I 'am. I can assure you, no one is staring at me. Except for maybe you.'

Very few people recognized him and the people that did kept their distance and pretended not to, which he could tell pleased Elizabeth. Here in the crowd, they were just like anybody else.

He went kite surfing at Elizabeth's insistence.

'Come on I've seen you stare at them for an hour. I'm fine just laying here by myself, and I can tell you're bored. Just go. I'll see you in an hour.'

He'd taken her up on it, reluctantly but he had. At Elizabeth's insistence, they were completely alone. No back up, just the two of them. He wasn't altogether comfortable with leaving her alone, but he had to get used to it. He kept an eye on her from time to time, but he liked kite surfing, it was fun.

He didn't tell Elizabeth, but he'd actually never gone to a public beach before, not since he was a child. It wasn't so bad.

They went for lunch at a little tavern just off the path; they had hummus, tzatziki, bread, olives, and some grilled fish. Just talking about everything and anything.

It was good.

He could have skipped the shopping, if it wasn't for the fact, that they walked together with his arm flung around her, stealing kisses at every turn. He didn't recognize himself. Carefree and happy just like everyone else, walking around in shorts, a t-shirt. No security, no gun, nothing but laughter and joy. It was something he'd never even dreamt off because he hadn't known that kind of life could actually exist for him.

He would have given anything for them to be able to stay like that forever. But that wasn't his life, this was a stolen moment. An interlude. For now, at least.

On their way back, Elizabeth got a call. The caller Id showed it was Samantha.

'Hey, Sam, what are you doing?'

'Nothing special I'm just at the house. What about you?'

'Were on our way back from a day at the beach.'

She looked over at Luca and said.

'We've had a great day actually.'

He gave her a smile. He had been smiling a lot today. Still in black, but at least it suited him. And the swim trunks and T-shirt made him look less forbidding and stern.

'I'm glad. Do you want to meet up? I'm bored out of my mind.'

She saw Luca shifting in his seat, he had heard Samantha, and it was clear he didn't want her to go.

'You know what. I'm beat after today, and it's getting late. Can you come over to Luca's house tomorrow? We could spend the day by the pool, and maybe you could stay for dinner?'

'That sounds like a plan.'

She looked over at Luca, and the small smile told her, he thought that was a good idea as well.

'Great. You know the way. Just send me a text when you're on your way.'

'Will do. Have a good evening.'

'You too. And call me if you need something.'

'I will.'

She hung up and felt Luca take her hand in his and pulled it up to his mouth for a kiss.

'Thank you.'

She didn't pretend not to understand. He wanted her home with him, especially after a day like they'd had. And he didn't want her to go out all the time, so inviting Sam was a way to see her cousin, but still, be close to him.

'It's all about compromise, right?'

'Right. One thing to remember, though.'


'It's not my house. It's our house. '

She got a text that Samantha was on her way at nine that morning while she was eating breakfast. She must have shown it in some way because Luca said in soft but sort of pleased for her tone.

'She's on her way?'

'Yep. She'll be here in forty-five minutes.'

'What is this now?'

That was Nikolaos.

'My cousin's coming over to spend the day, and she'll be staying for dinner.'

'Oh. That's nice for you; I look forward to meeting her is her young man joining?'

For some reason, she saw Luca getting a little stiff at this question.

'I don't know. I don't think so; he's been a little absent lately. Lots to do at work and so on.'

'Well. That happens. He owns clubs I believe?'

'He does, two I think.'

'Well that's a hard thing to keep going, and a lot of ungodly hours to work.'

'I'm sure you're right.'

'Well, I'm heading out. I'll see you both for dinner.'

He turned to Luca.

'Are you coming into the office today?'

'No, I'll work from home.'

'Ok. I'll see you later then.'

As soon as Nikolaos had left, she looked back at Luca, remembering his promise to help.

'Have you found anything out about Mateo? I forgot to ask you about it when we got home.'

He looked down into his cup of coffee.

'No nothing yet. So far it seems like he really just have a lot of things on his plate at the moment. But they'll continue to keep an eye out.'

He was lying to her. She was beginning to notice things about him, he might have a good poker face, but they had gotten a lot closer, and she knew he was hiding something from her.


He emptied his cup and said.

'I'll be in the office here for most of the day. Have fun with Samantha and let me know if you need something.'

'Will do.

With that, he walked around gave her a kiss on the cheek and left.

'This is wonderful Lizzie. I didn't even know you had a pool here, and never in my imagination did I think it would be this big or so lovely situated.'

Samantha was right. It was a big pool. She hadn't been aware of it from the start either. It was situated on the lower grounds on the other side of the house. So you had to go through the kitchen, down the stairs, and all the way back. But she was right about another thing.

It was situated in the best part of the estate. The trees had been cut down, so laying by the pool, your view consisted of nothing but ocean. It was wonderful, peaceful even.

'I know. It's really nice. I'm glad the weather has gotten so warm we can actually use it.'

'End of May is a nice time here. I'm dreading being heavily pregnant in July and August. It's going to be a nightmare.'

Elizabeth looked over at Samantha; she was wearing a gold bikini. She'd had to buy new ones to fit her expanding tummy, but she looked terrific.

'You'll be fine. I'll come by and well spend a lot of time indoors with the air conditioning blasted.'

That earned her a smile.

'Has things improved on the home front at all?'

The smile was dimmed.

'Not really. He's been home a little more, but he's absent and distracted. I'm starting to think he might be playing around on me.'

That was not something Elizabeth had even considered.

'I don't think he would do that, honey.'

'I'm not so sure. He rarely touches me anymore. And look at me, I'm turning so big, I wouldn't want me either.'

That was enough.

'Samantha, you're beautiful. I'm sure that's not at all something you have to worry about. That aspect of a relationship goes up and down. You can't over think it too much. If he genuinely has a lot of problems at work that could be affecting that side as well.'

'Yeah. But Luca here has a hell of a lot more responsibility than Mateo has. Has his desire for you been affected by his work?'

That made her blush. She didn't see any decline in his desire for her. It seemed to grow every day.

'That's not the same thing at all. You and Mateo have been together for a lot longer than Luca, and I have. And he doesn't seem all that busy at work, and I'm not pregnant. But I can tell you that Michael and I had several periods where there was basically nothing going on in the bedroom. It comes, and it goes. You can't get too hung up on it.'

'Maybe you're right.'

She really couldn't stand seeing her cousin like this. This was supposed to be the happiest time in her life, and she was absolutely miserable. She was going to go talk to Mateo herself. She would explain to him how he was making Sam feel, and ask what the hell was going on. Maybe he just needed help.

'I know I am. I'm always right.'

They both laughed at that. It wasn't anywhere near the truth.

Luca came out at one point when they were lying in the sun. Sam stopped talking and just looked at him, she could tell she was still a little uncomfortable around him. Rumors about him she'd heard probably still in her head. But for once after crouching down and giving her a kiss, he smiled at Samantha and asked how she was.

Samantha looked a little unsure of herself, probably because Luca rarely smiled, and Elizabeth didn't think her cousin had ever seen it. Most people probably hadn't, but it was great. It changed his entire face; it became more approachable, softer.

As always Samantha's exuberance won over and after three minutes of giving him a lot longer answer to a simple question she ended it with.

'So, all in all, I'm doing well.'

She thought it looked like he was about to laugh, praying he wouldn't, he just said.

'That's good. Well, I hope you continue to have a great day. I've heard you laugh.'

She didn't realize they'd been that loud.

'I'm sorry, we'll keep it down. I didn't realize your office was close to the pool.'

He gave her a sardonic look.

'It's not.'

'Ah, sorry.'

His eyes softened.

'No need to be sorry. I can think of worst things than you're laughter to listen to.'

As he walked away, she could hear Samantha sigh.

'He loves you, Lizzie, I didn't think him capable of it, but he really does. I wish Mateo would be like that with me.'

Elizabeth didn't want her cousin, jealous. Especially not when she was jealous of a lie, it didn't feel right. He did love her, even she had come to believe that, but at some point, she would have to tell Samantha the truth about their relationship. She didn't know when, but she would do it at some point. And then she would understand. Love wasn't always perfect, nor was it always as it seemed.

Luca knew that the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere between him and Elizabeth wouldn't last. They were both too headstrong for that.

They had seen Samantha off the other night, and he could tell Elizabeth was sad to see her go. He had told Samantha that she was more than welcome to stay, but she had made the decision to go home. He wasn't all that sorry. He knew Elizabeth loved her cousin, but he really didn't like her being too close to her.

He wasn't blaming Samantha. She seemed like a perfectly nice woman, but her taste in men left a lot to be desired. And Elizabeth had already been kidnapped because of her boyfriend's bad decisions. He didn't want anything else to happen just because she had chosen to hitch her ride to a loser like this Mateo guy.

The day had been good. He could tell Elizabeth was thinking about something. She usually wasn't a very quiet person, so you knew the minute she went silent that something was bothering her. She spent most of the day by the pool engrossed in a book, but once or twice when he'd looked out the window, the book had been in her lap and she'd been staring out onto the ocean lost in thought.

He had even surprised her with car keys. Delivering as promised, her much awaited freedom to be able to go where ever and whenever she wanted. That hadn't gotten him more than a kiss on the cheek and a small smile.

That brought them to now, they were getting ready for bed, and he couldn't take the silence anymore.

'What's on your mind? Talk to me.'

She looked at him seemed to be weighing her words.

'I'm going to go see Mateo.'

He hadn't seen that coming. And the answer even though a question hadn't been asked was a flat out no.

'I don't think that's a good idea.'

'Why not?'

'You shouldn't interfere in their relationship, Elizabeth. They're adults they can sort out their own mess.'

'No. I'm tired of seeing Sam completely miserable. I'm going to talk to him, explain to him that his actions recently are having a very negative effect on Sam. Maybe he really is so bogged down with work he's not even noticing that he's making her unhappy.'

'Elizabeth. You're not going.'

'I wasn't asking for your permission. I was being respectful and honest in letting you know what my plan was.'

'So my feelings on this don't matter?'

'They matter. But when it comes to Sam's happiness, your unease doesn't trump that. I'm sorry. If you can't come up with anything other than I don't want you to, then I'll go.'

He almost felt like he'd fallen in a trap. She was looking at him with eyes he felt, showed that she knew, that he knew more than he was leading on.

'Have you found out anything about Mateo that would concern you?'

'He's the reason you were kidnapped nine months ago. I think that should be enough of a reason.'

'It's not. Samantha explained that to me when we were in the hospital afterward. He had caught some people dealing and using drugs within his clubs and took a stance against them. It's unfortunate that we caught the raw end of the stick in that situation, but you can hardly blame the guy for sticking up to drug dealers.'

Sometimes he wondered how the fuck she had survived in the world so far. Her naiveté knew no bounds.

'So what you're saying is he found out that there was a drug problem in his clubs and he told them to back off?'


'How did he know who to talk to? Or even how to contact them? Are drug dealers phone numbers now listed?'

He saw he scored a hit.

'Why don't you just come right out and tell me whatever you know.'

'I didn't want to drag us into this.'

'Into what?'

'You want the full truth?'


'Fine. He didn't find out that drugs were being dealt or used in his clubs. He was the one providing the drugs to everyone. Mateo got into drugs over a year and a half ago; he made some really big promises to a lot of people, mentioning my name to get some street cred to do it.'

'Which is why you were at the restaurant that night, and why he was scared.'

She was catching on.

'Yes. I've never had anything to do with drugs. It's a filthy business, and I didn't want him trying to drag my name into it. I went to make a point.'

'Did you make it?'

'Yes. It probably wouldn't surprise you that in certain circles it's enough that I show my face to get the point across. I don't have to do anything else.'

She didn't say anything to that.

'I told him that if he ever brought you to one of his clubs again with drugs flowing like candy, I would smash his head in.'

'How chivalrous of you.'


'No. You've known about this for nine months and never bothered to tell me?'

'What would you have liked for me to say?'

'How about get your cousin away from that man, he's a drug dealer? That could have been one way to tell me. We were kidnapped. Samantha was beaten, and she forgave him on the spot because she felt he was some kind of a fucking hero, taking a stand against drugs. Do you honestly think that she would have felt the same way, done the same thing if she would have known that he was actually the one handing this shit out?'

He was thinking about a reply when she just completely exploded at him.

'How the fuck did you not tell me about this.'


'Don't say another word to me. Do you hear me, I'm so mad I don't even know what to say right now. But I can tell you that if you keep trying to excuse your behavior, I won't be responsible for my actions.'

She walked over to the bed and grabbed her pillow, the one she slept with every night and started walking towards the door.

'Where are you going?'

'To the guest bedroom.'

'No. You stay here with me.'

'Not a fucking chance in hell.'


She turned to him and looked him dead in the eye.

'Welcome to real marriage, where if one person lies and behaves badly to the point where their partner can't stand to fucking look at them. They sleep somewhere else.'


'Don't follow me. I'll see you in the morning.'

And with that, she just left. She slammed the door shut, and ten seconds after he heard the guest bedroom door slam shut just as hard.

Well, that went well. The joys of having an extended family, was right at this moment completely lost on him. How did all of this get turned on him? He hadn't done anything; he wasn't responsible for any of this. But he understood the fact that whether it was his fault or not, Elizabeth needed some time. And he was going to give it to her this time.

He went to bed, and without her close to him, had a hard time settling. It was probably closer to three before he eventually let sleep take him. And all he thought before he went under was everything will work out fine, I'll fix it tomorrow.

He woke up at 5 to the ringing of his phone. He grabbed it looked at the clock. Who the hell would be calling at this hour?




'I'm outside Mateo's club, the one you went to.'


'Elizabeth just pulled up and walked in.'

That woke him up like nothing else.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm sure.'

He was out of bed and by the guest bedroom in less than ten seconds and found an empty bed.

'Keep a close watch. I'm on my way.'

'Will do, boss.'

He was fucking livid. She had sneaked out, in the middle of the night to go and confront that son of a bitch. Even after everything he told her, did she have no self-preservation what so ever? Maybe he should have seen this coming.

He grabbed his stuff and hurried down to the car.

She would have a lot of fucking explaining to do when he got a hold of her.

Elizabeth was on a mission. She probably should have waited until the sun was up, but she couldn't help herself. It was his fault they had gotten hurt. He was putting her cousin in danger by peddling drugs. How could she have been so wrong about him? She thought he loved Samantha, how could he drag someone he loved into this mess. Especially after what had already happened once, she was pregnant with his child; did he have no sense of responsibility what so ever?

The club looked different when shut down. She could tell they hadn't even attempted to clean yet. It took the glamour out of it and left her with a hollow feeling. This is what a night of excess looked like when the lights turned on.

Bottles everywhere, dirty wet floor, a smell that was unappealing, to say the least. It was disgusting. She went to where she knew Mateo's office laid in the back and knocked on the half-open door, then pushed it completely open.

And there he was. The man of the hour sitting behind his desk a drink in his hand. He was shocked to see her that much was clear.

'Elizabeth? What are you doing here?'

He looked down at his watch.

'Especially at this hour?'

'I wanted to talk to you.'

He looked wary.

'About what? Did Luca send you?'

'No. Why would he send me here alone at five o'clock in the morning?'

'Right. You're right. You shouldn't be here.'

'No, I shouldn't, but I didn't feel like I was left much choice. What the hell are you playing at?'

'What do you mean?'

He was going to play stupid and ignorant about the whole thing. It just pissed her off even more.'

'Can we not do this? It's late, and I just concluded a very heated discussion with my husband about you a few hours ago. He had quite a lot to say. I can't believe that you would let Sam come to harm because of you and you're choices.'

And that's when she for the first time saw the real Mateo. The façade of the confident, happy man just crumbled.

'Please don't remind me. I can barely look at Samantha for thinking of it. If I could take back all of it, I would. But I can't.'

'What are you doing to change it? You are making her absolutely fucking miserable. Not only does she have no idea that you're into drugs, she thinks you're having an affair because you think she's gotten so fat and ugly you can't stand to be with her anymore.'

She saw his face lose most of its color.

'I'm not having an affair, and of course I don't think she'd gotten ugly. What a thing to say.'

'Then what is the problem. Because she feels like you don't love her anymore. Not that that would be a bad thing at this point. You should have cut her lose and sent her on her way for her own protection months ago.'

Now he lost his temper.

'I know I should have. But the problem is I really do fucking love her. I am in so over my head I don't know which way to turn, she's the only bright spot in a fucking black life at the moment. I don't want to give her up, even though I know I should. '

He looked at her with pained eyes.

'I was fucking stupid and greedy. It's the only thing I can say. I was greedy. I had money, and I wanted more. This was a way to get it very quickly. I realized fairly soon that it was the dumbest decision I've ever made. And after you girls got kidnapped, and they did that to my beautiful Samantha. I wanted to kill myself. But I've been trying to get out of this for the past nine months, and I can't find a fucking way to do it. They won't let me.'

He was being truthful. She didn't know why it mattered so much to her that he not only felt sorry, gut genuinely loved Sam. But it did. He was trying to fix it, and he couldn't. Maybe Luca could help. She didn't even know if Samantha would be able to forgive him for everything that had happened. And she wouldn't keep the truth from her.

Enough of the fucking lies. It was time her cousin knew the full facts about her man, and only then would she be able to make an informed decision about what to do about her own life. Where and with whom she was going to spend it. She wouldn't take that choice away from her. It wasn't right.

She looked t him and told him calmly.

'I 'am going to tell Samantha everything if you don't. You have until this evening to do so.'

She gave him a meaningful look and said.

'Everything Mateo, including how I came back. It's time she learns the truth about everything.'

'She'll never forgive me. She might with the drugs. But not with what I did to you.'

'She might not. But that will be her decision to make.'

He just nodded.

'I will also ask Luca if there is anything he can do to help.'

'Please don't ask him Elizabeth. The man hate's my guts. He is not what he's portrayed to you. He is dangerous.'

'More dangerous than the people currently after you?'


'Then it will probably be a good thing for you to have him on your side. No matter what Samantha's decision in regards to you will be. You're the father of my future niece or nephew. If Luca can help to get you out of this mess you've gotten yourself trapped in, then I will ask him to do so, for Sam and the baby's sake.'

He looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

'Why are you so nice to me?'

'I honestly don't know. But I don't see any point in kicking a man already lying down. And Sam loves you. Trust me, I don't get the appeal, at all. But she loves you. That matters to me.'

'Thank you.'

'I need to get out of here. Hopefully, I can return before Luca even realized I left.'

'I'll walk you out. It's not safe here, Elizabeth.'

'Trust me, it's the last visit you'll have from me before dawn.'

They walked out onto the stairs. Neither of them saw the car pull up. The gunshots that were fired came as a surprise to both of them. The car sped away quickly. Elizabeth's hand instinctively went to her abdomen.

She didn't hear Mateo but saw his lips say her name. From somewhere she thought she heard someone scream her name as well. She felt like she was in a fog. She looked down at her hand and realized she was bleeding. She must have gotten shot.

How was it even possible? After everything that had happened to her in the last year, now she got shot? It wasn't fair. She was a good person, she'd never done anyone harm, intentionally at least. She opened the door for expectant mothers always gave up her seat for the elderly. Spent her life helping and supporting children in need. How was this fair? She just kept staring at that hand, confusion combined with genuine disbelief.

But it had happened, there was a hole in her, and there was a lot of blood coming. This was it. She could feel herself starting to panic, as her legs gave out. Her last thought before she felt two arms grab hold of her was.

This is the day I die.

Luca saw it all, almost like slow-motion. He had pulled up and parked on the street behind Nikos, on the opposite side of the club.

The car came fast, the gunshots even faster. As they pulled away, he saw Mateo and Elizabeth, still standing. Elizabeth had her hand on her stomach, and her white shirt was turning red.

It froze his insides.

He called out for her as he ran over, Nikos on his tail. He grabbed her right as she was losing balance.


She didn't look at him, that made him shout.


That got her attention.


'I'm right here. No need to panic. Everything's fine. You're going to be fine.'

He looked at Nikos as he picked her up.

'Call the hospital and tell them were on our way. You're driving.'

He started moving them to the car.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have sneaked out.'

'We'll talk about that later. Right now, save your strength.'

He got them into the car, and Nikos got them on their way.

'Is it bad?'

It didn't look good. She was losing a lot of blood. He was trying to put pressure on the wound, and they weren't far from the hospital. Five minutes max at the speed Nikos was driving. But a lot could happen in five minutes.

'It's not bad.'


'I promise. If anyone would know it would be me, wouldn't it.'

That got him a small smile.

'I want to go home.'

'I know.'

'It hurts.'

'I know baby; you just hold on were almost there.'

'I'm cold and tired. I'm going to rest.'

That made him panic.

'No. Elizabeth, look at me. Keep your eyes open and look at me. Just keep talking to me. Don't go to sleep.'

'Don't blame him. Wasn't his fault.'

That son of a bitch was a dead man walking in his opinion.

'He needs help. I told him you would help.'

Not in this lifetime. All of a sudden, he felt her hand grab his, and her eyes got pleading.

'Samantha. You have to take care of Samantha.'

'Elizabeth. You're going to be fine; you will be able to do it yourself.'

She gave her a small smile.

'Even I know you can die from getting shot. Promise me that you'll help her get away from all this and send her home. She's not safe here.'


'Promise me, Luca, please.'

He looked into her eyes and whispered.

'I promise, don't worry.'


'Keep your eyes open Elizabeth, were thirty seconds away.'

'I can't, I'm too tired.'

''I don't care. You can do it, and you will. Do you hear me?'

'And there he is. I was wondering when you were going to start ordering me about again.'

'For as long as you live.'

She focused on his eyes again, and in a soft whisper, he could barely hear said.

'I never said it, but I do love you.'

And with that, her eyes closed.


He started shaking her, as they pulled up in front of the hospital. A team of doctors were waiting outside; He carried her out and put her on the stretcher.

'She's not responding, she just passed out, and I can't get her to open her eyes.'

They were walking in fast; he was holding Elizabeth's hand as she laid there helpless and bleeding.

'We will do everything we can for your wife, Mr. Costa.'

Doors opened, and as they were going into them, a nurse stopped him, and his hand left Elizabeth's.

'I'm afraid you can't come in.'

He stood there, watching as they wheeled her away. This was his fault, his doing. His fucking Karma. He'd found happiness, and this was life's way of saying, you don't deserve it. And Elizabeth was paying the price for it.

She had become his whole life. She loved him. He honestly feared for himself if he were to lose her like this. There would be nothing left.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back, and Nikos was standing next to him.

'She's going to be fine Luca, she'll pull through.'

He didn't say anything.

'Is there anything I can do?'

Was there anything he could do? Could he rewind the clock? Make him not give those keys to Elizabeth. Or better yet make them not argue, so instead of staying in the guest bedroom, she would have slept curled up next to him. Where he would have noticed if she left, could he do any of that?


What was done was done. There was no going back, no changing the fact that Elizabeth was laying on an operating table fighting for her life. A life that he had sworn to himself that he would protect.

Failure. Again. Killing every one of the bastards that had shot and killed his mother and sister had not brought peace. It hadn't brought them back. But by god, it had made him feel better to release the anguish and the hurt.

The rage.

The pain stayed with you. He knew that. You would have to live with that. But it brought him satisfaction that the people responsible wasn't walking on the face of the planet but buried six feet under. And that he had put them there.

'Find the people who shot my wife, you locate every single one connected to them. And do it quickly.'

He could tell Nikos didn't like that. They had been friends since childhood. His mother dead and his father an alcoholic unable to care for his son, his father had taken Nikos in shortly before the tragedy had befallen his own family. He had stayed by their side ever since. And Luca knew he was remembering the times after the shooting, bad times where both Luca and his father had lost their minds with grief. And he was scared for him, that it would be the same. He saw that.


He cut him off, his temper flaring.

'They shot my wife, Nikos. They hurt my family.'

He looked his oldest friend in the eye, and let him see everything he was feeling, every single miserable emotion.

'I'll find them.'

With a final look, he turned and left. And all that was left for Luca to do was sit down and wait.

He didn't know how long he sat there, but all of a sudden, his dad sat down next to him. He put a comforting hand on his shoulder, he if anyone understood what he was feeling.

'How is she? Any news?'


'They've sorted out a private waiting room for us. Come on; let's go have a cup of coffee.'

They walked along the corridor into a spacious room. Luca sat down, and a cup of coffee was placed on the table beside him.

'Nikos filled me in, how are you doing?'

Luca kept silent. He didn't know how he was doing.

'She'll be fine, son.'

Again he had nothing to say. Why did people say that? 'She'll be fine.' They didn't know that. They didn't know if she would pull through or not if she would live or die. Yet the platitudes just kept coming.

He remembered Elizabeth's words to him. 'Those who cannot handle the truth deserved lies.'

He didn't think there was a more apt saying for people that were waiting in a hospital room.

They stayed silent while waiting, and all of a sudden, the commotion outside the room disrupted their peace. Luca could clearly hear Samantha's voice ringing in his ears.

'Where is she? I want to see her.'

The door opened, and a nurse came in with a very pregnant irate woman.

'You're going to have to wait in her miss; we don't have any information to give out yet. The rest of the family is in her.'

Samantha looked around, and he felt the stare of her burning eyes.

'Family? They're not her family, I am.'

The nurse looked confused.

'Mr. Costas is the young woman's husband.'

He not only heard the short laugh, but he looked at her face and realized. She knew everything. That son of a bitch had spilled the beans to her about everything.

He looked at the nurse and shortly said.

'My sister in law is suffering from shock. Please leave us.'

The girl left quickly shutting the door after her. His first thought was to give her an angry retort to her statement that he wasn't Elizabeth's family. No matter how it had come to be, she was his wife. But then he looked at her more closely. Her round belly, her worried face, and he felt the fight go out of him. He wasn't going to take his anger out on a pregnant woman.

'Sit down, Samantha.'

'What kind of a man are you?'

Jesus, she was going to do this now.

'What kind of a man kidnap's a woman, and forces her to marry her by threatening her family? And then forces her to lie to them, and pretend that everything is just fine and dandy?'

His father stepped in.

'I don't think this is the time and place to discuss this when my daughter-in-law is fighting for her life.'

She turned her gaze towards his father.

'And you. How could you be a part of this? Don't you have any sort of moral sense of right and wrong? Trust me, I've heard the stories just like everyone else. Murder, extortion, guns, and violence it's legendary how you came to be who you are. But this is an innocent woman we are talking about.'

Luca could tell by his dad's expression that she had hit him where it hurt. Elizabeth was innocent. And his father had never been comfortable with the situation, at all. But he wouldn't speak against him, especially not now.

'I know mistakes have been made. But-'

'Mistakes? My cousin is laying on an operating table fighting for her life, and you call that a mistake?'

That's when he saw red.

'Are you blaming me for this?'

'Of course, I'm blaming you.'

He blew.

'Well, don't. I have done a lot of bad things in my life; I'm deserving of a lot of labels that have been placed on me. But I have never once hurt Elizabeth. If you want to blame anyone, blame that worthless piece of shit you call boyfriend. And while you're at it apply some portion of the blame to yourself as well. You picked him after all. You introduced him into Elizabeth's life. And she was there this morning to help you. '

He saw he had scored a direct hit.

'I do blame him. He told me everything, including how he tricked her into coming here and then handing her over to you. And I'm not excusing anything, I've left him because of this, but you did threaten him.'

'Yes, I did. Do you want to know how quickly he caved?'

She didn't respond to that.

'Let's also not forget that this isn't the only incident he's caused. The kidnapping you seem to have so conveniently forgotten about was also a direct result of your man bad behavior.'

'I know. I haven't forgotten.'

'I saved your lives.'

She quietly said.

'I know.'

He gave her a very intent and intense look and quietly finished.

'I 'am not a good man. I've done some terrible things, and god knows I've made mistakes with Elizabeth. But my choices and my way of living have never once touched her. I would never let that happen. The fact is that who and what I 'am has kept you two alive. So don't you ever blame me for this again, I've been the solution, not the fucking problem.'

He could see he had made his point. She looked exhausted.

'Just sit down, before you keel over.'

She did just that. He was angry. He was blaming himself, but to have her so arrogantly stand there and lay all this on him, when none of this would have happened if it wasn't for her, was too much to bear.

After what seemed like an eternity, a doctor entered the room. They all stood up.

'Mr. Costas. I'm Adrian; I performed your wife's surgery.'

'How is she?'

'I'm glad to say she pulled through. We got the bullet out, and luckily, it missed all her internal organs and artery. I'm confident she'll make a full recovery.'

Luca felt so relieved, he felt lightheaded.

'Can I see her?'

'She's in the intensive care unit.'

'Just for a second.'

And for a man that had never begged for anything, he found himself saying.

'Please. I just want to see her.'

'Just for a few minutes then, after that, you should all go home and get some rest. She won't wake up until the morning.'

Luckily for her, Samantha didn't make any protest about the fact that he was going and not her.

He followed the doctor and was led into her room. As soon as the man left and closed the door, he walked up to her. She looked small and pale, lying there alone. He sat down on the chair next to her bed and took hold of her hand. And for the first time since he was thirteen years old, he cried.

He couldn't stop it; it was like the emotions within him had to get out. The fear, the worry and sheer fucking terror that he could have lost her came crashing over him.

He managed to pull himself together after a few minutes, and with the release of all this, another emotion sneaked into his heart and overtook everything.


He made a quiet vow that he would avenge her. He was going to make them suffer. He would bring down a shit storm so vast on their heads they would be wishing and praying for death.

She would never be hurt again. He would make sure of it. Not as long as he still had breath in his body.

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